A New Classmate (Laura La Mer)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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A New Classmate (Laura La Mer)
Date of Cutscene: 07 January 2025
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: After the end of winter break, a transfer student shows up in Laura's classroom.
Cast of Characters: Laura La Mer
Tinyplot: Chanteur, Land of Happiness

Quiet chatter fills the classroom in the cold hours of the morning, and chairs scrape against the floor as students return from winter break, shedding coats and scarves.

Laura closes the door behind her, waving briefly at her classmates before settling at a desk in the first row. Her bag lands on her desk with a soft thud as she fights back a smile.

"Laura-san, how was winter vacation?" a voice interrupts her thoughts. Turning, the mermaid sees a classmate tilting her head curiously, whose eyes are drifting to the brightness of the pinkette’s face. "It was wonderful, lots of fun", the mermaid exclaims without a pause.

The other student opens her mouth again, but the screeching of the door interrupts her. Their homeroom teacher strides in, her cheerful voice cutting through the classroom buzz. "Hello, everyone! I hope you had a great winter break."

Ichijouji-sensei taking her place at her desk is accompanied by a chorus of "Yes, sensei", and the sight of students making for their seats, some with heavier and slower steps, some with lighter and faster ones.

Laura’s radiant expression lingers as her eyes scan the room, ensuring everyone has taken their seat.

Grasping her cue, she stands up right after, her voice speaking up with the habitual words. "Please rise." Chairs scrape against the floor as the students comply.

"Please bow", she follows up, and her pink hair shifts with the motion as she leads by example. "Please sit", she concludes the morning ritual, taking her place once more.

Murmurs spread across the classroom when Ichijouji-sensei stands up herself instead of opening the ledger. "Before we continue with homeroom, we have a student joining us. Please come in, Kuniyuki-san."

Murmurs ripple across the class as a girl walks into the room with deliberate steps. Short, platinum blonde curls shimmer and frame her confident expression.

"She seems really elegant, don't you think?"

“I wonder what kind of person she is. She looks kind of composed.”

“Wow... She’s really pretty.”

“Her hair is so shiny, like something out of a magazine.”

"Is she a foreigner?"

“Do you think she’s popular where she’s from?”

As she walks towards the teacher's desk, her gaze moves at her left with a smile, meeting Yokina's, before turning ahead to find Laura's and finally seeking the windows, spotting Tsubasa next to the natural light.

"Well then, Kuniyuki-san, if you would please introduce yourself", Ichijouji-sensei says warmly.

Turning to the class, the girl bows fluidly. “Hello, everyone. I’m Sharon Kuniyuki. Nice to meet you”, her voice clear and steady.

Picking up a piece of chalk, Sharon continues, “My first name is written in katakana, and my last name uses the characters for ‘country’ and ‘happiness.’ It carries the meaning of aspirations and blessings for individuals and their land.” Elegant handwriting follows her hand towards the blackboard.

Turning towards the classroom again, she adds "My hobbies are singing and snowboarding. I look forward to getting to know all of you.”

The teacher nods appreciatively. “Thank you, Kuniyuki-san. There’s a seat open next to La Mer-san. You can sit there.”

Laura straightens instinctively as Sharon bows to the teacher and moves to her assigned desk. A friendly wave passes between them as Sharon settles into her seat.

A mutual exchange of waving occurs while Ichijouji-sensei finally picks up the ledger. "Now then, when I call your name, please respond clearly. Arai Sakura..."