978/An unpleasant meeting under cloudy skies

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An unpleasant meeting under cloudy skies
Date of Scene: 08 January 2024
Location: Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
Synopsis: Usagi is having sweet dreams, but a certain villainous king of the depths has other plans.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Gaito
Tinyplot: Usagi's Abyssal Nightmare

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi Tsukino was dreaming. She didn't know she was dreaming, of course - she wasn't one of those lucky enough to be a lucid dreamer - but she was doing just that.

In her dream, she was in a field of flowers, the Moon high over head, heavy and full. She wasn't in Princess Serenity's dress, but her bearing was Serenity's and so were her thoughts, the mischievous, giddy thoughts of a girl straying where she knew she shouldn't. She was waiting for her prince, because they were going to skate across a river of chocolate on melting marshmallows and it was going to be the most fun she'd ever had!

Gaito has posed:
A carefree and relaxed dream crowns Usagi's night, and were they aware, every spirit of good would do their best to ensure it continues, but evil has laid down its design and a shadow advances over her happy mind. Somewhere deep below the sea, a gray-haired man who looks to be in his twenties in a luxurious robe grey externally and red internally with fur outlining it is smirking, a candy shaped like a crystal dancing in his fingers.

"I wonder what you will say: will you plead or resist?" he proudly says, the crest of the Panthalassa beginning to shine darkly on his forehead. Back in Usagi's dream, the sky has begun to darken, grey clouds covering every shining blue patch, and a voice calls out for the girl who is still calmly enjoying her dream.

"Thanks for the hospitality, Sailor Moon, please have a seat", he gestures, two furbished armchairs appearing in front of each other next to Usagi and the man. A small thing, but he cruelly enjoys the contradiction of him receiving hospitality, and yet being the one to offer the seats.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi waits for a prince - and in the eyes of some, a king would be an upgrade. In the eyes of a girl expecting her very literal Prince Charming?

"What - hey, who are you? You're not the handsome prince I was looking for!" He's a handsome boy to be sure, and the chairs that appear are plush, but she knows that this isn't - right. This isn't the way things should be.


"Who are you? Did Endymion send you?"

It's a dream, so she's not fully off-guard, not fully aware of how dangerous things should be. It doesn't cross her mind that she shouldn't be called Sailor Moon, because in her dreams she's all of the above.

Gaito has posed:
'Who even is Endymion?' is the question that crosses Gaito's mind, but he doesn't say it out loud, and certainly not like that. It will be nice getting her to talk about all the useful information, but that is to come when they have gotten over the chitchat.

"I am afraid I don't know Endymion, but as for my identity, I am Gaito of the Panthalassa Clan, King of the Deep Seas. I am quite displeased with you, Sailor Moon. You ruin my property and oppose my agents while they are on a special mission, and later on refuse the peace offer I have extended you through them."

A glass of wine appears in his hands and he takes a sip from it. "Opposing me isn't something one does without a second thought, and I am afraid you are no exception. But in my magnaminity, I have decided to pay you a visit before going through with enacting my punishment." He waits for her reaction with a smile, almost savouring what it will be like just as much as the wine.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
King of the Deep Seas? Gaito? Huh!?! "What? What peace offer? What agents? What are you talking about?"

She doesn't understand, obviously. She's sitting in the armchair, staring at this stranger - this handsome, weird guy who's appeared in front of her, when she was supposed to be with Endymion, on a river of chocolate -

There was something strange about that, but she couldn't be sure of what...

"The Deep Seas... wait. Are you - are you one of Yellow Pearl Voice's enemies? Why are you - wait, where am I?"

A chocolate river? A field of flowers? Armchairs?!

She hops out of her chair, pointing rudely at the king. "What's going on here?!"

Gaito has posed:
Gaito takes another sip of the wine before replying. It is slow and pondered. This girl really has wasted no time in turning aggressive. "I recommend you sit down, Sailor Moon", he says glacially, chains appearing out of the chair and making to grab her her. If they succeed, she will find they will prevent her from doing as little as uselessly thrashing about.

"I suppose it could be said I am one of Yellow Pearl Voice's enemies, though, she is one of mine, rather", Gaito comments, flipping the perspective. "Their goddess has trapped me since my birth, why should I not seek to eliminate such a dangerous element?" He makes no comment on wanting to conquer the world as part of it.

He looks around at the world that surrounds them. "This? This is just your dream. Although, it is mine to command now. I suppose you recognise this, right?" he says, a copy of the Silver Crystal lollipop he is using in the real world appearing next to him. "This was a gift from a person dear to you, and I am using it to establish this connection. And these lovely feelings will be your punishment, as nightmares will plague your nights." He smirks widely. "That is, unless you relent and aid me. I may just forgive you", he lies.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sit down? No way! Sailor Moon - because she is, very suddenly, in her fuku, operating on that dream logic that allows things to flow from one shape to another. Only, the problem is, those chains - they grab her and yank her down, and despite her efforts she can't even struggle away! Hey!!!

"Why has she trapped you?" She asks, suspicious and frustrated -

"Wh - did you steal one of my lollipops?! That's so rude! And weird!"

Why would someone do that, huh!

"Get out of my dreams, creep! Go bleach your roots somewhere else!" Her scowl is fierce, but given her over all cuteness, probably not too frightening. "I'm definitely not helping you! You're threatening me right now! And trespassing!"

Gaito has posed:
"She trapped me because of the sins of my ancestors", Gaito comments nonchalantly as she looks at the chained sailor soldier. "Really is it any wonder I would bite back at the first opportunity, when all I have know thanks to her is solitude and desolation?" The smirk is more of a grimace at this point, clearly a recollection of an unpleasant time that marked him deeply.

He shakes his head. "I didn't steal it, it was graciously given to me as a gift by Queen Beryl, a promise of a prosperous cooperation. It should be no surprise to you that she wants you out of the picture, and you did wrong me. She was particularly interested in your nightmares being as dark as possible."

And her scowl has the expected effect, especially with how the chains are wrapped around her. Though he isn't smirking, but more staring at her like one trying to solve an enigma. "I do wonder what I should do now. You accuse me of trespassing ignoring the complications you have wrought me, and you are quite feisty. Admittedly, I like the last one." Now he is back to smirking.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Well... that is pretty jerky," Sailor Moon says honestly. "I wouldn't be happy if I was you and trapped because of something my relatives did. Did you ever ask if you could be let out? I mean, without kidnapping mermaids?" She's crossing her arms as best as she can, all chained up, and frustrated that she can't do more.

"You teamed up with her?! And you want me to think I could team up with you after that?! I don't even know what I did to you, but I bet if I interfered in your plans, it was the right thing to do!"

She's stubbornly sure of this, scowling at him from her chair.

"Feisty? You let me out of these chains, and I'll show you feisty!"

Gaito has posed:
Gaito laughs softly and yet haughtily, getting up from his armchair. "I see, then that's your choice. Do take care in not regretting it, Sailor Moon." He starts walking away, his figure getting more and more transparent the further away he is, until he is just a voice in the air.

"I will tell you this, though. Aqua Regina didn't leave me any method to contact her. She just sealed me in my palace and threw the key to one of her servants. Now that key is mine, and as a result, none of you can get to me. You have already lost."

As soon as his dynamic exit is over, the chains disappear. Only the clouds are left as reminder of Gaito's visit.