A Moment Between (Adora Rainbowfist)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Moment Between (Adora Rainbowfist)
Date of Cutscene: 01 August 2024
Location: The Forgotten District
Synopsis: In a moment between, a brief conversation.
Cast of Characters: Adora Rainbowfist

She-Ra dashed into the portal, disappearing from Tokyo, and as she did... time seemed to slow, if only for a moment. Her footsteps moving slower, as she dashed, walking past another She-Ra. A younger She-Ra who was walking more calmly. More confidently.

No less injured than herself, in a lot of ways. She knew, somehow, what she'd just been through.

"...Hey, Adora."

"...It's going to hurt for a while still. Things are going to get pretty bad. REALLY Bad, honestly. But... everything is going to be alright."

"Everyone gets better in the end, you'll see, and you're going to make all sorts of new friends. And... and..."

The other She-Ra continues walking, not even looking at her, she isn't even sure if she sees or hears her.

"Even Catra. She gets better too. Just don't give up hope... don't lose faith in yourself."

And that moment ends.

And She-Ra exits that portal, standing on the familiar bridge of the good ship Darla.

Surrounded by her friends.

Back in her happy ending.

Back bringing magic back to the galaxy, one world at a time. With knowledge that the world she came from, the world before... it would be alright.

After all.

The Chosen Champion, She-Ra, is there.