1173/Issues Continue To Grow

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Issues Continue To Grow
Date of Scene: 24 February 2024
Location: Plot Room 4
Synopsis: Adora is cornered by an old
Cast of Characters: Adora Rainbowfist, Double Trouble

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
The Kayabushi Dojo shined a decade or so back. The martial arts here were well-known, and it was full of people training and competing. But things change, and the recession and a tournament scandel killed business. It's been empty for some time now, abandoned by the sensei fleeing the country with quite a bit of stolen yen. Now the 'ring' remains, surrounded by old, stacked furniture and a sense of quiet decay.

This is where Adora hid and slept when she first arrived on Earth, before the letter arrived to bring her to Radiant Heart. Too angry and confused to return to the school for now, Adora has been bedding down here while her wounds from her fight with Catra have been healing. After regularly changing and cleaning her stitches, they've begun to turn into fresh scars instead of seeping wounds. She's sore still, but no longer bedridden.

The night is long in the tooth at the moment, and the sounds of a punching bag getting the crap beat out of it echoes through the dusty old gym, the city light cascading through open windows. It's cold in here, due to the weather outside. Adora is wearing gym shorts and a sleeveless shirt, her blonde hair back, but not in her typical poof, as she punches and kicks at the bag, her eyes narrowed, her jaw clenched.

Double Trouble has posed:
As soon as Hinoiri had told them about feeding Adora her Dark Energy laced cookies, Double Trouble wanted to take advantage of Adora's altered state to cause her grief. They love messing with Adora. It's one of the few things in this magic-forsaken world they're stuck in that brings them any joy. A plan immediately began to hatch.

Asking around as Dianora, they determined she wasn't staying on campus. They remembered that when they first met Adora as their adorable Italian self, she'd told them about the gym she'd been staying at just shortly before they met. Adora was definitely the sort to go back to familiar territory in a situation like this.

So wearing Glimmer Brightmoon, they set off to the dojo to find her. She shows up in long, purple, poofy down coat and a light blue wool scarf wrapped around her neck. Her pink hair peeks out from the hood that's pulled up over her head. She's got on beat up jeans, black leather workboots, and an obscure band tee-shirt underneath. Glimmer's changed since she came to earth and joined Obsidian.

She just barges into the dojo thru the front door--she uses a little bit of magic if there's locks in the way--and walks across the room. "I heard you were in a rough spot, Adora, but I didn't imagine it was hide from everyone bad."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She glances up when the door swings open, and the tall blonde falls quickly into a ready stance, fists balled. She doesn't exactly calm when she sees who it is, either. In fact, her blue eyes narrow.

"I'm not joining Obsidian, Glimmer. Not even not." There's an unfamiliar growl to her words. They more she's wallowed in her dark emotions, the stronger the Dark Energy wrapped about her Eternian soul has grown. Unlike a normal Dark Energy infection, this is blossoming and growing worse by the day.

"I can't believe you'd throw in with those selfish idiots. After -everything-? You make me sick. Catra at least has a reason to be damaged. You had everything handed to you."

She drops from her stance, but there's still a readiness to her shoulders. The bandages around her forearms are clear. Her fight with Catra was a brutal one.

Double Trouble has posed:
Glimmer throws her hood back and shakes her hair out a little. It's flawless, as per her usual. She has good hair. It's a fact. "I'm not here to try and recruit you, Adora. I'm here because I heard my best friend was in a bad place, and I wanted to check up on her. You might just abandon friends, but I don't."

Pay no attention to how Glimmer hasn't reached out to Adora in months since the last time they saw each other. That is definitely only because they run in different circles. You know. One of them is evil, and the other one isn't. Most of the time.

"I didn't choose to be with Obsidian. You have your runestone wherever you go because it's your sword. Mine is back in Etheria. Dark Energy is the only way my magic works here, and I don't see you or all your friends thinking very kindly about people who use it," Glimmer says, her voice only just a little bit snippy.

Then she grins. "Besides it's fun to be bad."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Nah, that's an excuse," Adora retorts simply enough. "The people at the school have figured out way harder and weirder stuff then channeling your energy for you. And -you- know I don't abandon friends. You know that's not what happened with Catra, and you SHOULD know that isn't what happened here." She delivers another punch to the bag, but this one is with a growl, and delivered so hard it breaks the backstop, and sends the bag tumbling to the floor.

"All Obsidian is is excuses. A bunch of broken, bitter weaklings who can't stand up for their own decisions or deal with the things that've happened to them. They take all that anger and channel it out. Remind you of anyone? It's just Catra writ large."

She begins to stalk towards Glimmer. "Fun? Really? Gods, you're such a dissapointment. Makes me sick. To think I used to look up to you."

Double Trouble has posed:
"That's great for the people at the school, Adora. They're not the ones that helped me. Say what you will about Obsidian, they found me, and they helped me find my way here. They've shown up for me a lot more than my best friend has, that's for sure," she says, her voice rising until she reaches full ranting volume and pitch.

Now Double Trouble's goal here is to get Adora to do something she's going to regret later, and they are really not sure how to get her there. They were hoping approaching as a friend, a dark energy influenced Adora might be up for having fun. But that rapport building is not going well, so they're going to have to shift tactics.

"So, if your friends at the school are so smart and great, why are you hiding from them here? Surely whatever it is that's got you all messed up is something they can figure out, if they're so clever," she sneers.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Sadly, Dark Energy Adora isn't about having fun. She's anger and depression and heartbreak and confusion, finally bubbling to the surface in extreme ways. Something about the whole thing -definatly- feels different then the Dark Energy corruption Double Trouble has seen in the past.

She ignores the statements about Obsidian helping her entirely, and instead focuses on the questions about Radiant Heart. "Because I have a pretty damn good feeling Sunbreaker is behind whatever might be wrong with me. So I'm going to FIND her and I am going to HURT her. Then, I'm going to have another chat with my girlfriend. And if you, or Obsidian try to get in my way about it, I'll tear that stupid building down with my bare hands."

Double Trouble has posed:
What is it about traumatized, dark-energy infused magical girls that make them so good at missing the point and getting the wrong lessons from everything Double Trouble ever says to them? Hinoiri always gets the wrong ideas when they try to talk sense to her. And now here is Adora just completely blowing past the question they asked to lay out her plans.

Double Trouble came here to cause Adora grief, but the girl is clearly doing a perfectly good job of it all by herself. They almost feel bad for her. Almost. There's a little part of them that maybe does, but the rest of them does like seeing her suffer. But Glimmer's not that far gone. Glimmer cares.

"Adora," she says, with a sigh and a shake of her head. "None of that is going to make you better. It's just going to feed whatever dark energy has got ahold of you. If you want to get better, go see your friends at the school first, and then go beat down Sunbreaker." If you still want to, she leaves unsaid.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"NO!," the blonde roars, feet from Glimmer now. "All they're gonna end up doing is pitying me, or lecturing me, and I can't take that right now! They tried to help me the other day and...and..." She snarls, and she scoops up a dumbell and -launches- it across the gym. Even her normally strong physique seems a bit enhanced right now. It hits the far wall with a crash.

"...I am NOT letting them look at me that way again. The same way you're looking at me now!"

Double Trouble has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon walks right up to Adora and reaches up to flick her on the forehead--she can reach, Adora's not that much taller--with a little blast of sparkle magic at the same time. "You are a complete dumbass, Adora," she scolds.

"Here you are saying you're disappointed in me. Did you learn nothing from our time together? You can't do it all yourself. You. Need. Friends. Adora," Glimmer continues, right back at full ranting pitch and volume.

The majority of Double Trouble that loves to see Adora suffer managed to find the dissenting minority and squash it out. Their goal was to come here and push Adora into doing something she was going to regret. It's clear the dark energy infection is too far gone for her to listen to any sense here. They're sad that they won't be there to witness it, but Adora's plan seems like something she's going to really regret. All Double Trouble needs to do is nudge her along on it.

"Which is why you should talk to Catra first. Persuade her to come with you to beat down Sunbreaker. That girl's got a punchable face. I'm sure Catra could be convinced."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora won't need that much of a push to do something she's going to regret, and it's clear. She snarls when Glimmer confronts her about not learning anything, and she shoves hard at Glimmer. It'd be enough to send the Glimmer from back home tumbling hard. "SHUT UP! I don't wanna hear it!"

She stands there, fists balled, staring at the other girl for a long moment. The darkness shifts behind her eyes like it is filling her up like a cup, and soon she might overflow.

"Mn. FINE. Catra first. Where is that stupid cat?" She pauses, then. The thought of seeing her after what she did in that last fight is the first thing to make her hesitate tonight.

Double Trouble has posed:
And send Glimmer tumbling it does. She ends up laid out on her back several feet away. She just takes a couple breaths while Adora fills up on darkness and rage and tries to keep the smile off her face.

"She's your girlfriend, Adora," Glimmer says as she gets back up to her feet. "Surely you know how to find her by now."

She dusts her coat off and adjusts it on her shoulders just a little and then looks at Adora from where she's standing. "Or do you need help with that too?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora narrows her eyes and kicks a filled box aside in frustration. "If you help me you're just going to keep this nagging up, and I'll end up putting you through a wall. I'll find her on my own." She at least has enough semblance of herself to understand her rage at this point...she just can't control it. She KNOWS being around this Glimmer will piss her off more and more as she's poked and prodded with things she can't handle hearing right now.

"Now. You know where the door is."

Double Trouble has posed:
"Can't wait to hear all about it. Do please give Sunbreaker a few hits for me," she says. "And Adora? Don't wait too long to go get help. Just as soon as you're done with all this fighting."

It's not the satisfying romp they'd set out for, but Double Trouble is sure that Adora's on a course that she'll regret more than anything they could have talked her into. Their work here is done, and Adora wants them to leave. So it's very easy to comply.

But of course, they have to be dramatic about it. So, they conjure up a burst of sparkles and then duskport away from within it. They're really trying hard to sell Glimmer with the skills they've got available.