1657/Winter Clean Up

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Winter Clean Up
Date of Scene: 13 June 2024
Location: Ami's House
Synopsis: Ami's sent out a call for friends to help her with some late cleaning, and Tamaki's come to help out.
Cast of Characters: Ami Mizuno, Jadeite

Ami Mizuno has posed:
It was a bit overdue, this cleaning out of her closets. Ami typically did it as soon as she was certain the weather had changed for the warmer. This year there was quite a lot going on around that time so moving her Winter wardrobe from the dorm back to the closets at her house was certainly down on the 'to do' list.

All the more reason to use her free time now to do just that.

There wasn't too much, just a few suitcases worth and they had roller wheels to make it easy to cart around. That, plus an Uber, made this a relatively easy visit. Still she had wanted some help and company so had texted a request among her friends to see if anyone would like to help with some small chores in return for the offer of dinner, and hanging out.

Jadeite has posed:
Dinner and company sounded great, honestly. Tamaki hadn't brought enough clothing to his apartment to neccessitate turning over summer and winter outfits, but he had back when he was still living in the US. It's nostolgic, thinking of out with the cold and in with tne new.

So he texts back, and he shows up, knocking on the door of the provided address politely.

DJ Dite: I have arrived!

Ami Mizuno has posed:
It's a rather nice house in the middle of Tokyo. Not in the middle of the bustling city areas, but close enough that it was only a short walk or bus ride to the more active areas. The intercom buzzes along with a remark of, "It's open," coming through the digital speaker.

Inside was a house with everything neat, tidy, and stainless steel galore. Not quite minimalist, but more that 'I'm too rich to not have anything streamlined' look that so many went for. There were a few cozier touches, such as a soft fluffy area rug in pleasing shades of blue where the livingroom split into the dining/kitchen area. The cabinets had that LED underglow lighting that made cooking prep very handy but also somehow made it seem like a hospital at the same time.

Ami comes down one of the side halls toward the entrance/livingroom/kitchen area to flash a smile at Tamaki. "Hello, Tamaki-san! Welcome to my home. Would you like a drink? I'm certain we have something in the fridge still," she begins while stepping toward it only to pause at the note stuck to the top of it.

It's picked up, and regarded with an emotionlessly quiet gaze before she sets it aside. "Seltzer or soda?"

Jadeite has posed:
He lets himself in. The house looks - familiar, in some ways? His parents' home looked like this when they were expecting company, streamlined and sleek, but they had homely touches added artfully around to make it look lived in. Being corperate diplomats meant that they had to seeem charming without it feeling like an act, and they mostly succeeded.

"I'd love a drink, Ami-san," he says as he toes his shoes off. "Seltzer, please, unless you have decaffinated soda? If I have caffine now, I'll be up all night."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
There were some very odd things about the place as well if one were to realize it. While there were some decorative touches here and there like vases, and lighting, or a vague splash of soothing blues in the use of throw pillows or a carefully folded blanket over the back of a chair, there was absolutely. Not a single. Piece of artwork. There were doctorates framed on the walls. Some pictures of Ami at various events. Few if any of her with her mother. And no art. None.

Ami opens the fridge to duck her head inside peeking around a moment before she withdraws a few bottles of seltzer from the door. The fridge was equally empty. Just some bottles of drinks, energy drinks, and an old takeout box of something or another. The shelves were otherwise spotless. It was kind of creepy.

Ami acts as if this is totally normal.

Turning she steps over to offer Tamaki the bottle with an apologetic smile. "I understand that. I probably drink too much myself. It doesn't seem to bother me at all." A pause, and she adds, "It looks like my mother won't be home tonight so we could order some takeout if you'd like. I'm just unpacking my Winter things now and need to decide what Summer clothes I ought to bring back with me."

Not quite an afterthought, but more as if she has multiple things on her mind at once, she asks, "How are you doing, Tamaki?"

Jadeite has posed:
It's like his parents' house. It's also the complete opposite. No family photos, no paintings from a relative, no fun prints, no childhood drawings... Not even milk or proper boxes of leftovers in the fridge. It's not so much a home as a dollhouse.

But Tamaki doesn't let his face betray him. (Much.) AFter all, everyone lived differently! Maybe it was better that there was no pretense of familial care here! R...right?

"Thank you," he says, taking hte bottle with a smile. "If there's any eggs in the fridge, I could make something?" Are. Are there any ingredience in here. He can cook on a basic level but that would require having food to cook WITH...

"Well, you know. It's hot. Mamoru-san is out of the hospital. I think all the stress leaving at once has made me temporarily brainless. How about you?"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"It's been a lot to deal with, but I'm glad that everyone is alright now. I was really worried for a bit there," Ami admits quietly with a shake of her head. "I didn't mind helping to keep an eye out for everyone. That just wasn't a sustainable long term solution, what with Usagi and you all skipping school. Did you know someone suggested I was *doing their homework for them*?" How rude!

The question of eggs earns a little flinch from her, as well as a shake of her head. "There's always instant ramen in the cupboards, and usually some canned items. Um, there may be some fish in the freezer too." Turning to the cupbards she starts to open them proving there IS food in the house! Staples at least. The sort that can last awhile without going bad. "Usually I just grab a loaf of bread and make some sandwiches. Oh we have rice too though. Mother is rarely home and I've been staying at the dorms so it's a bit worse than usual."

Jadeite has posed:
"I was going to school and doing my homework! If I can do it, so can they!" Tamaki huffs with a smile. "I could accept Mamoru-san copying homework since he was hospitalized, but everyone else..."

Even his princess has to learn algebra!! Can't rule the world without math, you konw.

"Well... I can do some basic cooking, but it might be easiesr for us to just get take out." Especially if she's flinching at how little food is in the cupboards. "What places around here do you like?"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Unlike the rest of the questions about food there was an immediate and knowledgable answer to that: Namely by Ami stepping over to the old style phone-on-the-wall in the kitchen. Beneath it sits a mail sorting tray absolutely (and neatly!) filled with various takeout menus. "There's a good Korean place nearby that does some amazing black bean noodles. It's a bit rich but very tasty. Or the konbini nearby delivers. There's the Okonomiyaki place which delivers ingredients you can make your own with at home. It's a nice little delivery kit," she explains while rifling through the various menus.

"I think it was just very difficult for Usa-chan to focus given she was so worried. I made sure she got some sleep, and time to study. Even if I had to bribe her for the last part."

Glancing up Ami smiles a bit sheepishly. "I guess you know about Usa-chan and me by now, too. It's... Something new. We're trying."

Jadeite has posed:
"How about okonomiyaki? We can have something hot to eat, and I"ll help with the dishes after," Tamaki suggests, lighting up. "Korean may be too spicy for me..." He inherited that american tongue, unfortunately.

He nods. "I can imagine. We were both worried, and we aren't - you know, as close as those two are,"he says sheepishly. "At least bribery works?"

And! Oh! "I heard, but not officially. Welcome to the club! Which I am also very newly part of! Sister in law?"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno lifts the stack of menus up to cover her mouth like some kind of couquettish fan as she giggles with amusement. "Oh, I hadn't thought of that! Um. I'm not sure?" She reasons with another little laugh.

"Okonomiyaki it is," she agrees as she turns to reach for the phone to quickly place the order. It was on speed dial. Perhaps not a surprise given the state of the kitchen overall. The distraction does give her a few moments to think beffore she remarks on the topic of their odd relationship tree.

"I haven't really gotten to speak to anyone about it outside of Usa-chan. Even Mamo-kun. We kind of vaguely touched on it while he was in the hospital, but it was more like acknowledging things. It's all new to me, even dating."

"I did try to go on dates before, but I usually broke out in stress hives. I don't feel that way with Usa-chan. Though I suppose I *should* take her on an actual date soon. Or try to." They *ALL* knew how Usa/Mamo dates usually went.

Jadeite has posed:
He lets her place the order before he responds. "I haven't dated at all either. Probably even less than you? I didn't have much of a life outside of being Endymion's bodyguard the first time around, and the second time I was...mostly preoccupied in the time I would have begun dating." eg, absolutely sillay on the power of dark energy. "So we can both be beginners!"

He hopes that makes her feel better. It makes him feel better, coming in to this with someone who knows as little about dating as he does. Though she likely still has him beat, given the, uh, atrocious state of his first life's idea of romance.

"Why not start small? Study with her, then watch a movie while cuddling. I've heard that's very traditional." And, more importantly, difficult to interupt.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno leans against the little kitchen island counter while talking. The idea is considered with a soft chuckle. "I didn't have any experience my last life, either. Unless you count pretending to be Zoi's date to things so that he could brush off admirers he didn't want to have to deal with by claiming he was occupied." A pause, and she murmers, "He was a good friend in the end though. I'm glad we were able to reconnect--And remember properly," she adds with a small pause to sip at her own seltzer.

The suggestion of studying though gets a hesitant consideration. "Usa-chan would hate that part. A movie doesn't sound bad. I was thinking of getting us tickets to go see a boy-" She pauses here with her face reddening. "Er. A boy band I like. I thought she might enjoy that too."

"What dates have you had so far with Mamo-kun?"

Jadeite has posed:
"He's a good guy." He pauses. "...well, not always GOOD-good, but you know what I mean." Zoisite was allowed to set things on fire sometimes. As a treat. "I'm glad you did too. I'm still getting to know him again properly in this life. We've been so busy..."

He takes a sip of his seltzer. "A band would porbablyl be good. YOu can enjoy the music and discuss it!" Takes another sip - and hacks it up.

"Ah. Well. We started dating just before he was set on fire and we've been, ah. Busy,,,,,"


Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno flashes an apologetic gaze toward Tamaki at that particular bit of information. "I'm sorry. It's been about the same with us. Everything happened so quickly, and has been so very busy. Now of course they're catching up again." Which meant she was just as dateless? She's trying to offer some support here.

"There's nothing that says we can't spend time together, too, though. So long as they don't expect us to start making out too."

Jadeite has posed:
"They'll have time when they have time. We just have to wait."

He waited a lifetime and a half. He can manage a few more weeks.Even if it sucks.

"Exactly! Like - no offense, but I'm not interested in dating you? But I'm looking forward to continuing our friendship, as academics, as bodyguards and as fellow water and ice amgic users."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno lets out a little breath of relief. "Oh I agree. I barely know you, really, and I think I really have to know someone to want to date them to begin with. Which is why it's okay with Usa-chan. I didn't mean you're not terribly cute and likely quite kissable," she assures in case any offense had been taken on her end as well.

"But I'm sure that's something best left for Mamo-kun to do."

Thankfully for all of those that on occasion stick their feet in their mouth, the doorbell rings alerting to the presence of the delivery that Ami had ordered. "Be right back!" And off she goes to gather up the bags to bring in.

Jadeite has posed:
"Of course, of course! I'm very kissable, just not by you." They're all agreed!! A mutual no-kissing pact.

And while she goes to get the food, he goes to try and find plates and utensils.If they. Exist??