Meet me in my office, Stauss. (Aloisia Stauss)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Meet me in my office, Stauss. (Aloisia Stauss)
Date of Cutscene: 23 August 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower
Synopsis: Aloisia is called into Otto's office, where he calls her loyalty into question.
Cast of Characters: Aloisia Stauss

"Meet me in my office, Stauss."

Words that Aloisia rarely wanted to hear, since they generally didn't have anything good with them. If there was a job for her, she'd normally just receive a message, but a call to Count Steiner's office? Nothing good could come of this. But she didn't have much choice, as she walks into the office.

Otto was sitting at his desk, pouring over some paperwork idly as Aloisia enters. He barely even considers her or gives her much of a look as he speaks.


Aloisia gives a slightly concerned, "Sir?"


Aloisia walks forward to take a seat on that chair across from his desk, as the spider youma was nearby toiling away at various different things. Making coffee, putting snacks together.

"You know, Stauss, I've been watching you since you were born. The child of my childhood friend and most trusted ally. You could say that I was almost like a second father to you, growing up, with how much I kept an eye on you and helped to fund your childhood."

Aloisia shifts uncomfortably, something about Otto's tone made her blood run cold. "O-of course, sir. And I've always appreciated it."

"Did you know that just about every opportunity you had, I had a hand in getting you? Your education, I paid for. Your position in the Tungeturn Defense Force, I vouched for you on, paid for your training, your equipment, even procured your device for you."

Aloisia gives a slightly confused look, "I thought that it was an ancestral device passed down my mother's line?"

"Think, Aloisia. Do you REALLY think a MINOR noble family like your mother's would REALLY be able to afford an ancestral device owned by twin princesses? Truly?" Otto sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he finally looks up towards Aloisia. "You are loyal to me, yes, Stauss?"

"Of course, Sir. It's the entire reason I'm even here."

"Then, Stauss, would you explain to me this."

Otto turns, lifting a remote and pointing it at a screen, showing various different recordings. Her fighting Hinata. Her fighting Molly. Teaching them, giving them pointers, suggestions. Her various fights, her apologetic appearance after the junk youma's appearance.

"T-that was just--"

And then it flickers to the fight with Hannah, where she had her below her, just inches away from being able to take her out, her second charge of Schlossknacker all that it would take to finish the job, but she hesitates, she stabs it into the ground instead.

"Just /what/, Stauss? We could have won, you would have been VICTORIOUS. Instead, you couldn't even kill the ONE person you're supposed to, and NOW? NOW I HEAR YOU'VE BEEN GIVING ADVICE TO THE ENEMIES, STAUSS." Otto stands, lifting his dark energy replica of Blauer Greif and pointing it at Aloisia's neck.

"I should cut my losses right here. Remove you from the equation. But you are, unfortunately, too useful of an asset at present since in spite of ALL of that you at LEAST have proven somewhat competent at providing energy to fuel my overall plans."

He steps around, pressing the blade to Aloisia's neck, pressing in just enough that it threatened to cut. "So I'm going to remind you, Aloisia. You are MY asset. I OWN you."

"You need to do better."

"Because useless assets get liquidated. NOW GET *OUT*."

Otto grabs Aloisia by the front of her dress, lifting her out of her chair and shoving her towards the doorway.

"Oh, and Stauss? Make sure that you show those earthlings and that TSAB brat their place."

"And don't forget, Stauss."

"I'm always watching."