1730/Not so 'ice afterall

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Not so 'ice afterall
Date of Scene: 06 July 2024
Location: Beach
Synopsis: Glimmer and DG girl Fem do some beach yoga and Glimmer has a small... accident. Luckily, Bow, Sayaka, Rashmi, Ami and Mio arrive to pick up the pieces!
Cast of Characters: Glimmer Brightmoon, Bow, Rashmi Terios, Mio Morita, Amanda Faust, Sayaka Miki

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
It was a hot, almost broiling day on the beach when Glimmer was taken aside with one of Beryl's DG girls. To the world at large? She was Mika Harada and Gloria Moonhawk. The former a online celebrity in yoga, with a... unique style all her own. And Gloria was a random delinquent. With a toothpick.

However, the truth was they were doing beach yoga... on the beach.

"So like... reach towards the sun... or the moon if you want... I don't care..." Mika said as she reached for the sun.

But, to their enemies? They were known... as Fem and Glimmer. Dun dun dun duuuun...

The latter of which was covered in sweat and had been doing yoga poses all morning and now? Now she was tired. "I'll be right back," she said, running off while Mika did more of her video...

She didn't see the point of all of this. They'd been gathering dark energy, sure, but they hadn't really done much. All she'd really done so far was, well... As Glimmer had ended her suppression, she'd held a little ball of dark energy in her hand, eying it. The stuff was so... weird. And malable. But she had to limit just how much of it she played with.

"Miss? You gonna order?" the worker at the shaved ice stand asked.

"Huh? Oh, right, two, fruit blend," Glimmer said.

"Uh huh... so, what series are you from, anyway? Your cosplay?" the worker asked as she walked to the machine...

"Hm? Oh, Leader of the Princess Rebellion," Glimmer said with a grin.

"Never heard of it," the man said. Then... the machine let out a loud, angry hiss. "Oh, come on!" he snapped. "Sorry, it's going to, uhhh, take a bit longer. I'll need to do it manually." He then pulled out the cutest, smallest little... double... cranked... ice cream machine. Glimmer sighed and watched, her frustration growing and...

A few minutes later:

Glimmer texted Bow and Sayaka: 'I need my knights to come down to the boardwalk! There's a weird, freezing ice youma there and it's trapping people in ice! I can't blow it up myself, one of the Obsidian people are here and they'll know I'm not really with them! Hurry!'

The boardwalk was now filled with people screaming and running around, fleeing the destruction wrought by the massive, naginata wielding youma.

"Today is an ICE DAY for some ICED SNACKS, isn't it?!" he yelled, before freezing a fruit stand over and just, frankly, going bananas.

Bow has posed:
Bow had been in his room, practicing his music, when he glanced at the phone and Glimmer's call for help... he frowned a little.

<PHONE> Bow texts Glimmer Brightmoon: 'Either you want us to help or your with Obsidian. You can't have it both... we'll talk about this later!'

Because Glimmer knows well enough that Bow is not going to leave her high and dry when she's in danger. Grabbing his henshin device, he hops out of his window, henshing his armor in while falling and once on the ground, he's heading to the beach at all possible speed, while sending a text to his friends list:

<PHONE> Bow texts: 'Meet me at the beach, Glimmer's in trouble!'

While Glimmer is with the others that are fleeing from the youma, suddenly, an arrow lands in front of it and pops off a large flash! When the flash clears, standing in the sand is Bow, with his weapon drawn. "Your frozen rampage is over! I'm here to warm you back up and send you back where you came from!"

"Oh yeah?" The youma sneers. "How about instead you make like the dinosaurs and FREEZE!" The blast of ice catches Bow off guard and for a moment, his legs are frozen to the ground in a large block of ice. "So cold..." he murmurs as he tries to move, but can't.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
With school out, and summer in full swing, Rashmi felt the time was right to partake in her favorite beach activity.

Beach reading!

Look sometimes you just want to chill in the heat, and with the breeze coming in off Tokyo Bay it's better than trying not to broil in the park with a book in hand, okay?

Sprawled out under a beach umbrella in a white one-piece and red-and-yellow sun-patterned sarong, Rashmi enjoys the maritime adventures of the Sea of Stars for probably the dozenth time--

--when a commotion starts up at the vendor stalls. Pushing up the brim of her floppy sun-hat, the redhead heaves a gusty, teenage sigh, discreetly tucking book and hat into the tiny charm around her neck, and makes a mad dash for the shower stalls.

A flash of golden light later, and the Page-Mage swoops toward the burgeoning battlefield, magical seal already spreading out beneath her feet.

    << *BONG!* >> << TIME-SPACE BARRIER >>

"HEY!" she shouts, as the Barrier spreads outward to envelop a heftly chunk of the beach, filtering out the panicked civilians and interrupting the energy drain. "COOL IT, WILL YOU?!"

Diving in to hover a couple inches above the ground next to the frozen Bow, Rashmi drives a heel down on the block of ice, hoping that her henshin-enhanced strength can crack it enough for the archer to free himself. "Seriously don't you have anything better you could be doing right now? It's a beautiful day!"

Mio Morita has posed:
Its been a long few weeks. Mio had been sent to visit her Grand Parents in the United States. It was nice hanging out with her mom's side of the family a bit but she definitely missed being in Japan. She missed her friends, her people that she helped feed on the off weekends, and she missed her school.

Now however she is back. She's back and its hot! How she hated when it was so hot. She needed to cool down and do so quick. This had lead her to the beach. As she wondered around, looking for something to cool her down, She saw the group of people doing yoga on the beach. It brings a smile on her face as she walks by.

Finally her gaze falls on ice cream stand. Something however feels wrong. From her bag, the muffled words of the plush fairy ring out, "Mio! There is dark energy out there! Its Dangerous!" Pin exclaims.

"Gah! I guess this means I am going to have to put my ice cream on hold." She takes off running down the boardwalk. Finally she finds a good place to transform. She runs into a clothing shop and dashes into a changing room. A brilliant flash of orange light later, Cure Daybreak comes rushing out and back to the ice cream shop only to find... "Ummm? Ice Youma? Could you please Chill? Its a little hot for this today and honestly it would be ice of you to just surrender?" She comments.

Floating above her, The plush panda looking fairy rolls her eyes. "Really? You need to cool it with the puns. Its too hot for them too."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy has probably come along with Rashmi or Mio, although she's not here for beach reading. (Although she's certainly been a big fan of it in the past!)

    She's just... enjoying being out in the water! School swimsuit, hair tied back in a ponytail, going out to wear the waves break, jump with or duck under until one comes along she can bodysurf on, repeat.

    But is that a monster out on the boardwalk? God damn it, a mahou's work is never done... She ducks under the water, transforms, and an explosion catapults her across the beach!

    The red-and-white-clad figure comes flying out of the sky, reaching down and summoning the rocket launcher under her feet to use as a blunt instrument and increase the impact force of DYNAMIC ENTRY!

    And so she comes in with a flying kick, "ICE to meet you!" The launcher disappears as she backflips off to land in a fighting stance facing the youma. "But now we have to put you... on ICE!"

    She frowns. "No, I can't just say ice twice in a row, it doesn't work... uh..."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon glared at her phone and quickly texted back.

<PHONE> Glimmer texts Bow: I want you to trust me, I know what I'm doing. Come on, you can't really be mad at me for calling you for adventure, can you?

However, she wouldn't see the response until later, as she had to get back into character. Fem was standing on top of a nearby stall, watching all of the girls arrive. "Could you all just... not?" she asked. "You're all just... bringing the energy down with your negativity." And then there was a barrier. "You know... this really isn't very good for your chakras and totally ruins the aura of this whole beach..." She then moved the spoon of her shaved ice to her mouth.

Glimmer, meanwhile, was watching the battle and struggling to resist zapping the youma. Ugh. She'd been told this was just a yoga recording thing! Why did Fem bring a YOUMA?!

Meanwhile, the youma slashed through some of the shards of ice, spinning and then striking the ice shards at the approaching mahou! "Careful, I use loaded ICE and its time to ice things up! So, freeze be seated!"

Glimmer... Glimmer groaned. Apparently the youma felt using ice twice in a row was fine.

Bow has posed:
As Rashmi comes to his aid, Bow smiles gratefully. "If you see a girl in purple with sparkly hair, that's Glimmer. It's okay to hit her if she's being a bad guy. Just not too hard?" he makes that reqeust as the ice is shattered, freeing his legs. "Thanks for the icebreaker, Page Mage!" he says to her, as his attention turns towards Fem. "You! Are you the one that summoned this thing? I told Glimmer that you and Riventon were nothing but trouble!"

And now that he's moving again, he's summoning up an arrow. Just a normal one for now as he figures out what to do. "I see you view the world through FROZE colored glasses." Bow comments as he draws back and arrow, aiming it at one of the dials on the youma's hip. "I've done that once or ICE. But unlike you, I'm not ICE-olated from my friends. I'm just glad you're not attacking on a SUNDAE."

The arrow flies, with the intention to see if spinning the dial helps with anything as he moves along the sand of the beach, a glance over to where the Precure and Puella are arriving. "Thanks for the help!" he calls to the pair. And as Glimmer groans, he snorts. "I figured if I get the youma into a HEATED argument, it'll lose that much faster!"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Look if you want to rebalance your energy," Rashmi begins, sounding perfectly reasonable, "first start with DRAINING LIFE ENERGY DOES NOT PROMOTE SPIRITUAL WELLNESS. THAT'S, LIKE, *STEP ONE.*"

A spinning youma behind shards of ice hanging in the air is *definitely* a higher priority to concentrate on, however, and with an outstretched hand she summons a disk-shaped shield of golden light in front of herself and Bow. The shield is strong... but cracks quite visibly under the icy assault, and Rashmi simply... stares. First at Daybreak, then Amy, then Bow...

"This is just gonna be how it is today, huh?" she mutters, then draws in a fortifying breath as a seal spreads out under her feet.

    << *BONG!* >> << DELTA BLAZE -- BOOST UP >>

Three red-and-yellow balls of foxfire-like energy swirl into existence, then dart out at their targets.

This is a *new* spell, and the perfect time to field-test it. While it doesn't boost attack power, or speed, it does do something very, very important; The next attack Daybreak, Red, and Bow fire off will be sheathed in fiery energy, as Rashmi experiments with adding thermally-aspected mana to *others.*

Mio Morita has posed:
"You know as cool as this is, I like to turn up the heat!" Daybreak rushes in and throws a few punches at the youma. She then backs off, hopefully that would be enough to draw the attention of the youma away from the other girls. She could tank the damage while they beat the tar out of it. "Come on ya overgrown freeze pop!" She pulls her lower eyelid down and sticks her tongue out at the youma.

Turning her attention to Pin she laughs, "Oh come on, Pin. Lighten up! This is about the coolest youma I've faced in a month! I didn't even get to transform while I was away!" Big Mistake! She looked away after taunting the youma. She gets hit with some ice and goes flying backwards. She quickly scrambles to her feet.

"I can tell! You are really out of practice!" The fairy comments as she tries to help Daybreak to her feet.

Then there is Bow giving a big thank you. "Hey you're welcome! Happy to help. Just wish I didn't get such a cold reception from this youma!" She laughs playfully.

She then calls out to Rashmi, "Hey thanks for the buff! Its definitely going to warm this youma's cold cold heart!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy scoffs at Fem. "C'mon, all that New Age bullshit is fake, we've got real mag--!" And then realization flashes across her face and she turns to... Rashmi seems the most likely to Know Magic Stuff, her Device is literally a book! "Are chakras and auras and stuff real?!" she asks, having to accept that maybe, just maybe, they are?

    "Ow!" one of the ice shards hits her while she's distracted, tearing her skirt and glancing off her bodysuit at her hip. She holds out her arm towards the youma and something structured like a machine pistol appears in it. "Cool it! ...Wait, we already used that one. Ugh, just, hang on while I come up with more puns!" She fires a spray of autofired rocket-propelled bullets at it, then shifts her stance as the weapon is replaced by something in a rifle form factor, taking controlled shots at the youma about a half-second apart. "So what's with the naginata, anyway? How is it ice-themed?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka was still a bit focused on the weird encounter with the Game Meister from yesterday. She'd met their fair share of weird youmas, but she was starting to question why Bow particularly seemed to be a magnet for them. Better weird than dangerous, at least. Still, she had been spending the better part of the day chatting about it with Ula as she kept doing her usual tasks. Still, they were a rather nice break from the usual seriousness of her patrols.

It was perhaps only fair that to distract her from that line of investigation came a message from someone who didn't stumble into problems, but rather, created them. Even if the bluenette wasn't aware of this weird sense of humour of destiny.

As for what the bluenette herself thought, she was rather surprised at the content of the message. She was with someone from Obsidian, and yet didn't know they were going to summon something (because why else would someone from Obsidian be on an outing involving a youma?) Either she was being played for a fool, or there was something she wasn't saying.

But why would Glimmer contact her if she wanted Sayaka to dispose of a youma she herself created? She certainly wasn't the type of person to try and lead her into a trap. She has probably gotten to know her well enough for that, and anyway, she would never do that to Bow. Which meant Glimmer was being tricked somehow.

<PHONE> Sayaka Miki texts Glimmer Brightmoon: 'On my way! But be careful, your colleague may be trying to pull a fast one on you.'

When she reaches the beach? She throws a sword towards the youma.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon just... just groaned so much more. Nevermind the fact she was smiling. That was a smile of ultimate despair because the guy she had a crush on was an utter dork.

Fem, meanwhile, just glanced to Glimmer. "Wait... you know this guy? Sounds... exhausting."

"Oh, you have no idea," Glimmer said with a sigh.

The youma, meanwhile, was having a rather less-than-ice time. An arrow and bullets were flying at it, so it had to spin the naginata around, before jamming it into the ground. A wall of ice formed in front of it, the bullets shattering it and causing one of the bullets to glance off its arm--

And allowing the arrow to strike its leg spinner! When the arrow was jammed into the spinner, the leg locked up, no longer able to spin and control the leg! "GUH!" the youma snapped, twisting the naginata back around to deflect the sword into the ground. It then reached down, gripping the arrow and pulling it out.

"You'll soon learn, battles are all about the ebb and floe!" he yelled, before stabbing the naginata into the ground and a great wall of ice formed in front of him, before flying forward at the magical girls, an ice floe!

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Ordinarily, Rashmi would shy away from making use of fire in a fight.

Something about having been hospitalized with horrible burns makes one leery of inflicting that kind of damage to others. But an advancing ice wall? That's not something that has to deal long-term with being damaged!

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR BARRAGE -- BLAZE SHIFT >>

Fire-enchanted balls of energy sweep up and down the length of the icewall, as Rashmi summons another shield set to kick back against the force that contacts it; with luck, between her barrage weakening the ice, and the speeding-truck force of the collapsing shield, she has a good chance of not being bowled over by an advancing floe flow.

Meanwhile, a text message blips onto Amy's phone for later perusal. << Naginata's cultural, I think it's supposed to be like a snow-ghost warrior. Also, probably? I'm sure someone in my family from Mami's side would know, but like... Magic is real. It's good odds that any kind of magic you've ever heard of is real somehow. >>

"Good to have you, Sharpsong!" she calls as Sayaka enters the fray. "Think it's about time to pack this up and throw it in the freezer?"

Bow has posed:
When the arrow sticks into the gear and jams the leg, Bow calls out to the others. "Aim for the gears on the shoulders and hips! If we immobilize him, we can keep him pinned down!" With that, his attention is snapped back to the battle. Overhearing Fem and Glimmer, Bow frowns a little. "We do, but she's giving me the COLD SHOULDER." comes his comment as his attention remains on task.

When Sayaka arrives, there's a quick smile for the girl as he takes in the battle, and tries to figure it out. "Rocket Red, see if you can blast off one of those gears. Sharpsong, aim for the hips to jam it up! Page Mage... aww yeah, now things are HEATING up!" he says with glee as he notices the small ball of fire mana focused on him, and he knows exactly how to use it.

"Fire Arrow!" he calls out as he summons the flaming arrow into his hands and draws it back on the magical strings of his bow, making a lively sound in the F octave as he draws in back. Aiming at the ice wall, he grits his teeth. "N-ICE wall you have there. It's GLACIERALLY slow. Be a shame if someone...." And with that, he draws back, aiming for the center of the wall as Rashmi's attack barrage against it!


The arrow flies from the bow, swirled with mystical energy, and it seems to be drawing more than one tail out as the flames lick forward to bite into the wall as the arrow slams home!

Mio Morita has posed:
As the ice comes flying Daybreak quickly flies upward avoiding it and the youma. She panics a little before pulling herself together. "I'm so out of practice!" She quickly spins the dial on her prebrace, "RISING SUN FLARE!" Immediately she throws her hands forward sending a gout of flames at the shoulders of the youma.

"Nice arrows man!" She calls out to Bow as she comes down, landing near Rocket Red. "Hey Red!" She smiles. "By the way, I'm Cure Daybreak!" She exclaims to Bow. Her attention goes right back to the youma. "Iceman ain't gonna be happy..." She laughs a little before she takes a fighting stance. "Any suggestions aside from fire attacks?" She asks curiously.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Huh, I honestly thought you'd try to deflect the bullets. Is that not something you can do?" She nods at Bow and goes for the legs, but as she's taking aim, it's... a giant ice wall?

    Everyone goes for trying to break it, and she's no exception! Rocket Girl glances to each side to check her allies are there and not behind her, goes from holding something like a rifle to holding something that looks a little heavier than her usual launcher, and fires!

    And she's actually firing a large missile for once, rather than a recoilless rifle--although it can onlt be seen for an instant before it propels itself into the ice wall, using a tandem charge to clear a hole for the main charge to explode in and blast it apart!

    "How's THAT for an icebreaker?!" she calls out, grinning!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"That's a for sure from me!", Sayaka replies to Rashmi, only realising now her presence after the readhead had spoken up, the light shining off the ice everywhere making it a pain to look at things. Why does it have to be so shiny? And that thing probably has no such issues, but she will have to make the best of this situation. "Thanks for the calorous welcome, the cold shoulder is not my kind of refresher", she grins at the Page Mage.

A thumbs up is reserved to Bow as he recommends to aim for the hips, a pair of swords appearing in her hands even as she makes up for the one she just hurled away. Though, before she can actually use them the ice floe hits her fully, and she crashes into the sand, raising a huge cloud of its grain, sputtering some of them out as she feels the ache of a bump on her head.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
The youma was definitely NOT having the best day, not at ALL! As the ice floe approached the others, it was torn to pieces! Fortunately for it, it did manage to knock down one of the girls, though. Disadvantage of being a melee fighter with all these ranged fighters. Glimmer cringed when she watched the poor swordette go down.

First Rashmi's barrage slowing it, only to have the shield slow it further. And when it was vulnerable and slower, Bow and Amy's blasts to pierce it! Bow's arrow piercing through it, while Amy's followed up in the hole already made, just in time for the explosive charge to get into the center... and then explode! The youma was sent toppling back, in time for Daybreak's flames to seer and melt the dial on the youma's shoulders! Pelted by ice and shrieking from the melting, it dropped its naginata and tried to put the fire out, lighning it up perfectly for their finisher...

"Oh no... it looks like they foiled our plan," Fem said, in a deadpan, disinterested voice. "I hope you're proud of yourselves... stopping our..." She stopped and blinked, before glancing to Glimmer. "What... was our plan?"

"I don't know," Glimmer said with a shrug. "Didn't you bring the youma?"

Fem blinked before shrugging and looking to the others. "I hope you're proud of yourselves... stopping this unimportant plan. Woo hoo," Fem said, voice dripping with monotone sarcasm.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
    << *BONG!* >> << DELTA BLAZE -- BOOST UP >>

A second array of wisps streak out for Bow, Sharpsong, and Daybreak. "I mean, it's good practice," Rashmi says in answer to the deadpan, as firey energies sink into her teammates' magic, ensuring that their final attacks will be extra hot. "If you feel like getting involved, hey, let us know! We'll kick your butt too! ...Or, sec."

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR HEAL >>

A small magical circle resolves beneath Sayaka, emitting warm, soothing energy up from beneath. It may not be proper healing, but it soothes the pain in Sayaka's head, and gives her enough extra energy to shake the injury off and keep fighting.

Bow has posed:
As Sayaka goes down, Bow's concern shows for a moment as he rushes over to her side, giving her a glance over. "You alright?" he asks, seeing the way she's holding her head. "Do you know who I am? Where you are? What the capital of Hyogo is?" What, it's on a test tomorrow at school and he doesn't know.

He's from America.

As the youma shows signs of damage and is near the end of it's cycle. "What's the matter, having a MELT DOWN?" Bow asks as he draws back, but pauses. "Sharpsong, wanna combine attacks? I can try to give you my fire to use on your swords?" he suggests, waiting to see if Sayaka gets up and agrees to the joint attack. If she does, he'll place his hands on her shoulders and give her the same fire magic that he uses on his arrows. "It's okay to be a little STEAMED up when you know you're finished!"

"I'd make more puns, but this is SNOW laughing matter. And it's time for you to be LIQUIDATED."

...he just won't stop, will he?

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Say--uh--Sharpsong!" Amy sees the bluenette go down from the ice wall, and rushes over to her to help her up. "Are you alright?" Although, her concern vanishes as she ascertains it's just a bump on the head, and with Sayaka's efficient regeneration abilities...

    "Stand clear." She turns back to wards the youma, bracing herself and summoning a giant recoilless cannon like 10 or 12 feet long on her shoulders. She struggles to aim it, but the youma's so close she doesn't have to be too precise. "Sorry, ladies. Looks like your youma attack just got... snowed out."


Mio Morita has posed:
"You mean you unleashed a youma without so much as a plan? You didn't want anything. Need anything. You just wanted to what? Cause trouble for people?" Cure Daybreak is annoyed. She turns and looks toward the youma. The look in her eyes is fiery to say the least. "DAWN RUSH!" She turns her prebrace dial and then slams her fist into the ground... or the boardwalk as it were. A blast of fiery light erupts from underneath the youma.

She turns her attention to Rashmi and the downed puella. "Are you okay?" She asks hopefully she will get a response from Sayaka. She whips her head to look towards Fem. "Why? Why did you decide you needed to do this? If you didn't do it for a reason then you did this simply for the joy of it. That makes you just as bad as this drip of a youma you unleashed. And if thats the case..." She puts her hand on her prebrace ready to turn the dial. "You have 3 seconds before I give you a bad day."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The bump is honestly more of an annoyance than anything else, and it goes away as quickly as she started feeling it with her enhanced healing. With Rashmi also taking care of the annoyance derived from the light pain, it's as if nothing even happened. Except she now looks like a sand sculpture.

"I am all right, Red, and the other magical girl. Sorry, I don't know your name. And sure, Bow, I know who you are, that this is the beach, and no, I don't remember that answer to the exam right now", she reassures the two of them. What? She can't be expected to know every single capital in Japan off the top of her head.

"Thank you, Page Mage", she smiles invigorated, recovering her swords from the sand. Her blades have started to burn up with Bow's spell, and so the bluenette sends them flying towards the ice youma.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Fem rolled her eyes. "Like, I didn't say there wasn't a reason. I said I didn't remember what the reason was, geez. You're like... totally harshing my vibe right about now..."

Glimmer, meanwhile, was covering her mouth with both hands. Because she was trying, desperately, to not laugh. But she really wanted to laugh. The puns. The puns were too much. And it gave her the best view of the battle, the fire reflected in her eyes.

It was just too much. She snickered helplessly.

The youma, meanwhile, had finally managed to put the fire out... just in time to see the flurry of flaming swords raining down on it, pinning it to the ground and searing it as the flames of heavy grade explosives come from above and the flames of an infuriated daybreak come from below. It only had a moment to go, "S-soothi-- GAHHHH!" before it was gone.

Then in its wake.... a smoking hand-shaved ice machine fell to the ground.

Fem blinked before sighing. "Ugh... this... was so uncool... later, losers. Come on, Shiner," she said before dusk porting away.

Glimmer blinked a few times before... "HEY! It's Glimmer, not... annnnd she's gone. Thanks, everybody. Just gonna... ummmm... Here." And then teleported down to the shaved ice machine and... "Here, get yourselves something nice, on Obsidian," she said, before tossing an envelope to Daybreak. Then grabbing the ice machine and teleporting off.

Inside the envelope... was yen. For ice cream. Or well, other stuff. IT was yen.

Sailor Moon's lessons on embezzlement were working!

Bow has posed:
Releasing Sayaka after the swords were launched, Bow cheers as the youma goes down. "Great job, everyone!" he says encouragingly, before noticing Cure Daybreak. "Oh. Hi Cure Daybreak, I'm Bow! Nice to meet you." Simple and to the point, really. But then... Glimmer arrives. To take the snow machine. And leave them yen. "Whoa, hang on, we're not fini..."

And then she teleports away again. A frown forms on Bow's face. "...ished." he says with the completion of his thought as Glimmer disappears again. He scrubs a hand over his face with a sigh.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "But it was cool... you were an ice monster..." Amy mutters.

    And then Daybreak is tossed a money envelope. "...Did we just get ice cream for defeating a youma? Nice! They usually don't drop anything... It'd be nice if we always got ice cream for defeating monsters... aside from Witches I mean... although ice cream AND grief seeds would be nice..."

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak catches the envelope and looks inside it. "OH!" She goes to say thanks but its too late. She turns to look at the others present. "So umm, Anyone wanna get ice cream? Apparently its on Obsidian's yen..." She laughs a little. Not only did Fem flee without getting attacked by her. But Ice cream being paid for by the baddies! SCORE!

"So ummm, I guess I need to introduce myself. Only one person here knows me. I'm Cure Daybreak. Nice to meet you all." She laughs a little. "And I am all for villain sponsored ice cream."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Good to meet you, Cure Daybreak!" Rashmi chirps, beaming. "And yes, I absolutely support getting ice cream!"

Her eyes shift to Bow, and her armored book flickers yellow for a moment, and Bow hears a message for him and him alone, in his head. << Hey, so... you talk to her? D'you think you could ask if she wants to meet at the Korma? I... wanna ask her a few things, and enough Obsidian people go to the Korma or order from there it won't look weird. ...I just don't like what this is doing to you, Bow-kun. >>

Out loud, she looks about, drawing in a deep breath. "So... That's *three* colored moth villains. Feels like it's gonna be a *thing* for awhile."

Bow has posed:
As he gets the message, Bow gives a little shake of his head. << No. I know why she's doing it. We can talk about it later, if you want to know. Doesn't mean I'm not going to worry. >> his tone is soft, worried and apologetic as his attention remains outwardly positive. "Ice cream sounds great." he agrees with the others.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka looks with a frown when the youma reveals itself to be a normal ice machine from a normal vendor. Oh, gosh will the seller be fine? Glimmer approaches it, which leaves Sayaka frowning. "Hey, Glimmer, what are you...?" But before she can say anything more, the queen of Brightmoon teleports away, taking the machine with herself.

"Did she really have to steal it?" Sayaka groans, even if she wonders how much of it was still working. Or even if it was safe, with potential residues of dark energy attached. Oh, and she gave yen to Cure Daybreak, but somehow she doubted it was going to be enough to replace it. Nevermind that everyone was in favour of ice cream. Buying a new one out of her own pocket wasn't going to cost too much, was it? Maybe she could ask some advance to her parents. It was for a just cause, after all.

"Nice to meet you, Daybreak!", she waves at the other magical girl with a smile. "I am Sharpsong, a Puella Magi!", Sayaka introduces herself.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy's dismissed the giant cannon -- her weapons disappear and appear with a sparkly effect.

    "Cure Daybreak! It's so good to see you again!" She runs up to hug the other magical girl, de-henshining in mid hug. "And Pin, too!" They can have a gentler hug since they're smaller. Quietly, she tells the fairy, 'Crazy stuff happened while you were away. I understand what you go through during the day now. People really neeed to wear bigger backpacks.'

    She then steps back and looks between the assembled magical group. "You never met any of the others, really? Um... they're cool, I swear!"

    After a moment, Rashmi's comment makes its way through her head. "...Why are they moths?"

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles and hugs Amy. "Yeah its been a while. I had to go visit my grand parents in America." SHe smiles a little as she stretches. "This is the first I've transformed since the last time I was here!" She laughs. "It was nice seeing my grand parents. They are sorta the only connection to my mom that I have. So they were telling me stories about her that my mom never got to tell me." She smiles happily.

Pin nods excitedly. "You're right! I keep trying to get Daybreak to buy a bigger bag but she won't! Or she says she will just fill it up with more treats!" She blows a raspberry at Daybreak.

Turning her attention to Sharpsong she smiles, "A Pleasure to meet you Sharpsong!" Then to Rashmi she smiles, "Well I got the money so lets all go get ice cream!"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Chuckling at Pin's antics, Rashmi bobs her head and falls in next to the others. "So I'll be dropping the Barrier in a couple minutes, if you want to transform secretly best to do it now. And Amy, I... have *no idea.* But I doubt it's just three, with our luck.

<< All right, >> she sends to Bow, her mental voice gentle and encouraging. << Let's go get some yakiniku sometime soon, and we can talk about it? I know she's your first best friend, so if I can help I want to. >>

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak hands over the money. "I gotta keep my identity secret. So you all enjoy the ice cream." She hands the money to Amy and then with a smile she looks at Pin, "As for you, I thought you were happy with all the treats you can eat!"

"A bigger pack would be nice though..." Pin comments as she flies around Daybreak.

"Have a good one everyone. I'm off!" She takes off running and vanishes into an Alleyway. A flash of orange and Mio is back to her mundane self.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy nods at the comment about getting stories about Mio's mom, smiling from seeing her smile. "That's wonderful."

    To Pin, she says conversationally, "You know, Rashmi here has a pretty big backpack, stocked with lots of interesting books to read..."

    She nods to Rashmi. "You think so? Probably four or five then..." She taps her chin. "But then why haven't we seen the others?" Then Amy slumps her shoulders. "The poor red onehas been through terrible things but refuses to stand down and accept our help... Although I have to admit, just what future is there for moth-girls anyway? It's not like they can go out in public and have a normal life..."

    She looks at Pin sympathetically. "The weirdest thing about being a haunted doll was the way normals just forgot me. Like being a ghost..."

    She blinks at Daybreak being in such a hurry to go. "Really, you can trust these girls, and Bow-- Just stay and talk more-- Okay."

    She's left holding the money envelope.

    "So uh... which is the best ice cream place around here...?"

Bow has posed:
"There's an ice cream place nearby when I first arrived on Earth." Bow says thoughtfully, but he gives Rashmi a nod, an agreement to their quiet conversation. "It's the only ice cream place I know of." There's a wave to Daybreak as she leaves. "I can get the need for secrecy. I'm just terrible at it." he admits sheepishly.

"And yeah, Sharpsong... it's... quirky of her to collect trophies, I think." Who knows for sure, Bow's taking an educated guess.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"You have been a doll?" Sayaka asks surprised to Amy. "When was this? And what did it take for you to return to normal?" Sayaka asks, extremely puzzled as to what that would entail for them. "How was your Soul Gem? Was it still behaving well compared to rest of your body?" She is rather set on uncovering all the issues her friend may or may not have experienced.

"I would assume those moth girls can look normal too in their everyday self, just like this is not how we looks normally. So I doubt they would have problems", she shrugs over the state of the DG Girls.

"I hope that girl leaves her alone", Sayaka comments to Bow regarding Glimmer. "I know she was acting all confused too, but I think there is something she wasn't saying about today to Glimmer."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks at Sharpsong. "Oh uh... a few weeks ago... there was this mannequin youma and it turned me and Chiba-san into dolls... it took a few days to wear off." Amy rubs the back of her head. "Everything else worked fine. I know Kyubey said we probably can't go on thinking without a brain, but obviously the doll-ification magic made it possible for Chiba-san too, so..." She shrugs helplessly.

    Amy looks away awkwardly, gripping her upper arm with her opposite hand. "It was... nice, to see that... I mean, when I, when I dared crossing campus to talk to Nurse Meiou, it was... like I said. Weird. I started to get scared I'd be forgotten and left out of things, but..." She smiles and glances over at Rashmi, "Rashmi took me to class in her backpack so I wouldn't miss lectures and had someone to talk to between classes and at lunch, so."

    She looks back to Sayaka. "And I could still fight! My magic worked fine, although I guess smaller weapons do less damage. It gave me a chance to work out a new technique without wasting a ton of magic, actually! I'll show you later!" She smiles.