987/Coffee and Cake

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Coffee and Cake
Date of Scene: 09 January 2024
Location: Midori-Ya Cafe
Synopsis: Naru and Adrien get closer.
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Naru Osaka

Adrien Agreste has posed:
While brining Naru coffee was all well and good, there was something to be said for having more to eat with it than just the occasional cookies. The bakery here probably wasn't much better for healthy food but at least it would be more filling, and perhaps not as sweet, depending on what was selected. That, and Adrien hadn't really had much chance to bring Naru *out* places yet.

Which is why he's quite happy to do so having invited her out to visit the cafe he'd heard about but hadn't yet stopped by.

Adrien steps away from Naru breifly to push open the door gesturing her inside before him with a grin. "After you! I've heard good things about this place. Have you been here before? Any recommendations?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I think at this point, I have possibly tried every coffee shop without a reasonable walk from school." Naru grins as she steps into the coffee shop ahead of him. She seems like she's perfectly healthy at this point, moving utterly normally. "The spiced coffee is delicious. The chocolate cake is great, but I find it too rich, so I generally have just a nibble."

There's something to be said for going out for coffee rather than just in the dorms. Besides, the girls dorm is a little .. chaotic.. at the moment.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Is it dark chocolate? I always found milk chocolate to be a bit too sweet for my tastes," Adrien remarks as he follows her inside. It only takes a slightly quicker step to catch up to her, and then his pace slows to match her. Healthy she may be but he was still taller. "Though passion fruit is my favorite flavor in general. It's not a common one sadly."

His gaze is already sweeping over the menu thoughtfully. "Spiced coffee? Is it like a chai?" That does have him curious though. Something new was always good. "I'll give that a try then." His gaze sweeps back to her watching her curiously as if he were afraid she might be trying to hide any discomfort she still feels. "Thanks for coming out with me. I was dying to get out--And I figured you could use to, as well."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"It's dark chocolate and cream and just really not super sweet, but the texture is gorgeous. I just find that one bite is amazing and enough." Naru grins as he slows to keep pace with her. Short legs. It's a thing. "My favourite is lychee. Much more common than passion fruit, that's for sure."

"I think it's cardamom? It's not as strong as chai, just this subtle bit of extra flavour notes. And not like /flavoured/ coffee.. that stuff is silly and sort of weird." She leans over, just a smidge, to touch her shoulder to his. "I'm glad to get out and get some fresh air, and an excuse to go to a coffee shop is always worth it."

If she's hiding any lingering injuries, or any new ones.. she's doing a brilliant job of it. There's no sign at all.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste aahs in apparent understanding at the description of the food. It doesn't seem to deter him in his choice though. It was still worth trying out. "Warming sounds like an excellent idea right now with the weather outside." It wasn't snowing but it was certainly cold enough that it seemed to settle in the bones if you were outside too long.

When they approach the counter he grins to the worker. "I'll take the spiced coffee, and a slice of the chocolate cake, please." A bit of a mischevious grin is cast back toward Naru. "I can share." Plus... it would be cute to share with her. "And whatever the lady would like," he adds as well already pulling out his wallet to cover it without hesitation.

"Flavored coffee is... unique. I've had a few that aren't too bad. On the majority though, I prefer my coffee to taste like coffee."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Spiced coffee please." Naru gets the ordering over with, and clearly stealing some of Adrien's cake is her current plan. At least she is a girlfriend who doesn't steal all of it!

"I also prefer my coffee to taste like coffee." Naru agrees as the step aside to wait for their order to get put together. "Good coffee and like.. falvoured syrups or something like that is different than the flavoured coffee, which I always wonder how good the coffee was to start with." She is content to settle close with him as they wait not so very long. "I think I'm sort of half looking forward to school starting again, I kinda miss the routine." She admits, a little sheepishly.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste pays for the order with a polite, "Thank you," to the cashier. No sooner has he tucked away his wallet than he slides his arm lightly around Naru's back to walk her toward some comfortable seats. Next to one another of course! "Would yo ulike to take your coat off? It's rather warm in here." If she does, he'd gladly help her slip out of it being all gentlemanly. If not? That doesn't bother him either.

"That's a good point, honestly. As much as I like coffee I haven't really researched it. I learned how to make it from the Gorilla--Er." Had he called him that around her before? He hesitates, then clarifies, "My bodyguard and driver. He's really a nice guy, honest. Just very quiet and gruff. And large." He grins sheepishly. "We kind of call him the Gorilla behind his back, but I don't mean to be *mean* about it."

School. That earns a sigh, and nod. "Yeah, as much as has gone on lately, it almost feels like the routine would be nice to get back to. Plus," he adds brightly, "I can join the fencing club this time."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I haven't really researched it either." Naru does shrug out of her coat, with the gallant Adrien to help her do it and drape it over the back of the chair. "It's cold outside, but I think all the coffee makers and steam make it nice and warm in here." Not to mention the people.

Naru blinks at the name and then starts to giggle softly. "Does he know you call him the Gorilla? Do you have a bodyguard here, or just in France?" She tucks herself into her chair, scooting it closer to his.

Purely because they are sharing cake. It's the only reason.

"I am tapped out on clubs. More than, I think. Althugh if the chaos keeps to a dull roar, it will be easier, but that feels unlikely. I mean.. a dorm room exploded, that does not feel like we are starting off the year light on chaos."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste fidgets as he claims his own seat. It wasn't like him to do so, but he picks up a napkin to shake it out and the refold it neatly as if he wasn't really sure why he picked it up in the first place. A quick glance is cast around the cafe absently.

"He's here in Japan along with Natalie. They do assist my father a great deal, but given the level of security in Japan he's admittedly only around when I need to go out for work these days. It's a huge breath of relief... Though he would sometimes help me sneak out as long as HE knew where I was." A grin comes at that. "He does take his job seriously, but I think he also feels bad I don't get to really do the 'kid' thing while growing up. Aaand I never call him that to his face. ... Nino did once though." He lifts a hand to rub over his eyes trying to restrain a grin. "Nino's a great guy as well but he really doesn't have much of a filter when talking to adults." Nino was of course his best bud from Paris.

Dropping the hand away he regards Naru a long moment. Then leans in to drop his voice quietly, "So... should I feed you a bite of the cake, or is that too much?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"So in other words, we only have to worry a little bit about your Gorilla coming on dates with us." Naru teases him lightly. "How'd he react to Nino calling him that to his face?" Her whole expression is all 'eep!' and curious at that same time.

Naru leans in a little as he does and then she starts to giggle. "We will totally get side eye if we do that in Japan, in public." Which isn't /exactly/ a no, per se. Although Naru does collect up a fork, although she brandishes at him playfully. "En garde."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste plucks up his fork to twirl between his fingers like it were a pen. He apparently could do that trick at least. "En guarde!" he remarks with a broad grin in turn. "You're right, I'm trying not to do anything that would get us in trouble while being out in public. It's just silly how some things are considered rude that are so very innocent in France." Like holding hands.

"I'm willing to be stared at but I don't want to get us kicked out of anywhere, either."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I mean.. we get a reasonable bit of pass for being silly teenagers." Naru grins at Adrien and then giggles anew as their forks become terrible 'swords', clashing and trying to to get the tines too badly tangled.

"So I'd just spend a lot of time in France wide eyed at the public displays?" Naru grins at him. "I .. did like the cheek kisses, when you forgot that you weren't in France. But I am completely biased."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste leans in close again with a small indulgent smile as Naru admits that she enjoyed that part. The forks are deftly swept aside with a parrying outstretch of his arm so that he CAN lean in closer. "Oh that I can do anytime at all," he assures. Worry of getting kicked out or not he leans in to brush a kiss lightly to her cheek.

Someone nearby does clear their throat which causes him to sit up straight again looking highly embarassed. Not guilty though. Just embarassed. With a laugh he nudges the plate with the cake toward Naru. "Here, you can have first bite. I'll behave now," he assures. And he does for the rest of the date at least.