1352/No Reason

From Radiant Heart MUSH

No Reason
Date of Scene: 26 March 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower - Board Room
Synopsis: Utau approaches Beryl with a request. She's denied.
Cast of Characters: Beryl, Utau Hoshina

Beryl has posed:
Queen Beryl's office is large, as befits any director, and has a beautiful view of Mitakihara Ward, being that it's a terrible number of floors high above the ground. The wooden floors, elegant and expensive rug, finely crafted wooden desk, and the largest of those windows, directly behind said desk, have all been recently replaced.

The large, person-sized chunk of transparent blue-white crystal, in which a young girl covered in flame is imprisoned, is as new as the window, the desk, the floors. Beryl hasn't been paying the sculpture any particular attention, but it satisfies her to see it, when it draws her attention. She has no appointments for the moment, and is leisurely enjoying a coffee. On one of her two screens, she's been answering emails. On the other, a video of her favorite soap opera is currently paused.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
> Email From: Utau@EASTERCORP.COM
     > Subject: Knock-Knock!

And then there's a hard knock at the door as Utau Hoshina puts down her phone after sending the E-mail. She doesn't know Beryl is checking her E-mail right now. She doesn't care. If she cared what Director Beryl thought, she wouldn't just show up..... but the next appointment was too far out for her taste.

She was busy too. She had her own things to do. She's the dutiful step-daughter of Director Hoshina. She'll do what she wants too. And what she wanted was her friend out of a crystal, and maybe she was willing to do that.

Utau Hoshina has two Character Guardians with her. Il, the devil and El, the angel. Both are behind Utau and look at each other. They don't like the feel of this floor in general. But they don't like this room most of all right now.

Beryl has posed:
The email comes. Beryl eyes it for a moment, wondering if this was a prank, and further wondering who would be suicidal enough to try one on her, and then there's a knock on the door.

Not a prank then. Just a fool.

The door opens at the crook of her finger, swinging forth and revealing the young girl in the door way and the two guardian creatures on her shoulder. She is scrutinized for a bare second, and then Beryl turns back to her emails.

"You're on the wrong floor for Easter," she advises in a tone of boredom.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Utau Hoshina gives a smile. "You're right. This isn't my floor, director!" she says.

"But I'm here to what's that word pirates use when they want to speak to each other nice and peacefully?" she asks. "Right."


"You have my friend. I want my friend back. Ergo, I am here to talk." she says bluntly. Il whispers into Utau's ear and she has to stop her face from contorting into a smile. She fails her save and manages to keep a straight face. No one will ever know what Il told Utau.

El rolls her eyes, floating after Utau along with Il as she walks in. She pauses. Turns around to her Charas. "You two stay out here." she says. The two go 'Awwww!' in unison as she shuts the door in their faces and turns around to face Beryl again. She eyes the crystal containing her friend with a frown a moment but doesn't dwell on it forever.

Beryl has posed:

It's a simple, single word, one that Beryl offers without even a second glance in Utau's direction. She isn't amused by Utau's rhetorical questions, nor her suggestion of a parley.

The moment isn't one of violence, but there's a pressure in the air, the tension of power. Queen Beryl's keyboard clicks, clacks, and clicks again as she finishes an email, sending out orders to her DG girls, to Thetis, and to her preferred mail-order company. Only when the emails are done does she sit back on her throne-like arm chair and glance disdainfully at Utau, who has now closed the door and stands before her.

"I have no reason to give you what you seek, and every reason to deny you. A parley is offered between equals, child, and you are as far from my equal as a mosquito is from an eagle."