What Needed Done (Erika Shimizu)

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What Needed Done (Erika Shimizu)
Date of Cutscene: 15 July 2024
Location: Paris Ossuaries
Synopsis: It'll take more than a poke in the ribs and a few skelly boys to keep down the Dread Pirate Jolly Roger...
Thanks to: Bow
Cast of Characters: Bow, Erika Shimizu
Tinyplot: Dark Kingdom Finale

The ossuary was as quiet as a tomb; piles of loose and shattered bones scattered on the floor, broken and pulverized to dust. Erika Shimizu, the Dread Pirate Jolly Roger lay among them unmoving for quite some time in the silence of the catacombs, buried under the calcified remains of countless bodies.

Slowly, one jade eye cracked open, heavy and tired.

"I'm up." Jolly Roger said, sounding exhausted.

Bow was there. His spirit lingering from beyond, hovering above her supine form.

"Welcome back to the land of the unliving." He said with a little smirk. "Skeletons are gone. Others are safe. I seem to be stuck with you for now."

Slowly the pirate sat herself up, the moonlight filtering into the chamber through holes in the ceiling revealing her true, accursed, form.

"Aye. Aye so ye seem to be." She muttered. "Well now I guess I can't lay into ye about self-sacrifice, heh."

It earned a chuckle from the phantasmal Etherian; "I wasn't gonna say anything, but now that you mention it..." He teased softly. "You good?" He asked, concern in his voice, "Had me worried I was gonna be stuck in here with you forever. Speaking of... know a way to get us out? I'll give you the self-sacrifice speech later."

The Dread Pirate replied with a lazy wave of her hand before she tugged the splintered femur from her torso and tossed it aside to join its brethren on the floor with a clatter.

"I thought I was gonna bite it there, for a hot minute. But I shoulda known it'd take more than a poke in the ribs and a few boney boys to keep me down. Nay, I donno the way out, but 'm sure we can find one."

The phantom Etherian nodded. "You all put together, or do I need to find anything?" He asked. "Alright, once you're up, we'll figure out how we're getting out of here. By the way. Pretty awesome when you pulled out that cannon."

Slowly, Jolly Roger picked herself up and dusted herself off with one hand, patting away bone dust and grit. "Aye, 'm in one piece. And the cannon's the least I can do lad." She said with a smirk. "But damn do I feel like me bones have been rattled har har..." She paused. "The others prolly think good ol' Jolly Roger went and ate it though, huh. Oops."

"Well, at least you have company!" Bow said cheerfully. "And we did pretty good on the music together, huh? And... this also means we have an advantage. Because Metallia thinks you're dead. She won't expect you."

Flashing a lazy grin, Erika began trudging for the chamber exit "Aye we did, lad... And aye, you're right that they won't be expectin' us. I think I've got another dance in me iffin' ye do. It's always been in my blood to die at sea, not in some godforsaken crypt, and I ain't ready to set sail for the great beyond just yet."

Bow's spirit can't help but chuckle, "Well, in that case, I have no idea where I'm gonna ... oh." He pauses to give a nervous little laugh "Guess I better figure out what I'm doing, since I didn't uh... go anywhere."

Glancing over her shoulder, the pirate flashes a cocky grin, "Stick around a while. Yer welcome with me an' the crew. I won't steer ye wrong." She says before there's a new fire in her eyes. "We'll go show that Metallia what for... swear it. I am the master of me ship. Not Metallia. I am the master of me fate. NOT Metallia. So I'll show them all I did what needed done... I survived."

Smirking, Bow folded his hands behind himself. "Don't have much choice at the moment. But I won't mind being your musical accompaniment." he offers with a grin as he sees her get fired up. "Yeah, yeah." came the teasing comment. "Way to show me up."