2378/Path of the Meister: Luminous Titan I

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Path of the Meister: Luminous Titan I
Date of Scene: 03 March 2025
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: After being handed the necessary information on Luminous Titan's particular quirks, Rashmi has a short nighttime conversation with the Device itself. Part reassurance, part evaluation, Rashmi comes out of the conversation with an even deeper admiration for the poor Device... And Luminous Titan's resolve to protect his mistress is strengthened yet further, despite all the changes about to come to his existence.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios, Hotaru Tomoe

Rashmi Terios has posed:
The handoff was made late at night, and Rashmi has a small mountain of documentation and terminology to unravel, now. But it's information that is *exciting,* because so much of Luminous Titan's internals are centered around mitigating Dark Energy, and it hints at a breakthrough Rashmi has long been stymied by. Because if an energy can be mitigated, it can be measured. And if it can be measured, it can, in some ways, be *mapped.*

But that's for future projects. For right now, she has a very important conversation to have.

Taking Luminous Titan out of a bookbag pocket, she holds the dark gem up to the moonlight for a moment, then carefully sets him on the windowsill next to her bed. "Luminous Titan-san? If you're awake, I'd like to talk to you for a bit? This is gonna include you most of all, after all."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
To say Luminous Titan was... dejected... considering his recent failures... was an understatement. He'd failed in his one task. Again. Last time he had been damaged, heavily, in the process. This time?

... This time Hotaru had tossed him away, rather than letting him be destroyed again. His duty was to protect her. And instead, she protected him. That... had been soul crushing. If he had a soul. Which was a discussion and thought experiment for another time.

<< Speak >> Luminous Titan said, his voice, once again, that strange, dark voice. Like Hannibal Lectar and Jigsaw's love child.

The voice that Hotaru, as an adorer of all things horror, found perfect.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
While the voice is indeed *incredibly creepy,* Rashmi cannot help but to link it to Hotaru's general air of adorable weirdness, and thus smiles. "I know it might not seem like it now, Luminous Titan-san... But I don't know anyone who's seen you and Hotaru-chan together, who isn't really, *really* glad you're okay. You did your absolute best to keep her safe, like we all did, and you deserve nothing but appreciation for it."

Lying back and lacing her fingers behind her head, Rashmi stares out the window, at the crescent moon hanging overhead. "...Riventon-san and I both agree that you deserve the ability to help protect others... Maybe even to fight the thing that's taken Hotaru-chan over, maybe save her. But *I* want to know if *you* want that?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
<< Affirmative >> Luminous Titan said, not even hesitating to confirm the nanosecond that Rashmi finished her sentence.

Yes, it was a weird device, sounding like some kind of horror film... but... his love and adoration for Hotaru? Was... clear. Even if it was, possibly, programmed in.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Good," Rashmi says warmly. "But you're also gonna need someone to wield you, Luminous Titan-san. And while I don't know if she'll say yes, or you'll even be compatible... I'm *hoping* that you and Chibiusa can work together. You know her, right? Pink hair, Riventon's niece? She's been under pretty dire threat for a while now, and could really, really use someone to help her defend herself against a Dark Energy threat that has no friends on this world."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
There was a long silence then as Luminous Titan went through the encounters Hotaru had with Chibiusa. Strength of subject: Low. Magical potential: Low. Combat application: Low. Survival chances without protection: Low.

... Hotaru's affection: High.

<< Satisfactory wielder >>

Rashmi Terios has posed:
And with that, the biggest hurdle is cleared, and Rashmi can't help but grin up at the moon. "I'm *so glad to hear that,* Luminous Titan-san. Now the last thing... I'm going to need to change your external configuration as well as your internals, but I'd prefer it if I could give you a look you'd actually be comfortable with. So *please* answer yes or no honestly, and don't feel you need to compromise on what you'd find acceptable. Options -- Staff? Rod? Cape? Crown?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
There was a long, loooooong moment of silence after that.

Memories were processed. Hotaru, running around as Firefly the first time. 'Look, look, I have a butt-cape! I'm like a super hero!'

... She'd been so excited.

<< Cape >>

Rashmi Terios has posed:
At this, Rashmi can't help but chuckle. "Cape it is... Thank you, Luminous Titan-san. We'll start work tomorrow, and I truly, deeply hope I can do justice to your loyalty to Hotaru-chan, and turn you into a weapon with the power to save her life."

Turning over onto her side, she looks for a long, long moment at Luminous Titan's gem. "...You've done *so well,* you know... And I'm going to do my best to make sure you do even better from now on."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
There was a long, long moment of silence then. So long she might think there would be no response. Then...

<< Mission parameters: Unchanged. Failure: Not an option >>

He'd failed to protect her, but he... would do anything and everything to make sure that was not the end of the mission.