Additional Sailor Moon Origin Info

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 00:47, 16 July 2024 by Mochi (talk | contribs)

As the Sailor Moon series has a variety of takes on the canon series, including the Manga, 90s anime, Crystal anime, live action series, and a variety of musicals, on July 29th, 2023, the Sailor Moon cast here on Radiant MUSH met to establish the base points canonical to Radiant Heart Mush's take on the Sailor Moon origin.

All who are interested in joining the Sailor Moon origin, be it as Canon Characters or Original Characters, are advised to read this document.

Silver Millennium

The era in which the Silver Millennium existed may be gone, but the aftereffects still haunt the current cast. Scenes which involve or take place in this era should take note of the following:

  • An era which took place far before recorded history, at a time when the Sol System was inhabited by many life forms. Queen Serenity was the ruler of a magically advanced Kingdom, consisting of all the planets in the Sol System except for the Earth. Queen Serenity ruled singularly; her daughter Princess Serenity (Serenity II) was the heir apparent to the kingdom. Queen Serenity was capable of harnessing the power of the Silver Crystal/Maboroshi no Ginzuishou for incredible feats of unbelievable power.
  • The people of the Silver Millennium were forbidden to contact the people of Earth, as the Earth was a less developed planet. On the Earth existed the Golden Kingdom, a central power where Prince Endymion, bearer of the Golden Crystal, resided. Prince Endymion’s four guardians were the Shitennou, consisting of Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite.
  • Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion had a star-crossed love, the pair frequently sneaking from the Moon to the Earth and vice verse to see each other. Beryl, a servant in Prince Endymion’s palace, was madly in love with the prince, and offered herself to Metallia in exchange for power. Through means known only to Beryl and the Shitennou, she swayed them to her side, and the Shitennou joined the Dark Kingdom. Metallia’s influence, wielded by Beryl, turned the people of Earth against Endymion and the Moon Kingdom. In a devastating attack, Beryl killed Prince Endymion as he protected Serenity. Serenity, in her grief and horror, took her own life. Sailor Venus killed Beryl shortly thereafter.
  • Queen Serenity, grief stricken by the loss of her daughter and the mass loss of life, as well as the danger of Metallia, ordered the Outer Senshi, who guarded the outer rim of the Silver Millennium from outside threats, to summon Sailor Saturn to do her duty as she who ends life and initiates rebirth. As Saturn’s glaive fell, Queen Serenity used the power of the Silver Crystal to wish for her daughter and her court (the Senshi) (and also everyone else lost in the violence, she guesses) to be reincarnated in peaceful times in the future. In the process, she sealed away Metallia.
  • Sailor Saturn, at the command of her queen, caused the destruction of the old universe and the creation of a new one, where in which life was reborn and able to continue on into the future. This life was reborn with two new limitations, caused by the imperfect nature of the wish Queen Serenity made using Princess Serenity’s Silver Crystal: the Veil, which prevents those without either magic, sensitivity, or an awareness of magic from acknowledging its presence, and the Fade, the mysterious force by which magical beings typically lose their powers upon reaching maturity.
  • The Dark Kingdom is an area of the Dusk Zone inhabited chiefly by youma; it was once empowered by Metallia, but when she was sealed away, the Dark Kingdom lost much of its power.

Dark Kingdom Arc

A current arc for the Sailor Moon origin.

  • Beryl rules her Dark Kingdom from… the corporate office. Beryl Holdings are a subsidiary within Obsidian, and while Metallia is the greater evil that Beryl and the corrupted Shitennou are beholden too, Beryl has also pledged a degree of allegiance to Father Obsidian. The details of their arrangement are known only to Beryl and Father Obsidian. Beryl is open for application, and is currently emitted by staff as needed or requested for scenes.
  • Of those who once inhabited the Silver Millennium, only five beings remain who know of its past existence: Sailor Pluto, Beryl, Luna, Artemis, and Sailor Venus.
  • Luna and Artemis were placed into artificial stasis, in an effort to ensure they could one day be of assistance to Princess Serenity and the senshi; this is how they survived the destruction of that bygone era.
  • Sailor Venus is at present the only character who knows that Sailor Moon is actually Princess Serenity, a fact she is keeping close to her chest.
  • Hematite aka Darien Shields is secretly Mamoru Chiba aka Prince Endymion. In his present life, he was found by Beryl and awakened as Hematite, leader of the Shitennou. No one, including Beryl, knows that Hematite is actually Endymion.
  • Hematite proceeded to wake three of the remaining Shitennou: Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoisite, in addition to recruiting a mysterious apprentice Shitennou: Pyrite. Kunzite has not yet awakened to his power or memories, and is living a civilian life as Kazuo Saitou.
  • One week after her transfer to Radiant Heart Academy, Usagi Tsukino awoke as the one and only Sailor Moon at Luna’s prodding. She has since managed to find two of her allies: Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury. Currently, the three Senshi are on the search for their remaining allies and the Silver Crystal.
  • Metallia was once sealed away; with the awakening of Beryl and the return of the Shitennou to darkness, that seal has weakened and Metallia’s power grows. As the arc progresses, the power of the Dark Kingdom's area of the Dusk Zone is likely to grow as well.
  1. Note to those interested in OC Senshi: if you would like to app OC Senshi who did not live a life in Silver Millennium and are on their first go around, please be sure that your chosen celestial body does not already have a Senshi or have special relevance in Sailor Moon, such as the castles of the Sol Senshi. Note that stars are not appropriate celestial bodies for Senshi. Reminder that the following celestial objects already have Senshi: Ceres, Vesta, Juno, and Pallas.
  1. Note to those interested in OC Senshi: As the ancient history is already fixed in backgrounds of other Senshi, you may not app a Senshi who existed in the Sol System's prior Silver Millennium at this time. See Restricted and Banned Concepts.

Black Moon Clan Arc

  • The Black Moon Clan arc will not be initiated until and unless Chibiusa joins the cast.
  • Crystal Tokyo is an alternate dimension/alternate timeline. It represents a singular possible future, one of a world in which the Senshi were the only magical girls to awaken. Chibiusa and the Black Moon Clan would not possess knowledge regarding the existence of other magical origins, or the events that have unfolded in Radiant Heart Mush.
  • It is not commonly known that Neo Queen Serenity was once known as Usagi Tsukino, and the Black Moon Clan are not aware that Usagi Tsukino is Sailor Moon. They are aware that Sailor Moon will become Neo Queen Serenity.
  1. All Black Moon Clan members will be appable once the arc opens.

Death Busters Arc

  • This plot will run concurrently with the Dark Kingdom plot, and will begin to move as Hotaru moves along her Counter towards Mistress 9’s awakening. The Witches 5 are open for application, but are currently emitted by staff as needed for the arc.
  • The Death Busters subsidiary within Obsidian is known as Tomoe LifeScience. Dr. Tomoe is the leader, though Kaolinite has become exceptionally close to him recently, much to the disapproval of his daughter Hotaru.

Dream Arc

  • Cannot be run at present without Chibiusa. Should a Chibiusa join us, this arc may begin development following the Black Moon Clan arc.

Stars Arc

  • Characters from Sailor Moon Stars (sans Galaxia and Shadow Galactica/Sailor Animamates) are welcome, but they would need an explanation for their presence that does not include Galaxia. Sailor Galaxia and the Stars plot are too far in the late game for Radiant Heart MUSH at this time.
  • The Galaxy Cauldron is the source of all Sailor Crystals, but is not the source of all life, nor the birthplace of planets, as this too heavily interferes with other themes. All Sailor Crystals were born in the Galaxy Cauldron, and all Senshi possess a Sailor Crystal. For example, Sailor Moon’s Sailor Crystal is the Silver Crystal/Maboroshi no Ginzuishou. If a Senshi’s Sailor Crystal is stolen, they could die.
  1. Note for future Stars Arc integration: All life possesses a Star Seed, a light filled jewel (established in Sailor Moon 90s Anime Stars Season), which, when harvested, darkens, transforming the victim into a phage style MOTD. Phages can be defeated, but the star seed can only be restored when the phage is subject to purification - example, Sailor Moon’s Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss attach. Any attack with purification abilities can knock these enemies out and restore the star seed.