2008/A Miraculous Hand-Off

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Miraculous Hand-Off
Date of Scene: 15 October 2024
Location: Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
Synopsis: Cat Noir does indeed come to get that Miraculous. Tsuki no Mitsubachi is glad to no longer be the Ladybug - but she hopes Cat Noir can convince The Ladybug to let herself be known.
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Usagi Tsukino

Adrien Agreste has posed:
The window that lead to Naru and Usagi's room was one that was familiar enough to Cat Noir, though to be fair he had never actually *entered* the room via this means before. Typically he was visiting as Adrien. He'd opened it many times to get some fresh air while visiting Naru, or simply glanced out it to see what the weather was like when deciding if they ought to venture out for a date or stay in and study and play video games (and snuggle). But come in through it? Never.

There was always a first time for everything.

A dark clad figure with a mess of blonde hair perches outside the window precariously ontop of his staff which had grown to an appropriate length to REACH said window in the first place. All so that he can lift one glove-clawed finger to tap-tap at it, and finger waggle in greeting once Usagi might look his way.

Even in spite of the seriousness of the visit he's grinning broadly at the moment. No reason to come in all doom and gloom.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It might be Cat Noir's first time coming through this window, but it's certainly not Usagi Tsukino's first time having someone come through that window, between her boyfriend, her boyfriend, her boyfriend, and of course, her boyfriend. Unknown to her, Kyouka-senpai has visited through this window too, on a chat to visit with Luna.

This time, Luna is still there too, and she's the first one to notice Cat Noir, eyes going wide as she sees him, perched atop an entirely-too-large staff. The tap-tap-tap catches Usagi's attention, but she's a little distracted by her own reflection.

It's not every day that you're checking yourself out in a new transformation, after all.

What Cat Noir sees through the window is the still-short figure of a new Ladybug - one with a skirt and capelet, and a little antenna headband. Her mask is the same and her hair is still dark, but she's definitely not the Ladybug he's familiar with. There's a black cat plush with green eyes in her hand.

"This really is a super cute outfit," Tsuki no Mitsubachi says wistfully. "It almost makes me wish my fuku looked like this instead."

"Usagi," Luna says, and flaps a paw in Cat Noir's direction. "Usagi, your guest is here."

"Eh? My gu- oh!" Whipping around, she rushes over to the window and opens it up. "Quick, come in!"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
The sight of A Ladybug (not The, no not THE Ladybug) inside causes Cat Noir's heart to leap into his throat a moment. It wouldn't be the first time someone else had used the miraculouses. He was guilty of that himself... But for a moment he worries that Hawkmoth was making another attempt, and she'd had no choice but to--- Pose in front of the mirror?

Maybe he was over-reacting JUST a bit.

When Luna spots him and informs Moon Bug about his presence though that train of thought is gone for now. At least she hadn't been Akumatized and THEN transformed or the like.

"Right," he agrees quickly ducking in through the window with a little swoop that leaves him nimbly on his feet. The staff is still in hand but it shrinks down to the size of a nightstick instead of a pole-vaulting staff so that there's no damage to the window, ceiling, or the temporary Miraculous holder that opened the window.

"I have to admit, it seems strange seeing someone else with the spots."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"It's weird wearing the spots," the Moon Bug says with a sheepish laugh, waving the little plush around. "I asked Tikki, and we thought maybe the Lucky Charm would give me an idea on how to give the Miraculous back, just as a back up plan. But all it did was make it clear you're the one."

She's hopped back to make room for him, sitting down on her couch.

"Adrien-kun said you guys have a guardian that you work with. That he knows who Ladybug is, and can make sure she gets these earrings back. Tikki said it's true, that he exists - so you're absolutely sure he can help the original Ladybug?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I'm the one?" Cat Noir repeats with a quick glance down to the plushie cat with a soft 'ah-ha' of realization. Of course, far be it from him not to make light of the situation just a bit. He slaps a hand to his chest as if having a sudden heart attack and looks wistfully off into the distance of the back wall.

"Oh, how I've longed to hear Ladybug say that to me for so long! Alas, I can't return your confession, for your fiance would La Smoking Bomber me!" He grins cheerily and gives Moon Bug a teasing wink before turning a little more serious. A little.

"Yes, the Guardian of the Miraculouses. He gave us our Miraculouses to begin with so he has to know who we are. Unfortunately," his face drops from serious to a bit somber. Sad even. "Given Hawkmoth has been after *both* our Miraculouses, Ladybug decided it would be safest that even we don't know one another's identity. Which is why this may be the only way to get it back to her."

The shortened staff he had is brought forward to thumb a little panel on it which slides open revealing of all things a number dial pad and a little screen. "The only way I have to reach her is through this, which would contact her yo-yo and..." He sighs with ears drooping in spite of them not being REAL ears. He just couldn't help look dejected. "So there's no direct help I can offer I'm afraid. I'll have to go to the Guardian."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"...Oh, so the Pretty Kitty has a crush on the uh, Beauty Bug?"

Tsuki no Mitsubachi giggles, winking at the stricken Cat. The fact that he's still joking and smiling even at a time like this is infinitely reassuring.

"You're right, my loving fiancé would be utterly betrayed. Good thing your heart belongs to my best friend, huh?" Naru and her two boyfriends, one of whom is the nicest cat around.

"...I understand her idea. But you guys need support. You've got Naru-chan and you know about the Shed - but Ladybug doesn't know anything, and nobody knows her. If she needs help, she doesn't have anyway to call anyone but you, it sounds like, and that's just... you're great, but that's not enough. There's like a jillion of us. There's no reason not to have back up."

Hawkmoth or no moth.

"I hope that Guardian agrees."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir takes a step or two back to lean casually against the wall near the window and not the window itself. There were tales of cats being thrown out windows around here and he was not about to set himself up for that. It's a casual lean, legs crossed at the ankles and arms crossed loose over his chest while he listens, and smiles. "Once upon a time, yes. Part of me still does I guess," he admits lifting a hand to rub at the back of his neck awkwardly. "But things are different now." Judging by the grin that comes at the end with a nod. "Naru really is amazing. She's learning how to sword fight really well, too!"

Ahem. Right, focus, Cat. There were other things too.

"That's actually something we fought about quite often. Why we couldn't know, or why we couldn't at least tell *someone* that we trusted. Her point was that if he got one of the Miraculouses he couldn't force us to tell our identities to get the other."

A hand sweeps out to gesture at Moon Bug. "This is a good reason why as well though. I can't reach out to her or check on her or anything in this case. The Guardian, eh, well he trusts us to make our own decisions."

"I think he'd agree here. If not," a long sigh comes, "At least we tried."

There's a pause before he asks, "Do you know... Was she hurt at all before you two lost track of each other?" All jokes aside he really was worried.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"She wasn't hurt, not by me or Mamochan," Tsuki no Mitsubachi says, seriously, looking at Cat with warm blue eyes. "I was turning people into toys and Mamochan was turning paper into paper airplanes he could make fly around. I didn't get her, either, and she didn't get me, so - I snatched the earrings when she snatched my akuma, and then she was gone, because of the barrier, I think."

She wasn't able to stay in -

"Which was good, because neither me or Hawkmoth saw who she is... but also it means I couldn't figure out who she was, like, at all," she says wryly.

And then she reaches up and pulls off the earrings, saying. "Tikki, spots off."

The Ladybug Miraculous is held out to Chat Noir, giving him that power - the power of both Miraculous, not that Usagi knows what she's offering him.

"I hope this time you win the fight. You guys both deserve more help. Especially since Hawkmoth is already coming after the rest of us; it's our fight too."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Oh the dangers that could bring. All jokes aside Cat Noir stands up straight while reaching out a hand to carefully, perhaps even reverently, take hold of those spotted earrings he'd seen so often.

"Thank you. That does take a weight off my mind." He stares down at the earrings in hand just regarding them quietly a long moment before closing his fingers around them and balling his hand into a fist. "We may not have been anything special, but we are partners, and friends. Back home we didn't have anyone else. If there were other heroes, we didn't know them at all. We had to be cautious. It's different here."

Raising his green cats-eyes to Usagi he smiles warmly. "Do you think it would be all right if I asked her to come speak to you once this is resolved? Maybe you would have better luck getting through to her than the 'silly cat' that had a crush on her."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Of course you're something special. You're partners, friends, and you had each other's backs. You're Cat Noir and she's Ladybug. You're the heroes of Paris, you know?"

No self-deprecating here!

"It was different then, and now it's different now. I'll try not to judge, okay? But it really is different. I don't know how I'd do, if it was just me and Mamochan."

It would suck! She's sure she would cry a lot more than she already does.

"Of course it is! She doesn't know it, but I'm already her friend and she doesn't have a real choice abou it," a little smile. "I want to help. Maybe the fact that I gave back the Miraculous will make up for, you know, taking it in the first place."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I'm certain that will help a great deal in convincing her, honestly. The fear of losing them or having the Miraculous stolen is always a concern." Here Cat Noir pauses to flip his staff up again tapping a claw against it so a compartment slides open. It's there he carefully hides the earrings away for safe keeping. For now.

"Every now and then, I think we all need reminding that we're not alone and that there are those we can trust. Maybe she needs it more than others do."

"Thank you Usagi, I'll take good care of these until I get them into the Guardian's hands. If you need me again, for any reason, Naru has my number. ... An actual number," he adds with a chuckle. "I got a burner phone awhile ago at her urging. Let her know I said it's okay for you to have the number, too."

With that he steps forward to give a quick peck to Usagi's cheek, then the other, and he steps back toward the window. "I should get going for now. I don't want to be around too long in case one of Hawkmoth's akuma come by again and see me here."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"An actual number, huh?" She smiles, bright, "Good. You know, when Mamochan was a baddy, I had like, two or three phones, just because I'd lose or break a burner. That's good. They're not expensive or anything so it wasn't too bad..."

And he leans in and kisses her cheeks, and she laughs, blushing warm.

"You're lucky you're cute, kitty cat. You'd probably get chased out of a lot more windows if you weren't. Go on, help Ladybug. I'll make Naru give me your number."

And she waves to him as he goes.