462/Peach meets Monkey

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Peach meets Monkey
Date of Scene: 19 September 2023
Location: Cafeteria Plaza
Synopsis: Momo makes her first friend, Cho! The two are bound by the threads of fate... possibly... Or maybe just the pretty cure for the new girl.
Cast of Characters: Momo Sasaki, Cho Konishi

Momo Sasaki has posed:
It's Momo's first day at a new school. She's starting a few weeks later than everyone else, so that's fun. And it's been interesting finding her way around in the dorms. She doesn't have a roommate, which feels a bit weird. But. She's managing.

Instead of worrying about that, though, she's sitting in the cafeteria picking at her lunch. She's enjoying it, from the surprised, but pleased, expression on her face. Between her bites of sushi (or something else easily eaten with chopsticks, that isn't messy enough to drip), she's knitting. It looks like she's working on something small, circular. Socks or a hat, maybe. Her yarn is somewhat thin and the color of fresh spring grass.

She still looks a bit lonely, but, hey. First day at a new school and all. Even the extroverted Momo can struggle with unfamiliar surroundings!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi had seen her. A new girl. A new girl who was sitting alone. A new girl who was sitting alone AT LUNCH! And that meant, as a member of the student council it was her privilage, nay, HER DUTY! To meet this girl.

And so, as she was eating her lunch, suddenly the pink hair girl slid into the seat besides her, giving a great big grin and.,.. "Hi! I'm Cho Konishi! Are you new in school?" Obviously she was. "Are you waiting for someone to come sit by you, if not, is it okay if I do it? Where are you from?" she asked with a great big grin on her face. TRYING TO BE THE EXTROVERT DAMN IT! SHE COULD DO THIS! THIS WAS HER WISH!

Momo Sasaki has posed:
Momo blinks at the abrupt appearance of someone next to her, but smiles anyway. "Hi," she says with a bright smile. "I am! And oh my gosh, yes please! I really would appreciate some friends," she says with a nod. "I'm from here in Tokyo. I'm a transfer," she explains. "Due to a few circumstances, I ended up missing a few weeks." She manages to look embarrassed for a moment. And it's weirdly awkward? Something strange is going on with that, maybe.

"Oh! I'm Momo Sasaki," she adds, putting her knitting down and bobbing her head in greeting. She's not getting up to bow, but she definitely tries to be polite!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi let out a very small, soft sigh of relief. Yes. SHE COULD DO THIS! She wasn't annoying and obnoxious. Sometimes people WANTED to be bothered and make friends and experience new people! SHE! COULD! DO! THIS! "Oh? I wouldn't worry about that too much. We got a TON of new transfers this year. Dozens! I'm one, actually. Well, I transferred in at the end of last year, so like. A few months back. But still counts," she said with a chuckle.

"Nice to meet you. A lot of people here are pretty nice and friendly, you'll like it. You can make so many friends! Especially if you want to. Some of them will be your friends whether you want them to or not," she says in a teasing tone. "Momo? That's a cute name. What's your favorite subject so far?" Just keep talking and don't let your doubts enter your mind! The wukong way!

Momo Sasaki has posed:
Momo smiles at Cho. "That's reassuring!" she says, nodding with good cheer. "I'm glad to hear that," she adds. "It's a relief to know there's more than one person who's too friendly for their own good." She winks to show she's teasing! "I kid," she says, just to make sure. "I've always loved history!" she says. "Math and I don't get along, but the rest of my classes are fine. What about you, Cho?" she asks.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi couldn't help cringing a little when she said she was too friendly for her own good. But before she could panic too much, the other girl said she was just kidding. "Yeah. It's... a friendly school. For the most part, I think. There's a lot of clubs here, too, lots of things for people to bond over."

"Ohhh! I like history, a huge fan of the journey to the west and uhhh... actually... math is kind of my favorite class. I know, that's kind of weird. But I like how it always has a straight, non-interpretal answer. It exists, therefore it is, right or wrong."

Momo Sasaki has posed:
Noticing the cringe, Momo softens a bit. "I'm sorry," she says, sincerely. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was feeling out your boundaries. I won't do it again," she promises, before nodding. "I already joined the knitting club," she says with a smile.

"I think it's cool that math is your favorite! It's neat to think of it that way," she says, musing a bit. "But, maybe I can ask you for math tutoring sometime." Her smile is friendly. "I won't be hurt if you can't, though!"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi shook her head. "O-oh, no, it's not that. I just, you know. Don't want to be a bother to anyone, eh heh. I mean, you seem pretty sweet and all and if I was annoying I'd hate that. I just uhhh... y-yeah. So! It's great to meet you, though. Knitting sounds like fun!" She could knit Wuwu a tiny sweater. And strangle him with it.

"I'd be happy to tutor you!" she said quickly. "I've done a bit of tutoring off and on and I'm not like, professional at it. But I've helped a few times. Do... you like peach cookies? I've found that bribery helps many students in their efforts to master the equations."

Momo Sasaki has posed:
Momo nods at Cho. "I get that. I've been there." Then she grins. "It is! I could teach you?" she offers. "I don't have anything with me right now, but. I could teach you to knit as payment for math tutoring!" She adds with a smile. Then her eyes go wide at the mention of peach cookies. "I love peach anything," she says with a delighted grin.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi gave a light giggle and shook her head. "Oh, no! Don't worry about that. I'm part of the student council, helping students like you out is part of my duty. I'm supposed to help you get settled and figure thigns out. And I like math, so I can help now and again. OH! Right, here's my number. I live in the dorms, so you can come by sometimes, over in XXX. My roommate, Coco, lives there too. She's great, a real sweety. And i bake a lot of peach treats, so I am not afraid to use them to bribe you to do homework."

Momo Sasaki has posed:
    Momo grins. She takes down Cho's number and texts her from the phone in her hand, "hi :)". It's got peach decals all over it! "That sounds neat! My dorm room is XXX!" she adds. "We should hang out sometime." She seems excited by the prospect.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi says, "I'd like that. Hanging out is always fun. We could see a movie or something. Do you cook a lot of peach things?" She was half tempted to ask if she had a monkey... "Oh! What's your favorite like... historic era? Or story or... anything like that? I mean, you've got to have one, right? Learning about all the different times and places and everything? I'll bet there's a ton of them you really like, right?" she asked excitedly."

Momo Sasaki has posed:
Momo grins excitedly. "I love peaches, yeah." Her grin widens. "I don't bake or cook yet, I hope to learn soon." Then she practically bounces in her seat. "I love Momotaro," she says, in a breathless voice. "Just such a cool and inspiring figure." Her grin goes wry. "Also, you know. Peaches." She smiles warmly. "I grow stuff, though! I'm in gardening club." Then she looks at Cho. "Who's your favorite historical figure?"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi gave the other girl a small, affectionate smile. She was coming out of her shell. Duty as a student council member, done. And as a girl trying to figure out how to be gentler and kinder and more friendly, double done. She. Was incredible. Wonderous. She did as she set out to do. Like a boss.

"Momotaro? Ohhh! That stories always a lot of fun. I wonder what his animal companions would be like sometimes. As for my favorite, huh? Well... honestly, I hadn't used to think on it... but... probably Wukong. You know, he's just wild and carefree. He does a lot of stupid things, but in the end he helps those he cares about and does make things better. Even if he has to keep being reminded to stop being an idiot. Sometimes we all need a reminder t oget on the right path, you know? Even when we're awesome."

Momo Sasaki has posed:
    Momo gives Cho a warm smile. "Wukong is a great choice," she says thoughtfully. "I think that's a good point. And sometimes it can be healthy to be less..." She considers, thinking a moment. "Inhibited?" she says after a bit. "I don't think that's quite the word I want, but." She shrugs with a grin, "Close enough." Then she considers. "Dog would be loyal," she says thoughtfully. "Monkey mischievous but kind. And the pheasant would be brave." She nods with a grin.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi nodded. "Yup. Or as Wuwu would say, sometimes just take the voice in your head and tell it to shove off. It's not a very nice voice. Inhibitions are good... but sometimes they do just hold us back and stop us from being who we want to be."

She said before stretching out a little bit.

"Yeah, monkey would certainly be mischievous... and mean well... ish. Sometimes. But still make you want to kick him off the side of a roof some days," she said with a small, playful chuckle. "And I think we're going to get along great, Sasaki-san. You're going to love it here, trust me."