1975/Reflection on a Gift

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Reflection on a Gift
Date of Scene: 28 September 2024
Location: Club Building
Synopsis: Cure Daybreak, Sayaka and Madoka go meet Blue to see if he can give Sayaka new powers. Discussions about obstructive rules and the nature of magic powers ensue.
Cast of Characters: Mio Morita, Sayaka Miki, Madoka Kaname

Mio Morita has posed:
Cure Daybreak has been in contact with Sayaka and she had set up a good time to meet with Blue. Of all the things Daybreak thought she would be doing as a Pretty Cure, Recruiting wasn't one of them. She wheels a tall object covered by a white cloth for safety into the Hero Club room. The Hero Club room of course has the usual stuff on the walls and such. Some motivational posters hang on the walls. On Above an old chalk board, hangs the 6 Hero Club Tenets: Give People a good Greeting; Try not to give up; Sleep Well, Eat Well; If you're troubled talk to someone!; You're likely to succeed if you try; Don't push yourself and make sure you're happy as well! On the chalk board is a few plans including finding homes for kittens.

Once Daybreak is in the room, she rolls the Mirror to the front of the room in front of the chalk board. She quickly draws the drapery off of what is a body length mirror. Its clean and clear without imperfections. Whoever owns the mirror takes good care of it. With that, Daybreak sits down on one of the desks and awaits the arrival of the bluenette that is scheduled to arrive. She doesn't draw Blue's attention yet. Not yet. She wants to wait until Sayaka is here to do that. After all, seeing Blue appear from a mirror is always a really cool thing to see.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka is not far behind, she has just been talking with Madoka along the way about what is about to happen, not really because her friend needs to hear it (she has known about this for a while already), but because despite this being the second time she would meet someone who would give her powers and having a bit of a career as a magical girl already, she can't help but be tense over it, almost like a end of the year exam.

They had agreed to meet in the Hero Club room, and when she enters she gives a brief glance to the Hero Tenets. She had always liked them, although she'd really been terrible about following... just about all of them. That is a thing of the past, though. "Hey, Cure Daybreak. I hope you haven't been waiting too long", Sayaka raises a hand as soon as she sees the magical girl. "That's the mirror you are going to use to call Blue, then?" she focuses on the tall reflective surface.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka is here mostly to support Sayaka, and Kamiko is draped over her Chara Bearer's head. After all, it was Hope Concept who made it so that the bluenette was no longer a Puella Magi. As much as Kyubey's Contract didn't really work out for her, Madoka knows that her childhood friend wouldn't want to give up on being a magical girl completely. Maybe this Blue person could offer her a better deal?

    As they enter the Hero Club room, Madoka thinks back to a few of the members she had met before, and considers for a moment the list of Tenets. They seem... well intentioned, at least. She has to wonder who would write such a list of rules. Probably someone kind of sweet.

    Seeing Cure Daybreak, Madoka smiles and says, "Hello! Hope you don't mind if I tag along." She then glances towards the mirror. Blue can be summoned through the looking glass, apparently?

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles and gives a wave to Sayaka and then to Madoka. "This is indeed the mirror. Its actually my Mirror. I brought it here so I don't give away my identity... again." She blushes a little. She looks toward Madoka and smiles to her. She gives her a wave. "You must be Madoka. Sayaka has mentioned you." She looks at the two and smiles. "I don't mind you being here. Blue-sama is pretty chill as long as I don't give out my identity. Don't need that kind of thing to happen. I already did that once and ugh. I got told about it. Blue-sama doesn't really yell."

She then turns to the mirror. "There really isn't some crazy ceremony to this. She smiles and taps the mirror three times. "Thats it. He should appear pretty quickly. He doesn't exactly keep us waiting."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka looks a bit curious when Daybreak brings up an incident with her identity, but she doesn't ask anything about it, and instead she looks at Ula, sitting on her shoulder who had looked quite surprised that getting to Blue didn't require a particularly sumptuous mirror, but the practicality of travel might beat receiving high honours. "What are you thinking?" The fairy mermaid pats her bag. "Just that if this goes well, I may be decorating Daybreak's mirrors with jewels as thanks", she replies hesitatingly. Maybe Daybreak likes her mirror her is.

When the Pretty Cure knocks three times, Eventually, the room stops appearing in the glass of the mirror, and looking would give you back a shining surface, not even showing your own reflection. Just like Daybreak said however, Blue is quick to appear, an handsome man that wouldn't seem anything but mundane were it not for the fact he has just walked out of a mirror. He is wearing simple blue pants with a partially unbuttoned white shirt, hardly anything that would betray his status. "Daybreak, still the same room. Have you been doing well?"

"Are you the one inquiring to be a Pretty Cure?" Blue asks next, his bright ocean blue eyes setting on Sayaka after passing over Madoka. His question is really though just a formality: Chara Guardian aside, he can tell that Madoka is already using her potential. He runs a hand through his hair of the same colour as his eyes, looking a bit amused after taking in Sayaka's similar colour scheme.

"I see you have had a complicated history with magic", he notes placidly. "You had met the Wish granter, but now you are not working for that fuzzy one any more. Those who meet with him do tend to have a bit of a difficult life", he remarks, his face showing a bit of interest before turning to Madoka placidly. "A Chara Bearer with an unusual Chara Guardian. What brings you here? Do you need help with something?"

Sayaka was warned about his unassuming air, but not about his inquisitive eyes and demeanor, and can't help but be slightly flustered about it. "Ah, yes, that is me. I don't know what I should do to get you to consider it, but I am ready to pass any test."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Kamiko glances over to Ula, though she doesn't comment on the matter of decorating the mirror. The divine fairy sits up a bit more properly as Blue enters the room via mirror, though she's still sitting on Madoka's head so it's not really that proper.

    When addressed directly by Blue, Madoka shakes her head, gently so as to not throw off Kamiko, and says, "I'm just here with Saya-chan. I was the one who took her burden away, and her powers along with it, so I wanted to support her in finding a new source of magic. Even if it's mostly just emotional support."

    Kamiko looks up at Blue and says, "Hi~! My name is Kamiko, and by Bearer's name is Madoka. It's nice to meet you!"

    She is, of course, being polite for the moment, but she's kindof curious to meet another god.

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles, "You know me Blue-sama. I am always hopeful that the next fight will be the last. How have you been? Still keeping an eye on everyone out there?" She asks as she looks between him and the mirror. She smiles and then looks at Sayaka. "This is Sayaka, Blue-sama. She is the one."

The door opens suddenly and in flies a fairy carrying a tray filled with baked goods. "Hello! Sorry I'm late. Someone wanted me to bring these goodies. They were hand made! Don't worry I made sure they were safe and yummy!" Pin burps a little burp and giggles, blushing. "Excuse me." She flies the tray over and sets it down in front of Sayaka and Madoka.

Daybreak returns to a desk and sits down. She gives a little smile to Blue, Sayaka, and Madoka. She looks to her fairy and grins, "Thank you, Pin." She looks at Sayaka and Madoka, "This is Pin. She is the fairy who helps me out. She doesn't do a lot but she does deliver goodies very well." She then looks at Ula and snickers, "If you want to decorate my mirror I wouldn't mind one bit. I don't get much time to decorate stuff. I am always doing things to try to help people. You know... Gotta give people hope." She winks happily.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Blue's piercing gaze seems much more interested on Madoka when she mentions she is the one responsible for unraveling Sayaka's contract. "I cannot expect the fuzzy one will be happy about that, but I do not see him posing an actual danger to you or to those you know. The greatest danger may come from yourself, I surmise", he notes.

A gentle smile is returned to Kamiko for her enthusiastic greeting. "A pleasure meeting you, Kamiko and Madoka. It is thanks to you that we are able to meet, and I hope you feel at home during today's meeting," he observes the food Pin has brought over, just giving the fairy an expressive glance over the lack of manners. "Thank you for providing this for our guests, Daybreak."

Blue nods at Mio in response. "Good to know you feel well. I am constantly keeping my eyes on Obsidian", is his reply to the Pretty Cure. He focuses on Sayaka next, looking serious at her. "There isn't really a test, Sayaka. I am going to just give you a Love Crystal, and see whether you can get it to awaken", Blue says, raising a pink jewel, but not giving it yet.

"Keep in mind the Pretty Cures following me must not fall in love, Sayaka. Can you do this?" Taken aback, Sayaka's eyes follow the gem, a complex expression showing up on her face, looking like she is fighting with herself on this matter. But she ends with a nod. Her path with love has been disastrous, and maybe this is for the best. "I will follow that rule", she replies with a respectful nod.

Ula nods quickly at Daybreak giving her permission. "Thank you then", the tiny mermaid says, looking more sure over herself. "I will make it really beautiful.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Kamiko, ever the glutton, lights up as soon as snacks are brought up. As the tray is set down before her, she flies down from Madoka's head to nibble on a treat. Madoka, similarly, reaches down to take something off the tray, but before eating she says, "Thank you, Pin!" before nibbling.

    Kamiko also remembers to say thanks, but... only after her mouth is full.

    Madoka listens as Blue goes over the One Rule. He'll give her a Love Crystal, but... she can't fall in love? The pink girl quietly wonders what the meaning behind this is, but... then after a moment realizes that she's letting her past history with Kyubey cloud her judgment around new granters of power. Still though, that's not really a rule that Madoka could follow, but Sayaka's experiences have been a bit different.

    "So... no dating?" asks Kamiko, voicing the concerns her Bearer wont. "Is there a particular reason for that?"

    On the topic of Ula decorating things, Kamiko says, "I bet you'd like it! She's given me gems before. They're really pretty!"

Mio Morita has posed:
Cure Daybreak goes quiet. She doesn't have a lot to contribute to the conversation at hand. Her leg work is done. She quietly looks into the mirror and begins getting lost in thought. Pin flies over to her and lands in her lap. She quietly pets Pin on the head and they both look into the mirror at their own respective reflections. "Have you thought about your wish, Daybreak-chan?" Pin inquires as she considers the cards that have been collected.

Daybreak seems to get lost in thought. She thinks long and hard about the wish and she sighs. "I know what I want but I don't think it would work. No I want to just... Ugh!" She shakes her head. "Its so hard to explain."

She looks up a moment as she snaps out of her daze. "Oh umm. I don't doubt it. I can't wait to see your work, Ula-san." She smiles happily.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I won't disappoint, and I will start working on it right away", the mermaid fairy exclaims, starting to float around the mirror excitedly and memorising all of its details.

Blue's expression is this mix of gentle and resolute as he answers Kamiko. "No dating", he confirms. "I appreciate that Sayaka is willing to follow my rule, because it is a necessity, Kamiko. Love is often a distraction and a potential danger. I am not doing it to be cruel even if you may find it unfair", he remarks. He doesn't mention that the Love Crystal has gotten that moniker before he chose to implement that rule, and he is going to elaborate any further than this.

"It's ok, Kamiko", Sayaka intervenes, picking one of the cookies Pin brought and giving it to her as bribe/distraction. "He is not really wrong about that. Thank you, Blue", she adds for the Love Crystal. "I understand the fuzzy one has been problematic, and that makes some decision suspicious, but it is a fact I only want the best for my Pretty Cures, and I ask that you respect my decision even if you cannot share it", he says as he hands over the Crystal to Sayaka.

"I have two more things to give you, one a necessity, the other a gift", he announces to the room of girls, looking at Madoka and at Sayaka. She gives a small caress on Ula's head, and almost impercetibly energy flows into her. "I do not wish for one of my fairies to get in the way of the bond you have formed, so should Sayaka awaken the Love Crystal, you will find that you are able to create PreCards, just like Pin can", he smiles at Ula. A look of strong surprise appears on Ula's face and she bows frantically to the God. "Thank you very much", she exclaims.

"The gift is something that Daybreak also has", Blue starts explaining, producing two phones. "I prepared these for you two. It's called a Cure Line. You will be able to make video calls with others who also have it, but it won't be able to replace your phones", he warns, handing one to the pinkette and one to the bluenette. "Doesn't this sound great, Madoka-chan?", Sayaka says, smiling brightly at her.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Kamiko considers Blue's response. The bribe offered by Sayaka is... considered, but Kamiko isn't as easily distracted by food or toys as she used to be. The lack of dark energy and all the negativity that comes with it means that she's not only a happier person but a more principled one, even if her principles are based more upon her own Chara mindset than anything a human would consider. It isn't until Madoka speaks that she decides to relent on her suspicion. "It's okay as long as Saya-chan agrees, right? Besides, I think we've both seen just how crazy love can get. Especially when it goes wrong, but even when it goes right. It's not that unfair."

    Kamiko thinks, taps her chin, and then eventually takes the cookie. "Saya-chan was told ahead of time, and she agrees to it, so I'm not going to complain on her behalf. She has every right to opt out of that kind of thing if she wants to." She'd probably complain louder if Sayaka wasn't so eager to agree to it, and the fact that Ula is getting included in this instead of left out actually mollifies her a bit.

    Madoka blinks as she's being offered a gift, and then she's handed a Cure Line. "Oh!" Having more magical comms is never a bad thing, so she looks it over for a moment before smiling at Blue. "Thank you so much!" Then she turns to Sayaka and says, "It does! Something like this can be a life saver."

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles. She just quietly enjoys seeing the two friends getting the cure lines. She doesn't have much to say really. Everything is being taken care of. She is there to be a friendly face at the moment. A diplomatic style mission is much different from the type she is usually on. She simply keeps on smiling. When she is mentioned by Blue as having a cure line. She reaches into one of her pouches and holds up her own cure line. She slips it back in the pouch next to her prechan mirror.

Her attention returns to the mirror. Her mind racing over wishes that she could make. There is no time limit. Why is this bothering her? Why now? She shakes her head trying to shake it off. Looking to the group she smiles a little. Not a word is said by her. She simply has nothing to add. If fighting techniques for taking down terribads were the topic, then she'd have something to say. Sadly they are not.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I am sorry if things got a little tense, but the important thing is an understanding was reached", Blue comments once Kamiko accepts it. He isn't sure what story Sayaka has had with love, he typically understands the pushback Kamiko has demonstrated, but it must be quite important to her if it has led her to accept his one rule. Still, he is walking away from this with a positive impression overall. It's always good to see how Daybreak is doing, and both Madoka and Sayaka seem to have a good head on their shoulders.

"I hope that was has come up so far has been enough, but I am wanted elsewhere for now. Daybreak, you are always welcome to contact me if something comes up. And I will make myself available for any more questions, Sayaka, Madoka", he bows politely to the three girls and associated fairies before stepping back into the mirror, and the reflective surface returns as it was, showing the Hero Club's room once more.

Ula goes back to Sayaka's side, having finished checking the mirror out. She hadn't thought about the reflection still being missing possibly meaning that she could have used it to go to where Blue came from. Now she wishes she actually had tried it. Sayaka meanwhile is looking down at the Love Crystal and Cure Line she is holding. She doesn't really regret accepting, but her worry now is about how to get this Crystal to become a Pretty Change Mirror and what kind of powers will emerge within her if she does. "Thank you for bringing me here, Cure Daybreak, and thanks for being at my side, Madoka-chan", she addresses the two magical girls. "I think this will be great."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Kamiko shakes her head at Blue's apology. "It's not your fault. We're just a bit cautious, because of our history with the fuzzy one you mentioned."

    As Blue is leaving, Madoka and Kamiko bow back. Once he's gone, the pink bearer turns to Sayaka and responds to her with a smile, "I'm sure it will be! We're happy to be here with you for this. So..." Madoka taps her chin, looking at the Love Crystal. "... how are you supposed to get it to awaken? Is there a henshin phrase? Do you have to make a wish or something?"

    Kamiko hovers nearby while slowly nibbling on a cookie. After swallowing she asks, "What kinds of powers do you think you'll get? Do you think you'll have swords again?"

    Madoka giggles as she adds, "I wonder if your powerset will be like Cure Euterpe's. I remember her henshin sequence was pretty elaborate, actually."

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak gives a wave, "See you later, Blue-sama. It was good seeing you again." She smiles and just kinda goes quiet for a few minutes. "Sorry my mind is just kinda crazy right now. I gotta get myself together." She looks at the two and smiles to them. "I'm glad you want to be in the fight, Sayaka-san."

Then there is the question. "Well, the Love Crystal will hopefully transform when the decision to fight is made, during an attack by the Phantom Empire usually." She smiles and shrugs. "I didn't exactly know how it happened. I was kinda helping some people when the Phantom Empire attacked. Oresky was the attacker. Some strange blue haired man with piercing blue eyes gave me the love crystal which I had no clue what it was. I wanted to help protect people and bring hope to them. The next thing I knew I felt something change and there it was. My Prechan Mirror and my first Precards. Cure Lovely explained what I should do and I did. Next thing I knew I was Cure Daybreak and I was in the fight."

She looks back into the mirror. Her reflection is much clearer now that Blue went through it again. "I Dunno what to do. Everything is confusing and I know what I wanted for a long while but now that I am closer I don't think that would work. I guess I could try it and see?" She sighs.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka doesn't really have an answer on how to awaken the Love Crystal when Daybreak explains it for them. "I guess I will be hanging around the fights from now and see if the Crystal starts responding Sayaka replies to Madoka. "Hmmm", Sayaka crosses her arms as she tries to think of a reply to Kamiko's questions. "I guess it is too much of a hope I will be getting my Labyrinth back, I have been missing its convenience these days", she half-jokes about it. "But at a guess maybe I will still make swords, and maybe get my regeneration back", she replies uncertaintly, really unsure about how that would work.

Cure Euterpe, the other her she never met. "I do like the musical terms that her attacks used, it would be quite cool if I get something like that. Hmm, my actual powers are going to be different, at a hunch. I don't have Eu-Eu and that Apollo guy to get powers from. "So the water run and the fire blade are a no, probably the rest as well." A though hits her. Going by memory, she doesn't remember Euterpe was ever hit. "Madoka-chan, did she have my regeneration?"

"Of course I want to be in the fight! I still want to help people just as much", Sayaka grins at Daybreak before she tilts her head at the Pretty Cure's pensive figure. "What are you confused by?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka listens as Daybreak recalls what the Bearer assumes to be the start of her magical career. As Daybreak expresses some of her doubts, Madoka makes a nervous glance off to the side. "Funny how it's easy to want something when it's far away, but get nervous or doubtful when it's right in front of you."

    Kamiko offers, "Well, I still have mine, if you need a place to store things. It's a lot roomier than it used to be." At the mention of Eu-Eu, Kamiko looks at Ula. "I wouldn't be surprised if it had some kind of subtle mermaid theme, but I guess we wont know until we see."

    On the topic of regeneration, Madoka considers, "You know... I'm not sure. Maybe? It's been a really long time. I don't recall her taking any big hits, but maybe she actually did and shrugged it off so quickly that I never noticed?"

    Shrugging, Madoka says, "I guess it's too late to ask. Either way, we'll have to see what powers you have when you transform. We'll find out the next time you get into a fight I guess."

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles, "Our powers tend to be Physical and then Energy. Physical because we get enhanced strength, speed, agility, dexterity and so on. Basically we can get up close and personal with a terribad and knock it on its butt with just punches and kicks. Then there are energy attacks. Mine take on a fiery aspect cause my powers lean towards the sun. But for those we turn the dial on our prebrace and call out an attack. They are limited by our imagination really. Besides, Punches are how Precures say Hello." She giggles a little bit.

Then she turns to Sayaka and sighs. "I'm thinking about my wish. Or what I want to wish for. I guess I knew what I wanted to wish for for so long that I didn't really think of the mechanics of it. How can a wish, even a big one make someone like me a Princess. I'm just a commoner who wants to bring hope to the world." She sighs. "I dunno what I could possibly wish for to better do that. I figured that being a Princess would extend my reach and allow me to bring hope to others on a larger scale."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka smiles. "Yeah, I remember you mentioning it. You got a total makeover there. I will definitely remember to ask you when you are around, thanks, Kamiko!" Though she never actually entered the small version, so she has no idea how much it expanded. She was either using her own, or Hope Witch's."

"There is nothing rushing you, right?" Sayaka observes to Daybreak. "You will find your wish! And until then you can help people the usual way. While I will have to start getting boxing lessons apparently." She doesn't really see herself punching things, but maybe that will be different once she actually becomes a Pretty Cure.

"I guess I will be getting water powers then. It just follows me around", Sayaka comments, following Kamiko's gaze towards Ula. "You got plenty of that on your own, I don't feature in that", the fairy replies. "That is kind of true", Sayaka considers.

Oktavia was always like that, and she doesn't think Ula could influence that. Maybe she should ask Madoka if her Witch was always a mermaid even in timelines without Ula. Though her childhood friend is right that they are probably getting an answer on her powers soon, anyway, and it's also time to go. "Ok, I am going to head to my dorm now, see you tomorrow", Sayaka waves at the other two before walking out.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    "It's a lot less gloomy, too," mentions Madoka, on the subject of Kamiko's Labyrinth. "We'll have to show you sometime."

    Kamiko crosses her arms and looks at Daybreak. "If I've learned anything from all this, it's not to rush making a wish. Especially if you only get one!"

    Madoka isn't sure what to think about Sayaka's powerset or how it could change. There was never any guarantee that one timeline would be anything like the others. Before she can really comment, Sayaka says that it's time to go. The pink girl cups her Chara in her hands and says, "Well, then we should probably go too. We should try calling each other on the Cure Lines later!"

    With a smile Madoka turns to Daybreak and says, "I guess we'll probably meet again when something bad happens, though you might not recognize me in the moment. See you around!"

    She then walks out shortly after Sayaka.