Color Inside The Lines (Obsidian)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 02:39, 21 July 2024 by Mochi (talk | contribs)

Color Inside The Lines (Obsidian)
Date of Cutscene: 15 July 2024
Location: Obsidian Boardroom
Synopsis: Like any company that experiences difficulty, it's time to have a postmortem about a failed project.
Cast of Characters: 6

Within Obsidian Tower, the Board of Directors sits around a table. In the front of the room, standing before a projected image from a computer, stands a man. His face is cloaked by shadow, but otherwise he appears to be another Japanese Salaryman, indistinguishable from any other executive. But the powerful people seated at the table have all given this one man their rapt attention.

The image on the projector screen is of Paris - a view from a satellite. It shifts between two still images. One, has the obvious looming figure of Queen Beryl merged with Metallia taking up a large portion of it, and clearly destroyed and ruined chunks of Paris. The next image shows Paris as it is now - as it has ever been - safe and not destroyed and with no large monster-demon-woman.

"This is... not a race." the man says, his tone filled with barely restrained anger.

"WHEN YOU COLOR OUTSIDE THE LINES, ALL YOU DO IS SCREW UP THE PICTURE!" he shouts louder as the screen changes again to one filled with over-bright light - the moment of a miracle that undid damage. "THIS IS NOT A SINGLE BATTLE." he says, and the lights dim and the room shakes. "THIS IS NOT SOMETHING ANY OF YOU CAN DO INDIVIDUALLY." Purpleblack lightning crackles off the table, the computer, the lights, the walls - spawning from nowhere and shuddering and even the Board of Directors, each a titanic powerhouse of Dark Energy in their own right, exchange somewhat nervous glances.

"You don't succeed on your own. You only make THEM STRONGER. You push us all back from our goals!" His fist hits the table the Board is sitting around and simply obliterates it - it does not crack or shatter, instead it turns black, a deep dark black like emptiness of cold dark space, and dissolves rapidly into nothingness. It is there and then gone.

"You think the methods of Obsidian aren't working fast enough? Do you think we're better off now than we were before THIS? BECAUSE WE AREN'T. Now they're emboldened. Because SOMEONE decided to go at it alone and strike before the blow was fatal. All she's done is train them to fight back harder. All she's done is made winning more difficult and our enemies stronger." he continues.

"You want to achieve your goals? ANY OF THEM?! Then. All. Of. You. Stick. With. The. Plan." he says, pointing at each member of the board individually.

"Because her? Nobody will remember her as anything but a failure." he says, pointing at the screen - jabbing his finger at it, which causes it to dissipate instantly into nothingness on contact just like the table. "There is no glory here, no victory, no success, no power."

He takes a breath and adjusts his glasses and tie, face still obscured by the shadows.

"Make sure you understand. Make sure those who report to you understand. I let her do this to make a point. Individually, you will fall. The only thing your pathetic defeats can accomplish is bolstering the cause of them. And I have no further tolerance for traitors." he says.

"The competition between divisions is one thing. That's healthy and drives us to improve. But putting at risk everyone's goals by going out on your own... I have no more tolerance for it. This is your ONLY warning."