2124/Things you can't take back...
From Radiant Heart MUSH
Things you can't take back... | |
Date of Scene: | 01 December 2024 |
Location: | Obsidian Tower - Cafeteria |
Synopsis: | Norie Okana gets a gift from Utau Hoshina... Hinoiri Kirara's dream X-egg. She chooses not to destroy it... but does something else instead! |
Cast of Characters: | Norie Okana, Utau Hoshina |
- Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana is sitting in a big comfy chair in the Obsidian Tower's Cafeteria. She has a box of donuts sitting on a table in front of her. She's eating the donuts slowly.
Ever since Hinoiri gave her the KiraKiraFantastica donuts, donuts on Earth we're ... never quite the same. She still ate them. But they've lost some of their magic. Each bite.... she wants to feel okay. She does not.
She sighs as she reads a book, a vampire romance. She's on a break as she reads the spicy passage, where the two heroines of the story....hold hands.
So scandalous, she blushes a little as she reads, eyes tracing the page.
- Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau Hoshina walks into the Cafeteria. Here. She doesn't need to be in disguise. So she isn't. No big hat. No white sundress. No sunglasses. Just Utau Hoshina. She's seeking her idolmate, and someone told her where she was.
She scanned the cafeteria. Let's see. Wolf guy... three eyed monster with tentacles eating pasta... oh there she is.
Approaching the chair, she sits down across from Norie and smiles wide. Much too wide. "Hi Norie-chan. I got you a gift~" she sing songs in a teasing way.
"But I want you to guess what it is first."
- Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana looks up from her book in annoyance, first 2hen she sees movement sit in the chair across from her, but her expression changes when she realizes it's Utau, expression flattening. "Oh." she says in monotone. "Hi Utau-chan. Are you here to discuss the show we're going to do in the next few months?" she asks. "I'm almost ready." she says. "I've been practicing very hard.".
She blinks though when Utau says she has a gift for her. She considers her options.
"Is... it my costume for the show?" she asks. "Donuts? I have donuts right here.. if it's donuts..." she says quietly.
"I don't think you've found a fix for my condition." she says monotone. A joke? Maybe.
- Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau keeps that too wide smile. She holds out her hand.
There floats a strange Egg. Blackened with a white 'X' on it. It floats there and speaks... in a familiar voice the two know. "Useless..." it mutters, to itself.
"This is the dream of Hinoiri Kirara. I stole it for you..." she says with that smile still.
"...would you like to hold it? In your hands?" she asks.
- Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana has seen an X-egg before. She's worked with a few before when she did some interning for Easter for a few weeks. She remembers The Meaniedokas. She listens to it speak. She hears Utau's explanation and then she smacks her face.
"I can NOT let Riven-senpai find out about this. she says. "He'll kill me. Please tell me they are alive?" she asks as she offers her hands out, finally, however. She wants to touch it still. "Is it for me to keep?" she asks. "I can keep it like a pet. I'll feed it. Stale donuts forever." she says quietly. "It's what she deserves. A dream of stale donuts forever." she says in an angry monotone.
- Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau Hoshina lowers her smile. It grows less wide. "I didn't kill her." she says, taken aback as if she'd actually kill anyone. She steals dreams. Not kill people. "She's fine. Just dreamless." Utau adds to the end.
The dream, the corrupted dream hops from her hands to Norie's as it floats there.
"Useless..." it says in Hinoiri's small voice.
"What do you want to do with it?" she asks.
- Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana looks at the egg as it hops into her hands. She pets it and seems to relax heavily as she hears Hinoiri is alive. "Good. Riven-senpai would be upset if he heard that." she says as she looks at the egg and narrows her eyes.
"...I could destroy it. Destroy her dream? I could just...." she squeezes the egg. It mutters 'Useless'.
She frowns as she keeps the egg squeezed. "I can't...do that. She ruined my life. But. Destroying her dream. I can't. Take that back." she says quietly. She frowns.
"I'm going to give it back.... but. Not before..."
She charges dark energy. She shoots it into the egg and there's a little squeal into it.
The Egg grows tiny bat wings from it's sides.
She holds it back. It hops back to Utau.
"Utau-chan. You know they'll come for it. Her friends, if not her. "She'll get it back..."
"But I want her to understand. Just for a moment. What it's like to be me." she says quieter.
- Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau Hoshina blinks when the egg hops back to her, back to her hands. It's cuter now. A tiny X-egg with bat-wings. "Oh that's adorable." she says as she nuzzles the egg!
"Uselesssss." the egg says,
Utau listens. "Oh. Yeah. I guess they will come looking. Oh well. I'll give them a time to get it back at least. Maybe I'll get to keep it for myself now."
It looks like a tiny Lunatic Charm now even!
"...I understand Norie-chan. Don't worry. I'm sure she'll get that momentary shock when she gets the egg back. If she does."
"I should go before my agent comes looking for me. I'll see you again very soon, Norie-chan." she says as she starts to leave with a little wicked smile.
- Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana looks at Utau as she leaves. "Good luck, Utau-chan." she says in monotone. She looks back at her book. She takes another donut. She has a cute human and vampire couple to read about again.
She takes a bite of the donut.
H-holding hands...
So scandalous.