One Can DREAM (1)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

One Can DREAM (1)
Date of Cutscene: 17 December 2024
Location: Easter Laboratory
Synopsis: It is a good day to be Tsukumo Tokoyami.
Cast of Characters: {{{Cast of Characters}}}
Tinyplot: DREAMScape

Tsukumo Tokoyami sat in front of the masterwork that hsi team had created. It took up an entire large Easter laboratory room. The walls are lined with status panels, monitors and keypads, illuminating the otherwise dim at times room.

At its core was a dark matter collector. Powering the machine. Giving it its magical properties. In front sat a strange device, a cylinder with a glass tube around it, below that was the main screen, the main control interface.

The screen sat dark before it lit up in a boot sequence.

>> DREAM System Booting.

>> Booting…

> System Checks


> Memory Checks


Blorp! A blue screen with two big white ASCII eyes and mouth appeared. The computer spoke in a robotic voice. Microsoft SAM. "Greetings, Tokoyami-sama. I am ready to accept your command! Please INPUT command!"

Then the system booted itself out to a command line with a bunch of static. Today was going to be it's first test.

> Print Project File Embryo.Prototype_

Pressing enter, there was a bated pause in the air…

> Connecting to the DREAM Printer.

> Connecting…

> Connecting…

> Connected! Sending file!...

> Sent. Printing…

Two arms in the glass cylinder began to work. Layering dark energy over itself as it began to print his test. This was going to take a while. Hopefully it was going to be worth the while. In the meantime, he had time to kill. Taking a sip of the energy drink in his hand he turned to another panel. Might as well see if this thing can play Call of Duty