1169/If you give a Kaiju a Cookie...

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If you give a Kaiju a Cookie...
Date of Scene: 23 February 2024
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: Kaori finds Katsumi (his cookies) with her nose. He shares some with her and introduce and talk to each other for a bit.
Cast of Characters: Katsumi Cora, Kaori Jira

Katsumi Cora has posed:
It had been a few days since their time at the pool. Katsumi and Kaori exchanged phone numbers. And for a few days, there were just some hellos back and forth, before this afternoon.

<TEXT> Text from Katsumi: <image of a picnic basket> Would you like to join me for a picnic at Penguin Park?

Included is a time and a location. Which is where we find Katsumi, sitting on a blanket he had set out under a tree. He's sitting on it already, Kobo nearby, currently taking a nap as he's rolled up on himself. A large basket is set nearby, and he's patiently waiting for what he hopes is Kaori's arrival.

Kaori Jira has posed:
Perhaps it was for the best that Kaori was the curious sort, because otherwise? Well, she had no idea what a picnic basket was. Yet, sure enough she'd found her way, the girl still in her uniform but with the usual jacket thrown over the top, would make a clearly noticable sight in the traditional sense...but for Katsumi as she made her approach? Well, that aura was probably just as distinct.

"I am here," she announced none the less, declaring herself to her sightless companion.

Katsumi Cora has posed:
While he may be blind, Katsumi is aware of Kaori's aura when she arrives. And while he was at first fearful of it, he's learned to recognize it for what she is - part of her. But he does brighten at her approach. "Hi Kaori-kun!" he offers to her warmly, patting the blanket in invitation.

If she joins him, he opens the basket and the first thing he pulls out is a couple of ham sandwiches that he made. Ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato with a bit of mayo - but the bread is the star. Made the same day, it's fresh and soft, plush to the touch and melts in the mouth. "How was your classes today?"

Kaori Jira has posed:
"Katsumi-kun," she greets, the pat of the blanket seemingly recognized enough for her to drop her weight down onto the comfortable space. Another strange human activity perhaps? Well, she was meant to be adjusting and adapting while she contemplated if and how she might return-

Food? Food. Kaori's train of thought was dislodge by the presentation of the picnic. Her classes? She shrugs her shoulders, considering her answer. "They were fine. And yours?"

Katsumi Cora has posed:
A sandwich is offered to Kaori, for her to take as he sets the other one in front of himself. "Oh, that's good!" he offers. "So... this..." he gestures. "There's like a cake and cookies and a loaf of bread in here." comes the explanation.

"...and this is an attempt for me to get to know you better, Kaori. I mean, after we went swimming, I found you interesting, and wanted to get to know you better."

Kaori Jira has posed:
Did she question the food? Not so much. Instead the sandwich was claimed and a bite taken almost immediately. The novelty of not having to kill her own food every time was new to her.

She's already on her second or third mouthful by the time he speaks again, her mouth full of sandwich. "Whuf duh y'wan th know?"

Katsumi Cora has posed:
"Well. I know you like swimming. What other type of things do you like?" Katsumi asks curiously. And while she's scarfing her sandwich, he's taking smaller bites and savoring it. But he can tell she's getting near the end of her sandwich, based on the bites.

Setting aside his sandwich, he pulls out a small wrapped chocolate cake, topped with dark green buttercream frosting. "It's the same color that I see around you." he explains. "But it's not a bad thing. Just interesting."