1281/A Fortunate Revelation

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Fortunate Revelation
Date of Scene: 14 March 2024
Location: The Shed
Synopsis: Cho takes Iona out for a long overdue introduction to the shed, showing her how to get in and the new defenses.
Cast of Characters: Cho Konishi, Iona Hikawa

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi had decided it was time, between school, Historic Legacy things, their preparations to try and save Scorn and, all in all, everything? There was one thing that kept slipping through the cracks.

Showing Cure Fortune the Shed, one of the most important tools they had access to in their battle against the forces of darkness! Their home base, their HQ, their Obsidian Tower but like... not. Glass tower? Something like that.

The important thing was that Iona be able to see it. So Cho had called her to meet after class, a big grin on her face while she waved at the girl. "Heyyyy, Iona-chan. Feel like coming for a walk with me?" she asked.

Why ask that when Iona already knew she was going to be seeing something 'cool' today? Because it was a se-cret. And it had to look casual. Also, it made it cooler if people didn't know there was a super secret and awesome hidden base somewhere.

Iona Hikawa has posed:
Iona had just gotten out of the classroom when she met Cho. The last time she and the pinkette met they had stopped another plan of Scorn.

"Hey, Cho-san, how are you?" Iona smiles at her schoolmate when she giddily comes up to her. She has clearly something exciting to say if she is coming up to her in such a fashion.

"Certainly, where are we going?" Iona asks with a smile. "Have something great happened to you? Is it about the Prom you are putting up? You must be very proud of that, it sounds like you are putting in tons of effort for that."

Then a flash of illumination brightens Iona's face. "Oh, you want my help with asking someone there, maybe? If that's the case, sure! Who is the lucky one?"

Cho Konishi has posed:
"Pretty good, to be honest, keeping busy. Errr, but no. I mean, a lot of really great things have happened to me recently, but uhhh. Not really the prom. I'm actually not doing much for it, that's mostly Luke. I'm just kind of... greasing the wheels, as it were. When it's needed. Other than that, there's very little for me to actually do. So uhhh, no, it's not... related to that. And errr... as for asking someone out... welllllll..."

Two thoughts flashed in her mind. Sure, she didn't know either of them very well... Cure Princess, Cure Suzhen... Was it weird? For her? To like...

And red went from hinting at her cheeks to flooding them. She quickly shook her head and waved her hands. "A-ahhh, not, not yet, I mean, errr, that's not, what I want. A-and admittedly I'm kind of unsure on, on that front as it is, so, I mean, t-that's not what this is about. I-I'm sure I'll have it figured out as, as, as we get closer to the prom time. I mean. A-and so, umm, right, actual thing. Have... have you heard of the shed?"

She started heading back around the school and towards the dirt path. "This is uuhhhhh... pretty cure stuff. I mean, I know you girls are all technically Blue's? Kind of? But I don't know if anyone has shown any of you yet, so I figured... hey. I know about it. So I should try and uhhhh, show you. And Hime-chan. Later. You know? S-sorry."

Iona Hikawa has posed:
"I am sure Luke-san clearly appreciates your support", Iona affirms as Cho tries to avert the bulk of the praise from herself. "There are many regulations to follow, and without someone from the student council he would be completely lost." Iona pats Cho's shoulder in encouragement, because hey, she might not know the pinkette that much, but she knows she has a good head on her shoulder.

And then Cho confirms that she does have someone in mind, and the fact she switches between saying it is not about that and her being unsure about an otherwise unspecified front only leads Iona to assume she is 100% on the money. "Alright, Cho-san", the purple-haired girl smiles knowingly. "Just know that when you are ready to tell me, you know where to find me."

But she is (obviously as a diversion) talking about the Shed now, and Iona goes along with it. Mostly. First: "Cho-san, I didn't get my powers from Blue, and I do not recognise him as my boss, so don't apologise, because you are just as much as my teammate as any other Precure", Iona says, hugging Cho.

"Yes, I know of it, what happened?" she asks, finally switching to the Shed.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi went a little redder in the cheeks, a small, but proud, smile on her face. "I-I guess. It's mostly just filling out the right paperwork and knowing who to nudge to make sure things go well. Coco-chan is actually funding most of it, cause like. Well. Mermaid. She's a mermaid. And rich, cause of it. It's a... thing." Pause. "Our school is weird. Awesome, but weird."

"A-and thanks. I-I... I know. I'm sure there's uhhh... a few people who would support me. My roommate probably would, too. You know? Just... feels... wrong, I guess? I'm on the student council and... like... I'm always worried if I ask someone out they'll be afraid to say no and then it's a... thing and I'll never know if they only said yes because I have some minor authority and I just... you know?" she said with a shrug. "I am probably overthinking it, though."

Cho's eyes went wide when she was hugged. Slowly a grin formed on her lips. "That... that means a lot to me, Iona-chan. I... I was the only pretty cure in my team for a while and.... I was always alone, you know? Even on the council I was the only one with an actual henshin until recently. So... I kind of got used to it. But, admittedly? I always wanted a team. Somewhere I felt like... I belonged. I know it's silly, but you, and princess, and now Suzhen... it feels... like... I have a team now. A real team. Like I belong. Makes it all feel more real. Like... I'm helping."

As they walked down the path, se motioned to it in the difference. "It has a new, magic, security system. It requires someone in the know to do a little thing to let others in. I figure I should help you get in, so you can help other trustworthy people in, rinse, repeat. Otherwise how will you meet with other magical girls when it's needed?"

Iona Hikawa has posed:
"Your roommate is a mermaid? Iona asks confused. "You mean, a real, actual mermaid? Not just a person who uses magic to turn into one, but an actual, real, mermaid?" She is quite astonished, by the concept. She knows Hime had turned into a mermaid, but for mermaids to be real?

"No offense, I think you honestly are, Cho", Iona says. "The way I have know you, you are the most earnest, hardworking, and respectful person one could ever meet. Everything that you do comes from the heart. There is nothing that you do to elicit that reaction."

Iona is glad that Cho actually feels part of the team, and she keeps up the hug for a few more second before walking back and giving the pinkette a smile. "A new security system? So that the bad guys can't just walk in? Yes, please, I would you to show it to me, Cho-san."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi gave a small nod. "I know, right? I didn't think they were real, either! I have a stamp now to turn into one, but it's just temporary. She's a real mermaid and it's pretty awesome. Actually, a mermaid princess which... is kind of cool. And involves a lot of singing. Also, some real underwater jerks. Also, otters. Lots of otters. They're adorable."

The more praise that was seeped on her, the deeper that red in her cheeks grew. "W-well... I... shucks... I mean... uhhhh... hee hee... t-thank you. I... I try my hardest, honest. I uhhhh... y-yeah. I just, you know?" she said sheepishly, a big grin on her face. "I used to... not be all of that, I think. Well. I used to only be some of it. But now I want to be more and ummm... I'm... I'm really happy it's kind of... paying off now, you know?" she said, reaching up to ruffle her hair.

As they came up to the shed she stepped forward, kneeling down to pick up the small statue. "Aaaaand... open!" she said. A moment later, the door would open and then... she'd... close it. She'd then hold it out to her. "You've got to like... approve yourself, and you can approve of others, of course, so they can enter. I've approved me, but like... I figure it's good to try it out, too? So you know how it all works?"

Iona Hikawa has posed:
"You have a stamp to turn into one?" Iona says, not so much asking as repeating from the surprise. "Because Hime and I have Precards like that too. Is it a common thing for Precure to be able to become mermaids?"

And then Cho also mentions more about Coco. "There really are jerks everywhere, huh, even underwater. At least she has those otters to destress. They must be really nice to live with? Are all of them her mascots like Glasan is for me or Wuwu for you?"

"You are doing great, Cho-san", Iona says before focusing on the statuette the pinkette is giving her. "Hmm, ok..." she says pensively. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out, right? She got the gist of transforming into a Precure just watching Maria once from a distance.

"Like this then?" she says, focusing on the statuette and the door opening. Which it then does, with a quite surprised "Oh, I did it" from Iona, who then does the reverse to close it. "Is everything ok then?", she turns towards Cho.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi gave a small shrug. "I don't know. It could be, though. It'd make sense. Not that, like... turning into a mermaid is common. But... if you had the option to turn into a mermaid or... not turn into a mermaid... you'd turn into a mermaid," Cho said matter of factly. Because like. What kind of person wouldn't?

Whoever they were, she wouldn't want to hang out with them. They sound boring.

"And yup! Well, at least one of them are. There are others, but I think they're more like the monkeys are for Wuwu. They come in and out at all hours, it's kind of cute. Lil parades of otters and monkeys going through all the time... this school is the best."

"Yup!" Cho said, before taking the statuette back and putting it back. She then reached out to take Iona's hand. "Come on, I'll show you around! The shed is awesome! And now you can bring others in. It's like our super secret hideout." With that, she'd pull her inside and begin showing her... well. What they had. Mostly... just places to leave information and all. So nothing major. But it WAS the sparkle skirts! All theirs!