BBpost: Eudial is Gone and Heart Stealer Rifles (Usagi Tsukino)

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BBpost: Eudial is Gone and Heart Stealer Rifles (Usagi Tsukino)
Date of Cutscene: 04 December 2024
Location: The Shed
Synopsis: A post to the Bulletin Boards of the Shed, about Eudial's recent passing. And also, the Heartstealer Rifles.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino

+bbpost 15/Eudial is Gone/Heartstealer Rifles=(A brief note has been posted to one of the corkboards in the Shed. It's written on regular notebook paper in hiraganam, rather than kanji, and the writing is loopy and a bit childish, though legible.) %R%RHey everyone, Sailor Moon here! Um, if you remember the heartstealer rifles, those guns that shoot out pure heart crystals, you might remember that when they were first being used, they like, shot your whole soul out, and if it stayed out for too long, the person who was shot would die. Well, after a while of that, they downgraded to this like, less bad version that would take most of your energy, instead of like, killing you. After a while, they even stopped doing that! %R%RBut they started up again. Some of you might have heard about that, and that one of the ladies doing it was this... redheaded lady with red eyes named Eudial. %R%RAnd um,,,, this is just to let you all know that she's taken care of. And I'm hoping we all don't get hell rained down on us for it, because I know I just talked about the risks of us killing one of them because maybe we'll push them too far but uh well that was before she tried to kill my Mamochan. She's gone now, and I'm sorry if any of you suffer for my choices? %R%RBeware the heartstealer rifles! I don't know if this will change their minds about uh, using the kills-you-dead ones. %R-Sailor Moon!