Christmas and Year in Review (Bow)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Christmas and Year in Review (Bow)
Date of Cutscene: 24 December 2024
Location: Bow's Dorm Room
Synopsis: Bow reflects on his first year on Earth, and shows off presents that he has gotten his friends for Christmas.
Cast of Characters: Bow

The camera opens to Bow sitting cross-legged on a wooden floor, surrounded by a mix of modern and Etherian items: a quiver of arrows, a glowing crystal, and a small pile of wrapped gifts. A small, twinkling Christmas tree stands in the corner, adorned with ornaments and Etherian star designs. Soft sunlight filters through the window, and faint urban noise hums in the background. Bow adjusts his headband and smiles warmly into the camera.

"Hey, everyone. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I thought this would be the perfect time to reflect on the past year and share some updates. Plus, I’ve been working on something special for my friends, and I can’t wait to show you. So, grab some hot chocolate and let’s dive in."

Cut to footage of Bow arriving in Tokyo, bustling crowds and neon lights overwhelming him.

"When I first got here, it felt like being dropped into another dimension. And, honestly? It kind of was. Etheria and Earth couldn’t be more different. Here, it’s all concrete and steel, packed trains, and, what do they call it? Wi-Fi. Back home, I’m used to open skies and wild lands. So, yeah, adjusting was a challenge. But I made it work. Etherian instincts, right? And I made my first friends. Sayaka, Erika, Hinata, Rashmi, all of you thanks for introducing me to this world. And making sure I survived the experience."

Clips of Bow learning to navigate Tokyo streets, fumbling with a vending machine, and triumphantly holding a map.

Transition to Bow in the woods outside Tokyo, stringing a bow and practicing his aim.

"I couldn’t stay in the city forever. The noise, the lights, it was too much. So, I headed into the woods to reconnect with what feels most like home. I brought my gear, camped under the stars with a group of boys that would become my first friends group, and let the Earth remind me why I fight to protect what I love. It was healing. Lonely, but healing."

Scenes of Bow playing his violin by a campfire, with fireflies flitting around him.

Bow sighs, looking down at a journal in his lap.

"I won’t lie: being away from Etheria, from my friends, from her... it’s been hard. There were days I felt like I was losing myself. Like I was just... existing here, not really living. But I kept going. Because that’s what you do when you care about something, right? You honor it, even from a distance."

Clips of Bow writing letters, playing his violin, and staring out over the city at night.

"But this year hasn’t been all challenges. I’ve learned so much. I even joined a group to refocus and stay present. It’s been humbling to be around people who see the world differently. They’ve taught me a lot about balance: how to live in the now while still holding space for where I came from. And then she came to this world. And I just... I know why we have to do what we're doing. But I don't have to like it. She means that much to me. But she promised we'd see it through."

Scenes of Bow training with others, laughing over food, and helping someone adjust a piece of gear.

Bow gestures to the small pile of presents beside him, smiling fondly.

"Now, let’s talk about the holidays. Christmas on Earth is something else: twinkling lights, carols, the whole cozy vibe. It’s beautiful, and it’s given me a chance to think about the people I care about. I wanted to make something special for each of them. Something from the heart."

Bow begins unwrapping and showing the gifts one by one.

"For Glimmer, I carved a statue of her parents, Angella and Micah, holding hands, with a little Glimmer between them. It’s my way of honoring her family and everything they mean to her."

Close-up of a beautifully carved statue, delicate yet full of warmth.

"For Mamoru, I made a rose out of rosewood. I thought it was a perfect match for his strength and elegance."

He holds up the intricate carving, the rose petals rich with detail.

"For Usagi, I carved a little chibi-style Sailor Moon figurine and painted it by hand. She’s always inspired me with her kindness and courage, so this felt right."

The figurine is adorable, painted in pastel pinks and blues, with a shining crescent moon on its forehead.

"For Adora, I made a letter opener shaped like the Sword of Power. I thought it’d be fun—and useful."

Bow shows a sleek, polished miniature sword, its hilt shining with Etherian-style details.

"And for Catra, I bought a lucky cat statue. It’s supposed to bring good fortune, but honestly, I just thought it’d make her smile."

The little cat is carved with a playful expression, one paw raised, and a mischievous glint in its painted mismatched eyes.

"I got Sayaka and Rashmi bounded leather journals. I know everyone puts their thoughts in the computer and all on this world. But sometimes the feel of paper to pen can make for fleeflowing thought."

"And for Erika? A model of her ship."

A carved wooden pirate ship, complete with sailcloth sails.

"So, where does that leave me? Honestly, I’m still figuring it out. I miss Etheria every day, but I also know my time here isn’t over yet. There’s something about Earth that’s calling to me, even if I don’t fully understand it yet. Maybe it’s the people. Maybe it’s the challenge. Maybe it’s both."

Bow smiles, looking out the window as the camera pans to show a clear view of Tokyo’s skyline.

"Whatever it is, I’m not done growing. And I’m not done fighting for what matters. To everyone who’s been part of this journey, thank you. You’ve kept me grounded, even when everything felt up in the air."

The camera zooms back out as Bow picks up his violin, playing a soft, hopeful melody with a Christmas twist. The screen fades to black with the words: ‘Here’s to another year of discovery.’

Bow (voiceover): "Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and never stop fighting for what you believe in. I'm off to get some KFC! I’ll see you in 2025!"