1186/Arcade Games with Sailor V

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Arcade Games with Sailor V
Date of Scene: 26 February 2024
Location: Game Crown Arcade
Synopsis: Sayaka introduces Bow to Game Crown Arcade and some of the Sailors' names, enjoying each other's companies.
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Bow

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka is making good on her promise to show Luke around Tokyo, and so she has agreed to meet up with him on the school campus to start showing him around. Since there are lots of places one could start with, she has elected to show him the Game Crown Arcade, as a pretty popular meeting spot and the place where the renowned Sailor V game machine is held, the (dares one say it?) crown jewel of the arcade, due to the popularity of the crime-fighting heroine in a sailor uniform.

The bluenette and Luke have walked together up to this point, the relatively warm weather not necessitating much protection against the cold, and so she is just wearing a blue blazer over a white shirt with a red ribbon and a black pleated skirt with golden lines, with mocassins and white socks at her feet.

"So, Luke!" she stops in front of him with a grin. "This is a game arcade, and you will be hard pressed not to find something you like within. There are video games for all kinds of tastes, from whack-a-mole, to crane games to fighting games to even dance games. And once one is tired of that, the upper floor has a small cafè as a resting stop." And with that she motions for him to enter, the bluenette back at his side as they pass through the door.

Bow has posed:
When they met at the entrance of the school, while Luke wore a smile that by now should seem normal to Sayaka, she can also see how tired he is. Someone pulled an all-nighter. And it wasn't just that. His smile was a bit off, pulled with worried lines. However, he promised her he would show up, so he did.

Dressed in a grey long-sleeve with blue trim on the open high collar and at the ends of the sleeves, it has been coupled with blue slacks, a brown belt and matching loafers. There was a warmer smile and compliments on how nice she looked today, before they were walking towards the arcade. As they passed by the ramen stalls along the way, there was a glance down the alley and a frown.

And they arrive at their destination. He comes to a stop when she does, Bow taking in the bluenette's words and he nods to himself, a smile coming to his face. Again, its tinged with something, but before Sayaka can assume it's something to do with her, he takes her hand and gives it a quick squeeze. "Sorry, it's not you!" he offers encouragingly. "This is a great idea and it sounds like I'm going to love it - I just found Adora last night. I couldn't get her to come back to school and she really needs help and I'm worried. But until she's ready, I can't do anything about it. So. This is a good distraction." he promises her.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka had wondered what was the matter with the teen's downcast disposition, but her tentatives to check on him were only met with his reassurances up until they are about to enter the arcade itself. In the meantime she blushes a little as he compliments her and replies with a "Thank you, you look great".

And when it finally comes the moment at which he reveals what happens, Sayaka squeezes his hand back, listening intently to what went on that made him sad.

"I'm sorry that your reunion didn't go as you hoped for. If you want me to be there, either to help with her or even to have someone to talk with, don't hesitate contacting me, I want to help you, Luke. And when you feel ready, you can tell me all about it.", she tells him, taking her hand away to instead pull him in a hug.

"Ok, we will deal with it, but if it's a distraction you need now, a distraction you shall have!", Sayaka declares confidently, dragging him to the the Sailor V game machine. "I imagine you haven't heard of her during the few days you have been here, but Sailor V is a famous crime-fighting heroine! She is probably magical like the rest of us, but her fame extends well beyond the veil, and deservedly so! She is a true paladin of justice!"

Having done a very quick summary of Sailor V, Sayaka turns to the Sailor heroine's game. "In this game you act as Sailor V, using special moves to fight monsters and uphold the peace. The score is recorded, so there are lots of people aiming for first place. Want to try it, or move to something else?" If Luke says he wants to try, Sayaka will insert the appropriate money in the slot.

Bow has posed:
"She's alive. That's the important part." Luke responds to Sayaka's comment about it not going as he wanted. No, it didn't. At all. But he's hanging on to that most important part of it all - that Adora's alive. "I won't say no to your help. I know very few people here, but I can tell by those that I talked to that Adora's already touched so many lives - so if we can help her, that'd be awesome. I'm going to set up a meeting tonight. You are of course, welcome to come."

And he was about to say more when their handhold is changed into a hug. His arms close around her and give her a light squeeze. He's such a hugger. He just can't help but to be good at them.

But the hug is broken as Sayaka gets a hold of him to drag him along into the arcade. Entering into the arcade, he offers no resistance, following after her as the pair step into the bright lights and sounds.

"I met Sailor Moon, but there are other Sailors?" he asks. "Man, Sea Hawk would be so interested." Until he realized that they weren't actual sailors, but that's for a different time.

He watches the little machine as it runs through the demo play, as he listens to Sayaka's explanation of it all. His eyes glimmer a little in excitement as he moves to settle in at the cabinet, releasing Sayaka so he can focus. She feeds the machine, and he starts to play.

As expected for an archer, he has excellent hand-eye coordination, and it shows in his reflexes as he plays. The game explains things like special attacks and such as they happen, and he's quick to learn.

In fact, he may last longer than the little bluenette may have expected as he gets through the first couple of levels with relative ease. "I think I've got this!" he starts to say, and falls to his own overconfidence, getting wiped across the floor on the third level of the game. "What do you mean it's immune to ranged attacks!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka can only approve of Luke's optimism. Because he is right, because he found Adora, she is alive. And no matter how dire a situation may seems, there is still a lot they can do. So, she is absolutely going to that meeting he is setting up. She honestly finds him very admirable, he has only just arrived, and he already gets so much. No, these are actually the skills that he developed back in Etheria coming to the front.

And then he asks about other Sailors. "Of course, there are!" Sayaka smiles excitedly. She has quite the tale to tell about this. "Sailor Mars! There was this vending machine that had started going crazy, and she had shown up out of nowhere saving both me and this other person that had tried coming to my rescue. Back then, I hadn't made a contract with Kyubey. Sailor Mars is another true defender of the people. I really believe in helping others and stopping iniquity, so it means a lot to me that people this admirable are going around", she explains.

"Then there are also Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus, that I met when we were trying to stop Sunbreaker. These are the ones I met, I don't know if the other planets had any", Sayaka remarks.

"Yes, sometimes they pull out tricks like that, to make sure you either are really prepared or know the game down to its minimal details." Albeit the difference between the two is minimal. "They want you to repeat the levels, more money for them. Want to try again? Or move to another level?" She has had an entire life to enjoy the arcade, on this day, she is leaving to Luke.

Bow has posed:
As Luke considers a seconed game, he listens to what Sayaka is saying to him. There are other Sailors, with odd names, but that's okay, everyone has odd names according to a guy that was named way too on the nose. There's so much about this world he's still grasping and understanding. Well more different than his own home.

He doesn't even know what a vending machine is yet. "Why did you make a contract with Kyubey?" comes the sudden question. He remembers her telling him about the little creature, but this is the first time that he's addressed it.

"Well, it's my fault for getting complaicant. I mean, I try to be prepared for anything, but this..." he almost said world, "...place throws out some weird things sometimes. It's going to take work and time, but I'll get better!" he promises her, as he turns to face her.

His eyes are looking around, and spy the various prizes that are hanging up over the ticket machines and considers them. But then he's back to Sayaka's eyes and he hrms. "I don't know." he admits in a moment of sensory overload. "There's so much that looks interesting and I want to try - maybe I should just let you pick?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The bluenette keeps silent when Luke asks her why she made a contract with Kyubey. Not because she doesn't want to talk about it, but because it can be answered by more than one direction, and she is not sure where to start. Should she start with Kyousuke, who was the direct recipient of her wish? Or why she wanted to become a magical girl in general? Well, actually the one is easier to tackle since she has been talking about it all this while.

"You see... I have my admiration of those who defend justice and protect the people clear, but more than that, I want to contribute too. Partially due to truly believing in that cause, partially due to low self esteem, I wanted to be out there, fighting against anyone who would obstruct peace and oppress others. True, the enemies of Puellae Magi are the Witches, but I didn't want this power so I could fight witches. I wanted it so I'd have the strength to do what's right and protect the ones I love." And that's now truer than ever, with the reveal of what exactly are Witches.

She smiles at Luke, a sincere, calm smile, completely different from the one she would have had just a week back. "And now that dream is realised, I get to be here fighting alongside everyone despite my initial mistakes, because everyone worked together to show me true heroism. Now, why Kyubey specifically? There was this dear friend of mine who is a good violinist. He had an incident who completely compromised the use of his left hand, and there was nothing anyone could do to help him. Not with magic, not with medicine. Except, Kyubey. He offered me the power of a wish, and I used it to give Kyousuke his dream to play back. I believe he is happy now." She isn't actually in contact with him enough to know for sure. She does hear about him from Hitomi sometimes.

And she reserves him a grin for his show of spirit. "You are daring, aren't you? Well then, you are worthy of showing your mettle young champion. Go forth and conquer, for victory lies within your grasp", she says, her attempt at humour with her exaggerated speech making her tone of voice way more jovial than this type of speech would have required.

"Ok, now for a serious recommendation, how about Skeeball? A bit simple, but it should be perfect for an archer. You pick up the ball and throw it in, hoping to make it land in the smallest zone. And unlike the Sailor V machine, this one comes with tickets that you can reedem for prizes", Sayaka says, pointing him to the corresponding game. Like before, she will pay for him.

Bow has posed:
As Luke listens to Sayaka's explanation on how she came to be how she is, his eyes are expressive as he tries to take in the understanding of it all. As Sayaka is one of the few that are completely in the know with him - having been on the beach when he arrived, he feels comfortable talking to her - it's not the only reason he feels comfortable, but that is just out of his grasp for the moment. "That is very admirable." he admits to her quietly. "I'm in awe of you for wanting to give your heart for the service of others. Though, apparently has worked, I have yet to see any lack of self-esteem in you. In fact, you seem very sure of yourself and confident."

"And to use a wish for another... you must have felt deeply for him. It's something I could relate to - the whole reason I'm here, now, is to find Adora. I was aware it might be a one way trip, but I believe in my heart, that if I can get Adora to help... together we can turn the tide and save our home." There's more to that, but that's reserved to talk about tonight. However, his attention remains on her. "I'm glad that your friend is happy. But more importantly, you seem happy and at peace with your choice. That is... a lot, especially considering how powerful a wish might be and that you gave it freely of your heart. That makes you really special, Sayaka. I'm not even sure I could do that myself." He probably would, let's not fool ourselves. But still.

And then she's throwing out one of his speeches, and he sticks his tongue out at her with a small snicker and a determined look. "Do not doubt my desire to win, Sayaka Miki!" he responds, his hands on his hips, a strong rise to his full height and lift of his chin. His eyes are on hers as he continues. "For the right prize, I would move worlds to reach my goal!"

Then there is mentioning Skeeball and he ohs. "A game for archers, hmm?" he asks, both brows going high. "Then come, let us see this challenge and see if I can claim a prize worthy of my companion!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Well, she has already pointed him to the Skeeball, so all she has to do is wait for him to begin.

"Thank you, Luke", Sayaka smiles. "I am truly happy now. I can truly be at everyone's side with no remorse", she remarks. And that's something she will always be grateful for. But the Etherian boy in front of her is so much more special, because his heart beats in tune with the same principle, something nobody else has had to teach him.

And she is not sure she can forgive him that surprise accompaniment that day. To hear the violin like that at her own side, looking at his gallant figure accosting hers... It was enough to make her feel the butterflies buzz around in her stomach again.

"I do care deeply for him", Sayaka mutters, nodding to the precision of Bow's perception, "but I was barely a friend to Kyousuke, and honestly, that's how it should have been from the start. The fact he is now happy, well, that's proof my wish has truly been granted." She feels that sincerely, even as they barely see each other now. Besides, her heart has coincidentally stopped beating for him at the same time she made her wish.

"Let's not kid yourself, Luke, you gave up your own home to keep ours safe when you closed that portal", Sayaka points out. "You are really noble, and special. Honestly, I wish I could have met you a long time ago, because you are amazing, under all point of views", she says.

"You are also smart, kind, funny, and have an amazing pep talk. The one I see in front of me is just as enchanting as the music we played together. At that moment, I wanted time to stop, so I could experience it forever."

Bow has posed:
Oh! While Sayak had pointed it out, Luke had made the first step. But finally, he does. His hand takes hers, so that she knows that they are going together over to the machines, only releasing it when they get there, his attention on a couple of teens that are already playing, seeing what they are doing and already -- Sayaka may not see it, but he's already figuring out the optimum angles for the game. But the conversation continues.

"And I'm sure that there are plenty that are happy to have you with them, Sayaka." he points out to her. "That's what you need, in order to stand up against the rising odds. Because no matter how bad it gets, as long as you have friends... you are never alone."

And he felt so very alone in those last few days on Etheria. A draw in of his breath and he resteadies himself, shaking off that image of the sad, broken Adora. Trying to replace it with the Adora he knows. "If you ask me - if the wish was for him - I believe that you have the better part of it. Because you can help, you can make a difference. And hey, I probably would have not made you as a friend!" he points out to her cheerfully.

As the conversation turns to what he gave up, Luke draws in a breath anew. "...Etheria has been under siege for years. I was born into it. My fathers didn't want me involved, but I did anyway. Because I couldn't stand by and let the Horde win. Where I'm from, there are many Princesses. They are all varied and great, with magical powers and abilities far beyond what I could imagine. Me? I'm just a guy with a bow and a love for technology. When I've emptied my quiver? All I have left is boundless optimism and the hope that it will all turn out for the best. Maybe that's why the portal led me here. Adora has lost her hope - I have mine in spades." A small smile. "She needs her friends. Old and new."

But then, he catches the last words from Sayaka's lips, and his dusky skin warms with a blush. "You lead that concerto, Sayaka. I just did my best to keep up. I... I could introduce you to Etherian music sometime. It is light and lively. At least what I know - and you could grow to like it?"

His attention turns to the Skeeball machine. She feeds it. And as the balls come down, he feels it in his hand and rolls it up the ramp. It bounces off the 1000 pointer, and drops into the 100 pointer. But... that's the last time it happens. The next nine balls all drop into the 1000 point hole as Luke has the angle, weight and speed in hand, dropping ball after ball into the small target. And when he's done, he has 9100 points, and dozens of tickets are coming out of the machine.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka blinks in surprise when he holds her hands, so distracted in baring her heart that she hadn't taken note of him moving. And that feeling in her stomach calms down when he does, that burst of emotion dissolving into serenity and certainty. What was she feeling really? Well, she kind of got into the flow of the conversation, she knows that, but why did her stomach rebel at that even as she felt calm.

She has only felt like this two more times, so it's not like she doesn't have experience with the feeling, but those two times were with Kyousuke and Hinoiri. Sayaka stares perplexed at the face of the boy next, all too aware of what was happening to her by now. Is this really it? Honestly, she would question why this keeps happening to her, even.

"That hope is what led you to get a quiver in the first place, was it now? So, when it empties, I am sure you can find something to use that others overlooked." Even just a fire estinguisher would do wonders sometimes, or perhaps a baseball bat.

"And it's true you have hope in spades, and that got you to keep standing when all of your super powerful friends disappeared. So don't say "all I have left" like it's some meager consolation, because it's not", Sayaka says, staring with convinction at him.

"I would love being introduced to Etherian music. But first, I want you to repeat this: we lead that concerto together, there wasn't one taking precedence. What you did is seamlessly inserting yourself in my melody, which only speaks of your skill."

And then she reserves him a grin when he accumulates all those points. "See? I told you you'd win. Luke, actually, you have won..." She hesitates here, taking a deep breath. "Do you have someone you like? Because if not, please go out with me."

Bow has posed:
On the other hand, Luke just seems relaxed around Sayaka. This is easy. She's a new friend, it's all good. Does she make him feel good? Yes, but a lot of people do that for him. To say he's never had the butterflies before might be an understatement. But he knows how precious friends are, and he intends to hold on tightly to her.

There's a laugh and a shake of his head. "I find my way with what I can. I have not yet given up the fight. Despite the set backs I may have suffered, here, in this new world, I have found a new resolution - a new hope." He wants to say more, but not yet. Especially when Sayaka bolsters him further.

When they turn their attention to music, he chuckles. "Yes, but you started it and I joined you. And it sounded lovely, and I would appreciate performing with you again."

But as he's getting ready to feed the skeeball machine again to get more tickets - because it's going to take a couple of more rounds of this for Bow to accumulate the tickets he wants to get the item he say, she asks him out. And there's a pause at that.

His attention turns wholly to her, and his hands loosely touch hers. "Do not take this as a no." he says simply. "There are things I learned last night. Things I need to discuss with others, and figure out a course of action. When I have that? I will give you your answer, Sayaka. Come to my meeting tonight, and I hope it will help you understand." he promises her. "Anyway, isn't what we're doing going out?" he asks in curiosity. Clearly, he doesn't get the context here.

"You are really cute. And I do enjoy time with you. But..." Two different worlds and he's not sure how long he may be here. "...I don't want to hurt you."

With that said, his cheeks are still burning as he turns back to the skeeball, fear that Sayaka is just going to leave now. He goes through a perfect game and gathers more tickets - but it draws unwanted attention. A rotound man comes over to the pair and looks at the pile of tickets and the score. "I don't know how you're doing it..." he wheezes. "But that's enough. No more skeeball for you!" he says, pointing at Luke.

"But... I didn't do anything..." comes the protest.

"Nope, you're done. You can have whatever prize you want from up there!" he points at the large plushes. "But you are never to play the skeeball games again."

Luke looks crestfallen for a moment and then there's a glance aside to Sayaka. "Would... would you like to pick one? Maybe to remember this?" he asks her, hopefully trying to explain complicated feelings.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"And your hope is something excellent, and a great rally to everyone here. We want nothing more than to help you with saving your world", Sayaka reminds him.

"I would appreciate performing again with you too", Sayaka confirms. How could she not? That was a splendid surprise. He should probably add that to his already excellent repertoire.

The bluenette nods at his request. "It's ok, I am used to waiting for an answer and understanding that there might be extenuating circumstances." At least he doesn't want to go back and conquer his world.

"Well, there are you types of going out..." Sayaka starts saying when the rotund man comes to interrupt them.

"Hey, that's unfair!" Sayaka erupts in Bow's defense. "You can't just ban people just because they are skilled. What even is the point of winning then?"

Still scowling, she listens to Bow's request. "Alright, but that's unfair to you. You were doing nothing wrong." It helps her get over it what he says last. She is warmed by the fact he wants to remember this, that he enjoyed it. "Well, I think I will that seal", Sayaka says, pointing up there, with the rotund man begrudgingly obliging and urging them away.

"Thank you, Luke. I really enjoy this present", Sayaka tells him. Maybe they can meet up again soon...