1428/Sent in the Otters

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Sent in the Otters
Date of Scene: 19 April 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Chrono meets with Coco in order to discuss recent going ons and, more importantly, learn where another member of his lost crew is!
Cast of Characters: Chrono Harlaown, Coco Kiumi

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gently knocked on Coco's door, a small smile on his lips. He did try to do this from time to time, meet up with the allies he'd made in this world. The mermaid princess was a good one so, frankly, he probably should make more efforts to meet with her. Then again, they didn't always have much to talk about. In the end, she had his contact information (as did most people... including his enemies), so it wasn't as if she couldn't contact him if she needed him.

It still paid to cement those bonds now and again, though.

He wasn't in uniform, at least. Though he was wearing his perfectly tended to garments, ironed, straightened out, shirt tucked in, buttoned up, as pristine as ever.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco just so happened to be inside when Chrono knocked, the mermaid having been intent on tidying up her room for the better part of two hours. Mostly chasing stubborn dust bunnies away from corners that seemed to have been picked with the express purpose to be annoying. At least, it didn't take her too long to be victorious against the elusive menace, every single spot correctly identified and checked twice over.

She had been wearing her least presentable outfit for the cleaning, but by the time the TSAB officer knocks, she has switched to a much more suitable off-shoulder yellow dress. Which she is thankful for, in retrospect, as Chrono is a welcome guest at any time of the day, and she wouldn't want not to be caught in something ugly for a visit.

That goes double since she had tried getting into contact with him about something he would care lots about, but without much success. "Chrono, welcome! Come in", she cheerily greets once she sees who has come to her door. "That's perfect, I have something to tell you about. But would you like something to drink first?" she invites him inside with a smile.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown cocked his head slightly to the side when she mentioned she'd had something to tell her. "You do?" he asked. "I'm sorry, I guess I have been a bit hard to reach sometimes, huh? There's just so much to do. A lot of reports to file and whatnot. My apologies for the delays," Chrono said sheepishly.

He then stepped into the room, glancing around for a moment and... huh. She had a nicer room than his and Adrien's. Oh well, he was used to having someone bunking with him. Oh. Wow. They had a stove. Neat. Not as good as a coffee machine, though.

"I'll take some water or tea if you have it, nothing with sugar. Your dress looks lovely today," he offered, giving her a gentle smile. He didn't sit, of course. Standing at attention as he often did. "So, what can I do for the princess of the South pacific today?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It's all right", Coco nods with an eloquence all its own, as she definitely gets what's like to receive paperwork upon paperwork. At least, when she was in a position to do that a long while back. Now, that's for the most part delegated to someone she trusts while she faces the threats here in Tokyo.

"That's perfect", the mermaid exclaims, moving back from the door after he comes in and closing it behind him before she recovers a pot of tea and some Camelia leaves, letting them rest in the water once it has become hot enough, waiting for the tea to finish brewing, once it has reached the appropriate dark gold coloration. "This is Assam tea", she explains, pouring it in a cup that is then offered over to the boy. "It's rather brisky, and malty flavour, and it does wonders for your blood circulation when you are full of duties."

Once they are both seated at a table, she starts explaining what she meant. "I am sure you remember talking to me about your missing crew that time I invited you in my palace. I couldn't quite get it out of my mind, especially after I saw the photos you hanged up, so I sent my otters on a chase throughout Tokyo to see if they found anything. Well, they did, at the beginning of February. Yadame Hozomi is currently working at a Warehouse in Toshima-Ku as its manager."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown took the tea with a small, gentle chuckle. "Ahhhhh. So it will go well for me, my blood may circulate better than any blood ever has, if it lives up to the hype," he said in a playful, amused tone before following her to sit at the table.

He took a drink of the tea and let out a low hmmm. It was a dark coffee, at least. And definitely the kind of thing that would wake you up.

However, as she started explaining what she'd been up to, he sighed. Yes, he understood. He'd been scouring the city, trying to find any sign of them. He hoped she hadn't--

... Well. Apparently she HAD! And more, she'd had success. He felt a moment of awe when he realized, yet again, someone else had found them. It wasn't his own capabilities, it was the friends he'd made along the way, that was making finding and rescuing the crew... possible.

He stared at her, blinking a few times. "The otters found Hozomi?" he asked. "A manager? Heh. That's fitting." He took another full drink of the tea. It was hot, but now? He wanted to gooooo. But well... Hozomi would wait a little bit. "Could you give me the address? I'll fly down there after we finish with this meeting. And... thank you, Coco-san. I... I'll be honest... it has been a while since I've found any more of the crew. With each one I know it gets harder, but... well... it is always hard to not fear the worst? Has... there been any other developments on your end? I know things have been quite hectic all around for most of us."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco looks pleased when Chrono drinks the Assam blend. This is where she would go in extreme detail about the history of the tea, and the fact the soil the plant grows in is unable to accept any of the usual tea plants, and more, but they are here to focus on Yadame Hozomi's location, not the ramifications of her own hobbies.

"Sure, you can find her at .........................", the mermaid lists the address, with the addition of the ZIP code too, just to make extra sure nothing is left to guesswork. "It's my pleasure having been of help, I don't want to think about how hard has it been to lose trusted companions and having to worry about them day after day", she comments, reaching over to take his hand without the cup in solidarity, unless he makes a sign about not wanting to.

But then he asks about any developments on her side, and she nods in response. "We have had our first confrontation with Gaito, in order to recover something he was using to send nightmares to Usagi. It ended well, even if only because Eril had wanted to play an April Fools on him, and she bit through and ate the lollipop he was using to that end." A bit of a surprise, but the important thing is everything ended well.

"But now we have to worry about the fact he has a little brother with the power of Light complementary to his own power of Darkness, and Aqua Regina says that together, he would be able to cause destruction as he pleases on both land and sea, which is she separated them", she frowns. Gaito is really not the type to stand still.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown would let her take his hand and give it a small little squeeze. It was good to know he had people like this he could depend on. "I've been very fortunate to run into as many dependable people like you as I have."

However, as he listened the smile on his lip flickered. "I... see. It sounds like you have had quite the experience in that regard. For what it's worth, I understand. Just the other day I had to fight a weird youma while it was... making... us play go-karts." Pause. "It was... an experience." Eye twitch again. "Lollipop's... causing such problems seems to just be the way things are in this world," Chrono said with a sigh.

"This little brother could be a problem. Does them uniting cause destruction, or do they have to want it? If we can uncover this brother, if he's a reasonable person then there would be no reason to keep them separate. A possibility of destruction does not necessarily equate to a certainty of destruction. And nobody deserves to be punished for what they can do, only what they do. If we punish all things that could cause destruction... well... on this world? We'd be forever punishing." He took another drink of his tea, finishing it off and placing the cup down. "Be careful out there, Coco-san. There's another threat, one apparently trapping magical girls in mirrors. We've seen it done to civilians, but doing it to those with magic seems a new, and dangerous, threat."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Aqua Regina did not enjoy having to separate them either", Coco relays the explanation that the sea goddess gave them. "The vast majority of her power had gone into stopping the warmongering Panthalassa that sought to march through everything in the name of conquest, so she could do nothing to avert the cursed destiny that marked the two heirs."

She takes a sip of her own tea, the malty aroma doing wonders to her senses. "I don't what kind of guy this Light Panthalassa is, but it's not really automatic, I think. The problem is more on Gaito's side, who seems to have inherited the legacy of the past Panthalassa, and the fact he is marching right into that destiny, not that I think he would want to stop even if he could. He is too deep into his own hatred, just like Sara. It's a sad situation on all fronts."

The mermaid raises an eyebrow when Chrono mentions the mirroring of magical girls. "You mean like the Terribads? Is everyone alright? What is causing this mirroring of magical girls this time?"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a soft sigh and nodded. "I see. If he's unwilling to consider anything but destruction and annihilation of the world, there's not much we can do but try and ensure such a thing can never happen. Perhaps, in the future, we can get him to see reason. Though, I doubt it so long as he remains with Obsidian. That... organization seems to have a way of amplifying such things."

He gave a sigh and got to his feet. "Indeed. Just like the terribads. But, from what I've seen, there's no youma for us to defeat to free her. Be careful and try not to fight any of the villains we encounter alone. It could be incredibly dangerous, there's no telling what could happen or how long you'd remain trapped if such a thing happened. However, as it is? I should head out now and find the missing member of my crew. Thank you again, Coco-san, for this information. It... well. With all the negative news I've heard of late, something so positive is music to my ears."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The proposal of n alternative way to make sure that Gaito can be convinced even when he is holding a deep grudge makes Coco's heart lighter. That would be so wonderful. "I hope you are right, Chrono, and I too will do everything in my power to achieve that."

If this mirroring is much more dangerous than the other ones and with no Terribad, then it means she has to worry about how to circumvent it. Just trying to purify it won't fly, Coco realises, while simultaneously repressing with a shudder the memory of Gaito's tanks that worked eerily similar.

"It has been a pleasure having you over, Chrono", Coco smiles brightly at the TSAB officer. "I won't hold you any longer, take care and I hope the situation with your crew keeps improving", she wishes to him from the deep of her heart.