2396/The Unstoppable and The Windstar

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The Unstoppable and The Windstar
Date of Scene: 09 March 2025
Location: The Infinite Void
Synopsis: The Unstoppable Sister and Wind Dancer share a moment between moments before the battle with the King's End.
Cast of Characters: Aloisia Stauss, Zephyr Windstar
Tinyplot: The Crown of Succession

Aloisia Stauss has posed:

Those cerulean flecks fall as a flash of emerald light explodes in the distance for Zephyr Windstar, an island of reality coming into existence in the endless Nothing.

Flight towards it finds a small, unstable island, a knight standing vigil over a fallen form. This knight wears armor not entirely unlike Aloisia's, but bears only one shield, and has shocking red hair and green eyes -- not unlike the Pawn that had been fought before. Though she bears a shield, she bears it like it were a stabbing weapon, herself, the sharp spikes at the bottom of it pointed out at that infinite nothingness, that darkness trying to creep in on her little sanctuary.


As the darkness begins to encroach once more, that voice screams out once more, launching a sphere of emerald green energy out at that encroaching darkness, that explosion of plasma expanding and restoring that little island of Reality inside of the Nothing. It's stable, for now.

Though her armor is tarnished, though she looks exhausted, and the ever slightest edge of despiration is on her face, she still has a certain air about her, a reassuring energy that warms the heart and calms fears.

This is the Unstoppable Sister, she who never loses.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Barrier maintenance is a boring job, but it lets those within work without worrying about the Barrier collapsing if they lose focus, or get magic disruption or the like.

    The surprise of suddenly being engulfed in Nothing makes the Wind Dancer pause. Voice doesn't work, even contacting her Device doesn't work. No Telepathy connection... nothing.

    Plasma Bolt.

    There's something to focus on. < Chief. > "There you are Dee... what h-- no, later..." she activates her flight spell, and flies toward the little bubble of stable reality. Eyes lock onto the Unstoppable Sister, as she lands nearby, glancing to the prone form at the Knight's feet.

    "We didn't make it in time did we?" she asks. A bit pessimistic perhaps.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Your voice carries life within
Calls me to action again and again

A song of light and life and joy, of the power of friendship when fighting side by side plays gently within the back of Zephyr's mind, recognizable as making use of the communications network that still lingers in place, in spite of being unable to hear any others at the moment. Just loud enough to hear and understand, but not so loud as to drown out one's own thoughts.

"Perhaps not to stop this, but in spite of the name of the spell -- this is not the end. It did not have enough strength to fully erase you -- or the others, though you cannot perceive them at present -- with only the power of a single jewel."

The Unstoppable Sister turns to face Wind Dancer, her shield held calmly at her side as those falling cerulean flakes lap away at the edges of the darkness even as it tries to encroach.

The form on the ground beside her is familiar, yet her face is presently consumed in a staticky, unstable darkness that makes it impossible to perceive her face. In spite of this, The Forgotten Princess lays peaceful, unmoving beyond the soft rise and fall of her breathing. "Lovely dancer on the winds, it is nice to see you. We were surprised at your presence, though you have always been there since our first arrival upon this planet."

The Unstoppable Sister holds her hand out towards Wind Dancer, a soft smile on her lips. "Do you have any questions or needs you would ask of me, in this Moment between Moments? Though it is short, we have a few moments yet before I must send you off to the fight with the King's End."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr reaches out, and clasps the offered arm near the elbow, letting the knight do the same in kind. "Wouldn't miss it for the world... Aloe-san. She just reminds me of... me... and mom. Not like, directly, but..." she shakes her head. "What do we have to do... to beat this thing?" she asks, Enforcer training kicking in.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Arm clasped within arm, the knight would turn to wrap the other arm lightly around Wind Dancer, that shield protectively wrapped around her for the moment. The Unstoppable Sister providing that moment of calm. "She will survive this, and I believe she shall also be all the better for it, though she will likely need time and support to heal from this." She says softly. The question of what they have to do gets a warm smile.

"Trust in yourself -- in your allies. You are Exactly what we need in this moment, through bonds of friendship and comraderie through all of this, I have faith that you will win over this twisted being. We shall support you through this battle, and hand in hand we shall know victory." There is a calm confidence -- in spite of the undercurrent of exhaustion in her voice. "Though unquestionably dangerous, the King's End is not so different from what you have already fought before, I am sure."

And then, with a playful wink, she adds. "And from what I know, there is only one King among you-- and he survived as well, so clearly the King's End is not so good at his job." She chuckles softly, as golden energy begins to eat at the edges of that sanctuary, slowly consuming it.

"It seems our moment is nearly at an end, if there is anything else you wish to know.."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    "We have the firepower, the fortitude and the friendship to handle anything the Darkness can throw at us." states Zephyr firmly, giving a smile back to the knight. She then asks. "The gems we captured... can we use them against the King's End in some way?" she asks, glancing at her own Device... and the gem held within.

Aloisia Stauss has posed:
A soft chuckle at that question. Not unkind, more likely just amused at how correct that question was to the situation ahead.

"That is the 'We' I speak of, yes. We shall be empowering and supporting you to keep this darkness at bay. The Unstoppable Sister, The Indomitable Sister, The Knight, The Priestess, and the Rook. We shall all be supporting you in our own way. Call upon us when you arrive, and we shall answer."

And then they are consumed in that golden light, sent off to that final battle with the King's End.