1756/B Point: Lost in the Dark
From Radiant Heart MUSH
B Point: Lost in the Dark | |
Date of Scene: | 15 July 2024 |
Location: | Paris Catacombs/Dusk Zone/Dark Kingdom |
Synopsis: | Naru, Wing, and Adrien fight in the Paris Catacombs. |
Cast of Characters: | Adrien Agreste, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Naru Osaka |
Tinyplot: | Dark Kingdom Finale |
- Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir had held hands in the circle for the Sailor Teleport just as the others had. It was his first time with such an event, having never teleported before other than via walking through portals. He wasn't entirely sure what to expect. In one hand he grasps hold of Naru's hand, in the other Cure Wing.
The teleport starts easily in the flash of prismatic colors lighting up and blurring his vision. Unusual but not unpleasant. Up until the *something* crashes into the ring of teleporters splitting them, and their landing point, entirely.
It's a bit of a rough landing in the pitch black that made Cat Noir blink only once as his eyes adjust almost instantly. The friendly park he had pointed them to wasn't visible. Instead it's the bone-lined path of part of the ossuary which causes his breath to suck between his teeth in a little hiss.
Quickly he glances toward Naru, then Wing, checking them over with his glowing green eyes. "Are you both okay? I... don't see the others. Also." A pause as he squeezes Naru's hand apologetically. "I can see where we are so I'm going to give a warning that it's not a pretty sight. We're in the Catacombs already."
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Cure Wing was part of the teleport group as well. When the displacement happened, and he arrives with just Cat Noir and Naru, there's an owlish blink from the bird themed hero. "Well, it seems the Cat and the Canary both arrived in the same place." he offers up as he looks around him. The bone lined walls and skulls facing outwards as if present to silently judge those within the catacombs. A shiver goes through the 13 year old with the sense of dread that this area casts off.
Once his eyes are adjusted to the darkness.. at least helpfully, he has a soft orange glow around him. A result of his powering up before he went into the teleport. "This is not how I wanted to see Paris the first time. Cure Art was always talking about how beautiful it is. I guess this is in a haunted, gothic, edgy way."
To answer the question finally. Wing nods his head. "I'm good, a little disoriented." Which sucks when you have bird based powers. Do I need to increase my glow, or did anyone bring a flashlight?"
- Naru Osaka has posed:
It is not Naru's first time travelling via teleport. Large or small, she's been dragged along various places more than once. She holds Chat Noir's hand and he can feel her body tense a little as they are separated from the group. Not sooo dissimilar to other landings, unfortunately.
Naru oofs softly as she lands, half on Chat Noir and half onto the uneven path that they're in. "I'm fine." She reassures her favourite kitty and pushes herself up to her feet, letting her own eyes adjust. "I've a flashlight." She has her satchel, because of course she does and the small penlight she digs out wihtout too much trouble has multiple brightness settings.
"I.. see what you mean about the bones." Naru comments as she flashes the narrow and currently dim beam around. She doens't seem overly concerned by them.
- Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir lightly pats Naru, quite happy to have been her soft landing! Though he does allow her to get up before bouncing up to his feet as well. A quick smack of his rear with one gloved hand dusts himself off a bit, and he scrunches his eyes narrower as the lights are pulled out (including the glowing Wing.)
"I can see in the dark with my powers, but if you two need the light, go ahead. Just give a moment so I don't get spots in my eyes."
At least Naru didn't seem worried about the bone situation. A glance is shot toward Wing to see his reaction, too, only to offer a wide smile. "It *is* beautiful. Just. Maybe not down here," he admits with an awkward laugh as he rubs the back of his neck.
"I actually looked up the history of them before this in case Chrono had more questions. Apparently there was an outbreak of illness linked to one of the largest graveyards in Paris that had been used for over five hundred years. They decided to empty it out to cease the spread and just dumped the bones down here... Which is why there's just. So many." A pause and he adds, "And why they didn't really bother to keep any of them together."
A small sigh is exhaled. "I was really hoping to show you all the park, and the tower at least, before we had to come down here. So you could see my city isn't *all* uh, gothic creepy stuff."
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Oh, I can see. Just... not sure I want to." Wing admits with a laugh. "So ah, I don't think I have met you formally before!" A small half bow is presented to the couple. "I am Cure Wing, it is a pleasure to meet you. As you probably have already guessed, my powers are all bird based. Which doesn't really do a lot down here." he admits with an abashed smile.
"But I am really agile and very strong! And..." he takes a moment, to gather his wits and then whistles out a short tune.
"If there are any birds that ended up down here somehow, they will respond and I can ask it to deliver a message to the main group, wherever they are."
He glances towards Cat Noir apologetically. "Hopefully, when the day is done and the battle is won, you can share that tour with everyone!" he says with a mote of amusement and then a cheeky wink for one so young. "Or you can take your comrade there with you on a romantic tour of the City of Lights! Cure Art always said that is something she wanted to do!"
- Naru Osaka has posed:
"So I'm in catacombs filled with random bones with a Chat and a bird." Naru comments dryly, an edege of amusement in her tone. "Excellent. I'm glad the universe's sense of humour is intact."
"Down here has its own beauty." Naru comments as she takes a step or two away from the pair of them, to run her fingers along the ossified walls. It's a gentle touch, as if soothing the bones back to sleep. "There's a fair bit of gothic creepy stuff, m'dear. We'll see the park before we go." She hopes. Optimism, she has it!
- Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir returns Wing's grin with one of his own, eyes twinkling in the dim light in spite of the situation at hand. "Oh I definitely will do that! Soon as I can," he assures with a warm laugh over the situation.
At Naru's remark he quips, "Anything looks beautiful with you around, Naru-deer." Not quite a good pun but one that harkened back to one of their first outings to see the Nara Deer. He was going to stick with it a bit.
At least until he looks around at the various pathways with a sigh, and one ear tilting a bit as if straining to hear. "My hearing is pretty good but I can't make out much down here. It's pretty good at absorbing sound." The bones, he means, but he's not going to point that out. It's a bit obvious. "Either of you have a preference on direction? I can leave a few marks to help us from losing our way," he offers with a clawed hand raising to swipe at the air pointedly.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Cure Wing gives a firm nod at Cat Noir's suggestion. "Maybe an arrow saying which direction we're going in. Speaking of which, I suppose that's the first decision to make." Floating slightly off the ground, he looks in the directions they have available and admittedly, really can't see that far down. Cat Noir has the better eyesight here.
And he's realized by now that there are no birds nearby, so he gives up on that idea with a sigh.
Though Naru's comment brings about a moment of gallow's humor. "Just don't expect me to be the canary in the mineshift." he comments dryly.
- Naru Osaka has posed:
"You're entirely the wrong colour to be a canary." Naru points out with a smirk for Cure Wing.
Naru blows Chat Noir a kiss, even for that terrible pun. "You're clearly distracted, you're slipping." She teases and then points. "I vote that way." She make have chosen at random, it might be that she can sense something, but she's chosen. "I do like the plan of arrows to show where we've been. I have wax pencils if you dont want to scratch things."
- Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir reaches out to snag the air-kiss in his hand with a little melodramatic sigh. "You're right, I'm off my game. I guess I'm just Feline uneasy in these Catacombs."
Naru has picked a direction so he falls into step easily beside her. The mention of pencils earns a soft, "Ah, yes please. That feels far less like desecrating the, uh." He gestures with a sweep of his hand toward the walls. "I'll resort to that if we run out of the pencils. I'll also make sure to get you some new ones," he adds quickly because those were likely her drawing pencils. He wasn't going to let her go without art supplies!
Tipping a grin back toward Wing he chuckles. "I don't think we have to worry about such cat-astrophies in these tunnels. People come down here frequently so finding a pocket of gas or stale air is going to be pretty rare." He hopes. He HOPES. Though he was right in the fact that there wasn't any gas pockets unless someone punched through a pipe which was probably more above them than where they were walking now.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
There's a grin at Naru and Cure Wing twirls in place for a moment. "I suppose I am. I was told I was more a flame bird than anything." He shrugs his shoulders. "Huh. Not sure if I can do that down here." He taps his chin with a forefinger in thought. "I guess I'll find out!" he offers optimistically.
"I second or third the pencil idea! Unfortunatelly I didn't bring my art set with me, or I'd have pencils as well." He shrugs again and then nods at what Cat Noir says about the gas. "I'm not sure magical flames would make them ignite anyway." he admits as he starts to float in the direction Naru suggested, a rather large human-sized lantern to light the dsarkness. "My flames are more purify-ee than burn-ee."
- Naru Osaka has posed:
Thres' a bit of digging in the bag of holding that is Naru's satchel and she emerges out with a wax pencil. The black will be hard to see in the dim, but equally it isnt' blindingly obvious to those who might follow them maliciously. Pros and cons.
"I've got a small selection of my art stuff with me." Naru admits. "I'm sure it was extraneous to bring them, but apparently not. I just couldnt bear not to have even the possibility of doing some sketches in Paris, you know?" She sounds just a touch sheepish at the admission. They are hardly here to sight see.
"We're hoping to figure out where the others ended up?" Naru confirms with both of them as she carefully draws a small arrow on the wall and then follows the pair of them.
- Adrien Agreste has posed:
"That's the goal. We can't really do much without the others ability to track this signature that they've clued in on, but also..." Here Cat Noir frowns a bit. "I know my way around the Catacombs a bit, but that's if I have a starting point to work with. Being just, *here*, makes it rather difficult. They're likely just as lost if not moreso." He tips a glance back up toward the ceiling.
"If it really comes down to it, I can break us through to the surface, but then I'd have to change back for a bit to recharge. As it is I'm going to need to take a break at some point for the same reason," he murmers with a bit of worry. He COULD go quite awhile without changing back but it would really stress Plagg's own energy if he couldn't eat. He'd brought his own bag though, slung over his shoulder which he pats with a hand. "I've got some supplies but I hadn't thought to bring anything to mark the path with. Since I was expecting to come in the way I knew," he admits sheepishly before glancing over to Wing in thought.
"Maybe you can try a bird call again later and see if any of them hear us? It might be less alerting to the enemy than just a regular old cat-call."
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Yeah. We're going to need them, or we'll just be flitting around while all the action happens. Not that you two aren't good company, but I don't want to feel like a third wing." Cure Wing follows Cat Noir's glance upwards. "Let's save that for the last resort. I just don't know why I cannot pick up anyone on the comms." he taps the small earring he wears. "Nothing but squelch and static."
At the suggestion he tries the bird call later, he nods. "I can do that if you don't feel like caterwauling." he teases back. "I can chat with birds." he explains. "I understand what they're tweeting and can talk back to them. No it's not always mating calls."