Subscribed (Bow)

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Subscribed (Bow)
Date of Cutscene: 14 July 2024
Location: Bow's Dorm Room
Synopsis: Searching for a distraction from his thoughts on the Paris battle ahead, Bow instead finds something that gives him deeper feels.
Thanks to: Hinoiri/Glimmer
Cast of Characters: Bow
Tinyplot: Dark Kingdom Finale

After the very worrying talk about the attack on Beryl, Bow needed a distraction from the thoughts that were in his head. He, like everyone else, was worried this would be the last time that they would all be together, and that thought scared him. Especially more so since Glimmer nor Adora were going to be with him, and that broke his heart.

Turning on the laptop that he got when he first arrived, because he didn't want to take the time to fire up his blogging computer, he hopped on Twitch, and started a ritual he does every night - look to see if Sayaka or Glimmer or Adora had decided to follow his lead into the blogging sphere. When he saw a new user called Shimmer Code, he got excited. "Maybe Glimmer finally..." he said as he clicked the link.

It was someone he recognized, but not, in fact, Glimmer.

As he watched Hinori play through Chrono Ark and all the expressiveness she put into it, he started to laugh, because he could totally see Glimmer reacting the same way that Hinoiri was. In fact, she had, many a game night back on Etheria.

He recalled many a game night back on Etheria, the laughter, the arguments over rules, all of it. And as he realized that may never happen again, the first, but not last, tears rolled down his face.

"I should at least write them." he decided finally. "But first.."

His attention returned to the game stream, which had ended. He clicked on the comment button and started to type.

@QuiverVibes: Watched your stream, you did amazing! I laughed and cried and I'm really proud of you!

As he looked, he checked her subscribers. It was a low number... so he created a link from his various streams to Hinoiri's and posted it Check this out, Bowfans!

And then he clicked one more time.
