2125/Thought You Were Being Honest

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Thought You Were Being Honest
Date of Scene: 01 December 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Amy and Emi continue to meet.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Faust, Emi Hoshino

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is. At home. That is, in her dorm room, sitting on her bed with her back to the wall, reading on her phone, doubling over laughing. As she does, there's a soft 'thump' as the closed parasol leaned against the bed falls over. 'What was that sound', she wonders, scoots to the edge of the bed, and looks down... Oh! I almost forgot. I guess I should return it...

    After looking up Hoshino-san's room, she heads over with the parasol.

    Huh, this is next to Hinoiri's room. Amy remembers... when Sunset was on the loose, following Dianora's true-- no, she shouldn't call it that. Birth form? Sure. Following Dianora's birth form here.

    Poor Hinoiri. She's going through a lot...

    And so is Emi. Amy knocks on the door of the latter. (If Emi asks before opening, she says "I'm here to return your parasol."

    Opening the door, she'll see Amy in evening dorm clothes: An oversized black T-shirt with the text APERTURE LABORATORIES on it, pajama pants, and slippers.

Emi Hoshino has posed:
Emi Hoshino was dreaming.

She'd quickly fallen asleep on her sofa around for a nap that had decided to turn into a longer nap. She dreamt that she was on the shore of an great and endless sea, an ocean pierced by clear blue crystal that pierced a muilticolored prismatic sky, of her feet leaving ethereal footprints in black sand.

She dreamt this place sometimes. She was never sure why, but she always found a certain comforting solitude in it.

But then there was a knock on her door. 'I'm here to return your parasol' rang in her ears from beyond the confines of her dream. She willed herself to wake.

With a groan, Emi picks herself up from her desk, where she'd fallen asleep with her head down on it, and rose up to her feet with a creak of her chair. "My wh-- oh right. Right. My parasol." She opens the door, looking a complete muss from her sleeping. Her hair is wild and out of place, long bangs shrouding her face where, combined with the pallor of her goth makeup, she looks an awful like she's Sadako and about to shout 'seven days' at Amy.

There's a big yawn.

"Hi, Amy," she offers, dark circles under her eyes. Delinquency means staying up late sometimes.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks at Emi.

    She's been living in the girls' dorm for over a year now, she's seen how long hair looks on other people who haven't had time to brush it yet. If anything, it's strange that with her long hair she doesn't end up looking like Cousin Itt. But when she trudges to the floor's bathroom and looks in the mirror each morning to brush her teeth, the girl looking back at her has hair only mussed up enough to still be cute, if a little messy. It's how you'd expect an anime character who is supposedly suffering bedhead to look.

    It must be because of her wish, right?

    Anyway, here she is, face-to-face with Sadako. Amanda holds out the parasol. "Sorry, did I... wake you? Here you go."

    "...Aren't you... supposed to not leave makeup on when you sleep?" Amy knows nothing about makeup, but recalls hearing one girl say this to another. Naively, perhaps if you rolled over in your sleep it would end up all over your pillow? She supposes that might be the reason. In any case, the thought surfaced in her mind now, and she blurts it out to fill the silence.

Emi Hoshino has posed:
One pale blue eye opens wider at Amy beneath her bangs as she comments on her make up. She knows how she looks and she's playing it up. Slowly, with the hand unoccupied with having retrieved her parsol, she raises a hand and takes a finger to her own cheek, smearing away her make up and inspecting her fingertip.

"Right," She rasps in her contralto, "Sorry. I got tired crawling out of wells on TV." She twirls the closed parasol in her hand and then balances it on a fingertip unsteadily for a few seconds before it tips. She catches it.

"I was wondering when you'd turn up with it, or if."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy immediately cracks up laughing at Emi's joke. "Hhhhaaa haa haa haa haaaa!" She wheezes, slapping her knee and doubling over.

    And then gives Emi a curious look. "Well what else would I do with it? I told you, I already have an umbrella. And a raincoat. Who would just like. Keep your stuff? Or throw it out or something?? Super rude."

    She blinks.

    "...Do people actually do that?!"

Emi Hoshino has posed:
"...yes? Sometimes? Like, loaning something out always carries the risk of never getting it back, especially when you were kind of grouchy with the person in question when giving it to them." Emi twirls her parasol in her hand again, looking up and down the hallway with curiosity in her gaze. Her eyes then close as she leans against the door frame.

"Well, thank you, in any case. I appreciate you being nice enough to bring it back even when I was mean to you." Even if she thinks Amy might've deserved it, she was still mean.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks. "Huh? When were you mean?" She thinks back, and sighs, slumping her shoulders a bit. "Oh. You were trying to take a dig at me? I thought you were just being honest."

    She straightens up and looks concerned. "Are you really sleeping through classes...?" She shrugs. "Well, I guess I can't talk. I... hope we both find what we need, Hoshino-san."

Emi Hoshino has posed:

Emi stares at Amy for a moment. Then she takes a deep breath and lets it out, slowly.

"I'm gonna head for the cafeteria. I should probably eat something. You can come with me if you want."