1870/The Race

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The Race
Date of Scene: 18 August 2024
Location: Sports Pavilion
Synopsis: Miho accidently wakes Mie up from under the bleachers. Mie and Miho get into a race that Miho wins. Miho's headaches seem to be getting worse then better, and Mie makes a suggestion.
Cast of Characters: Miho Inada, Mie Kitamura

Miho Inada has posed:
    Its just past sunset as one of the newest transfers to RHA, Miho is on the track. She's been running for some time in a pair of joggers and a sweat shirt. She rounds the corner, and enters the final part of the track where she explodes with a burst of speed. She crosses the line, and slows down before bending over, breathing deeply.

    The young woman walks over to a duffle bag, and pulls out a water bottle. She takes a long pull from the water bottle, and smirks a bit as the strawberry lemonade flavored water cools her off a little bit. She falls on a bench nearby, taking a moment to settle her heart rate down, before taking out a pill bottle. She rubs the side of her head, then takes a pill. The headaches are getting worse, and that they're coming more often.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    The movement of Miho sitting on the bench reverberates around the bleachers, waking up a napping Mie. There's the sound of a huge yawn, and arms stretching out before a bleary green-haired girl sits up blinking blearily, if not a little annoyed.

    "WHO DARES DISTURB MY-- When did it get so dark?"

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho blinks a few times as she looks at the girl who just...woke up? She pauses a moment before taking the pill, and another drink from the bottle. "Umm, sorry? I mean, I didn't know that there was people...wait, why are you sleeping under the bleachers instead of the dorms?", the young woman asks. She looks at Mie a bit. "And about...20 minutes ago. I mean, how long have you been sleeping under the bleachers?", she asks.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "I don't have a dorm room," Mie says simply, clambering out from underneath the bleachers to stand beside Miho. "And I was tired. My apartment was too far away, so I wanted to take a nap." She starts brushing off the dirt and debris that's accumulated on her skirt. "The field was deserted and the air is nice so I napped here."

    "You have been running," she observes. "In your free time. You must be on the track and field team or else you're just a masochist."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho blinks a few times. "Well, kinda something I do at home. Dad got me started in it when I started training with him.", she says. "And no, not on Track and Field. Don't do really do many sports.", she tells. Which is semi true. She just doesn't compete. "Just trying to stay in shape, and not have to diet as much."

    "And apartment? Well, I guess. Still sleeping under the bleachers, you might catch cold under there. And so not a masochist!", she defends! The young woman makes a small face at that.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "Me? Catch a cold? Ha!" Mie laughs, putting her hands on her hips. "Within me burns a mighty fire! It will destroy any puny virus that tries to invade my system!" She shrugs, "Besides, it's summer. It's not like it gets cold or anything."

    She nods thoughtfully as Miho explains why she runs. "I see," she says, rubbing her chin. "Fortunately, I am in the peakest of conditions so I do not need to run to keep in shape. My shape is an example of perfection!"

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho takes a moment to look around. "I'm sure. How about this? We...run a mile? I mean I hate to actually compete, but hell, I could use the training. This is a half mile track, so two times around the track?", she asks the girl. "Oh, I'm Miho.", she says with a nod.

    "I mean, you shouldn't have any problem outpacing me around the track if you're in peak condition. And given my dad is a retired MMA fighter...", she tells. "Easy win for you.", she taunts.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "Mie," Mie says, returning the introduction. She deftly hops over the bench to stand next to Miho and nods, getting an excited gleam in her eyes. "A challenge!? I accept! I shall show you what it means to be in top physical condition!"

    She starts taking off her dress shoes and knee-high socks. "Ahhh," she says as she squinches her toes. "Much better. If only I had my track suit. No matter. As much as an inconvenience this is, I shall still best you handily."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a little bit, and smiles a little bit. "Since you're running shoeless, I'll start a little further back, and you can have a 5 second head start.", she offers. The woman moves about...25 yards back. So, it'll be roughly about a 8 to 9 second head start for Mie. "I think its a bit fair.", the young woman says.

    Miho already knows how this is likely gonna go. She's been running for awhile now. She does a few quick stretches to get her legs warmed back up. Miho takes a deep breath, and settles herself in position. "I'll start counting down after you start running."

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie eyes the disadvantage that Miho is giving herself. "Bah. If anything I should be the one giving you the advantage." She walks out to the track and settles herself at the starting line. "Now, I will show you who has the superior physique!"

    She crouches down, preparing herself and suddenly she blasts off running at a sprint around the track. She's fast. Almost unnaturally so, and she easily rounds the first curve of the track.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho starts her countdown as she watches the girl sprint. "Mile race. Not 100 yard dash.", she smiles. She watches a second more, before she starts running. Her pace is even, and she's showing that she's a pretty much an athlete. The woman is hitting the first corner at a good clip. She's not sprinting, but at a high jog. Mostly conserving her energy for later.

    Miho continues to watch as she evens out her pace. Lets see how long that girl can keep up that dash. Her head starts to get heavy though. Another headache? Already? The woman keeps running, but gah! Its throwing off her breathing, but she's still going pretty good.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie's sprinting takes her around the second bend at breakneck speed, but then she starts running out of steam. Huffing and puffing, her pace falters. It's clear that she's still running at a good clip, but it's doubtful that she'll be able to keep that up for very much longer, and still, she has another lap to go. Regardless, she's so confident that her initial lead will carry her through, she spares a glance back at Miho who is pacing herself. Yes, she has this race won already.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho keeps running at her pace. She's fairly sure at this point that Mie's running out of steam. That headache is just starting to really get to her as she runs, but she's focused on running her race. It shouldn't be too much longer now. She starts to up her pace a little bit as she comes around the next corner. This pace...She figures she'll probably get the mile done in around 5 to 5.5 minutes. Pretty good time for a high schooler. To a certain extent, she's not pushing herself though.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie is clearly flagging as she rounds the third bend, her pace faltering. Another glance behind her shows that, somehow, Miho is starting to catch up. Growling, Mie tries to pick up the pace, and manages to get a little more speed in, but that only serves to tire her further.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho continues to run her pace. Its not long before she'll catch up, and go past. She's slowly speeding up as she goes through the third bend. She heads into the fourth bend, her pace starting to move a little faster. She's still on her pace as the headache starts to pound a little bit. She's starting to head towards the first bend, keeping her discplined pace going. Miho takes a deep breath. Just keep moving...

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    As they round the last bend, Mie is barely able to move, putting one foot in front of the other, and Miho is easily able to catch up. For a little while they're neck in neck before she passes Mie in her lane. "How?" Mie gasps, disbelievingly.

Miho Inada has posed:
    As the race is winding down, Miho hits that last bend, and starts sprinting. Yes, she's sprinting at this point. As the woman hits the finish line, she starts to breathe out heavily as she grabs her water bottle. That headache is getting bad. She winces a bit as she holds her head. She falls on the bench. The woman holds her head a bit more as she's breathing heavily "Been running for more then a little while.", she says, holding her head a bit.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
?Mie finally manages to make it across the finish line, only to take a few steps and collapse on the ground. "Curse this inferior human body," she manages between gasping breaths for air. "You have won this time, but next time it will not be the last."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho smirks a little bit before wincing. "Heh, Ok.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath. She already taken her medicine, but it doesn't seem to be working. "Human body? You are human.", she says. The woman shakes her head a bit, as she chuckles.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie blinks at Miho as she finally gets her breath under control. "Yes. Of course. Human. How silly of me." She scowls as she makes her way over to the bench, realizing that all that running makes you sweaty, and now she's gotten her clothes soaked in sweat. She picks at her shirt trying to get some air moving through there. "I'd forgotten how much you sweat when you excersize."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho takes a few deep breathes. "I wish I could figure out what causes these headaches. They were bad in Kyoto, but gotten worse here in Tokyo, dispite the meds. I thought it was just stress, but now the meds just arn't doing anything.", she says. THe woman takes another drink of water. She's in joggers and sweatshirt, so she's not too worried about being sweaty. Plus she can shower back at the dorm. "You alright?", she asks.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie scowls at Miho at the mention of headaches. There is, perhaps, a brief glimmer of compassion. "You must see a doctor, then," she concludes. "Perhaps it is a tumor." So helpful, Mie.

    "I am fine," she says. "My pride is wounded, but that is the only thing. I will survive." She stands and turns to her opponent. "I must retire to my apartment. I need to shower. Good day."