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Revision as of 15:01, 9 March 2025 by Elysia (talk | contribs)

Seira (Scenesys ID: NPC-Seira)
Loving someone, that's a pure and absolute feeling, isn't it?
Name: Seira, Mermaid Princess of the Indian Ocean AKA: Orange Pearl Voice
Gender: Female Series: (NPC) Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Origin: Mermaid Princess Grade: N/A
Clubs: N/A Age: 10
Group Information
Groups The Seven Ocean Kingdoms


Seira, the rightful successor to Sara, is the new Mermaid Princess of the Indian Ocean and a kid approximately ten in age. Just as Seira was about to assume her role, the God-Emperor of the Ancients Michel, an angelic figure that claims to want to restore his race's position as Earth's guiding lights, interrupts the ceremony, absorbing Seira and all the fragments of her heart.

Seira is a pure, joyous, and friendly child at her core, and refuses to let her interrupted birth cloud her optimism and inner light. Thanks to other mermaid princesses and Aqua Regina, she holds an unwavering belief in the goodness of others and strives to keep up hope and morale. The young mermaid is also proactive about her growth, eager to learn more about the world and the beauty of love while Coco and her friends recover her heart fragments from Michel and his underlings.

Seira's greatest strength lies in her unwavering determination to help those around her, and she never fails to lend a hand to those in need, tirelessly working to ease their pain and suffering. Her empathy and compassion extend to all living beings, regardless of their origins or the circumstances they may find themselves in.


Just a Friendly Spirit, Time Lingers, Interrupted Birth, Is this the feeling called Love?, Dream Warp, All Life is Important, Waiting to be Born

Vital Trivia

Height: 140 cm/4'7
Blood Type:
Birthday: ???
Likes: Love, All Living Beings
Dislikes: Suffering, Maladies
Favorite Food: Ice Cream Sundae
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite Subject:
Least Favorite Subject:
Online Tag(s):






  1. Human transformation: can adopt a human form, however putting water on her shell locket or pearl dispels this form for a time
  2. Mermaid transformation: can go back to her mermaid form
  3. Enhanced physical prowess
  4. Songs that repel demons, dispel hypnosis, purify evil from the heart of people, heal and act as a balm against negative feelings and weariness. Two stages of transformation, depending on the strength they need to put into her songs.
  5. Cold resistance: can swim in even the coldest waters with no ill effects in mermaid form. This doesn't apply to cold caused by magic
  6. Sealife communication: Mermaids can communicate with sea animals and employ them as messengers
  7. Live Stage: A sphere of light that provides a zone safe from environmental effects, even allowing for levitation
  8. Can sing to create laser beams
  9. Use of the Dream Corridor (a shortcut between reality to move anywhere on Earth as she pleases for herself and allies)
  10. Stretching time for a handful of minutes via song (more things can happen within that timeframe for the ones she wants to use it onto)