2154/Mahou 101:Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
From Radiant Heart MUSH
Mahou 101:Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch | |
Date of Scene: | 09 December 2024 |
Location: | The Shed |
Synopsis: | Day 1 of Mahou Collation. Collection? MERMAIDS! |
Cast of Characters: | 281, Coco Kiumi |
Tinyplot: | Mahou 101 |
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
The Shed is fairly well lit and bubbling. Bubbling? That's not normal, but hardly the strangest thing to happen there in recent memory. Though the bubbles are coming from a beaker that's over a flame, off to one side, a person with purple hair is on a stool looking over some notes. Long purple hair, to the point where it brushes the floor. That's a lot.
"Hmm, hmm hmmm.." her voice hums. It's not a very melodic voice; in fact most people would probably consider it a bit rough. Just a touch too high, maybe a bit difficult on the nerves. But the smile as she leans over and adds a drop of something to her experiment is almost pretty. Which is good, because Entrapta isn't the loveliest person to walk through the Shed's doors. Far from it.
Still, she has a table set up with all kinds of science going on. There's a crystal that she's got rotating through various angles and directions, floating in the air but just ....turning. Bottles and beakers and books by the boatload. And her overalls are stained with chemicals.
"Mahou experiments, day one," she says to herself. Or to her recorder, if you can see her hands. "Nobody has shown up yet. Hoping to get some recordings done soon, I have so many questions! But I really can't do much without people. Advertisement...yep, it's on the board. We'll see what happens."
And then she sits, waiting. For someone to walk through the door. Or an explosion, those are always entertaining.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco had followed the link put up in the Shed's board. Just as much as she would do for any other Shed notice, though she is quite surprised to see the setup in the video with those beakers and crystals. Nobody has ever turned it into a lab, and she doesn't recognise who the twintailed girl might be.
Not that there is much reason to worry, she couldn't have gotten into the Shed by herself, and the impression she gives is nothing like someone from Obsidian. A small smile appears on the blonde girl's face at the general aura of excitement this girl gives off. She is certainly passionate about her work. And when the video plays to its end, a look of recognition appears on Coco's face. So, she is Entrapta. More Etherians really are finding their way here.
Deciding that helping is a good thing, the mermaid princess shows up at the Shed, bringing Cora with herself, just to have a friend alongside her. Though, her presence is also helpful for demonstrating one of the things she can do.
"Hi, I saw your announcement!", Coco smiles brightly when she enters into the room, not waving due to her hands being busy holding the otter. "I am Coco, and I am here to help with your project, nice to finally meet you, Entrapta!"
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
Someone Came! "More to come!" she says to her recorder, then flicks it off. She rolls out from behind her table on a rolly-chair, then spins to a stop. The wrong direction. "One second," she says, sticking a foot out. She kicks a little, and manages to get it scootching around. Around some more. Til she's facing Coco and Cora!
Then she gets down from chair (could she have done that always?) and beams up! She's a shortie. "I am SO happy to see you! Actually I'd be happy to see anyone, nobody's come yet but that means I'm happier to see you!" She pulls out a pencil from somewhere, and a pad also from somewhere (not sure) and jots down names. "Coco and Cora. What is Cora? I'm not from around here, or this reality I think, so I have a lot of questions! Welcome!"
There's a lot going on, as she leans over to turn down the heat on her beaker. "Sorry, I didn't know when anyone was going to come! Can I interview you for my work?" Pause, and she looks thoughtful a second. Then, nods firmly. "Tiny snacks?"
She has donut holes and some sushi.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
The otter tilts her head towards Coco, being largely unaware about Etheria and where this girl would have had to live to never hear about otters. <<Oh, just, Entrapta is like Bow>>, Coco replies telepathically to Cora's implicit question.
"I hope the trip from Etheria was nice", the mermaid replies when Entrapta admits not to being around here. "Cora is an otter, or rather, a sea otter. There are otters that live in rivers", she explains to Entrapta.
"This is one of my powers, I can speak with all sea animals, out loud or with telepathically, and they understand me, and I them. Though, it's less a magical ability, and more a skill I have due to what I am", she adds, a bit thoughtful. She never really bothered separating the two before now.
Setting Cora on the table, she lets her look intently (and warily) and the beakers while she continues speaking with Entrapta. "Of course you can, it's why I am here!", Coco says, nodding with a smile. "Thank you", she adds, taking one of the donut holes. "These are nice. Did you make them?"
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
"Oh, I was kidnapped. Glimmer grabbed me." Entrapta answers without really looking up from her notes, she's writing fast. It looks like garbage, but she's not writing in any earth language so that would make sense. "So you have seas and rivers too! That's great! I can extrapolate a lot from that data."
She's apparently working from a very limited set of information, she didn't know that rivers existed? Yikes.
Looking up sharply at the mention of telepathy, Entrapta's eyes light up. "So, many, questions," she says. Then as she registers a question, she says, "Oh, oh no. I can't make food. That'd not end well at all. I have some standardized questions but they're more guidelines, here. Since nothing we're doing has been done before, I don't think anyone's ever tried to look at all the types of magic. Not sure why, it's fascinating!"
She grins, then sits back in her chair. "Sit! Someplace! I don't know! Tell me everything, how did you get your magic? Was it scary?"
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco's brow furrows at Entrapta's unexpected reply. She knows Glimmer is one of Bow's friends (though honestly, she would really bet on something more for them), even if their relationship is a bit stormy lately and she is staying at Obsidian. Should she be concerned? Entrapta looks healthy, and way too joyful to have had something bad happen to her.
Not commenting on her limited knowledge about standard geography, Coco settles on the fact she is likely fine. She must have already gotten help, at least, if she needed it.
Taking a seat in front of Entrapta, Coco nods in agreement. "I know Hinoiri has extensively studied magical music, but I don't think anybody has actually given it a complete study. Anyway, my magic!", she clears her throat.
"I can't say it was scary", Coco grins, finding the question interesting when it comes to herself. "I have had it since I was born from my pearl. I am actually a mermaid. This form is just for ease of travel", she explains, wondering if Entrapta is going to ask her to demonstrate.
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta leans over immediately and types something into her computer. "Mer...maid. Oh! I know some of those!" She pauses, frowning for the first time. "I mean. I knew some. But we're here now!" That sounded dire, but she's clearly not in a state of panic over whatever it is. Was? Did she know some merfolk back home?
Looking back to Coco she smiles, super-wide and with her eyes squinched closed. Then relaxes and says, "I would LOVE to see it. What you can do. Also, can you tell me how your telepathy works? I would have to cut your brain open to really understand," she ...she has a knife in her hand. Um. "But what I'm most interested in is magic! And you said it wasn't, so maybe another time."
"Also, just for sake of completeness, do you have parents? Family? Is this a thing, with standard patterns and children inherit it from someone else? Or were you always a pearl until recently? There's a lot of possibilities! I want to know it all!"
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco's smile turns downwards for the first time, not really convinced about Entrapta's project for the first time since she entered. She has strong doubts the purple-haired girl would succeed in her intent, but that puts her on guard around her.
"Sorry?" she stares at Entrapta. "Is that really a thing you would want to do had it been magic?", she asks with a less friendly tone, Cora having also turned to look at Entrapta feeling Coco's unease.
"What I can tell you is I just think of talking to them, and it happens. When talking out loud, I don't even need that, I just speak to them. My actual magic is singing, and the short of it is it strengthens good and hurts evil", the mermaid explains even if Entrapta has said she wasn't interested.
"We mermaid princesses don't have parents, but we are an exception among mermaids. Other merfolk actually have parents. A new mermaid princess is born from her pearl when the previous one dies. In my case, that was 16 years ago, and as a yellow mermaid princess, I was born on a Tuesday", Coco reaches out to Cora, petting her, calming for the both of them.
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta shrugs. "I've never been able to, but it's not important to me. I'm here for the science!" She pauses, her enthusiasm waning just a little bit. "Did I say something wrong? I feel like I might have overstepped a bounds somewhere, I haven't been around people in years and my social skills aren't what they used to be."
She just has the pencil now, and is continuing to write. "Honestly there are non-invasive ways to do everything. This world could have all kinds of ways to scan inside of people! I'm so looking forward to learning about them all!"
Then. "Singing! Hurts evil, I'm not sure that evil is a real thing but I'm still learning a lot about the universe. Can you show me how it works? The music, not the evil. I don't think you keep evil in your pocket to show random scientists or anything like that. That would be weird even for me."
She looks up from her pad, then pauses. "Seriously though, did I do something wrong? I literally have no idea how to tell, when nobody talks to you for ten years you tend to get a little screwey."
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco's expression becomes a perplexed one when Entrapta talks about her rusty social skills. Can she really not see that people don't like their brain cut? "See, Entrapta, what is going on here is people don't like being cut, and the brain specifically is rather delicate. If something happens to it, the person becomes damaged, or can even die", she explains it not taking her eyes off of Entrapta and how she might see that information.
The blonde girl nods at her second affirmation. She thinks human hospitals have something like that. "Non-invasive is best", she agrees a bit stiffly. "You can find some at hospital, but I don't think they will just show you. Try looking it up", Coco suggests.
She gives a smile again when Entrapta talks about evil in pockets. That is bizzarre, but overall funny in a way. "I can show you my singing. Yellow Pearl Voice!" she declares, the Yellow Pearl in the shell locket responding to her and starting to shine with a yellow light.
A kaleidoscope of colours covers Coco's clothes as those change into her yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt, while her pearl expands into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the yellow jewel nestled safely in the head's center.
"Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!", the mermaid princess announces joyfully, before starting to sing with a melodious tone, surrounded by an immaterial sphere of white light that provides a background soundtrack, purifying magic spreading in the area.
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta takes this all in quietly, just listening with her hands in her lap. For once, not writing, she listens intently like a child listening to someone more experienced and smarter! Like there's a lot to learn and it's IMPORTANT!
And then there's Actual Magic, and her mouth hangs open. For a moment she doesn't even do anything, just fascinated and quiet. Well, mostly quiet. She makes a slight 'aaaaaaaaaaaaah' sound, not able to control herself. Which is probably fair.
She grabs her recorder then, grabbing just a little song. For listening! For magic! For a lot of things!
And she smiles, not wanting to interrupt.
When the song ends, Entrapta is sitting in her oversized swivel chair looking like a kid at a concert. She's almost hyperventilating, waiting to ask questions. Like, so many questions!
"That, was, INCREDIBLE! How does it work? Tell me everything!" She's literally vibrating with hope, this is a leap forward in her research! Also, it was COOL!
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco lowers her microphone once the song reaches its end, looking at Entrapta happily, feeling joyful at having transmitted her that look of hope. "Thank you", she gives a wink to her enthusiastic audience. Not that she would doubt her singing would have been well received, but it's always nice to see the happiness in your audience.
The idol lets her transformation disappear, returning to her human guise. "Of course, I will tell you all of it, starting from my pearl. That's the pearl from which I was born, and the one that enhances the magic of my song. I don't if this is the same for the mermaids in your world, but for us, singing is a part of us, as natural as breathing."
Coco touches the shell locket where the pearl is kept. "It also shares a connection with us. Some mermaid princesses find it hard to sing well without it, but I don't have that problem. For all of us though, the pearl reveals our true form if it or its shell locket comes into contact with water." That had only happened to her once though, and she was in a safe space then.
"I don't know what you can pick up, but you probably felt your morale improving and any fatigue you may have had lessen. Those are also things our songs can do. There is also purification, removing brainwashing, hurting evil, and somewhat minor healing. These are all things that get better the more of us there are", Coco raises her gaze to look again at Entrapta.
"The Live Stage provides a safe zone for us to be in, no matter what condition the environment around us is. We can also make it fly around if we want to. And I personally can create more for my friends to use too."
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
"Fascinating," the purple haired sciencette says as she jots down information. She can't lose any of this! So important. "No, mermaids in my world are just people. At least in my experience, they generally live around Salineas. Or they did, I think they're sealed inside now since the Princess Alliance. They don't really come out much anymore." She says it so matter-of-factly, not even losing momentum.
When Pearl Voice lists the affects, Entrapta actually takes stock of her body, looking at her legs and arms. "Oh! Yes! I can see visible alterations in wounds taken during active investigations over the last few days! A solid movement toward overall bodily health! That's incredible!"
Then, she pauses. "Are..we friends? I don't know if we are, but I'd like to try to experience what you do, someday. I know we probably aren't, but I'm not very good at being friends with people yet."
And that? That's actually sad.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
A melodious hmmm comes out of Coco's mouth as she takes that in. The idea of a mermaid that doesn't love singing and isn't necessarily talented at it is so out of left field to her. Even over at the realm of Grand Ocean they love singing, and theirs isn't even magic. "Just people in what way?" she asks curiously.
"We live in several different kingdoms here. I rule over the South Pacific Ocean, and there are also mermaid princesses for the other six oceans, each with her own colour", she continues her explanation, watching Cora looking at the sushi pensively.
Coco's heart skips a beat when she hears Entrapta's question, caught by surprise from something so unusual. She isn't sure she wants to pry that far, but she wonders what's the reason why she has been alone, not quite good enough to find a direction on her own. She is never going to ask though.
"We can be", Coco replies. "I think you are a good person, and I think I would really like getting to know you better and becoming friends", she offers Entrapta a smile. "What do you say we continue this conversation at my home?"
- Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta says, "Just people. Who can turn into fish halfway, and breathe underwater. And move water with their minds." She's not even looking up, working to figure some equations on her pad. "I haven't really met any of them so they might be singers. Like I said, I haven't met many people. Like, at all."
She lifts her gaze then smiles! It's bright, it's cheerful, it's brimming with positive hope! "You have no idea how much help you've been. Seriously, if I ever get back to Etheria I'm going to make an effort to get ahold of Selinia. See if they're singers, it seems like it'd be a good experiment to get them to try! Think of it, cross universe magic tied to song!"
Okay, that actually might be cool as hell.
"I would LOVE to see your home! I can't take you to mine, but I could build a model sometime. It never seemed important." She starts packing up, then grins. "Oh, did you mean now? Because I can't just leave food out like this. I'd need someone to eat it."
She looks at Coco, then at Cora, then at Coco again. Then, slowly, it all clicks. "Oh! That works. Let's get out of here!" And she slides the otter the sushi, pocketing her recorder.
And signs off with, "See attached notes. Also, for future experiments consider waterproofing gear."
She leaves the recorder behind. Sad, because it would have been awesome!