Texts: After Clashing Sides

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Texts: After Clashing Sides
Date of Scene: 25 July 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: After the events of 1792 Clashing Sides and 1802 Falling Star, Amy returns to the party to find Taro and Usagi missing, and texts Taro.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Faust, Taro Yamada

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Where are you? I came back and you're gone."

PHONE: Ripper says, "sorry"
PHONE: Ripper says, "left with usagi to get snax"
PHONE: Ripper says, "figured u were busy w the kid"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "They have all these snacks here!"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I did talk to her. Not spending all night doing that though."

PHONE: Ripper says, "didnt want 2 get yelled at by adults 4 making a kid cry"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "We're the only adults there? It wasn't your fault, dude. She didn't know. She was scared for her chara and didn't know there was no danger. It was a misunderstanding, not really either 'sides fault."

PHONE: Ripper says, "then why did u"
PHONE: Ripper says, "never mind"
PHONE: Ripper says, "as long as shes ok."
PHONE: Ripper says, "the last time dory got in someone's face she got smashed up. cant let lil buddies wander off."
PHONE: Ripper says, "u know i wasn't trying 2 b mean rite?"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I'm autistic. I've been there. I've acted what made sense based on my understanding of things and been told I was bad and should know better. It's a sucky feeling. So I went to make sure she was OK first and explain things."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Yeah!"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "...Did I say something that made you think I did?"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "*didn't."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I didn't think you were trying to be mean."

PHONE: Ripper says, "wen she startd cryign u askd wat i did all >:o"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I didn't see I was looking at stars! Then you explained."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Even if you were not trying to be mean something you did might have been misconstrued. I was a bit annoyed 'cuz I was trying to look at stars."

PHONE: Ripper says, "it felt bad seing u >:o. im gladu dndt mean 2. sry about spelnilng . i watned 2 c stars 2. didn't thkin shed b so upset :c"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Oh shit I'm sorry! I am frustrated with the situation but I am not mad at you. I wanted to come back and see stars with you after making sure she wasn't gonna spend all night crying over being told she was bad when she didn't know better."

PHONE: Ripper says, "ts funy. i kept thinkgin ppl will b mad at slasher. but its taro who is big n scary n bad. haha."
PHONE: Ripper says, "no thts not funy. sory."
PHONE: Ripper says, "sry to scare u. im havin feelings. ur mi fren. i dont want u 2 b mad at me."

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Oof :( I thought you wanted to be big and scary. It *sucks* to be seen that way if you don't want to."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "It's fine we gotta joke in our situations"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I'm not mad at you! I am frustrated this happened but it was a misunderstandiung on both sides. I didn't realize you thought I was mad at you"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I'm sorry. *I* messed up socially too, I guess."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I did give you the skewer and said I'd be back for it so I thought it was clear I was coming back soon"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Or at least planning to."

PHONE: Ripper says, "i missd it bc i was upset sry. i dont want 2 b mean n scary 2 kids!! The Slasher dsnt hurt kids. (its obvious given his usual typing style, that The Slasher must have been autocorrected in, from being typed so much)"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "It's OK. You don't need to be sorry, it happens."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I don't think you are mean and scary. Akai just didn't know. All she knew is you grabbed her dream and she was scared. You were a stranger. She is new at magic. I might feel the same if someone I didn't know grabbed my soul gem. Especially when I just learned it was my soul and if I didn't know it was not fragile."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "But just 'cuz you are a stranger to her does not mean you are scary in general. Given the source of the fear I would think she would have been scared if I had grabbed her chara roughly too."

PHONE: Ripper says, "i figred that if her chara (?) was up n ppls faces it was vry sturdy. i wldnt grab a soul gem!!!"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "They're actually pretty tough! But not to be mishandled anyway. Soul gems I mean. I don't actually know about charas."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "They're not invulnerable though. Soul gems I mean."

PHONE: Ripper says, "y oviosusly thats why i wont eat a soul gem. u need that. i undrstnd why she was upset, id be mad if someone took dory. but letng her chara wandr and pesr ppl is also not gud. i was tryin 2 b nice n explain nices. feels bad 2 get yeld at. spelign again sry."

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "She doesn't know how to control her chara. I don't know if that is actually a thing you can do or if it is like having a magical child-fairy that can randomly take control of you/"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "It does feel bad to get yelled at! I hate iot. I did not realize how much you got hurt, I thought you saw the situation as I did. Which I guess might be autistic of me. I suspect you did not see how she saw it eithere."

PHONE: Ripper says, "i had 2 teach dory how 2 act. i dont let her out where ppl can hurt her. im sosososo careful. bcuz i had to be. bcuz people r jerks and break dolls 4 fun. so im nic. i no how she feels. i lov my magic bud too. but cant she no how i feel?"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Her chara hatched days ago. She wants to be a singer but she is scared of attracting attention. Her chara makes her agree to sing in public. I do not know about charas so I have only been able to work on helping her get more comfortable with performance. I do not know if they can be trained. She will have to talk to other chara users. Maybe it is something you can't control and just have to deal with I don't know"

PHONE: Ripper says, "her chara shud bue nicer 2 her1!!"
PHONE: Ripper says, "maybe if cahra cant b trained they SHUD."

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Maybe this is a bad comparison but I can't tell my body not to bleed even if it's dumb and inconvenient. I have ruined sheets twice! I get to feel like a goddamn idiot taking up a sink making a mess with cold water and salt and everything to get out the blood and then taking an obvious load of cold wet sheets to the laundry room. I can only hope that because it is a dorm full of teenage girls they understand. But I still feel dumb for ducking it up!"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "ducking it up"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "*ducking"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "ducking autocorrect"

PHONE: Ripper says, "ugh i no i shud b nicer. i no u like all maho like ur sisters n brothers n other siblings. but im stil a villain. im still so feelings."
PHONE: Ripper says, "ugh autocorrect"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "...What are you talking about you are plenty nice"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Dude you are a 'villain' who told me you won't hurt kids because it isn't cool"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "But I simply do not know if cats can be controlled"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "*chara"

PHONE: Ripper says, "bc i think shes bing a dum kid who wont even try 2 control her chara! and then her friend yelled at me like i was the bad guy! i get being young n dumb, i was also young n dumb, but i dont want people to yell at me that im im dumb and mean when im not!!! i dont know anything about charas! how m i supposed 2 know any of that!!"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "She does try! She begs it not to embarass her and it does anyway!"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "You are not dumb and mean!"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "It was a misunderstanding both ways!"

PHONE: Ripper says, "id say sorry about scaring her thats fine but then it wa slike oh bad taro mean taro trying to hurt small children on purpose! i know. i know its not wat u meant im just i dont want to talk to any of them tonite."
PHONE: Ripper says, "she shud put that thing on a leash. so it stops being mean 2 her. she deserves better than beign bullied by her chara. if its her wish then it shud be nicer to her."
PHONE: Ripper says, "im prety sure im being mean now. im sory. i think im more tired than i thot. can i talk 2 u tomorrow when im feeling calmer? ur trying to make sure no ones feelings are hurt bc u try very hard to help people and im still feeling. i dunno wat im feeling. bad."

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Dude my wish might turn me into a Witch one day"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Maybe wishes aren't as nice to people as we expect I dunno"

PHONE: Ripper says, "1. what the fuck 2. you also deserve better"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "A little bit? Going in circles with, sh could control her chara better, she should bully it, she should leash it, I dunno what works. We have suggested she talk to other chara users. I will try to remember to ask if she has set up a meeting next time I see her."

PHONE: Ripper says, "3. this is bulshit im gonna kill that kubey thing and turn him into a scarf this is worse than my gig"

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "You are not bad you are not trying to hurt children on opurpiose! Just like she is not trying to let her chara run wiold."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I got to be a girl though. I think there are a lot of people who do not get to have this wish granted."
PHONE: Phoning Amy Faust, Amy Faust says, "Thank you for seeing I am trying to help people. It is nice to have that recognized and not to just feel like I am issing off both sides."

PHONE: Ripper says, "4. if you see her tell her im sory. i didnt mean to make her panic. my magic budys are also naughty i have tips. 5. thats also bulshit u should be able 2 be a girl without magic. i dont know how."

PHONE: Phoning Amy Faust, Amy Faust says, "I told her that. You were not trying tos care here and were concerned."

PHONE: Ripper says, "6. amy im falling asleep can we do oyachi chat tomorrow. oyaji. hlp."

PHONE: Phoning Amy Faust, Amy Faust says, "And you kinda can but that is a subject for a nother day"
PHONE: Phoning Amy Faust, Amy Faust says, "I am ffeeling feelings too. It is confusion. We can talk about it later."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "HOPW MANY MESSAGES JUST DIDN'T SEND"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Ugh hang on"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Thank you for seeing I am trying to help people. It is nice to have that recognized and not to just feel like I am issing off both sides."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I told her that. You were not trying tos care here and were concerned."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "And you kinda can but that is a subject for a nother day"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I am ffeeling feelings too. It is confusion. We can talk about it later."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "*confusion"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "*confusing"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Sweet dreams you eserve tgem"
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Sweet dreams, you deserve them."
PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "I say that to people because I think it is sad that they never hear it"

PHONE: Ripper says, "phones r bulshit. i nkow u want 2 help people. i am feeling uncherrytabbe. uncharitable right now so im trying not to be weird about it. u hav a big heart. lets talk tomorrow."

PHONE: Phoning Ripper, Amy Faust says, "Understandable. Sleep well! Talk tomorrow!"

PHONE: Ripper says, "sweet dreams u dream of nice things. and dresses with pockets!!!"