1736/Chewing Ice

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Chewing Ice
Date of Scene: 09 July 2024
Location: Dorms #2
Synopsis: After the run in with Thetis, The Back Street Slasher and Cat Noir deal with the aftermath. Naru shows up to lend a hand. After some necessary awkwardness to help the Slasher recover from Thetis' attack, they talk of what to do next.
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Taro Yamada, Naru Osaka

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Clearly attacking Thetis with a chair was not the best choice Adrien had made in his life. There was going to be a time he would have to swallow his pride--Was it pride? His determination then, to keep his promise to Ladybug to not share his identity with anyone else. Things were different here than in Paris, but the threat was the same. Yet. Things were very different here.

There were times like this after all.

Adrien's caught up by the Ripper and ran into the hall like an American football tucked under the Ripper's arm. The 'go long' is unfortunately provided by Thetis leaving him laying with limbs tangled with the Ripper's feeling very sore, very bruised, and very much regretting not just calling out the rest of his transform.

A little black feline figure flies over the pair, dipping and darting around with wide green eyes and a bit of worry. "Adrien! This is not good, not good at all," Plagg whines with a worried look shot toward the Ripper. Who was somehow managing to look even worse than Adrien right now.

"You don't have to tell me that twice, Plagg," Adrien groans out while working to carefully extract himself into something slightly more upright so he can peer at the Ripper. With a groan he falls back down onto the ground holding a hand over his ribs.

"He's out. Then, before anyone else can show up... Plagg. Claws out!"

He'd never transformed while injured before. Or laying down. It was an interesting sensation but you know what? The energy that merged with him made those injuries a LOT more bearable.

Cat Noir sits up rubbing the side of his head. "I know people say cats don't like baths, but I'm fairly certain no one would like that shower."

Taro Yamada has posed:
The Back Street Slasher gasps for air; gurgles; sags to the ground, clawing at his chest. Thetis's water bubble has fallen onto him as she vanished with Endymion, but that hasn't solved the matter of the ice in his lungs. Every breath stutters to a halt like a car with a dead battery. He is falling, falling, falling, his vision being covered with black; even as Adrien transforms, the Slasher reaches out, his common sense drowned in animal instinct: help me, help me, help me!

He falls to the floor, body twitching.

Cloth moves. From the Slasher's cloak, another Ripper emerges: Dory the Ripper doll, white kimono soaked transparent over her Western suit, her Noh mask pushed up to her forehead to clear her vision. Her fanged face is not capable of looking concerned, and yet the way she smacks at the Slasher's back to clear his airways speaks of it; she waves to Cat Noir when she thinks he's looking in a panic; if and when she gets his attention, her tiny wooden hands clasp together in a wordless request for help.

Naru Osaka has posed:
There is something to be said for timing, and Naru has it. Generally bad timing, when one is ending up at the wrong place and the wrong time over and over and over again, but tonight?

Naru HAD been coming over with coffee. Redundant, certainly, but she brought a coffee for them to share and beans in case it was good. It was going to be good. She'd already tried it and confirmed that it was single origin, dark roast sort of deliciousness.

But instead of being able to come and knock on Adrien's door and surprise him with a coffee, she instead could hear the chaos and rounds the corner in time to see Adrien on the floor, transforming while injured. The Slasher on the floor, looking like he's actively dying and Naru has now got a fresh flavour of instinct when encountering this sort of mess.

A touch to a necklace that Adrien knows to be reasonably new, and Naru literally glows, as her armour manifests around her. Greaves and pauldrons. The veil has to work hard to make it not look like Naru, and it would if it needed to, but it's bodly obvious to her Cheeky Kitty on who comes up to the disaster. "What the hell is going on?"

For once in her life, Naru did not spill the hot coffee. Clearly her henshin IS magical!

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir gazes in growing horror as the Ripper -- Who had been a 'regular boy' moments before -- Was clearly still in great pain in spite of Thetis being gone. The water was gone. Wasn't it? Clearly not, as he was still clawing at his chest and Dori was pleading for help.

"All right, it's okay, I'm here we'll help I promise," he rambles quickly as he comes up to his knees crouched over Ripper trying to console Dori. Perhaps himself. And Ripper too though he was relatively certain that he wasn't exactly concious, just reacting instinctively. His hands are held up debating what to do to help. Was water still in his lungs? Or worse?

The scent of coffee and footteps cause one ear to twitch and he looks quickly over toward Naru. That little flickering attempt the Veil makes to hide HER causes him to squint only breifly until ... It just doesn't work. His eyes widen with a broad grin as he gleefully blurts, "Naru! Or... Miss Knight!" He changes quickly since. Well. SHE had changed. A new event clearly but it wouldn't be the first time she'd surprised him.

Dori's pleading and the Ripper's thrashing brings his attention back abruptly in spite of his glee. "Right, sorry! We were attacked by this liquid youma, she took the Prince and tried to drown him and this guy but he's still--" All he can do is GESTURE. "I think ice? She used ice. In his lungs?"

Heat. They needed heat. "Ah! Your coffee, quick!" He urges with a hand reaching for her.

Taro Yamada has posed:
Dory watches Little Blonde and Coffee-chan discuss what to do next, looking between them and her boy with worry.

Through their sympathetic bond, she knows her Taro has his lungs frozen. As long as he remained in his form, he'd heal just about anything rapidly - and recovering from internal burns would be a lot faster than waiting for the ice to melt.

She dives into Taro's coat and pulls out his cell phone, which is as big as she is, and then uses a stylus she has tied to her waist to unlock the phone and navigate to the notes app.

COFFEE WILL WORK FASTEST ON ICE LUNGS. I'LL HELP. GIVING HIM BLOOD WILL HELP HIM HEAL FASTER, she writes, then hefts the phone up for the two to read.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Hey there, my Cheeky Kitty." Naru beams at him, cementing utterly her identity, no matter what her henshin might be trying to confuse. She comes to kneel. "Ice in the lungs cannot bit comfortable.. or good at all."

Naru offers Chat Noir the coffee and then she considers Taro. She comes to kneel behind him, lifting the dead weight of him easily enough. "I'll hold him still for you. It's not like he's going to sit and sip the coffee on his own." She nods to Dory as the doll writes them out a note. "He can have some of my blood, he's had it before. Let's get the hot coffee into him first."

The delight about her very new henshin is destined to be secondary at the moment, they have things to do first!

Adrien Agreste has posed:
That little nickname earns a broader grin. Ah, he was proud to see her like this! It was a bit tempting to just elate over the moment but he was aware of priorities and knew that this was not the time. After, though? Oh yes. Most certainly after.

The coffee is taken in his clawed gloved hands testing the heat. Naru DID enjoy her coffee hot. That would help.

When Dori lifts the phone he reads it quickly with a nod of affirmation. "Right, of course! Okay you've got him," he agrees while watching. For a moment he lifts the coffee, then pauses. There was no way to make him drink straight from the cup in the current situation.

Thinking quickly he does the first thing that comes to mind.

"I hope you forgive me for this but I can't think of any other way."

He tips the coffee back to take a mouthful himself. Then leans in and presses his mouth to Ripper's to force the coffee into him via mouth-to-mouth. To anyone who might see the trio it would likely look very suspect.

Taro Yamada has posed:
And as the hot coffee goes down -

Dory reaches under her shirt and twists her wooden chest sharply on her ball joint abdomen. Through their sympathetic connection, the Slasher's chest makes a SCRUNCH noise and then crackles as the magic crunches up his chest, and then heals it rapidly. The coffee is forced down the wrong tube (or, rather, the RIGHT tube) and floods the lungs as the ice is crunched, speeding up the melting process -

The Slasher shoves Adrien off, then curls on his side and starts hacking up ice, coffee and what looks like black coffee grounds -

But he is awake. Ish.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Oh so very sus looking. Naru winces as she watches Chat Noir take some coffee into his mouth and then realizes what he's about to do. "Oh that.." She starts and then there's an ominous SCRUNCH and at least Slasher is moving? It's something.

Naru moves with The Slasher as he tips over to the side, ensuring that he's not inhaling any of it back in, and giving him a smack on the back to help him cough up the gunge out of his lungs.

Thank goodness she's got a strong stomach.

"Does it need to be his knife to take blood, or can I just nick myself on my own sword?" Naru asks of Dory, even if asking someone who can't easily reply is not super helpful. It's somethign at least.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Woomp! Cat Noir is easily bowled back when the Ripper pushes him away. He was shorter, more light-weight, and so ends up tumbling into a summersault from the force as well as his own cat-like reaction speeds. Ending up on one knee, the other bent with foot planted on the floor and his hands bracing on the ground in front of him he crouches and watches as the Ripper starts to hack up whatever crud was keeping him from breathing.

"Oh good, that's a good sign, yes." At least that's what his CPR training told him would be a good sign. Clearing ou the lungs.

Instantly he scooches over to Naru's side, still crouched but now hovering near her shoulder as she helps Ripper out. "Er... Not to deny you you're freedom of choice, but are you okay with that? I can--" he begins only to hesitate looking at his own outfit which covered him full body except for his face. "... Actually I'm not sure how to get out of this to be honest. Maybe I can't."

Taro Yamada has posed:
IT NEEDS TO BE HIS KNIFE, Dory writes, then gives the phone to Naru. As the Slasher coughs up the last of the gunge and wipes his mouth on the back of his hand, Dory sets the phone down and jumps; she catches his descending hand and crawls on, smacking his forefinger until a tiny red blade pops out.

The Slasher's eyes are still unfocused as he heaves for breath. Dory goes ahead and yanks on his arm until he rolls on his side, then holds his hand up like Atlas holding up the world.

Here, here, the blood goes here! Just let it poke the flesh!

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I got this, love." Naru assures Chat Noir in a way that is probably not even a little bit reassuring. "I'm used to getting drained." She sounds terribly confident on that point, although she clearly has not thought even a little about the fact that she isn't her usual self right now.

Naru leans over to help Dory reposition the Slasher, to be able to get access to his knife. Because, as she reads, it has to be that one.

There's just a moment of hesitation before Naru reaches over to cut her arm on the offered blade. She managed to be very brave about it, right up until it actually caught and then she tries not to yelp. It hurt! It's fine. She's fine. She's got this.

The knife is bloody, and there's more drips offered to it.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir sits back on his haunches with hands braced against the floor between his knees. It's a very animal-like crouch really but it also seems to be a relaxed posture for him. Somehow. At Naru's remark of 'being used to being drained' his lower lip juts out in a pout. A little sad whine comes from him before he sighs. "Okay. Just be careful," he urges.

He does let her do her thing of cutting her arm, wincing all the while as she does. One hand risks raising to rest lightly on her back hoping to offer some comfort for her pain. A questioning look is shot toward Dory. "Is that enough?" He hopes it is.

Taro Yamada has posed:
Dory shakes her head, then takes the Slasher's hand and presses it against Naru's arm. The knife hooks in. The pain subsides in the after a moment; the strange numbness of local anesthesia spreads in and around the cut.

The feeling of energy drain is familiar to Naru by now, surely; this drain is slower, and the well is deeper now that she's in henshin. Nevertheless, only about a fourth of Naru's energy has been drained when the Slasher grabs his wrist and carefully unhooks his blade, which retracts and scabs over instantly.

"I thought... we weren't going to meet professionally again," he rasps to Naru, voice scratched with ice. "Did... Adrien get out?"

Dory, clinging to his wrist, kicks at it, then points to Cat Noir.

"That... is a kitty man," the Slasher wheezes with as much dignity as he can manage.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh beter." Naru confirms as the knife settles in and the anesthesia envelopes the wound. She takes a slow breath, leaning into Chat Noir a moment as he settles the hand on her back. The comfort is welcome, even as the pain eases.

The drain sensation is very familiar and Naru is patient as the Slasher regains some strength. Life really.

"I must still feel like me." Naru comments with a flicker of a smile as the Slasher comments. "I was never opposed to meeting professionally." She looks at him, her eyes narrowing more critically. "Are you good? Did you get enough? It didn't feel like as much as usual."

There's a glance as Dory kicks him and then looks over to Chat Noir and then back to the Slasher. "Adrien is fine, thank you. That's Chat Noir, he's the one who melted the ice."

The horse is fairly well out of the barn, but Naru is making at least an effort to try and keep up the facade on Adrien's behalf.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir slides his arm half-around Naru while she finishes the whole situation. He does watch carefully though just in case the Ripper doesn't let go, or goes in for more, or any number of things. If she was helping him he'd like to believe that's not the case. Sometimes people did things they didn't really intend when they're half-out of it and hurting, though. So he watches just in case while keeping a protective arm around Naru.

A little bit of tension relaxes in him when it seems everything is working out. Right up until Ripper asks about Adrien.

Smile still in place, he lifts his free hand to waggle clawed fingers at Ripper with a broad grin. "Hi! Nice to meet you. Don't worry about Adrien, he got out and away in case your attacker came back." It's just automatic to say. Even if Dory may know the truth, he was *so used* to coming up with this kind of fib to cover for himself. It *was* a pretty thin lie, if Dory wanted to tell him the truth though. It's still worth a shot.

"Sorry about how I had to give you some coffee. It was the only way I could think to melt ice in a pinch." One clawed fingertip taps to his lips. "If it helps any, I'm French, we're used to kissing!" He jokes. "Not that it was really a kiss. More mouth-to-mouth." He adds after, explaining further, "I couldn't let Naru do that part."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"It's enough to get me back on my feet," the Slasher croaks, "I don't want to risk draining too much; my self control with draining is crap after I die. If Baja Blast Bitch comes back, we need someone who can take her out and even if I did a full drain, I couldn't cut it. And someone has to tell Usagi and Sailor Moon that Beryl's latex bunny ran off with Prince Enderman," and his face scrunches up in rage and humilmiation and pain, at how easily he went down. At how weak he was, in the face of that sheer power. That he couldn't save anyone...

"The coffee's fine," he tells the kitty man. "I'd rather do that than wait for it to melt - urk," and his face flushes purple as Adrien brings up kissing. The Slasher pulls his hood over his face and replies, muffled: "It's fine. CPR's totally normal and Naru definitely deserves better than dealing with that. It's fine, it's fine!"


....wait a second. He peeks out of his hood at the gesticulating Dory, then looks at Cat Noir again with a calculating eye. "Did we.... see each other's faces?"

(He'd seen Cat Noir's transformatoin as he was passing out. He had the dots, but with the sanctity of secret identities, should he push it?)

Naru Osaka has posed:
"... Baja Blast Bitch?" Naru pulled that question out of the conversation with the Slasher. She pauses a moment and then more of his words sink in. "Wait.. who took Prince Endymion? and took him /where/?"

The points about kissing are, momentarily, not Naru's focus. "Chat Noir thought of it first. I'm hardly squeamish about mouth to mouth. At least it was good coffee." Not that his lungs appreciated the flavour or anything.

Naru lets Chat Noir deal with the questions about seeing what, exactly and who and where.

"If .. Baja Blast Bitch..comes back, I'm fresh and uninjured. Although she sounds like a nasty fight."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir hesitates. Green cat eyes dip down to the ground with a look of discomfort himself as more questions are raised. The attempt to ease the tension a bit by distracting with what had happened didn't really seem to help. There were too many questions that needed answers right now that 'Cat Noir' wouldn't know the answer to.

He lifts his gaze back to Naru looking at her with a near pleading expression as if she might be able to save him from the situation. She couldn't though.

"...I'd be breaking a promise," he utters with voice nearly cracking from the weight of his guilt. He had promised Ladybug he wouldn't let anyone else know! It was accidental though! His ears droop visibly, and his shoulders sag. "But it's more important that we find Mamoru. That's... That's the priority right now."

Finally he looks back up to the Ripper trying so desperately to hide in his hood giving a single nod. Without a word at first he extends a hand toward him, holding it as if to offer a handshake. "Thank you for trying to save me. Only Naru knows my identity otherwise. It's *very* important no one else know. I think maybe it's just as important for you, too?" He offers with a hopeful smile. "So what say we have each others backs on keeping this quiet? Deal?" The hand hovers there as if prepared to shake on the 'deal' of keeping each others secret.

It's a moment before he continues on. "I don't know who it was, but she said she was taking him to Queen Beryl," he informs looking back to Naru with worry. "We should tell Usagi and the others right away."

Taro Yamada has posed:
The Slasher slowly nods as the kitty - as Adrian offers his deal, and then reaches out and shakes his hand. "Then I don't know anything and I didn't see nothing," he tells Cat Noir. "I'm a villain, not a snitch. The Back Street Slasher doesn't work for Obsideon, anyway, and the other relevent person is off the clock and thus not going to say anything. Especially after that stunt."

He is off! The! Clock! He is out of cares to give!

He sits up with a groan, coughing a couple times - his throat's going to be scratchy for a while, and there's no telling how he's gonna feel as a human. UUUgh.

"Baja Blast is a blue monster lady with water powers who works for Queen Beryl - I never got her name, you're lucky I picked up the prince stuff with everything that's been going on," he tells Naru. "Last month, after she kidnapped a kid to use as monster fuel, she cornered Mamoru during a fight to ask him if he was Tuxedo Guy or Prince Enderman. He lied well enough to get her off his back then, but she must have figured out he's both of them now. She was threatening to drown everyone at school if he didn't cooperate. Baja Blast probably took him to Beryl, though I don't know if she'd be at the main Obsideon building or at a seperate, more secure area. Since I saw Beryl on TV blow up a bank because she couldn't have Prince Enderman, I'm guessing whatever stupid scheme she has going is going to kick into high gear."

He is not in the loop, he has not been in the loop, but he's picked up enough of what's going on to put some pieces together.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm sorry, Kitty." Naru murmurs at the mention of broken promises, reaching her hand out to settle gently on Chat Noir's shoudler. She nods as they come to an agreeement on who knows what.

Naru helps the Slasher to sit up as he groans and then she's groaning too. "Thetis. Dammit." She frowns deeply, a little grumble in the back of her throat. "I should have punched her harder." Immaterial of the fact that unpowered Naru wasn't going to manage any more punch than she did at the time. Now? Now would be different.

"Well.. that is so many layers of not good." Naru settles back on her heels where she's kneeling, taking in everything the Slasher and Chat Noir just said. "Yeah, we need to let Sailor Moon know." Naru is already reaching for her phone. Which isn't in this outfit. "Okay.. how do you /cope/ with your pockets going away!?"

Clearly someone is still getting the hang of being in henshin.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir shakes Ripper's hand firmly with a nod of easy agreement, and relief at having it agreed upon. "You'd be surprised how little I know!" He quips self-depreciatingly. Even if it weren't true he could certainly play up being the ignorant blonde model if he needed to.

He bounces back up to his feet easily, reaching out to offer a hand to both of them to help them up. When Naru starts to look for her phone he shrugs. "Some people seem to have a way to keep things in an invisible space or pocket. My staff doubles as most other things for me," he explains. To prove his point he reaches back to grasp his staff which was in it's small, foot long form tucked against the back of his belt. A tap of a claw to a button on it causes it to slide open revealing a little screen and what appeared to be a dial pad. "Miraculous Phone. Also keeps some first aid items in the top," he gestures at it. "I'm not sure about your magic but you could check your sword hilt?"

A look over her thoughtfully causes him to think. "Or just reach behind you while thinking really hard about your phone and see if you 'grab' something? I don't know."

Taro Yamada has posed:
His hands are huge and cool and dry in theirs; between the two of them, he's up and stable, picking carefully at his own phone as Dory watches from his shoulder. He really should text his boss, but uh. She's gonna kill him. On account of picking a fight with one of Beryl's people. SO maybe in a few minutes,,,,

"I made sure my outfit has lots of pockets," the Slasher adds and opens his cloak, revealing many pockets tucked away both inside and out. "Can you adjust yours any?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I.. hunh." Naru considers Chat Noir's suggestion about checking her sword and then the Slasher's mention of fussing with pockets. "I.. I don't know." She shakes her head a little. "I'm not fussing with it right now."

Changing back is always so much easier, and for the moment, so much more comfortably familiar. It's not like they both dont' know who she is alreayd, nor does she have any grasp whatsoever about hidden identities. She's never had to worry about it.

Now it's just normal Naru and she can dig into a pocket for her phone. "Alright. Texting Sailor Moon, and Usagi." She starts listing off the people who need to know. "Kyouka. Although once Sailor Moon knows, the planet should know in short order."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir nods solemnly while tucking the staff behind his back again where it belonged when he wasn't currently using it to sassily lean against, or fight with. A step is taken behind Naru to lean his chin down on her shoulder watching as she gets her phone out and ready. His arms loop around her lightly as he just drapes over her far too comfortable sharing her personal space now that he wasn't going to be questioned about 'hey isn't that Adrien's girlfriend?'

"She does have quite the group list prepared. Do you need to go to her?" He asks with some concern. "I know she's your roommate and friend." He'd only be sliiightly jealous she'd have to leave, but he would understand.

Looking back to Ripper he does offer, "If you *do* need more uh, energy, I could offer but I warn you I don't really know how to take this suit off and I was a bit hurt otherwise. Just so long as it's not a serious cut."

Taro Yamada has posed:
They're cute friends. Maybe he should make them a cake. He suspects he's going to be stress baking a lot more the rest of this week, anyway. There's no way he can go back to work, not when Thetis would Baja Blast him into the next century if she saw his face again. "My boss is gonna kill me," he groans, and presses his phone to his forehead. "I can henshin back to normal if you two need me to." A pause. "Possibly I should go to the hospital. That's what normal people do when they're injured, right? Getting blood like this will help some but I shouldn't take enough to fix it all." His, his ribs... His poor ribs... He should probably check if they're broken...

He looks to Cat Noir, eyes huge. "Really? are you sure? I can tak it from anywhere that has a half inch of bare skin, or I can cut through the fabric if it'll.. fix itself? My cloak always comes back if it gets messed up in a fight. The cuts I leave heal up really fast."

Naru Osaka has posed:
There's a measure of utter comfort in having Chat Noir draped over her tiny form as Naru focuses on her phone. "Sailor Moon and Usagi know. Prevailing sentiment is that Sailor Moon is going to kill her. Not sure if that's Thetis or Beryl, but either is fine by me."

Naru shakes her head a little to Chat Noir's offer to go to Usagi. "I will shortly but not until you guys are settled." She looks over to the Slasher. "You can snag more from me if you want. Hospitals ask a whole lot of very awkward questions to those of us who don't heal at normal rates." She looks to Chat Noir and arches a brow. "How hurt are you?" She asks pointedly. "You need your energy for your own healing too, dont' forget. But perhaps a bit of both of us might at least get your ribs settled."

Naru has great and grave sympathy for broken ribs. They /suck/.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir purses his lips together while his eyes narrow to slits as he thinks. Hard. About how injured he is. He's still draped around Naru as if he'd forgotten he'd taken up that position in the first place. Finally he lets out a small breath, "Nothing broken but I'm going to be bruised up for awhile. I'm going to have to come up with a good excuse for that," he remarks dryly.

His head turns to press a kiss to Naru's cheek a single time before standing up straight again, and stretching his arms overhead. "Got plenty of energy right now, but I can't hold onto Plagg for long without letting him recharge, either. I mean. I could go for quite awhile-" he admits, "But that would be very mean to Plagg. I'm running off his energy right now."

That causes him another moment to pause. "Plagg is the Kwami of Destruction. I'm not entirely sure I'd be, uh, 'tasty' in a healthy way? But I have been drained of energy before so I know it's possible."

He fidgets, breifly with his gloves trying to peel one off only to 'ah ha!' as it does successfully come off. A bare hand raises with fingers wiggling. "There we go. Otherwise I'd have to see if there's a zipper under my bell." You know. That big bell at his neck.

Grinning brightly he holds his hand out again. "If it helps. Naru says you're okay, and I trust her judgement. Besides, you've done nothing but help so far."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I was just going to skip school for the rest of the week," the Slasher confesses. "I"m going to be calling in sick to work, so I may as well be sick to school, too. Thetis slammed me into the wall pretty hard and I don't want to answer questions about the bruising." His entire side's going to be purple and green. Ugh.

"If you're ok with it, I'll take you up on that," the Slasher tells Cat Noir. "I don't want to deal with the hospital, and I don't think a being of destruction is going to make me sicker than when I ate all the monsters in a witch's labrynth. I'm a being of destruction! It'd probably taste good."

He takes Adrien's hand and feels around for a good spot, finding a meaty spot on the edge of his palm and pressing a tiny knife in; there's a sting like getting a splinter and then numbness.

"I am a villain, but Beryl messed with," his boss, his teacher, his savior, "one of my allies so I'd rather see her go down than get up to anything. Her teen stalking and child kidnapping pisses me off. Villains are supposed to be cool!"

A pause, and: "Cheesecake. Savory cheesecake, with some kind of dried fruit, and smokiness that's a little bitter at the edge. That's what Plagg's energy tastes like."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Sailor Moon wants to know if Endy was hurt?" Naru is still typing on her phone, clearly chatting with Sailor Moon about the whole kidnapping situation. "Try not to hurt Plagg either." She cautions.

There's a glance over to Slasher and Naru nods. "Bruises hide pretty well, but not if you are too sore to move easily. Ribs hurt like a absolute nightmare. If you can pick, heal those up first. Bruises stop stinging pretty quick." Because Naru has Opinions about injuries. More than is sane, really.

"You're hardly the first villian I've worked with, but you seem to be honourable." Naru lifts her attention from her phone. "And I did mean that, even if I clearly didn't make it clear last time. If you need energy, just contact me and see if I can do it."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Bruised ribs are pretty awful too. Cracked is worse though," Cat Noir has to agree quietly. The little stab to the fleshy part of his hand is endured with only a little hiss instinctively. He doesn't pull away or jerk his hand back though. He was genuine about the offer. It wasn't a HUGE injury anyway, and that odd little anesthetic feeling seems to help a bit.

Rolling his head to the side he bats his eyes at Naru. "Aw did you hear that? I'm cheesecake!" He offers jovially. "That does make sense though. Plagg does love his cheese."

The question of Endy being hurt earns a somber expression. A slow breath is drawn. "She was drowning him. I saw her punch him right before he passed out, took the air right out of him." Which meant he had drowned. Indeed. "I'm pretty sure he's alive. Just. Yes, he's hurt."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Now that Naru's magic, her magic tastes - it's cold and a little like charcoal but it's also sweet and fruity. Like a shaved ice for grown ups," the Slasher reports. "You two have no idea how bad blood tastes in comparison."

Wait. What? "You'd let me - are you sure?" the Slasher stutters. "I mean, yes?" He is bamboozled. Flabbergasted. Stunned, even. No one's ever just - offered!

Though he too sobers up when Naru asks if Mamoru was hurt. "She grabbed him pretty roughly. She used a water attack on the both of us, a bubble of water around our faces; on me, it cut off my air and forced its way into my lungs, but I don't know if she'd risk hurting her hostage that much," the Slasher reports. "Drowning's a nasty way to go. Dory's making sure the healing goes to the right places," and the little doll dabs, "so if nothing else, my ribs should be fixed up."

And anything else internal that got knocked about. The blood is supposed to stay inside, after all!

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Of /course/, you're cheesecake." Naru comments over to Chat Noir with a flash of a soppy affectionate grin. D'aww. The pair of them are sweet.

There's a blink as Slasher describes her magic. Even the notion of her HAVING magic is a new one to her. "I.. wow.. that's fascinating." She nods at his stutter. "I can't promise every time, but its easier on me if it's smaller top ups rather than when you're mostly dead. But drain really doens't bother me much anymore."

Naru mmms softly. "Keeping your hostage in pretty good shape is important. Fingers crossed they remember that."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir grins large and toothy at Naru, quite pleased that she agrees with him being cheesecake. Even if it's a silly thought and usually guys were refered to as 'beefcake'. It didn't bother him though. So long as she was the one admiring him!

So sappy.

"You're going to have to tell me *all* about this new you, as well," he points out to Naru. "You looked so awesome!" He's practically gushing, and already starting to think of asking to see how she can fight with the sword. He knew she was getting better!

But he was also getting a bit tired from the draining, even if he still had plenty of energy regardless. The joking slows a bit. "Honestly? I'm more worried he had changed into Prince Endymion before he was taken. He told me once that Beryl was desperately searching for a Prince. I'm fairly certain that was him. So right now, she has what she was looking for."

His head shakes, and he sighs. "We should probably head to my room for awhile. I can change, clean up a bit. Try that coffee you brought. We can figure out what to do."

Looking earnestly toward Ripper he remarks. "Thank you again for your help. I know you must be in a tough situation right now since you work for Obsidian too. We'll try to keep your name out of things as much as possible."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I told you you were magic!" the Slasher points out. "I'm always correct," and he preens. "The cool and refreshing power of a mysterious knight!"

He looks so pleased despite, you know, the possibility they'd have to fight later.

He carefully unhooks his blade from Adrien; the cut seals and scabs over at once, still numb to the touch. "That Plagg guy has got to be powerful. It's like trying to drink the ocean. That'll definitely fix my ribs and then some." He's gonna be green instead of purple, the bruises partially healed, he suspects.

"Thanks for keeping me out of it. If you have to, use the Slasher - I've kept him as far away from Obsideon stuff as possible; I did not spend all this time trying to build a reputation for them to trash it for - you know, stalking teenagers and stuff."

He's not Edward Twilight! He's got standards for his villainy!

"Mind if I tag along? I need to work up the nerve to tell my boss I did the one thing I wasn't supposed to do and picked a fight with Beryl's squad. I can bring..."

His eyes unfocus, then narrow.

"My fruit basket! She probably blew up my fruit basket! I spent two weeks making a romantic fruit basket for him to share with all the people he's dating AND an engagement cake for Usagi and she blew it up!"