1862/Return of the Boyfriend

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Return of the Boyfriend
Date of Scene: 14 August 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Philip turns up at Nounamu Sweets after a bit of time away. He reveals he's no longer Phantom, and reassures Chiyo that he wants to help against Mirage and Obsidian. Ojiisan walks in cutting their discussion short.
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Phantom

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Just past morning rush hour when everyone was settling in at work, and the streets were starting to empty, was the perfect time to get the shop set up. Ojiisan was inside preparing. Chiyo was outside sweeping over the sidewalk in front of the shop. It didn't open for a bit yet--Such sweets as they sold weren't exactly a morning or breakfast item. It would open more toward afternoon once everything was prepped and ready.

Chiyo didn't really *have* to be here today, it was a day off school after all. Yet after her actual death experience she wanted to spend what time she could near family, and friends. Usagi had taken good care of her but she had her own relations to consider too.

Phantom has posed:
But it's a good thing that Chiyo is here! Because it's about that time where Chiyo's thoughts are wandering on her day, there is a clatter of the bell over the door as Philip makes his way into the shop. A smile touches his lips when he sees Chiyo. "I was told this shop had the sweetest candy in all of Tokyo. I said I'm already dating her." It's a very very lame attempt at a flirt.

But it is an attempt.

"So, how do I make it up to you that I've been away... sorting things out. Mirage cut me off from my accounts, so... I need to earn money somehow."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances up as soon as she hears the bell about to say they weren't open yet if the face wasn't familiar. It very well could be the part-timer, or Taro, or someone else she knew though so the words hesitate. A good thing because it only takes her a moment to recognize Philip's red hair as he enters to greet her with such a flirtatious remark.

The broom is abandoned to lean against the wall in favor of rushing forward. "Philip! I was worried something might have happened," she begins only to pause regarding him with a quick head-to-toe once over to make sure he was okay. At least as far as she can physically tell.

It's about then that the remark sinks in about being cut off.

"*Are* you okay? Did they do anything to you?" Worry fills her gaze even as she asks with her voice dropping lower.

Phantom has posed:
As she rushes him, Philip looks like he's going to brace for a moment. He knows how strong Chiyo is -- was. He doesn't know for sure now. But he doesn't care. Now that she's close, he grabs her in a hug and holds her tightly to him as he breathes in the scent of her hair and shampoo for a few moments. Only then does he pull back to return /her/ once-over as he checks her out. "Look at us... from enemies to neither of us with powers and dating." he laughs a little at that. "Not sure if I'd accept powers back if I had to leave you." he admits.

BUT. Back to subject at hand as he clears his throat, becoming proper again. "Besides cutting me off from my accounts? No. I'll be fine. I'll find a way to stop Scorn... actually. I need to talk to you and Usagi about her as soon as possible." he says urgently. "She may have a weakness. I should knw."

"I mirrored her, after all."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai had hesitated in pulling him into a hug just in case he were injured. Just in case she did something that might hurt him more. When she's the one pulled close though she relents letting her arms slide around him to hold in turn with her face tucked in against his shoulder.

The grip of her arms is still strong. Perhaps not as strong as before, but there's a strength none the less that one might not expect from a 'regular' girl her age and size. She'd always been strong from the work she did.

A strange mixture of relief and guilt gnaws at her when he remarks about being powerless. He was away from them, but he was unpowered as she was now. "We'll make it work," she agrees quietly. A reassuring smile comes as she adds, "I can help a bit. We can always use more hands around here with Ojiisan getting older--Don't let him hear you say that though," she adds glancing over her shoulder to ensure he hadn't heard HER say that. More seriously though, she nods. "I'll contact her soon. We can discuss things."

"Are you still staying at the school? Is that all okay? I can probably talk to some of the staff I know that know about us if need be to make sure that won't be effected." All the while she rambles her hand lingers on him. It sweeps up to his shoulder just touching and fiddling with a little bit of lint off his shirt with a gentle touch.

Phantom has posed:
Philip Toms doesn't let go until Chiyo is ready, and they remain close, his forehead rests against hers. "I think he could still take me out in the boxing machine game." he says quietly and in amusement of her strength. Both in her arms and in her heart.

He still feels the guilt for his part in Chiyo losing her powers, but he has resolved to do all he can to help her get them back. "I promise, he won't hear me say a thing." he says with a small grin. "Just gushing on how hot his granddaughter is." A wink and a kiss to her cheek.

"Please do. Scorn is one of the few ways to be freed from the mirror. And it's gooing to take Usagi and others to fix her." he says with a draw of his breath. "And yes, it's the same thing that'd worked on me as Phantom."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Philip!" It's not so much she's scolding as she just wasn't expecting a remark like that: Calling her hot in front of Ojiisan. Almost instantly she turns a shade of pink that she can feel from the tip of her nose to her ears as her face burns with embarassment. It's easy to feel how warm her face has gotten when he kisses her cheek.

A quick puffed breath comes trying to get her mind back on track.

"Your weakness? I don't know that I can seduce Scorn though. Plus I don't want to." A little squeeze is given to the hug. Jokes aside she adds, "I'm glad you're okay. I really was getting worried I hadn't heard from you for a bit."

Phantom has posed:
Philip can't help but to smile when he gets through to Chiyo and she turns pink. It's the small victories that matter, after all! Of course, it doesn't help when Chiyo turns the tables on him with the whole securing Scorn bit. "Oh, that's your type, is it? Collecting ex-villains?" he asks with a smirk and a nudge against her with a chuckle.

"But no.. a lot of firepower. Something else to discuss with you and Usagi."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Only one ex-villain," Chiyo remarks as she leans in to brush a soft kiss to him. It's just for a moment. Though she'd like to let it linger she might get carried away and she could still hear Ojiisan working away in the kitchens. While he might be very accepting of many things, catching her outright kissing a guy while standing in the middle of the shop in broad daylight? That would probably get a lecture or maybe yelling. Probably aimed toward the 'bad influence' she was currently kissing.

"Firepower? I think we can do that. I know a few people who are a bit... Excessive." Pausing in thought a moment, her head tips to the side considering. "What about Zero Time? I mean, those little barriers some of them can put up?"

Phantom has posed:
"One of the things to consider is to find the box we were locked up in." Philip points out. "Axia, that's what the box was called. It was able to contain all of the Phantom Empire until we were released." he returns Chiyo's kiss, sad that it ends entirely too soon, but it's spuring his thoughts as he considers, watching the candy work with interest.

And yes, he's a horrible, terribad influence of the granddaughter! So horribad. Ahem, anyway. "Either that, or some really strong purifying attacks... you see..." There's a pause, "If you can hit her with enough purification, Scorn will revert back to Cure Gull." That Cure Cull. Cure Tide's sister. The Coffeeshop Prettycures.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai considers the suggestion with a slow nod. That was something far easier than finding a box, but perhaps... "Would they have kept the box somewhere or did it get lost?" That would be difficult to find. The other option? Her eyes glint with amusement with a growing grin.

"Ah, purification we have plenty of. Sailor Moon is excellent with that," she explains, "And if she needs it stronger she can borrow the energy of some others to boost it. They've done it before." Pausing, she adds, "I've been healed by that before. It's very powerful."

It was only a matter of time. The fact that they had lingered in the shop front holding one another while talking was bound to catch up to them the longer it lasted. Which is precisely why there's a sudden sharp clearing of a throat as Ojiisan steps out. The old man glowers at Philip with eyebrows sternly drawn together.

"Who are you?"

Phantom has posed:
"You'll have to ask Cure Hime. She's the one that opened the box." Philip responds with a thoughtful frown. "If she still has it is anyone's guest." His hand squeezes Chiyo's shoulder with thoughtful affection as he nods his head. "If you can break the spell that Mirage put on her, you can save her. And put a dent in the Precure Graveyard."

But there's that clearing of throat and Philip pauses. Releasing Chiyo, he turns his attention to the old man and bows properly. "I'm Philip Toms, sir. It is a pleasure to meet you - I have admired your candy... and granddaughter." He stops from saying 'for some time'.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai gives a little jolt at the familiar sound of Ojiisan's voice. Her expression freezes, eyes widening while her face goes beet red. Thankfully Philip moves because it seems as if her brain has locked up momentarily from 'deer in headlight' syndrome.

As soon as she's released she takes a step away turning on the balls of her feet to face her grandfather. Both hands go pointedly to the apron she wears stuffing into the pockets as if to prove she was Definitely Not Touching A Boy.

Philip bows, and introduces himself, and ... Her voice comes out in a little squeaking rush of air at his remark while her heart thumps with panic. PaNiK!

Ojiisan for his part looks rather unimpressed at this. His arms cross over his chest as the glare continues with a stiffly set jaw. "Mm." Comes his noncommital response. "Foreigner." He states after a moment even though it's *obvious* that Philip is. A slow, deep breath is drawn in causing his chest to puff out.

"How long have you known her? What are your intentions? How old are you? What school? What are your plans for the future?"

Well if Philip is going to just bust out with hugging Chiyo in public and make a remark like that, he wasn't going to hold back on the third degree either!

Phantom has posed:
Uh. That's a lot of questions. But, Chiyo WAS HUGGING TOO. So apparently he is going to get the third degree as he straightens back up. "Yes, I was born in England." he says, the accent showing, but his Japanese is spot on. Even as Chiyo betrays him and denies ALL KNOWLEDGE and RETREATS. Traitor.

His hands fold behind his back. "I'm 15 years old and in 9th grade at Radiant Hearts, like your granddaughter, sir. My intentions currently are to graduate high school and make my way into a good university. I have a history of travelling the world and making rare acquistions for my mother's collection. She is the CEO of Mirage Cosmetics. But we are currently... seperated, due to an argument."

"As for your granddaughter? I hope that she will allow me the chance to learn more about her and the time to spend with her - and I have always admired your shop and candy making techniques. The konpeito has always been my favorite. A little prickly at first, but if you work at it, you get a sweet surprise."

He does not look at Chiyo, but that's a shot fired at her.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
It wasn't that Chiyo was attempting to deny Philip or their relationship at all. She just. Never faced Ojiisan over such a thing before. By the time Philip is starting his answers she finally works up her courage a bit. One hand withdraws from her pockets to reach for his hand to take with a squeeze.

"We went out a few times, and started officially dating recently," she explains with a duck of her head apologetically toward Ojiisan for not mentioning this before.

Ojiisan listens, and watches the interaction between the two with a keen eye. Sharp and alert, and aware of the tension as well as emotions that were clear between the two. Clearly he's displeased--He could have at least gotten a warning!--But he finally harumphs with a curt nod, and turns away. "We open soon. Finish up," he declares lifting a hand to wave dismissively over his shoulder. Apparently some of the praise however wasn't totally wasted as he mutters, "At least he seems to have good taste."

Phantom has posed:
When his hand is grasped, Philip squeezes it. It's gonna take more than an angry grandfather to chase him away! And Chiyo adds in her own words, and it seems to placate the old man, so all is kind of well. "I should let you get to it, then." he offers as he turns back to her. "I'll see you when you get off." he offers to her, a brief frown. "I didn't want to tell him that I'm kinda... on the outs with Mirage." he murmurs.

A quick kiss and a grin as he calls out. "I have great taste! She's wonderful!" And he's getting out of there while he can!