1819/Lunch On High

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Lunch On High
Date of Scene: 01 August 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Academy -- Rooftop
Synopsis: Sequoia meets Rashmi for lunch on the roof, and Rashmi brings Korma, and Chrono! Between the two, they give Sequoia a crash course on what it means to use a Device, and what she can expect her life to be like for the conceivable future.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios, Sequoia Maybach, Chrono Harlaown

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Lunch on the roof is pretty much a staple of most high school, and Radiant Heart is no exception. It's just that Radiant Heart, being more or less a university campus, has a *whole lot more* rooftop than most other schools.

So when Rashmi suggested lunch on the roof, she later specified that of the main classroom building, east side. And with school out, 'lunch' meant *another* message asking Sequoia how spicy she likes her food, and if she's ever had Indian before...

And a quick sending to Chrono, noting that there's a new Device User (specific wording) in town and that he'll definitely want to meet her... and also asking his Korma order.

All of which means that when the agreed-upon time comes, Rashmi is sitting on an HVAC unit, with an entire insulated takeout box bearing the Korma Chameleon's red, gold and green mascot on the side, thumbing through a light novel.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    That's a lot of roof. It's a good thing Rashmi later specified WHICH roof to meet on. As it would turn out though, she has had Indian before and a taste for 'just a bit!' level of spicy. Nothing crazy, but nothing too mild, but pleasantly so for flavor.
    So the appointed meeting time rools around and the roof door opens. The silver-haired girl glances left. Then right. Then spots Rashmi and shoots her a wave as she starts making her way over. Looks like she didn't come empty handed though, she's got a bag in one hand; see if Rashmi is bringing the food, the least Sequoia can do is bring some soda to drink. Nothing crazy flavored, just some simple cola. She comes in peace, not to start wars after all.
    "Hey. Thanks for taking the time to meet up. I uh. ... I've got so many questions."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to have lunch with his girlfriend and, frankly? He could do a half day.

He'd been investigating another lead, but sadly? It was a wash. The last few members of the Arthra were proving... difficult.

However, there was something else he'd been working on and expecting to pan out soon.

His order was simple, he'd like a small Biryani. Fenix was with him as well. So around the time of the meeting, he'd by flying in, landing on the edge of the roof behind Sequuoia with a silent landing... Then pause. Should... he?

Nah. He walked behind her, not making a sound, and then opening and closing the door at the same time he ended his henshin to appear as a 'normal kid'. Well. A normal kid with a small, colorful bird on his shoulder.

"Hey, Rashmi," he called out. Yup. He'd totally been coming up the stairs behind her. Totally. He did not just land on the roof or anything. Noooope.

<< Is she the device mage you mentioned? >> he asked Rashmi, his device creating the bond between them.

A moment later, the lidth jay on his shoulder flew off and over to Rashmi, landing on her shoulder and giving her ear an affectionate little nip.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I *bet you do,*" Rashmi says with a rueful chuckle, and opens up the bag, taking out Sequoia's order first, then hers... Then a third, which gets set aside. "And I know I can answer some of them, but it's all secondhand. So I asked someone along who'd be able to give you *more* of the truth--"

Her smile quivers a bit, in an attempt to hold in a laugh, as Chrono makes believe he *didn't* just land on the roof. Clearing her throat as the door opens, and Chrono and Fenix stroll onto the roof, she lifts up a cheery wave to the pair. "Hi~, Chrono! And hi, Fenix!"

As the jay alights on her shoulder and nips her ear, the redhead giggles and leans into the affectionate gesture. << Yup! And it's gonna be another surprise, but a much *better* kind than usual. >>

"Sequoia-chan, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Chrono! Who is also a special agent from space. Chrono, this is Sequoia-chan! ...Who recently learned she's a Belkan Knight."

Rashmi doesn't often tease Chrono, or trick him. But when she does, she does at least try to ensure the pranks are harmless and, to hear at least, hilarious. "...And pacifist."

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    That's funny. Sequoia didn't *hear* anyone coming up the stairs behind her. So when the door opens and shuts there's a bit of an almost befuddled look that crosses the girl's face as she glances back over her shoulder and blinks once.
    She's not an oblivious girl, but hah hah boy did she miss Chrono flying on up just now. Nevertheless she offers a wave his way as she starts settling in.
    The antics with the bird are quite frankly very cute, but then Sequoia blinks again. Boyfriend. Oh that makes sense then that the bird would take a liking to Rashmi as well. ... Probably. Not that Sequoia knows anything about Familiars, either.
    "A special agent from space..." She says slowly, like she's absorbing that tidbit. "Lke Zephyr? -- Actually she told me to find the two of you, now that I think about it. So it's nice meeting you both." She is, at least, polite.
    So down to brass tacks.
    Setting the cola down where it can easily be accessed for later, Sequoia purses her lips thoughtfully.
    "Yeah that's a thing. One minute everything was normal, the next thing I know I've been flung into the deep end."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown went entirely still. His mouth opened, but... the words refused to come. He just... stopped. Finally, he just said in a calm, very, very suspicious tone. "I don't believe you."

The smaller agent walked forward, standing by them and, well... He did give Rashmi a peck on the cheek. Though he'd need to stand on his tippy toes to do it, likely.

He then glanced towards Sequoia, before holding out his hand, now holding a small, strange card. A hologram appeared over it a moment later, displayed from the card. "I am Time Space Administrative Bureau Enforcer, Chrono Harlaown. And yes, a lot like Zephyr. My ship ended up caught in your dimension about a year ago, by earth time."

He'd then pocket the card again. "My condolences on the 'deep end', as it were. On this planet, that seems to be the norm. However, I run weekly training and spell crafting sessions for other device mages, as well as any mahou who desire to show for them. I also endeavor to give others a proper taste of TSAB training, to help ensure that you're prepared for the dangers this role may ask of you. I'll send your device my contact information in case you ever require assistance."

"... I truly am sorry that I can't do more than that, however. The TSAB operates specifically to protect worlds like your own, unfortunately this planet is... quite a bit out of our jurisdiction and I am unable to call for reinforcements, nor could they get here even if I did. This dimension is incredibly strange." He'd then move to sit by Rashmi, pulling the food into his lap, opening it and--

Fenyx dove down, landing on his lap and chirping. She, at least, was hungry.

"And this is my familiar, Fenyx. She's... normally quite well behaved."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"If it helps, I had it the same way myself," Rashmi says, leaning into the peck with a smile, and giving the boy a quick squeeze before arranging the takeout orders in front of their respective eaters. A foil packet is set in the middle for all to grab from, opened just enough to unleash the scent of garlic naan upon the rooftop. "Found Nicomachea being used as a bookmark in a secondhand store, got attacked by monsters on the way home, and now..."

She shrugs, and the sunburst charm around her neck looses a cheery *bing!*

"So! Questions. You have a lot of them, and we probably have answers. And no, Chrono, I was serious, but she's *excellent* on defense just on her own."

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Once again, Sequoia is left bewildered. What's there to not believe? The girl furrows her brow, but... Lunch is served.
    "Thank you." She says first and foremost to Rashmi, purveyor of fine naan and delicious curry.
    Though she politely waits while the two exchange a little bit of affection, she's not bothered or put out by it. It's just typical boyfriend-girlfriend stuff after all. Her focus is on Chrono's hologram badge when he shows it.
    Slowly she starts working on her meal, spending a beat to think about what in specific to ask next while he explains the TSAB, its duty, and the lack of jurisdiction for Earth.
    "You found yours... In a secondhand book store?" She's legit crossing her eyes at the thought of finding alien magical tech in such a way, but then holds up a small, shield-shaped, charm.
    "This one's mine, I guess." She says as the Standby form Device pipes up in a mechanical and masculine voice.
    That's mainly for Chrono's benefit, Rashmi has seen it firsthand after all.
    "My dad gave it to me, said he'd always had it from back when he was in law enforcement 'far away'. He'd never talk about it much beyond that, just 'far away', and whenever I asked him about it he'd get a weird look on his face like he couldn't remember anything proper." She explains.
    "I... I guess if you'll have me, I'll show up." She says next on the subject of training. "I don't really like fighting, but if people need protection, I'd like to know more..."
    And then bird. Divebombing Chrono's meal.
    "Well she's really cute."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod. "I see. That most likely means the veil has affected him. On this world, there is a strange magical field that makes it so as people get older, they lose all memories of magic. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to affect everyone equally. Those on the side of darkness, a faction of..." He trailed off, struggling to find the right word. "Misguided individuals, often from Obsidian, wield that power. And it seems unaffected by the veil."

"Your father was likely a TSAB soldier of some kind. If you'd like, I could attempt to run a record scan of your device? In theory, my Enforcer rank should allow me to gather information needed."

He didn't seem to mind as Fenyx started stealing bits of rice.

"Fenyx has been working rather hard for me today. While we didn't manage to find any of my missing crew, we did manage to locate where we beleive the next Arthra drop will occur and... hopefully... when. I'll be posting the information up later for our allies to see."

"There's nothing wrong with disliking fighting," Chrono said firmly. "Nor should you feel that you have to fight. However, a desire to protect those who can't protect themselves is a noble goal. For the most part, the mahou of this world are a reactionary force, there are only a few of us who try to take a more direct, targetted approach against our enemies. But that is not something you should ever feel obligated to do."

He then got a... slightly... conflicted look on his face. "Have you met... Steiner?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"So," Rashmi says slowly, "with that in mind... I guess the answer to the question you asked me before is 'probably, your dad wasn't born on Earth but he won't remember.' Which... probably all by itself, is gonna be a lot to take in. Also, you're definitely gonna want to spend some time talking to Schutzschild, because he's more than just a shield. He's an Intelligent Device, like Nicomachea... Which to put in simple terms, um... okay this is just to help you understand, it's *definitely* not a straight analogy but like... Imagine a smart-phone with a bunch of apps designed to cast spells. ...That is also a shield."

Gesturing helplessly with her spoon, she digs into her curry for a moment, as a cover for arranging her thoughts into helpful words. Schutzschild comes loaded with a bunch of spells, but once you're comfortable with what he has, you can program more. That's why I say you should talk to him, he'll know everything he's got and can tell you, but you have to know how to ask the right questions."

Glancing aside at Chrono as he asks about Steiner, Rashmi bites down on another giggle.

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Internally, Sequoia is taking mental notes. Something about a veil, her father might have been ex-TSAB, maybe, Obsidian...
    Slowly she's filing all this away while nibbling on a bit of naan. "Missing crew?" She does ask when that topic comes up.
    Rashmi however comes in clutch with giving a breakdown and crash course of how Devices work and how they aid their wielders, and Sequoia looks at the Device in her hand again.
    "I think I get it." She says at length. Though talking to an intelligent shield will probably come awkward at first, it's just going to be something she'll have to get used to.
    Even if it yells at her in Belkan a lot.
    To Chrono, though, at the offer to run a record scan of her Device, she holds the shield-charm out.
    "May as well try?" She says before looking quizzical.
    That... That would sure be a meeting right there.
    "The first time I ran into one of those monster things, I was with my friends. I was scared, but I didn't want them to get hurt. ... If I can protect other people from things like that, then I'll do my best."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod. "Indeed. However, belkan intelligent devices are quite rare. It means it's a more modern device, most likely. Probably of midchildian design," Chrono offered. "And yes, more or less. Though... most devices would be akin to that. I'd say it's more like... having a smart-phone with apps. But your phone also has an AI assistant to help you with such things, selecting spells and the like. It can even activate some spells for you, if you're distracted. They can be quite useful to most. Especially for those inexperienced."

He then attempted to access the device. Primarily, using TSAB Enforcer credentials to try and get information such as when it was made, mission on the planet, prior wielder, what access rights Sequoia has for it, simple things like that.

"Steiner is a belkan princess," Chrono said. "Who has become stranded on this planet as well. She's also a trained meister, a device maker, as it were. If the hardware on your device gets damaged, she is primarily the one you'd go to. And... well. When I mentioned getting trapped on this planet? I wasn't the only one of my ship. Unfortunately, I was the only one who wasn't impacted by the veil. My colleagues... weren't so fortunate. I've been searching for them ever since."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"As far as I've been able to understand," Rashmi says, vaguely amused, "Belka is... well, they've been largely a warrior culture for a really, really long time. And Steiner-chan's really, really proud of that... Which is why Chrono didn't believe me when I said you were pacifist. But don't worry; nobody should have any expectations of you, and if you're willing to help then all you need to do *is* your very best, however that might be. We'll just be glad for the help, and the more defense we can get, the better."

She pauses, then smiles. "Also I've been learning Device craft from Steiner-chan, so... If you have little problems, or questions about how he works, I can help you, too. ...Oh! And you don't need to talk to your Device out loud if you'd rather not, most have a telepathic communication channel. Just, again, have to know to ask for it."

Sequoia Maybach has posed:
    Golden eyes drift to the shield-charm as Chrono explains further. Okay, Seqoia has a better grasp on things now. She just needs to sit down and have a nice involved chat with her Device later.
    Unfortunately when Chrono scans the shield, its prior user data comes up corrupted, however, it would appear that it has given Sequoia full rights and access authority.
    "Oh that sucks." She says when she learns the fate of Chrono's crew, making a bit of a face. But she nods. Either find Hannah Steiner or come to Rashmi with more minor Device quibbles for now.
    "I think I get things a little better..." She says at length amid some rice and more naan. "It's still a lot to take in, but at least I don't have to worry about being alone through it all. So I'll do my best."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown blinked a few times and then he glanced to her, giving her that gentle, confident enforcer smile he wore so often. "Don't worry about that. There are many magical people on this world, you shouldn't ever have to be afraid of being on your own. The challenges of this world are many, but the allies you can call on are just as numberous."

He then reached down and took his chopsticks, beginning to nibble at his own food. "Traditionally, yes. They're a more martial culture. However, that's just the tradition. Many no longer follow those ways and it's more ceremony for most. But usually the ones who identify as belkan tend to follow the more old ways."

"Your device should be able to run you through some basic tutorials, at least. Setting up barriers and the like, in order to help keep non-magical civilians safe."

Fenyx flew up to his shoulder and nestled in the groove between his neck and shoulder. "Just don't be reckless and trying to fight groups of people on your own, and you'll be fine. There's a few... more dangerous sorts out there, but for the most part? People here are quite friendly and happy to offer a friendly hand to one in need. I'd suggest meeting with the school councilor, Kyouka, as well. She offers training to new mahou and is one of the few adults with magical training."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi nods, leaning against Chrono's shoulder, for all that the redhead could probably use Chrono's head as an armrest. "And it's okay to run, if you're outnumbered. Keeping people safe is important, but sometimes that just means leading them off while to run for it, and calling for help along the way. And once you get used to working with Schutzschild, you'll probably find that he has really good advice. But *you're* the one who has to act, so it's your choice whether to act on that advice or not. Before long, the two of you should be in sync enough that won't happen very often."

Picking up hr cola, she tilts it toward Sequoia in a cheery salute. "The best thing you can do is listen to your heart, though, Sequoia-chan. It won't steer you wrong."