2003/A Late Afternoon Run

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A Late Afternoon Run
Date of Scene: 17 October 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Miho invites Laura out for a trail run. While the pair run, Laura and Miho do a bit of girl talk. Mostly Laura teasing Miho.
Cast of Characters: Miho Inada, Laura La Mer

Miho Inada has posed:
    Well, its late afternoon, and well, Miho decided that the school track just wasn't enough for her running. She had invited Laura to come with her on a trail run sometime, and well, she called Laura up for it. The woman is wearing a sweatsuit outfit. A sweatshirt hoodie and sweat pants with a small necklace with a dolphin and a magnifying glass on it. She does have a towel with her. The woman doesn't have any makeup or perfume on. Her appearence though? Miho seems to be full of energy, and postivly giddy/glowing.

    As for the trail itself? Since Miho isn't sure how much trail running Laura has every done, given she's a mermaid, Miho picked a fairly easy level one. Not many changes in height, paved, and well lighted. And its only about a mile in a half oval with a few turns. Miho is lighty stretching at the start of it. The early fall chill is starting to hit, and well, Miho seems unaffected by it. Hopefully Laura isn't too affected by it either.

    Miho hooks up a small water bottle behind her back. She lightly hums happily to herself as she waits. It might of been a week, but well, Miho is still beaming from things. Hopefully Laura doesn't tease her too much!

Laura La Mer has posed:
For the occasion, Laura has simply worn a white shirt with a pink sweatjacket, azure jogging trousers and white and yellow sneakers. Just things she has looked up herself, because this is actually her first experience with jogging. She did run every once in a while, especially in her Precure form, but she has never actually heard of sustained running in her human form, so the fact Miho has picked an easy path is good news for the young mermaid.

She grimaces a bith when stepping foot outside to head at their meeting point, really annoyed that her human body isn't as resistant as her mermaid form. If only there was a way to run with it. At least her clothes are protecting her well enough.

Laura has been ok lately, bouncing back from the unnerving discovery related to Grand Ocean well enough after talking about it with Usagi, so when Miho sees her coming, the pinkette is her usual radiant and confident self.

"Hello, Miho-chan, I see you are really happy today", she waves at the other girl, peering at the jogging path in front of them. "Neat to know this is how you humans train. We don't really have anything like that back at Grand Ocean with their tails", she nods towards Miho. " So, anything I should keep in mind before we start?"

Miho Inada has posed:
    "Stretch. I'll help you with most of the stretches. Especially if this is your first time. I've been doing this since I was...maybe 8 years old? Maybe 9?", she tells. The woman smiles as she helps with the stretches. The woman keeps humming happily. "This isn't too much, so hopefully it won't push you too much. Plus I'll set the pace pretty lax. This track I would normally probably do about 90 percent my normal. I'll go 50 percent.", she tells. The woman smiles a bit.

    "And don't try to push too much. Find your pace, and get a good sweat going. It'll help keep you warm. I really don't notice too much about the tempture anymore since my transformation.", Miho tells. She smiles a bit more.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Ok!", Laura exclaims, wasting no time in following Miho's instructions, even if she is doing it fairly rigidly considering how little she is used to that. She releases a few breaths at the same time, the small clouds of hot air floating almost imperceptible into the air. "I really wish there was a way I could use my actual body for this", she complains lightly. "In that one, I could be dropped off at the poles and not feel anything uncomfortable.

"So, has anything new happened lately?", the pinkette smiles back at Miho just as she feels she is ready to actually start jogging.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho smiles a little bit as she starts the jog. She shakes her head a little bit. "Not too much. I mean, its been a good week. Kinda met up with Hino the other day, and well things were pretty good.", she says. The woman smiles a bit. "We did a little bit of shopping, and I got this necklace.", she shows as she keeps a fair pace for Laura.

    "And don't worry. After a little bit, you won't notice things.", she tells. The woman sucks in a deep breath. "Just think warm thoughts.", she tells. Miho's face turns bright red though, after she says that. She laughs a bit, and shakes her head. Miho coughs a little bit. "Have you been doing alright?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura raises an eyebrow at the almost circumspect way Miho is talking when addressing her meetup with Hinote. 'Kinda met up'? 'Well, things were pretty good'? Why is she so reluctant to acknowledge it happened? She really look happy about it, so the pinkette is doubting there is a lie involved.

"That's a really beautiful necklace", Laura observes the small dolphin with interest. "Did you find it yourself?", she passes a finger on the the charm, wanting it sway lightly. "Reminds me of one of the fairies at Grand Ocean. So, what would you say was the highlight of your hangout with Hinote-san?", she sets up her small trap with a small grin.

"I have been well lately, keeping track of the various homework for each subject and such", the pinkette explains to the other girl. "I have looking at the Perfume Ring we had found in the cave, but nothing so far."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a bit. "Yeah, when Hino and I were in the jewelry store, I found these charms, and the chain.", she tells. The woman coughs a little bit. "I'm hoping to find a few more charms for this.", she tells. Miho smiles a bit more as she watches Laura a bit. "That night kinda was a bit dreamy, so a part of me just wonders if I just dreamt it, but I have the necklace to prove it. The highlight? Oh thats easy, I kissed his cheek, and then we were walking arm in arm for most of the night. I got him a ring.", she tells. The woman blushes a little more.

    "I talked to Hino about going up in the mountains of the Gunma prefecture. I studied a bit about what I am. I'm gonna up there to see if there's others like me.", she says. The woman takes a moment. "Hino thinks it could be dangerious cause well, what I am, is primal.", she tells. "And he doesn't want to take the chance that we're not ready.", Miho tells.

    "No luck with the ring? Couldn't your Queen give you some answers with that?", she asks. The woman scratches her cheek. "Or is it one of those things where a magical animal is gonna tell you about it?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
The expression on Laura's face grows more involved the more Miho relays what has happened, touches of curiosities changing and mixing together into a satisfied look. It's a bullseye, the mermaid tells herself, putting together all the info she is being given.

"Kinda dreamy, huh? I see that, really. You look like you are about to take off for the clouds any second now", she nods grinning. "You have changed so much, just a few weeks ago you were the nervous new student, now you are already hunting for boys and putting a ring on them", Miho receives a wide smile paired with that joking tone.

The detail about the trip up the mountains gets ignored for now in favour of this sudden romantic onset. "So, let's hear it", she announces earnestly. "What do you feel for him? When did you first notice there was something? Do you know how he feels? Did he like the kiss?"

The questions about Laura's perfume ring earns Miho a shake of the pinkette's head. "I am going to bother her with something so unconclusive. And Kururun doesn't know anything she could tell me. But I know there has to be an important reason for everything, so I am not so worried."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho blinks a few times at the questions, and then starts to pick up the pace a bit! There's a bit of a blush there that makes her want to escape a little bit. "H-hey! He picked the ring!", she tells. The woman shakes her head a little bit as she pulls the water bottle out, and takes a swig from it. Miho sucks in a breath as she thinks about how to answer Laura's questions as she she runs.

    Miho looks away for a second. "He was blushing, and stunned when I kissed his cheek. As for how he feels, I'm not too sure. Kinda one of those things.", she tells. "I think he likes me, but I can't be sure.", she says.

    "I started noticing just before we went to Ultra.", she tells. "I just...couldn't say much then.", she tells. Miho plays with her necklace a little bit. That magnifying glass. She notices, and lets go quickly before running a bit more. "And I havn't really changed. Just...more open about myself now. And realizing a few things about being magical. The white rat of doom made me think about things a bit more.", she says.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Sure he did", Laura laughs when Miho becomes defensive over the purchase of the ring. "And he just let you buy that all of a sudden? You are quite bold, really, proposing even before you got a date", she prods her a bit more. She keeps up the rhythm of her jogs while Miho uses her water bottle to get a break.

"This is a great sign, Miho-chan! If you did that and he offered no pushback, there is something there! I would not let up now for any reason in the world. Have you already asked him for a next date?", Laura inquires happily.

A blink at the admission. "That has been a while ago, you have really been thinking it over", Laura puts a strand of her hair back in place. "And what you are listing are changes, so don't go say you are the same now. Changes are good, you are grasping what you can actually do", the mermaid smiles proudly.

Miho Inada has posed:
    "Well, he insisted on treating me to dinner. It was just hamburgers.", Miho tells. She shakes her head a little bit as she laughs. "And I havn't asked him about that yet. We've both been pretty busy.", she tells. The woman takes a moment to look at Laura before coughing though. "P-proposing?! Now whose reaching?!", she comments back.

    Miho watches Laura a bit. "Don't make me start summoning little snow bunnies to chase you.", she tells. "Or better yet...I have otters to chase you in the water now.", she tells Laura. Miho has been practicing though. "Yeah, well, you know how I am. I tend to keep thinks a little bit bottled up.", she tells. "And besides, on the wedding date, I'm gonna make you the Ring Girl.", she teases back! "Save you have to do it as a Mermaid.", she taunts. Miho laughs a little bit.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Certainly not me. I am not the one who put a ring on someone, that was all you, Miho-chan", the pinkette winks at the snow girl while they take a curve. "Take a few deep breaths, I want you alive at the end of our jogging", the mermaid gives that suggestion, ready to slow down and stop in case Miho needs it.

"You are talking about someone able to talk to otters, and the future Queen of Grand Ocean. I am pretty sure I can conquer the trust of your otters, then I will pamper and play with them!", Laura exhales with a decidedly amused intonation. She does already have an idea of how to gain their trust. She just need to show them the best shell they could hope to find for the operation: takeover.

"Fine, you are on!", Laura accepts her challenge. "I would do it amazingly, and nobody would be able to take their eyes off of me the whole time. What do you say?" she smirks, imterested if Miho is going to up the ante and actually being the change into the present.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho snickers a little bit as Laura talks about talking to otters. She smiles a bit. "You don't really want to test that one, Laura. These otters...don't care about playing or being pampered. They're Shikigami given form. To be honest, I've been sticking to smaller animals cause I'm a bit nervious that if I try to summon something bigger, I might not be able to control it. Shikigami are very hard to control, even when small. And very violent.", she tells honestly.

    Miho has been keeping pace. For her, the jog is pretty light, and she's not pushing anything. "Oh, what are you going to do for Halloween? Just walk around as a Mermaid, since you don't have to hide it?", Miho asks. She pushes the pace a little bit. "I havn't decided on what I'm gonna to do yet.", she tells.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura sounds unconvinced next and just laughs while the subects of her trying to corrupt the otters ends with that warning. She has never stopped looking assured. "I am sure that I would be able to do it even with that obstacle. Though, if you need me to act as emergency help in fending off a big animal in case it goes out of control, I am there to help you, Miho-chan."

"Am I not gonna get a challenge then?" Laura frowns a bit disappointed at then when Miho tries changing the subject. "I could go around as a mermaid, but it would be the lazy way out, no?", she muses. "I can do better than that."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho shakes her head at Laura a bit. "Honestly, I would like try, but like I said, Shikigami are violent by nature.", she tells. THe woman takes a moment to lean against a tree for a second. She lets out a soft breath. "I wonder if its cause we're both naturally curious about things that got my attention.", she says with a blush. The woman bites her lower lip a little bit as she holds her hands behind her back.

    "Sorry, I'm a little distracted. My mind is just buzzing a bit.", she tells. Miho blushes a bit as she watches Laura. "I mean, I still have to do whats needed to be done as a mahou, but still.", she tells. Miho blushes a bit.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Maybe you need to start taking some more photos", is Laura's suggestion when Miho thinks about what got the two of them to become closer. "That way you can show him any curiosity you met during the day", she smiles encouragingly at her blush. "For now, I would just relate it to him. If that is how you do things, you need to take the plunge. I will be there to comfort you on the bottom, especially if your plunge is in open water", she winks with a reassuring smile.

"Why don't you do something about it that if you are feeling tired?" Laura suggests the obvious. "I doubt consuming yourself like that is any useful", she brings up.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho laughs a little bit as she starts to jog again. "Take the plunge, huh?", she looks at Laura a moment. "Thats easy for a mermaid to tell, very hard for me to do.", the woman laughs as she moves ahead. "And I'm not so much tired. I'm more...how to say it...Nervious. Just that we live in a time where there's youma and youkai all over, and we just don't have the time to do things like, you know, date.", she tells.

    The woman sighs a bit. "I mean, I know you're gonna bop me, and tell me to just kiss the boy.", she teases Laura. Oh, she just did not go there with Laura! Yes, yes she did! The woman laughs as she starts to move a bit faster before Laura can get to her.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"I could help you get some training on that front. That would be something amazing to share. Not many have the opportunity to be trained by a mermaid", Laura states smirking proudly at that statement. "And you have all the time... Hey, wait!" she frowns when Miho starts distancing herself.

"Why the running away?", the mermaid exclaims. "Are you really that reluctant over kissing him?", she sighs with an annoyed expression. "Try not to think about it too much!" she yells, trying to play catchup with the better runner.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho laughs a bit. "Oh, Laura...You need to watch the movie, The Little Mermaid.", she tells. She takes a moment to turn around, and shakes her head. "I'm not worried about kissing him!", the woman tells. She smiles a bit at that. Miho offers a small smile. "I mean...", she blushes a bit.

    The young woman takes a moment to slow down a bit. "I think its getting a bit late.", she tells. The woman watches Laura a bit. "Maybe we should go ahead, and stop for the night. Besides, you're having too much fun teasing me.", she tells.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"The Little Mermaid? What about it?" she asks curious at her statement, wondering why Miho is bringing it up now. She keeps jogging behind Miho, sighing and adding "I am being serious about all this ruckus you have been adding. If you are not worried about that, what then?", she insists at her blush.

"I don't mind stopping for the night, and even so, it's not a good idea to stay out in the dark as ourselves", Laura observes.