1263/Up From the Depths

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Up From the Depths
Date of Scene: 12 March 2024
Location: Beach
Synopsis: Kaori finds Katsumi on the beach. They have a walk and talk.
Cast of Characters: Katsumi Cora, Kaori Jira

Katsumi Cora has posed:
Early morning on the beach - not that the time of day really matters too much to Katsumi. If anything, the pre-dawn darkness allows the young man to walk the beach pretty unbothered. With Kobo trotting beside him, he's got his shoes and socks off, allowing him to feel the coolness of the sand and the chill of the ocean as the surf washes over his feet.

As far as he knows, he's the only one around. A chance to just unwind, relax and feel the world around him before class. Kobo, despite not really wanting to get wet, is making sure to keep Katsumi from wandering too far out into the waves, lest he get caught in a current.

Kaori Jira has posed:
It wasn't -that- hard to find energy for yourself when you were an arcane nuclear generator. Or maybe Kaori was just a light sleeper. Either way it didn't matter, because Kaori was here, her form wrapped in a swimsuit, her hair down and the girl having gone for an early morning swim.

She might not be transformed or in her true form...but she still had the confidence of an apex predator to be here, swimming along.

Drawing out of the surf, water cascades down the tall girl's form as she starts to tread the sand.

Katsumi Cora has posed:
There might be a point where the two might start wondering why they keep coming across each other. As Katsumi is making his way along the sand, there's a noise that catches his attention. That would be the sound of Kaori exiting the water - and the bits of dark energy that cling to her, which he can see.

He pauses in his walk, his head tilting as if he could try to make the young woman out before he raises his hand in greetings. "Hey?" he offers. Because she could be some other arcane nuclear generator that he hasn't met yet.

Kaori Jira has posed:
"What are you doing out here?" Kaori speaks, confirming the dark energy and primal power beneath it...however it wasn't really great as far as greetings go. The sight of the tall young woman in her two-piece might be lost on the blind youth, but at least he was spared the light scowl on her face seeing him here at this hour.

Tact, truly a talent of Kaori.

Katsumi Cora has posed:
When she confirms who she is, Katsumi offers a smile. "Oh, it's you Jira-san. Good morning!" comes his response, not seemingly bothered by the gruffiness of her voice when she asks his reason for being out. "I have a hard time sleeping sometimes. And I can't really keep track of time - so sometimes I end up out like this. And it's quiet and nice..."

He shrugs his shoulders, currently dressed in a pair of sweat pants, t-shirt and barefoot. Kobo takes a seat nearby while Katsumi talks. "...and it feels nice, to have your feet in the surf, you know?" he asks quietly. Then a pause. And he asks. "Did you like the cookies I made?"

Kaori Jira has posed:
"It is dark," she speaks, her arms crossing as he gives his explaination. "Even if that does not bother you, it might lead to an accident, or make other dangers more brave..." she instructs before exhaling a breath. He obviously had at least some knowledge of where he was going, to have found his way here, it was still a little concerning.

Or concerning that it was concerning.

"They were good," she relents, exhaling a breath.

Katsumi Cora has posed:
"I'm glad you liked them." Katsumi responds, and a brow arches as he listens to Kaori sound... concerned? There's a pause for a moment, as the teen considers his options, and then? He offers his hand to Kaori. "If you are that concerned for my safety..." he starts, a little smile showing up.

"You are welcome to escort me." That usually, is enough, to chase off most people that show him concern with his wandering. "I mean, it's almost always dark for me."

Kaori Jira has posed:
Concerned, grumpy, whatever it might be, it's there. His offer to escort her...no, her to escort him, brings a raised eyebrow before she looks down at her hand, tilting her head to the side. "I have been swimming," she announces, as if her being wet and smelling of the sea would be a concern. Scales were quite a bit more waterproof than skin, hair and clothing.

Katsumi Cora has posed:
"I'm aware." Katsumi responds, his attention turning to focus fully on the sound of her voice. "I will assume that means you do not want to be with me then?" he asks her. While there's a hint of blush in his cheeks, he realizes that he really can't run away here - unlike the pool, there's really no place for him to retreat to and mutter at himself for his lack of initative.

"But if you want to continue your swim, I will not bother you further." he offers finally, giving her an out.

Kaori Jira has posed:
The irony of walking the streets in a swimsuit at this hour while telling him that things were dangerous was entirely lost on Kaori, but she exhales a breath in a sigh and reaches out to take the hand, but the direction the tugs him along is away from the surf towards the jacket she'd worn over her swimwear for some semblance of modesty or not being as likely to be harassed.

"I will cover up, then I will ensure you get home safely," she speaks, as if it were neither offer nor suggestion, but fact immovable.

Katsumi Cora has posed:
It seems that this walk is over. At least the beach part of it. When Kaori takes his hand, Katsumi squeezes it lightly, a gesture of gratitude, maybe? But she tugs him, and he turns to follow her. "Kobo, with me." he offers, the dog moving, sniffing at Kaori for a moment before the shiba makes a soft noise and flanks Katsumi from the other side.

"I suppose I will have to make sure you get home safely as well!" comes his little defiance in reference to who is escorting whom here. "I did not mean to interrupt your swim." A pause. "...what other type of snacks do you like?"

Kaori Jira has posed:
Kobo was either not easily unsettled, or had come to terms with Kaori's 'aura' about her. She comes to walk along, to move with him before he'd feel the shrug of her shoulder. "I have found many things, both hot and cold. Ramen, those 'cream of ice' is quite good..." she trails off, reflecting on the things she'd tried so far.

Katsumi Cora has posed:
'Cream of ice'. It takes Katsumi a moment to realize what she means, but when it clicks, he chuckles softly with a grin as he walks next to Kaori, taking a small step so that he's closer to her and doesn't have to stretch his arm so much. At least that's what he'd claim if asked. "Ice cream, you mean? I like that too! I wouldn't mind having some with you sometime. When the ice cream place is open, of course."