1712/Mall Date gone wr- right

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Mall Date gone wr- right
Date of Scene: 30 June 2024
Location: Four Clover Mall
Synopsis: Philip and Chiyo go on a date. In the process, the Oresky Trio try an attack, and Daifuku shows them why it was a terrible idea to interrupt her date. But she ends up with the guy at the end of the night!
Cast of Characters: Phantom, Chiyo Sakai

Phantom has posed:
<PHONE> Philip Toms texts Chiyo Sakai: Hey. There's a new movie out. About aliens that attack anything that makes a sound. Thought it might be cool. But I know that sitting and watching a movie together is kinda lame, especially when you're getting to know each other. So. Want to meet a couple of hours beforehand? We can walk the mall and talk and just... I dunno, I can tell you how pretty you are. Which was hard to do with your two friends there, admittedly. I didn't want them to think they weren't pretty as well, after all.
<PHONE> Philip Toms texts Chiyo Sakai: Anyway. Rambling. If you want to go out, I'll meet you at the food court in a couple of hours?

A couple of hours later, Philip is standing outside the food court, his hands folded in front of him. He's dressed in his more normal clothing, a t-shirt, ripped jeans, motorcycle boots, and fingerless gloves. Though despite the aloof vibe he's trying to put off, he's constantly checking his phone, and then looking around. Just to see if Chiyo shows up.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The texts resulted in a lot of squealing going on at the trio of friend's dorm room, mostly from Chiyo. Things were going well it seemed and with a text like that she couldn't help but feel embarassed. Pleased but embarassed at the same time. A mixture of emotions that she wasn't quite sure how to deal with at first so it took some explaining to Rashmi and Wako about *why* she was screaming into her pillow. No, really, it was a good thing!

Almost immediately after that short break of explanation she shoots a text back.

<PHONE> Chiyo Sakai texts Philip Toms: I'm sorry I know I must have put you into an awkward position with the whole 'friends tagging along' thing. Thank you for putting up with it. I'd love to meet up!

And she does. There's not too long of a wait as she shows up dressed casually, but nicely, in a blouse and skirt combo with a handbag slung over her shoulder. Her hair is swept out of her face by a few barettes and is otherwise in it's usualy dual bun and curly hair style. She couldn't really help the curls but the buns helped keep it in check.

Smiling broadly she raises a hand to wave as soon as she spots him glance in her direction while approaching. "Hi, Philip! How are you doing?" A pause, and she sheepishly adds, "You look good."

Phantom has posed:
<PHONE> Philip Toms texts Chiyo Sakai: Considering what I know, it's fine. Wasn't really a complaint.

That was the last text sent before he notices Chiyo and lifts a hand in greeting to her. "Hey." he offers in a way of a greeting. And while she's the one adding in the compliment, he counters with one of his own. "You're looking nice, as always." There's a short chuckle of a laugh.

Then in a moment of bravery, he steps up, and gives her a quick embrace and a light brush of his lips on her cheek and he chuckles. "I didn't catch you at work." he teases softly. "You smell sweet, just not like candy."

Stepping back, he gestures about. "So we got time to kill before we discuss the movie. Want to walk around a bit to work off the inevitable calories from butter saturated popcorn?" he asks of her, for a moment unsure if he should offer his arm or his hand to the girl.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances down at her phone to the text which elicits a smile in response. Just in time, too, as she tucks it away into her purse. The little Boa charm jingles a moment but she pats the side of the purse as if telling it to settle down. An idle gesture no doubt.

Then he steps forward to catch her in that light hug. Both hands lift automatically to catch at his sides with a little squeeze in return. She was getting more used to hugs from Usagi. This felt different. Better in a way. Especially with the little cheek kiss that leaves her blushing heavily. Out of habit she gives a quick look around just to make sure there's no adults pointing at those 'bad kids' before she relaxes again to fall in step beside him.

"That sounds good, actually. And no I wasn't at work," she agrees with a little chuckle. "Or I might have brought us some snacks." Then... The indecision of arm or hand is made up for when she reaches down to risk grasping his hand. "There's some nice stores to browse here. A bookstore, some clothing shops," Jewelry was out as she wracks her mind. "Hobby shops. An arcade."

Phantom has posed:
Tsk. The PDA is just terrible, right? Hand grasped, Philip doesn't withdraw, allowing his hand to settle easily in hers as he listens to the options. "All of those sound good. It will give me a chance to get more information about you." he says lightly as he allows her the lead to where they head first.

"So how has work been? I know I have not been by the shop since... that other guy was present." There's a rolling shrug of his shoulders as they walk. "I feel as though I should apologize for that, at least a little, simply for putting you in an awkward situation."

They're just another teenage couple in the mall. There's many of them, all shapes and sizes and number of people, and as they walk by the banks of shops, he's glancing at some of the items on display, for the most part impassive in his expression.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Work's fine. It's not really a 'slow' season but there's no huge holidays for awhile so it's just regular business and not having to do bulk orders, or special events." Chiyo grins a bit as she explains, letting her gaze occasionally slip away to regard the stores they pass. Otherwise her gaze keeps moving back to Philip just. Quietly admiring him while trying not to LOOK like she was. "It's alright. I didn't know he would act like that either. And," she adds giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad you took the chance."

Just about this time they start to pass the bookstore which most certainly catches her gaze. Absently she chews at her lower lip seeming to consider. "Would you mind if I checked in here real quick? I want to see if there's anything new out. I really haven't kept up with manga club lately and that's usually how I'd know about new releases. I promise it won't take long," she adds just in case this was a 'boring' thing for him.

Phantom has posed:
As Chiyo tugs him to a stop in the front of the bookstore, Philip glances over. "Ah. Sure. I didn't know you were in the manga club." he admits with a small smile, turning his direction so that the pair can enter the store together. As the smell of books and paper and ink comes through the air, Philip glances around at the orderly displays and rows of books, as if he can see where the manga section is. (He can't.)

"So I feel like we had that talk though and that you kinda like the romance stuff?" he asks, not 100% sure if he remembers it correctly. He meets a lot of people and learns a lot of things, sometimes things get lost in the shuffle!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai gives another small squeeze of his hand in thanks as she draws him into the store. Somehow the shelves manage to dampen the noise of the mall outside as soon as they step into the shop. It's like a different world. A quieter one, with soothing music just barely audible and the rustle of pages turning from other customers flipping through various books. The manga area was over to the left far away from the door just in case the staff need to keep an eye out for shoplifters.

It wasn't OFTEN that such a thing happened of course, but manga were usually smaller than other book sorts, and easier to do that with. Cheery faces of anime posters and little standees set up on various levels of the shelves greet them as are labels denoting every genre available.

"I do," Chiyo admits with a little grin. "But I like stories in general. Good stories are always worth reading. There's even some sports manga that have really good characters and stories. 'Prince of Highschool' isn't really romance, but it does cover various topics that people face growing up. It's nice for that," she points out gesturing to a very popular series. "I have most of them already though."

As she pauses to run her fingers over the rows of manga, reading the titles, there's a little hushed whisper of voices from an aisle over that Philip might overhear. Two older women were huddled together while glancing in their direction shooting looks of distaste.

"I'm telling you, that's the girl from the hospital."
"The one that hit the burn ward patient with a pillow?"
"Yes! She just beat her over the head with it several times! I was about to call security!"
"She doesn't look like a delinquent but that boy she's with..."

Phantom has posed:
"So should I ask you which type of manga you'd put your current story under?" Philip asks with a mote of amuement as he makes note of the security - not that he's planning on pinching anything. That would not be fun to explain to Mirage, after all. As he is looking over the books, he's trying to find something that he may find an interest in, when he hears the piecemailed conversation from the next aisle over.

Letting go of Chiyo's hand, he gives her a quick grin. "Be right back, need to bio." he explains as he steps away. He starts towards the bathroom, but as soon as he's sure he's out of sight, he doubles back, coming to where the two women are. Leaning against a shelf casually, he takes a book and opens it. "Hey." he greets the two. "You know. Kinda like a library in here. As in, if you're not quiet enough, people will hear you talking shit." He scrolls down the page a little and smiles darkly. "And you don't know how deliquent I can be."

He closes the book with an audible slam of covers coming together and slips it back into place, before pulling down an eyelid and wagging his tongue at the pair, before heading back around the corner to Chiyo. "Back."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"My life?" Chiyo has to consider that question which was very surprising, but a very good question none the less. Her hand lingers on a manga title that she wasn't familiar with as she does think. "I mean, maybe a slice of life comedy-- But recently?" She could already feel her cheeks growing pink. Romance. Was it? It was certainly more of one than the comedy of errors she'd been with recently. Of course there was also the isekai and magical sorts, but that might be a bit too on-the-nose.

Before she can answer he mentions needing to hit the restrooms, and she nods quickly. "Oh, sure, of course. Take your time." And until he's out of sight she's fine. As soon as he is? She leans forward to let her forehead bap into the shelf with a sigh. "I'm such a dork." She could have said something suave, and confident, not comedy! What!

Down the aisle with the two chattering nurses, the ladies freeze as they realize the tall redhead has suddenly appeared in their row. Calling them out. One looks indignant, and blurts, "Are you threatening us?"

The other has far more sense as she grabs her friend's arm, shaking her head quickly. "Let's go. I didn't find anything I wanted to read today." They quickly bustle out at least, leaving some books behind unshelved. So rude.

Phantom has posed:
"Threatening? No no. You suggested I was a delinquent. I was just making an offer." A warm smile offered before they left and Philip grunts for a moment. If he wasn't on a date, he'd mirrored them both just to twist their dreams and see what kinda Terribad they'd make. Probably be too much like the Silent Hill nurses, though.

"Toodles." he offers to the pair of women as they retreat. Now, he returns to Chiyo to say he's back. (fix that in post, Philip!) "Didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?" comes the question as he returns to Chiyo's side.

"So comedy and slice of life. Huh. I'll have to remember that." He considers the rows of books, looking them over. "I like some of the historical stuff. Sometimes, so of the futuristic stuff. What I want, when I'm looking for a book? Is what the story is going to offer me. Is it going to show me that all it is is what's on the cover? Or, will it present itself, and then when you open it, you find out that she's full of depth and so many emotions and dreams and wants, that you find yourself enraptured by her and only wanting more, and the chance to see if she'll make you smile, laugh... feel with her."

"That's what I look for in a story, Chiyo."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances over at the nurses bustling off. She'd not heard what they said, really, as her attention was on Philip at the time. They left so quickly with a bit of a huff that it was hard not to notice though. At leasst for a moment as she turns back to the various manga to pull out a title.

When Philip returns she's looking through one of those modern-day magic fighting manga that had just come out. It's open to a page of a battle.

Her eyes rise away from it to smile warmly at him with a little shake of her head. "Not long at all," she assures quietly. At least until he starts to explain what type of manga he likes. "I get the feeling we're not talking about manga anymore. That does sound nice though," she agrees while she fidgets just a moment tracing her fingers over the edge of the page as if about to turn it but not able to grasp it fully to do so.

"I like surprises, too, but I also like something..." A pause comes and her expression softens faintly. She'd had enough bad dates to now know what she wanted to some extent. "Reliable. Something that may be trying a new storyline, but commits to where it's going. Something that doesn't change the characters when something new is introduced, and maybe a bit of emotional honesty. Things like that make me smile."

Phantom has posed:
While Philip heard everything the nurses said, he's not going to press on it. The date is going well and he's assuming that this would be one of those topics that would be things to a screeching halt, like a bus getting hit by a train. "I mean. There could be a book like that." he says casually as he turns to face Chiyo, leaning against the rows of books.

"I have plenty of time to read, with all the travelling that I do. And surprises are good." But she can tell in his expression, he's considering something. "I've met a lot of people in my time, Chiyo. I know I'm away on business alot. Reliability may have to come in the form of trust." he explains as he tucks his hands in his pockets for the moment.

"But what I can say is that once I start in on a book? I won't set it aside simply because the story is dull for a moment. Or that there is a new book with a shiny cover on the shelf. Once commited to a story, I tend to see it stubbornly through to the end."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"That's fine with me. I'm stubborn, too," Chiyo admits with a grin. "And I also have my own life I need to deal with. There are some times I'm stuck in the store so long that I don't get to do much outside of classes. I understand work can some times be busy, and you do travel a lot for yours." The book is nudged back onto the shelf for now, and she turns her head to meet his gaze as he leans so nonchalantly.

"Trust is important. I do feel as if I can trust you, Philip." And here it's her turn to take a chance as she leans in to press a kiss to his cheek quickly before she chickens out.

Phantom has posed:
"Then we both know we have things going on and can't be together every waking moment. Unlike some of the couples I've seen around campus." There's a chuckle at that as Philip nods. "I'm glad we could work that out." he admits as he watches her put the book away. He had not expected Chiyo to move in for a kiss, and when he realized that she was, for a moment, Philip debates the merit of turning just so that their lips would meet.

But he subverts the attempt, accepting the warm press of her lips to his cool cheek and he grins at her. "I think I hear your heart racing from here." he teases softly. "Of course, that could just be me." A small wink is offered to her, before he pushes off the shelf. "So, find anything you want?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
'Some couples on campus' definitely brings to mind one pair that Chiyo knew. For now she doesn't mention them because, frankly, they weren't important at the moment. Not while she was on a date that was going well, and with someone she was begining to enjoy spending time with a great deal.

The cheek kiss is fine with her clearly as she grins in spite of the teasing. Lightly she smacks his arm with a loosely held fist as she mumbles, "Might be yours, I'm perfectly fine." Even if she wasn't, really. Her heart was thumping in her ears rather heavily and she was blushing in spite of herself.

When he pushes away from the shelf the 'attacking' hand drops to take hold of his hand again if he lets her. "I think I've found one thing worth keeping."

Lightly tilting her head to the side she suggests, "Should we continue our walk?"

Phantom has posed:
"Probably mine then." Philip offers with a chuckle as the smack to his arm brings his hands out of his pockets. The blush has caused a slight one of his own, and as his hand is found within hers, he moves so that their fingers lace together more fondly. "Oh, you did? I don't know, I may not be able to afford it." comes his retort as the pair start to head out of the store and back to the main concourse.

As they walk, he continues an earlier conversation. "You said work has been slow lately. Just a bad season for candy? Or is everything alright?" He can't ask her about the attack on the store - he knows about it thanks to Hosshiwa's bragging, but he's not supposed to know for Chiyo.

Then something catches his attention and he gestures to the music store. "Do you mind? They sometimes get in new vintage vinyl and it's one of things I like to collect."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai leans slightly in against Philip as she walks beside him so that her shoulder gently touches against his arm. Not quite wrapping herself around him, but... it was a light touch that felt nice to be near him. Nevermind he might be a bit cooler than her as that cheek kiss had attested. The air inside the mall was cold after all and he had been here before her. It was perfectly natural and not at all odd.

"It's the slower season for the most part. People want icecream and cool treats right now, but we still get a good amount of business," comes her explanation only for a small addition of, "Plus there was a little damage to the store recently so we're working on repairs. Nothing serious. I think there was an accident on the road nearby. A few shops in the area need repairs."

The question of the vinyls earns a simple nod as she looks that way curiously. "Of course! I've never really listened to records, but I understand they're getting rather popular again."

Phantom has posed:
When Chiyo leans further against him, his hand leaves hers. Not to pull away. Instead, he slides it across the small of her back to her waist and pulls her closer for a few steps of a more intimate touch. Then he releases her, his hand returning to hers again as he nods, but frowns when he hears about the damage. "If your Ojiisan okay? I'm glad the damage wasn't severe and you were able to keep running." His hand returns to hers in that warm grasp.

"There are no cool treats you can offer then?" he asks when that presents itself, as they step into the shop. "I thought mochi would be a big hit when it's cold?" There's a little shrug of his shoulders and a glance aside to give Chiyo a smile of reassurance and admire her, before they step within the store, where the smell of old vinyl meets with wood. Colorful posters scream of concerts that were recent or decades ago. The music is warm and rustic, a guitar rift by some indie band playing over the speakers.

Philip glances around the shop, a grin coming to his features as he takes it all in. "I'm totally a fan of the 90s grunge phase, as if you didn't already know." How often has she seen him in a concert Tee from the time, after all. "But I also like the rock of the late 60s into the early 70s, before disco happened."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai takes a deep breath when his arm goes slightly around her in that not-quite-hug that at least helped broaden the touch a moment. It was nice. Quietly enjoying it while it lasts, she none the less twines her fingers between his again when he takes hold of her hand once more.

"Mochi is one of our best sellers in the Summer, and the candied fruit skewers we sell are doing well this year too. It's partially that we don't have a lot of room to bring in that many new offerings. Otherwise," she trails off thoughtfully as her gaze sweeps around the store taking in the little details.

"Otherwise, I think offering some shaved ice parfaits would be a nice cool treat that would also let us include some of the mochi, fruit, and other items we already sell."

The talk of music draws a smile from her as she lets him lead the way around the shop. "Music wasn't something I got into much," she admits. "But I do like listening to music. I just stay away from pop and such things. Usually. I'll make an exception for Wako-chan. She's working to become an idol."

Phantom has posed:
As he feels her grip tighten for a moment, Philip gets a slightly confused look. Isn't this the thing he should be standing against? His whole life has been spent fighting the feelings of love - he's supposed to be an agent of despair. Then why does he feel so comfortable with Chiyo? He's not sure. But he doesn't pull away from her as they enter the music shop.

The smell of vinyl is in the air, along with the sound of some indy band that existed 30 years ago and was quickly forgotten about, but the song is just popular enough to tickle the memory someone much older than the two teens.

"An idol, huh?" Phantom asks as he walks with Chiyo into the main floor. There are areas for Pop, Country, Rock, Classical, Movie and Showtunes. They're also seperated by CD, Cassettes, Vinyl, and even download stations that you pay for with inserting yen in.

"I'll make sure to stop by the shop when you start the parfaits. I mean... as if you're not already enough reason to stop by for." he adds with a glance to Chiyo from the sweep of mahogany hair over his eye.

As they talk and hold hands, someone... three someones are watching. Just like Chiyo has Wako and Rashmi... the Oresky Trio are sharing a bench, dressed in hawaiian shirts and wearing sunglasses, while they glance over the edge of a newspaper. "See!" says Hosshiwa in a soft hiss. "I told you that he as seeing someone! We should tell Queen Mirage!"

Oresky shakes his head. "No, this isn't enough proof. We need to do something to cause them to be closer and then capture that, and take that to Our Majesty."

"Whatever." Nadamaker adds with a yawn. "Something will go wrong, watch. Just wake me up when you two are done."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Yeah. She's actually a very good singer. Apparently she's been training for years..." For a moment Chiyo trails off as they start to walk through the older vinyls in the pop section. There were quite a few items here with various little sticky notes denoting rarity, price, or little tidbits like 'where they were now.' Someone apparently had a lot of free time and felt creative.

The look of confusion on Philip's face is missed due to that glance at a vinyl they pass by. One with a close up of an older idol from about ten years ago. She'd become rather popular and was now an actress. The little post-it stated 'Never cheated on her fans!' Because of course, an idol that dated was cheating on her fans. Not this one though according to that little note!

Chiyo's gaze turns forward. Just as they're about to pass by her free hand lifts to grasp the top edge of the album, and using her unusually strong grip she rolls her fingers in while her thumb *digs* into the front. It was a shame there was no satisfactory cracking like an old LP made of bakeware would have. Instead the album creases and folds forward bending both the cardboard casing and the vinyl inside.

Her hand falls away as if she'd done nothing at all. If she timed it right, her arm would have been just behind her when she did the bend so it might, hopefully, be out of the range of his peripherial vision.

"What's your favorite genre?" She asks urging him forward to explore the shop more. Nevermind she'd just casually vandalized an album.

Phantom has posed:
Philip feels a chill in his spine. He doesn't know why, but he feels more aware of the situation. And as he's looking around, he misses what Chiyo did to the record and the casual vandalism she caused. "Well, like I said, I like the garage music that was popular in the early '90s." he says to Chiyo. Maybe he just didn't say that well enough the first time. With that, he's learning the way to the proper section.

Out on the bench, Oresky lifts a brow at Chiyo's detruction. "See. I knew there was an explanation. She's a trouble maker like we are!" he grins with pride. "I love it when I'm right. And I'm always right."

Hosshiwa huffs. "You're ... nevermind. But fine, if she wants to join us, she has to prove she can fight." Eyeing the bored sales clerk and she lifts a hand. "Let the future reflected in the mirror turn terrible."

And the poor guy is trapped in a mirror coffin. In his place rises a Terribad. It has a huge pompidour, wearing a white rhinestone vest with it open to the very pronounced outie belly button, tight white leather pants and black boots. Sharp sunglasses are worn, and he sings, "Hubba hubba!"

Yes, the clerk's dream is to be an impersonator of a very famous 70s musician.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Ah, right you did say that, I'm sorry. I was listening!" Chiyo assures feeling a bit guilty and embarassed all at once. She'd gotten so caught up in that surge of anger at seeing the album that she'd lost her train of thought. "I think I just got distracted by--"

The fact they were being watched goes unnoticed by Chiyo. Why would she even assume anyone was watching? Unless it were her roommates, in which case they would have likely told her. Or her cousin, who would have clumsily given it away in her excitement at seeing the pair together. Amusing but not exactly subtle.

What Chiyo does feel is that little ripple of dark energy that sends a shiver up her spine causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. Precisely why she cut off in what she was about to say as her gaze snaps over to the rather ridiculously Terribaded version of the store clerk's dream. Her hand tightens in Philip's again with a quick breath and a softly uttered, "Oh no. We should get out of here," she blurts out only realizing after saying it that the Terribad was blocking the exit.


Whirling back toward Philip she pushes him toward some of the deeper rows of the shop hoping to find a good hiding spot. "Ah this way!" She was going to have to change wasn't she? Shoot.

Phantom has posed:
"Wh-what is that?!" Philip asks in confusion as the Terribad appears. He knows exactly what it is, but for now, he's playing dumb. When Chiyo yanks him to the side, he's pulled away towards the depths of the store, and eventually ends up behind the standee of a J-Pop band and crouches down. He draws in a breath. "Are we okay? I'm worried." he murmurs, sounding unsure of himself.

"But I will do my best to protect you." he promises as he reaches for a microphone stand to prepare to arm himself in case he needs to get into a fight. "That much I can promise." Because he's trying to sound brave and bold and like... willing to protect his girlfriend.

Wait. Girlfriend? He may be thinking along those lines.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
A terribad. She'd seen enough to know exactly what it is, but the word doesn't come from her in response to Philip's question. Instead she's busy looking for an exit. An employee door, or a door that would lead to the pathways that ran through the mall for easier access to shops and loading areas. Any way to escape.

"I don't-" she begins to respond realizing that she SHOULD say something.

Crouching down to half-hide as other patrons of the shop start to panic as well she finds herself staring at Philip. Her chest hurt. Her stomach hurt. Worry and guilt and the fear of showing herself to be stronger than she let on was starting to creep over her.

He was offering to protect her.

A breath hitches in her throat, and she reaches out to rest a hand on his arm with a little shake of her head. "I'm sorry. I... I had a really good time today. The other day too," she states as if it were perhaps the final time they'd see each other. Maybe it would be. More wants to come out, and her lips purse a single time with a shake of her head.

"Don't hate me," is all she manages to get out.

There really was no more time to waste trying to wish, and hope, that she wouldn't have to reveal herself. If he were magical then he would know. If he weren't--Would he forget? Would he think she left him there for some reason? It didn't matter now.

Chiyo stalks around the corner of another aisle out of sight of the trio outside. Philip though?

"Let's Cook!"

Flames lick up around Chiyo obscuring her form as her figure and clothes change entirely. When they die down, the figure that walks out the other end of that aisle, stalking toward the Terribad, is Culinary Guardian Daifuku. Weilding the Kine she always had in hand she wears a stormy expression.

"You really chose the wrong day for a debut!"

Phantom has posed:
"Wait. What are you talking about? What are you doing??" Philip starts to ask as he sees Chiyo apologizing and panicking. "Hate you... hate you for what??" he asks in confusion, and then she pushes him away as she rushes towards the danger. Philip may look confused, but as Chiyo transformers, his blue eyes widen as he sees his theory proven as fact.

"See! I told you! She's the candy store girl!" Hosshiwa says with glee! "Now we have him! I can finally be Mirage's right hand!"

Oresky sighs. He doesn't want to correct her. Not while she's gloating.

The Terribad turns to face Daifuku. "Hubba hubba!" he says and start to stalk towards Chiyo. Getting out a microphone, he sings into it:


It's very loud, shattering glass and eardrums alike. Fortunately since Hosshiwa created the Terribad, it is her candylandscape that barriers the area. Daifuku is free to attack as hard as she wants.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
When the Sonic attack from the Terribad comes, Daifuku steps in the way bringing her Kine in front of her defensively. Both hands meet at the center as she sends it spinning creating a defensive perimeter. It didn't really help HER ears a whole lot, but the wind it created was hopefully enough to help dispell the soundwaves before they reached the back of the store. Where Philip was. She was protecting him.

The glass that shatters from the Terribad attack falls to the ground in little molten pellets as flames suddenly lick to life around the whirling Kine creating a flaming barrier against the physical parts of that attack, too.

With one quick snap of her hand reaching up she catches the kine closer toward the mallet, stopping the spiral. It's held in both hands as she leaps forward swinging the still-burning hammer at the Terribad trying to slam it in the opposite direction.

She doesn't relent either. This wasn't tit-for-tat, she was letting out everything she had as she follows after relentlessly. The staff end sweeps out trying to knock away that microphone. The hammer end is flipped around again to send another slamming attack at it driving it toward a random candycane sticking out of the candyscape.

Phantom has posed:
The Terribad is big, but slow. And Daifuku is able to land attack after attack on the creature as she drives him back under the relentless assault. He was able to tank the first couple of hits. But as the flurry of blows becomes a deluge that the Terribad can't defend against. Eventually, it goes down, ready to be purified, just utterly decimated by the Culinary Guard.

The Trio are just sitting their, mouths agape at the savageness of the attack. They were not expecting that. And now they are wondering about their escape. They look towards Philip, who has come out of hiding.

And Philip is just smiling in pride, a smirk at the Trio. Go ahead. Try something.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku hadn't forgotten her surroundings. The candyscape was familiar enough from the girl that had attacked the shop not so long ago. Once the Terribad goes down she whirls toward the trio, snapping her hammer out to point toward them as if it weighed next to nothing.

The dents in the Terribad proved that was false.

All she says, eyes narrowed dangerously with a flickering flame deep in her gaze, is, "Whose next?"

Phantom has posed:
The Trio sit there for a moment. "Nope!" they all say in unison as they get to their feet. "Have fun with your boyfriend!" Hosshiwa singsongs at Daifuku as Oresky grabs her by the arm. "You caused enough trouble today!" he chides her. As for Namekelder? He sighs. "It figure this was more complicated than it is." he murtters, as a portal opens and the three retreat.

As things start to return to normal, Daifuku will feel a small tug at her elbow. It's Philip. He didn't flee. Instead, he offers quietly. "That was pretty amazing." he admits to her, his eyes searching out hers, to see if Chiyo is in there, or if they are two seperate entities.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
They... Were leaving? It was a good choice, most definitely. Chiyo had been feeling her powers were more solid than they had been in quite awhile after being caught in the Moon Healing Escalation combo that Sailor Moon and Endymion had done at the hospital. She'd held her own, if not outright whomped on Sunbreaker in the past before as well. Really, she was no slouch. It was just that little hiccup in her powers that had her holding back recently.

There was no reason to hold back now. It felt rather good to be back to the 'normal' power levels she'd been accustomed to before.

Still, they were leaving, and that was just a bit unexpected. There's no chasing though. Instead she takes a deep breath and lowers her arm to let the Kine thump heavily against the ground.

She turns then at the tug to her elbow to look up at Philip. The stern, angry expression she had melts away to the more familiar ones that Chiyo had when looking at Philip. A bit shy, but more happy than anything. Especially since he stayed.

"Thanks... Are you okay?" Worry creases her eyebrows together as she starts to look him over making certain that nothing had touched him. Then she pauses, and mumbles, "Oh, this is kind of hard to explain I guess. I'm uh, a Culinary Guardian which is kind of like... A paladin for Sanbo-Kojin-sama. It's complicated, I'm sorry."

She was rambling.

Phantom has posed:
How does Philip handle the rambling? His hands settle on Daifuku's shoulders. And then he leans down and presses his mouth gently, but fully to hers, holding her there for several moments, before he pulls back from her. Now, hopefully, she quiets down a little so he can speak.

"I'm fine. You protected me. I don't know what just happened, but that was really amazing and you did... awesome. And I have to admit, you're more than a little cute in this outfit." he teases her as he starts to let her go so that Daifuku can pull away. "But I like Chiyo just as much. Just so you know."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku feels her heart begin to race when he puts both hands on her shoulders. She does quiet at least, uncertain at first if he's about to say something more or--Or kiss her. Without thinking she raises her hands to rest against his sides lightly grasping hold of his clothes. Just holding on tightly while not risking squeezing him too hard.

When he steps back she's red-faced with a little, dazed smile that only grows when he assures her he likes her. Both of her.

The henshin fades away with a little fizzle of colored smoke blowing away from her leaving her once again just Chiyo in the dress she'd worn to meet him today. A step forward is taken to rest her forehead against his chest as she finally lets her hands slide all the way around him in a hug.

"I really like you too," she whispers just loud enough for him, and only him, to hear.

Phantom has posed:
"I think I'm ready for some ice cream." Philip admits to Chiyo, his hand slipping into hers to hold on again. "So lets go get some of that, and we'll enjoy some more time together."

After a moment's thought, he adds. "Probably kissing." he teases as he moves to lead her back out into mall proper as everything returns to normal.