1908/Friendship, Chicken, and Dreams

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Friendship, Chicken, and Dreams
Date of Scene: 30 August 2024
Location: KFC - Karaage Fried Chicken
Synopsis: Rashmi takes Molly for chicken! And some conversation, of various depth.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios, Molly Skyline

Rashmi Terios has posed:
While Rashmi made sure to see Molly back home safe, she was terrible -- awful -- company. The fretting was understandable, given Chrono's last known condition, but there was actual anger there, too. Like Rashmi was taking it *personally* that Chrono entombed himself and Aloisia in ice.

The next morning, however, she was... better. Still frazzled, by the sound of her message through Starcrash, but not *upset.* Just worried.

<< So hey Molly-chan, you're probably still starving so how about the best worst possible breakfast? There's a Japanese-style fried chicken place that opened up, inside an old American-style friend chicken place. Wanna go? >>

Molly Skyline has posed:
<< I could eat a horse. Like the entire thing. Whole. Yes please let's go. >>

Molly is up, out of bed, and dressed within two minutes of getting Rashmi's text. And honestly, it's not like she hasn't spent the night worrying, for both of her friends; a state of being occasionally (well, frequently) in competition with the loud growling of her stomach.

So, she's in a cropped t-shirt that just says 'Unicorn Gundam' across her chest, her usual denim jacket with a growing collection of patches, and damage blue jeans by the time she gets out onto the balcony outside her bedroom -- and there she realizes a problem.

"Starcrash, what are my mana reserves at?"

<< EMPTY >>

<< I need to walk. Or get a bus, either or. >>

Rashmi Terios has posed:
<< I'll meet you at the Mitakihara train station, >> Rashmi answers << It should be two stops over from your neck of the woods. >>

And indeed, Rashmi is quite visible at the part of the station just off from the train platforms! Largely because of the contrast between her dark skin, red hair, and white, daisy-print dress. Giving the Brit a cheery smile as she's spotted, Rashmi waves to get Molly's attention. "Hey~! So... how're you doing?"

Molly Skyline has posed:
<< I know the spot! I'll be there ASAP. >>

Molly takes a little bit longer to get there than might be expected; but she arrives, and throws up a hand to wave back to Rashmi as she adjusts course to meet up with her at the train station.

"Hey," she greets, as she gets close, and comes to a stop. "So uhm. Yesterday was a whole thing. I got punched, knocked out, chained up in a really uncomfortably position, had an IV shoved in my arm, and then got drained and used as a shield by a Youma -- while Hinote in particular and other people kept rattling spells off it anyway, which was horrifying I might add, but I don't blame anyone 'cause that thing was scary -- and I feel like I don't really need the chefs to cook me anything, they could just let me into their walk-in freezer and I'd eat everything."

The purplenette holds up her hands, and her hands are visibly shaking.

"I. Am. Starving."

She smiels softly, and shrugs her shoulders. "How're you?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I know," Rashmi says with a crooked smile. "I was there for most of it."

Turning to lead the way -- by walking at Molly's side -- Rashmi looses a long sigh. "Not so mad as I was. Chrono's okay. Alo-chan's not but she'll survive. Everything else was..." Rashmi trails off, shaking her head. "But I gotta tell ya, frozen chicken doesn't taste *nearly* as good as fried and sauced. C'mon, it's this way."

There's some walking, and light chatter during the walk, and eventually the pair roll up on... A building that was very obviously once a KFC, but is now decorated in vintage Japanese kitsch, akin to how Okujoo Ramen is decked out in vintage movie kitsch.

"...So, kara-age. Basically it's fried chicken, but they marinate it first, then the flour's like half flour and half potato flour. In England they'd probably call em nuggets, cos they're made for chopsticks, but there's all kinds of ways you can have it, and, me? I'm thinking multiple trips, if there's a place to sit."

Molly Skyline has posed:
"I'm glad everyone's okay," Molly replies. She falls into step, and thrusts her hands in her pockets (to help control the shaking) as much as anything else. "Yeah, you were there for it. ...It was honestly embarassing, I'm supposed to be a Mahou, not a Youma-sacrifice. But you all came and got me and I'm grateful for it."

She tilts her head sideways, looking at Rashmi, and mmms. "I understand you being mad," she murmurs. "But you weren't angry at me when I risked my life at the Dockyard Battle, when I was standing in front of Chrono to protect him while he was in a non-combat henshin. ...Sometimes we all take the big risks, and every time you or Chrono take one -- like when you went to Paris -- I feel devestated thinking about it, but... it's what we all signed up for, right? ...I think that's probably what you'd tell me." She shrugs lightly. "Ask me about this dream I had a few nights ago, later."

As they arrive at the restaurant, which *clearly* used to be a KFC, Molly ooohs softly at the description Rashmi offers of the upcoming food. "Okay I'm glad it's not an *actual* KFC, they serve dry chicken that's overcooked so it's only any good if you put enough sauce in it to float the British Navy. I cannot wait to try what they're offering here. ...For several reasons."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"You'd be surprised," Rashmi chuckles. "KFC is actually a really big thing in Japan, like... Sanders-sama here is basically what the Coke people did with Santa, y'know?"

Letting out a long sigh, Rashmi nods slowly. "I know," she says. "It's just... It's stupid, and kinda irrational, but like... The ice thing? That's how he and I managed to keep Paris from flooding, and I ain't gonna lie, there was a little part of me that was all like 'Oh so you'll just trap yourself in ice with *any* girl, huh?'"

Laughing quietly, she shakes her head. "Anyway.... c'mon. Let's start with the don, and see what they've got!"

As it turns out, they have rather a startling array of all kinda of kara-age. With some toppings that are, frankly, dizzying. For herself, Rashmi's first order is a don bowl, with pickled ginger, basil, mango, and seaweed salad.

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Probably just with anyone who needed saving," Molly replies. "I don't think either of you would hesitate for a second if it was me. I wouldn't if it was you." And she didn't, in the Dockyard Battle, when it was Chrono. "But... I dunno. I get it. I'm not saying you're wrong or anything. ...Partly just rambling because I'm sore and tired and I got beat up, and as much as being rescued is a great fantasy, I've needed it more often lately than I feel happy with."

Molly falls into line, and after Rashmi orders, she gets the same. More or less. Well, she asks for Karaage Don with the pickled ginger because that sounds nice, but also an egg, mushrooms, basil, that seaweed salad because that does sound good, and... a second egg because why not.

"Thank you for organizing everyone, by the way," she murmurs after ordering. "And for collecting Starcrash. ...That's honestly the worst part, I'm a device mage who got seperated from her device more easily than a tourist from their Yen in a sweet shop."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"You would have done the same too," Rashmi says, in echo of Molly's own words. "But I mean... c'mon, Molly-chan. I got Nicomachea *broken,* we all make mistakes."

Once their order comes, she finds a table for the pair to sit at, and begins poking at ehr food. "I'd *never* have let Starcrash be alone for longer than I could help it, Molly-chan. You, either."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Once they're at a seat, Molly doesn't pick at her food; she starts a rapid process of food to mouth, as fast as is humanly possible to achieve with chopsticks. "Mmmm," she manages between mouthfuls. "This'sgood."

It takes her about two minutes to polish off two thirds of the bowl.

"...Alright I was hungry," she admits, looking at what's left and doing a little mental math on how much she just consumed in a short period of time. "I'm still hungry. Good lord I've never been this hungry." She tucks back in, stuffing half the egg in all in one go (Usually hse bites it in half so it lasts four bites instead of two, but not today).

"I know you wouldn't. I never doubted for a second that you and Chrono were coming. I didn't know who else you were bringing, just... I knew you were coming. I just..." She sighs heavily, and finally slows down eating when there's about enough food for all of four mouthfuls left on her plate. "If someone got hurt rescuing *me*, I'd feel... I dunno. I'd be devestated, I dunno how else to say it."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"It's because you got so low on mana," Rashmi says, her own bowl halfway done. "Food and rest is what you need, you should be recovered in a couple days... But you'll definitely eat enough to make your moms concerned for your health." This last, said with a smile, then she sets her bowl aside.

"Molly-chan... I don't even *think* about getting hurt coming to help anyone. Because fighting is part of what we do, y'know? We're gonna *take* punches, if we're putting ourselves in a place to throw em."

"You're gonna rescue someone, and get hurt doing so. That's just because people who're needing rescued? They're *in danger,* that's all."

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Oh... I know." Molly shrugs her shoulders for emphasis as she fully cleans her plate. Fully; there's not a crumb left. "I'm never worried about what might happen to *me* at any point. Just what'll happen to other people at like, every point."

She pauses, and shakes her head, "Okay I don't mean it like I don't care what happens to me, I do, just... it's not on my mind a lot. ...I just don't worry about it." She pokes her bowl with her chopsticks, as if doing so might somehow summon a few more calories out of thin air. Unfortunately, it doesn't. It seems Molly doesn't posses that kind of magic.

"Anyway. I don't mean to be all depressed. ...Everything turned out fine in the end, we stopped -- well, *you* and eveyrone else stopped Aloisia, I just kinda pleaded with her. Which I guess had a better than zero chance of working and it was all I could do at the time." She shrugs, glancing back and forth between her bowl and Rashmi's.

"Want some more? I'll get the next round, if you tell me what you want?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Molly," Rashmi says, looking her friend in the eyes. "I want you to think about that, for a second. Alo-chan... She beat you. Kidnapped you. Set you up to be drained of your energy by a monster who was *actively using it to try and hurt us.* And all you wanted was for her to stop, for *her* sake. Not yours. That... there are lots of people I know -- *good people,* who I am very proud to call my friend -- who might have trouble making that choice. You had no power, no means to strike back... And you were still *fighting for her soul.*"

Polishing off the last bit of rice, she sets the bowl aside. "That isn't nothing, Molly-chan. That takes a kind of strength that doesn't have anything to do with how hard you can hit. But it's *that kind of strength* that wins these battles. Because what's *better* than beating an enemy? Turning an enemy into a friend, ebcause now you're *even stronger.*"

With that said, she sets her chopsticks aside. "I think... I've got enough room left in me for a teriyaki and sesame maki roll? Thank you."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly is halfway out of her seat, when Rashmi is telling her to think. So she sits back down, and listens to what her friend has to say, and then really... chew it over in her head, and think it through. "Yeah, I..." She sighs softly. "You're right. And I *do* sell myself short, a lot, and I realize that. But... honestly, it didn't seem like a difficult choice, it was just the right thing to do. I don't think Aloisia is a bad person, I think she's just... in a bad situation and she doesn't know what to do. And I *do* want her to get help. Even if she beat me up." Molly's lips quirk up at the corner of her mouth. "Twice."

"Anyway, yeah, I forgive her for hurting me. I've still got all my arms and legs, and my mana will come back, so no harm done. Anyway! I'll be right back."

The purple haired girl does stand up, now, and bounces off to order. She returns several minutes later, with two teriyaki bowls, a couple of maki rolls, and an extra plate that basically just has selmon belly on it. She sets one of the teriyaki bowls and half the maki down in front of Rashmi, before returning to her own seat with the rest.

"Aloisia seemed pretty devestated when one of her shields got... busted," she murmurs, as she tucks straight in to her food. "I understand, I'd feel the same way about Starcrash. Can we help her?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Just because it wasn't hard for you," Rashmi says, "doesn't mean it's not hard for *everyone.* And sometimes, it's hard for good reasons. But that just means it's important to remember, y'know?"

Chuckling at the bounty placed before her, Rashmi sets to work. But her eating slows, when Molly mentions Aloisia's Device.

"I don't... know that we can," she says slowly. Doppelwand is... different. I mean, for one it's entirely Belkan, but it's *two* Devices. Not just a Device with separate bits, but... You heard it. Two different voices, which means it has two Cores, which means I'd have to like be a *super* master Meister to even begin to sort out what's wrong with it. It's not like... Okay so Starcrash was disassembled when the crash happened, right? That just means stuff was unplugged, he's glitchy but he's okay. But Doppelwand... They took *core damage,* and you need a Meister to fix that. One *trained specifically* in ancient Belkan Devices."

Rashmi raises a piece of chicken to her mouth, then looks at it for a moment, and sets it back with a sigh. "I'm... not sure what *we* can do. Except wait and hope."

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Or," Molly muses, grimly floating an idea, "Find this... Otto creep and stick Starcrash up his nose long enough for me to fire off a bunch of barrets." She stops, and shifts her eyes sideways, as if she was trying to look at her earring, "No, I don't mean that literally, don't worry. ...But I would love to punch him so hard his children'll be born bruised."

She tucks straight into the second bowl of food, though not quite so ravenously as before. (Not... quite.) "How am I *this* hungry?" she asks, even though it's already been explained.

"Anyway... yeah. I'll just keep my fingers crossed I guess, and hope we meet a meister with the required skills." She shrugs her shoulders lightly. "So... Okay. I just... I want to keep making that choice, and I hope it keeps being easy, but... even when it gets hard, I feel like it'll keep being important to make it. I just hope I'm up to it."

Molly is set to polish off a second plate of food at record speed, so she forces herself to slow down. No point in getting indigestion.

"Anyway, if you hear anything and I can help, let me know? And that goes for anything, always. You're ever in trouble, doesn't matter what I'm doing, I'll be there." She pauses. "Well, maybe starting the day after tomrorow, so I don't have to take the bus to get there and miss everything."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Or just... Hope that Alo-chan knows how to fix it," Rashmi says, clearing her throat. "...Because I know one person who *could* probably fix Doppelwand... The problem is, she's the one who's teaching me. ...And she's the one that Alo-chan came here specifically to kill."

So... that's a thing.

Loosing a gusty sigh, Rashmi starts tucking back into her food. "You know I'll call, Molly," she says around a smile. "Definitely gonna think of you and Chrono first if I'm in serious trouble."

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Oh well, that's awkward then. ...But Hopefully Aloisia can manage to... y'know... come off that particular... course of action." She sighs heavily. "Or we're gonna have to fight her again, and I don't think my offense is strong enough to get through her defense yet. ...At least not by myself. Maybe with you powering me up though."

Molly smiles, looking back up from her food. "By the way, I got you something. No reason, I just... saw it and thought you'd like it." She puts her chopsticks down, and holds her hand up near her earring. "Retrieve Present for Rashmi," she murmurs, and gets a little object wrapped up in bright pink wrapping paper.

She slides the object -- obviously a book, that's painfully obvious -- across the table to Rashmi. "Enjoy!" she grins, before tucking back into her food.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
At the offer of a gift, Rashmi tilts her head in puzzlement... then her eyes widen at the book-shaped present. "Oh Molly-chan, you didn't have--" And she cuts herself off. Of *course* she didn't have to. But she *wanted* to. So there's nothing for it but to accept the gift.

And when unwrapped, Rashmi just... stares at it, for a long moment. The bookmark is tugged out, and she chuckles at the joke...

"...Molly-chan this is *wonderful,* thank you *so much.*"

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly grins, "That's the first book of a trilogy. ...Of which the third book is so big the publisher split it into two books, which are both the same size as that one," she points at the book with her chopsticks. "One of many many books I read back home in England from the library, since the orphanage system doesn't believe that orphan children need to actually *own* things, so there's no money for that. Did I mention that I love librarians? They're wonderful."

Molly finishes off the Teriyaka, and moves on to the maki rolls, which start getting polished off at a rate that is much too rapid to be considered civilized.

"So... I wanna tell you about this dream I had," she murmurs. "But it might be a bit on the... I dunno, a bit on the darker side? So it can wait until later if it's a bad moment. It's not bothering me or anything."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I *cannot wait* to start reading it," Rashmi answers... and clearly she's not kidding, as she takes the bookmark back out, putting it at the opening of the book, and in general fiddling with a New Story Without Actually Reading It Because That Would Be Rude.

When Molly talks about her dream, though, that redirects the redhead's attention. "No it's okay, Molly-chan... What's up?"

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly fidgets a little bit, but it doesn't interfere with her finishing off her maki in record time. "I am still starving," she mumbles. "But at least my hands aren't shaking anymore and I'm pretty sure if a Youma busted in here right now, I could shoot it twice, so that's an improvement."

She slides the salmon belly in front of herself, with a gestured offer of 'have some' made with the chopsticks, but she doesn't start eating it just yet.

"So like... ever have a dream that feels so real, you think it is real? Or like... it might become real?" She shrugs, "I know that's dumb, it's just a dream, but still?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi shakes her head, lifting a hand. "You need to recharge the most," she chuckles. "And no... I haven't, but like... I know of at least one person who says they can see the future sometimes, and I mean... Magic, right? So it's not stupid, it's just not proven true. Talk to me, Molly-chan."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly nods, and eats a piece of the salmon belly, before continuing. "So like, I dreamt I was racing, right? That's not a first. I'm sure that doesn't come as a surprise. I know I only figured this out like... two months abgo but I *cannot* let go of the idea of doing it professionally and just... flying around the track at three hundred kilometers an hour or more. ...Anyway."

The purplenette shrugs her shoulders. "I was racing, and I was winning, and the checkered flag was out, and everything was perfect. ...But then, like, there was a person in the middle of the track, and I hadda... swerve around them. And then I crashed, and it felt... pretty bad? But then I woke up."

Molly shrugs her shoulders. "So like, I told you it doesn't bother me, and it doesn't. It's just... weird? Like I accept that racing is dangerous and I could die doing it, but I'm not worrying about it. ...Still a weird dream, though?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"...Well I mean, yeah," Rashmi says, settling back in her chair and thinking about this story. "I mean... Could mean nothing, could mean something. I don't really know what to say to that, except like... Write it down? Write down *all* your dreams, just in case, but... see how long it takes until it comes up again?"

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly pauses, and bobs her head. "Alright, I will," she murmurs. "But seriously, it's just a dream, right? I'm an artillery mage. I blow stuff up. Or just shoot holes in stuff, or melt stuff, or freeze stuff..." She waves her hands in the air, still holding her chopsticks, "I don't see the future."

Molly polishes off the last of the salmon belly, and shrugs. "But I mean... even if that's something that's gonna happen, I wouldn't... change it, anyway? I want to race. Like I said, I accept that it's dangerous. And like... I would *always* swerve out of the way, if someone was on the track, and that's the girl I wanna be, no matter what."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"So would I," Rashmi says, smiling. "Molly-chan, I know you don't see how good you are, but... You *are.* And you need to really *get* it, y'know?"

And as she fiddles with her new book -- and how dare Molly give her a book she can't immediately run off to read! -- she turns the chatter to lighter things; what's been happening lately, projects she has in mind, that Usa-chan and Mamo-kun not only got engaged, but did so on a *live gaming stream.*

A little bit of normal life, a little bit of the weird and fantastic. Because that's mahou life in Tokyo.