1361/Sparkles Meets Phantom. Spooky.

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Sparkles Meets Phantom. Spooky.
Date of Scene: 28 March 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower
Synopsis: Glimmer drops in on Phantom and learns that Obsidian isn't all hearts and sparkles. Well. It is. Just not like she hoped.
Cast of Characters: Phantom, Glimmer Brightmoon

Phantom has posed:
Apparently, even out here, the stores have caught on to the events at Radiant Hearts, as the department store clothing department is having a 'PROM SALE' in it's formal section. While he has no interest or even concern for what a Prom is, he promised to at least look into it for Queen Mirage to at least try to ascertain what it is - and gather some pictures for her and Scorn to gawk at later.

This clearly is going to end up poorly for him.

Holding a bag from Nonamu Sweets in one hand as he plucks out a piece of candied fruit to snack on, he is currently eyeing a dress that is very frilly with lots of petticoats and is bright yellow. "...it's hideous." he mutters.

Cameraphone out. Click. Picture taken to send off to the girls.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon suddenly dropped in on Phantom.


One moment she wasn't there, the next there were some sparkles overhead and then BAM! There she was. Dropping in on him.

And to her surprise, he caught her. She blinked a few times and... then waved. "Hi!" she said. "I'm Glimmer, nice to meet you. You're not a part of the-- wait, nevermind. Horde isn't here. Wait, white coat... just like Age-ra's," Glimmer said. "Are you another Force Captain?" she asked, before teleporting out of his arms and landing by him. "Ohhhh, I don't think I've been in this part of the tower before.... OH! What's that?! Is it a gameboy?" she asked, looking at his phone.

Phantom has posed:
After texting Mirage and Scorn, he was looking for an even more hideous dress to take a picture of. Find enough ugly dresses, they'll have no want to go, right? Then he doesn't have to worry about going. It's solid logic. Phantom was about to eat another piece of candied fruit - and then he felt a disturbance in the air around him - a split moment before Glimmer suddenly teleports on top of him. Arms out, she lands with a whoomph as the purple clad girl ends up in his arms and blue eyes drop down to take in the animated girl.

And then there are the questions. he was about to let her go before she teleports again, leaving sparkles in her wake and a confused look on his face as Glimmer appears next to him. A teleporter. That's new.

"Force Captain?" he asks in confusion. "No, I am General Phantom of Mirage Corporation." he offers politely, if a bit flatly as he looks over his uniform. "You must be new here. This is the department store area - shopping for those that want to do it." he explains.

And then she's looking at his phone, asking what it is, and a brow arches in confusion as he turns to study the girl fully. "It is a phone. It is used for wireless communications and information gathering." he explains, lifting the phone for a moment to take a picture of Glimmer, a breif flash of light before he turns the phone around to show her an image of herself. "Like so."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small nod. "Mirage Corporation? That sounds fun. A pleasure to meet you, General Phantom. I am Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon," Glimmer said, before even giving him a polite curtsy... ish. It was almost a curtsy. She didn't have a dress.

"And yup, I just arrived a few days ago. They're still processing all my paperwork."

Well, someone was. Nobody who was smart would ask her to do paperwork. That'd be a one way trip to getting her to like... Not... be here.

Annnnd then he flashed her, making her blink a few times and rub her eyes. Owwww. Was THIS what she did to people? Well, served them right when she did it! Also, though. Still ow.

However, then her eyes actually SHIMMERED! As in there was DEFINITELY flacking light there. "Wait. Is that a TRACKER pad?! AMAZING! I thought the tech on this world wouldn't be anything like first one's tech! Can you work it? How does it work? Is this why you're in one of those lab coats? Are you a smart one too?" Yup. Her eyes were SO sparkling.

Phantom has posed:
Why has noone filed a report on this odd girl's arrival. Someone should have filed a report by now. But she's offering an introduction, and that brings up another brow rise. 'Queen'? Another, rival corporation? A fresh new upstart? He needs more information. But he offers a polite bow in response. "A pleasure, Your Majesty." he offers formally.

"As I said, it is a phone, not a tech pad - though I suppose it can be used for information gathering." he offers thoughtfully, his lips pilling into thin line of thought.

"I am not a lab technician. I am in... mergers and acquistions." It's the best way to describe what he does, after all. He acquires Pretty Cures and merges them with mirrors. Her eyes are very sparkling. It's a bit unsettling to be honest.

But in an attempt to stay on subject and target. "Then I assume you are not from around here." he offers, since she doesn't know what a phone is. "Has noone offered you a phone yet?" he asks curiously. And now he has an excuse to stop taking pictures of ugly prom dresses. "I can take you to electronics, Obsidian has a phone plan for new employees."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon nodded along, though a lot of what he said flew over her head. It wasn't that she was dumb, she was quite smart, even. The problem was, welllll...

New world and all.

"No, I'm from Etheria. The planet with twelve moons? Uhhhh... same place as Catra and Double Trouble."

She shook her head at the question about a phone. "Not... quite yet. I think they're still getting all of my stuff sorted and I, admittedly, haven't been making it the easiest for them. I.... wait."

And then the gleam in her eyes. Okay, that was just... how could someone make their eyes GLEAM like that?! It shouldn't be possible!

"I could have *my own* tracker pad?! HOW?! YES! I WANT ONE! Where's electronics! Ohhhh, Bow wouldn't believe it! Here, we'll take the fun way. Next floor, right?"

And then she took his hand and would teleport BOTH of them one floor up and... Nope. Not even close to electronics. A customer nearby just stared, blinking a few times as her mind tried, desperately, to come up with an excuse to what she just saw. She finally just turned.... and walked away.

Phantom has posed:
"Etheria?" Phantom echoed. Not a clue.

"Catra? Double Trouble?" Even less of a clue.

Glimmer may have found the one General in all of Obsidian who just didn't care what the rank and file of other groups were doing as long as it didn't mess with his Queen or Mirage Corporation.

But then, giant sparkle eyes - and promises that she'll get them to electronics. And then she grabs his hand and before he has a chance to protest -- *SPARKLES*

*POMF!* And they are not in electronics. They are nowhere near electronics. Instead, in the frilly clothing department, Phantom lets out a breath, a shakes of his head as he watched the customer walk away.

Jealous. Soooo very jealous!

Blue eyes turned to the Queen of Brightmoon and he clears his throat. "Allow me." With that, he lifts his gauntleted arm, opening a coffing shaped door, and this time, he's the one that steps through, waiting for Glimmer to follow him. Or not. It doesn't matter.

Either way, on the other side is electronics!

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon let out a soft gasp when he opened a doorway. "You can do that? You can make PORTALS?! Can you make them anywhere? That's AMAZING!" she said, leaping through it!

Not walking through. LEAPING through.

And then, once she was in the electronics department, she gasped and teleported across the room, picking up a small router. "What's this?" Then dropped it. Teleported to a monitor, picked it up. "Is this a SCREEN? Does this mean you have communicators, too? Ohhhh, Bow would have a field day here!" Then dropped it, teleporting away to pick up a box and... "Hard... drive. Why is it hard for it to drive places? Or is it more that this drives hard, and there's a soft way to drive places? Is it connected to your portals?" Then dropped it and teleported over to a small bin of phones. "Ohhhh, a whole BOX of tech pads!" Picking up a few and... "Oh, this one is pink, I want this one!"

... The IT person working (trapped) in the IT department just stared with a twitching eye. Oh. Joy of joy. Today was his hell, it seemed.

Phantom has posed:
Oh, if Phantom is going to suffer a personal hell, he is going to introduce /everyone/ to her.

After Glimmer leaps through the mirror and appears in the IT and Electronics department, he looks to see where Glimmer heads off to first. "Focus." he reminds her. "You're about to have a device that can do all that and handle personal communications between others - do you know which corporation you are part of yet?" he asks curiously. "So we can make sure it's properly expensed." Explanation given.

And then she's at the phones. Oh thank goodness, it wasn't the discared PreCure devices. That'd been awkward!

Back on task, Phantom. Coming over to where Glimmer is looking at the phones. "They are so going to want you to enroll in the school. Have you spoken to Fuyuko, yet? She's in charge of Human Resources. She usually handles most of..." a spread of his hands to the everything around him. "All of this."

So, now to the poor IT drone that looks so thrilled to be here. "This is a new member of the organization. Make sure she gets the standard package..." he reaches over and plucks the pink phone out of Glimmer's hands and gives it to the IT guy. "...along with the teleportation package so it doesn't short out."

His attention returns to Glimmer, tilting his head curiously at the girl. "Where have you been staying at?" he asks her.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small nod. "Yup! Beryl Holdings, same as Catra." Because if there was one thing that was going to drive Catra nuts, it was the two of them being in the same group together.

Truly, Glimmer was a good friend. Or fiend. One of the two.

"Enroll in... ugh. School? I'm a queen, you know. I shouldn't have to do school. It--" Pause. Blink. Pause.... consider.

Then grinned. "Oh. Yes. School sounds *amazing*. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha..."

Yes, it was an evil laugh. But it was the kind of evil laugh of someone who was TRYING to do an evil laugh and wasn't really evil herself.

"I've been staying in Agh-ra's office," Glimmer said. She... reallllllly was bad at his name. "With my Moonstone. It uhhh, came with me. Heh."

The IT drone, alas, did his drone thing, working on the phone, setting everything up...

"And frankly we can't move it. Trust me, we tried. Sucks that Agh-ra's desk was destroyed. So, what's it like working in Mirage Corporation? It sounds..." Pause. "Illusiony. OH! Am I going to get a secret identity if I go to school here? I want to be... Spyra. OH! Or Mysteria. Yes. That is the *perfect* name."

... Oh dear heavens.

Phantom has posed:
"Beryl." Phantom repeats, his face unreadable for a moment. Then again, it seems he's a hard read most of the time from the looks of it. "Make the expense report to Berykl Holdings and ensure it is delivered to the proper department. Yes, Yuuhi-san - Fuyuko - that should be your next stop. She can help you with your issues with getting acquainted to this world. "And give you someplace better to stay other than... Agh-ra?'s office." The name isn;'t registering with him. Does he know an Agh-ra?

"Moonstone?" he asks curiously. "It must be unweildy if you have not been able to move it from the office." A thoughtful pause. "I'm not sure I could transport it either." he admits. And that's part that he's not sure, and part -- he doesn't want to.

"Working for Mirage? Queen Mirage wants to spread despair and destroy love, I support her in that task - it is what she wants. In that, I make sure that the Pretty Cures do not interfere. If Mirage succeeds..." It's the first time that Phantom shows even a hint of a smile. "It would be nice."

And then she's going into names, and he feels the cringe from her choices. "Are you going to want people to know you're not from here?" he asks her, a glance aside, blue eyes narrowed for a moment. "You're going to want to research Japanes names. For instance, Glimmer Brightmoon in Japanese translates to Ikken Akarui-tsuki. Ikken for Glimmer. Akarui, bright, tsuki, moon. A little ungangly. Mangetsu is full moon. Ikken Mangetsu. Hrm." A shake of his head. "Still needs work."

This from a guy named 'Phantom'.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a sdmall nod. "Right. Froyoko, I can meet her." She really was bad with the names. "She sounds nice, at least. And yeah, Taked-ashee...." She frowned, and said it in a much, much slower speed. "Tak-ash-i Agh-er-ah. I think that's how you said his name? Apparently he's kind of a big deal? I don't really know. He got Catra and Double Trouble to work for him, though, so he's got to be doing something right."

"As for the Moonstone... well... It's not exactly the kind of thing someone can just... move. I managed to do it, but it was more teleporting it than actually moving it in the traditional sense. And even that was so exhausting I ended up sleeping a whole day once I could finally sleep."

However, when he talked about what his goal was, what he did? "Spread... despair and destroy love?" Glimmer asked. She just stared at him. "That.... is what makes you happy?" So this is what Double Trouble meant. Destroy love. Spread misery. For the love of destroying it...

She... suddenly found it all a lot less fun. The IT peon called her over and she took the phone with a small nod. "Thank you..." she said softly.

Yeah. Focusing on the name, on hat her name could be, sounded far, far nicer right now.

"Icky.... Ikken? I guess... Ikken Mangetsu. I'm sooooo going to mess that up. And I doubt I'll fit in, anyway. I've never... really... been good at making friends." She'd only really had one for the longest time... then two. Then three. "Besides, everyone here is apparently human so that'll likely make it even worse."

Phantom has posed:
"It is what my Queen wants." Phantom says simply, matter-of-factly. "So, as she wills, I serve." The General glances back towards Glimmer, noticing her expression, and for a flicker of a moment, she msy see... pity? in his gaze, but just as quickly, it's gone.

"My teleports are fixed ports, and I do not think I could make a doorway large enough to move a boulder." he opines thoughtfully as he hands over the paperwork for her to sign off on. "I think I read somewhere that people from your world are using American names. It's something to discuss with your companions." he suggests to her.

Now that the phone is activated, Phantom folds his hands behind his back, a tilt of his head as she mentions that she does not have friends. "You have mentioned several people you know. They could be friends." Not that Phantom has any freinds. "I have associates I work with towards Mirage's common goal. And everyone here appears human. But that could be several different things." A shrug of his shoulders. "That is for you to ascertain for yourself."

"When you arrived, I was in the clothing section, looking at the Prom outfits. Is that where you meant to be? Did you plan to attend the Prom?" he asks curiously.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon cocked her head to the side. "What your queen wants? What is it that you want? I mean, other than to make her happy?" she asked quickly.

And now, she was looking at him with... concern. Was he like Hordak? Brainwashed, believing he was... that he was something he wasn't? Another pawn? Trying to earn the love and kindness of something that.... of someone that didn't have any?

"Yeah, I'll... talk it over with everyone on my team, heh." She looked down at the phone and then... "How does it work? What are the numbers for?" Oh, that was going to be a lesson in how things work that would need to be done at onboarding.

"Yeah, I uhhhh.... had friends back home. But there wasa whole war, our world was in danger, then there was.... yeah. We won. But... something tells me my friends from there aren't going to be very happy with me for a while... if ever..." she muttered.

This whole mess was probably her fault. And if Catra's memories were missing because of her? Adora might never forgive her... even if her reasons for it were... good.

However, the talk of prom made her blink. "Prom? Wait, like the Princess Prom? HA! Uhhhhh. Maybe? I always went with Bow to the one back home. That's... likely not an option now. I'll need to think on it." So possibly. But unlikely. "And yeah, people not being what they seem makes sense. I guess I'm just lucky my wings never really came in, they'd be almost impossible to hide under a dress."

Phantom has posed:
"I do my work and I'm efficent at it and that keeps Mirage happy." Phantom doesn't honestly parse the question, a shrug of his shoulders, a thoughtful pause. He doesn't catch that concerned look, really, he just doesn't seem bothered by it all.

"Sounds good." he offers when she mentions talking to her team. "But I will say, the best way to handle things is to go out and experience it." A pause and he adds. "Though in your case, I would suggest doing so with your friends. Safety in numbers." he offers, and finally returns to his bag of candy fruits, offering her a piece. "This is from a candy shop in town. The girl that works there is friendly."

"I suppose that is what they mean? I only heard about it from Scorn, one of the other Generals in Mirage. I don't know anyone that is going myself. Or what it is - so Mirage asked me to gather intel - which is why I was taking pictures of the prom dresses."

The ugliest prom dresses, that is.

"I hope that your friends back home that are here can help you adjust to this new world - I hear that those are drawn to this world from other worlds rarely return to where they came from. Perhaps you can change that trend. You have wings? Interesting."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a soft sigh and mumbled under her breath. "Prime..."

She made a mental note to meet with this Mirage... or maybe... not... The idea of meeting her made her a little... worried.

Glimmer took the candy and unwrapped it, popping it into her mouth and--

Her eyes SPARKLED again. "This is AMAZING! What shop? Wait, a whole SHOP for CANDY?! That sounds AMAZING! And yeah! I guess I'll see if I can get Catra to go with me later. She'd LOVE IT! She was part of the Horde. And the Horde was terrible. All the yate were like. Green blocks and brown blocks. Of mush. It was disgusting. I tried one once and had to take like twenty mintues to get the taste out."

She grabbed his hand. "Okay, so, dresses, right?"

And then teleported them back to the shop! Getting more stares as minds struggled to process.

"and I'm sure we can get home, eventually. Like... I have the Moonstone here. It'll hardly be the first time we ended up on a weird planet or traveling through strange dimensions. And yeah, they're from my mother's side, Queen Angella. She... was amazing," Glimmer said with.... there was a lot of sadness in those words. and that smile wasn't one of happy and joy. More of.... regret... and loss.

Phantom has posed:
When she tries the candy and has such a bright and happy reaction to the candy, Phantom finds himself looking into the bag. Why did he not feel the same when he ate it? Should he be feeling that joy? Why is he eating it in the first place? With that in mind, he shoves the bag of candy at Glimmer. "Here." It's given to her. She can have it.

But before he can say more, she's grabbing his hand and teleporting him back. There's a brief frown. "You need to be careful with your powers." he warns. "Not everyone here has such abilities - and in it - understand it. Magic does not exist amongst the mundane, except in text-based games and games and videoes on screens." he resists the urge for a dark energy pulse to reset everything a little.

Now that they are back among the dresses, he takes his phone out again. And he was about to take a picture.

But as she describes her home and family, his head tilts again, and before he realizes it, his hand rests on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You will figure it out."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon took the candy, her eyes lighting up before... "So, I guess this means we're friends then, Phantom? Thanks. It's nice to know you're not all just grouchy mopey and such," she said with a small grin.

Then stuffed a piece of candy in her mouth. Before groaning. "Ughhhhhh... I have to HIDE my powers, too? It's like the Horde all over agaiiiiiin," she whined, before stuffing in another piece of candy and...

"Wait, like the gameboy? Pokemon? I've managed to get six of the badges so far, you know. AND I found a giant ice bird. It's pretty awesome."


However, the shoulder squeeze made her pause, halfway to stuffing a third piece of candy into her mouth. Then... "Thanks. I... I know we will. Somehow. I... do hope you find out how to make your queen happy. Without... you know. Filling yourself with despair. I... should probably head back to the moonstone and recharge. I'm starting to tire out."

Then she teleported and HUGGED HIM! Oh gosh, so many sparkles! "It was great meeting you, Phantom! Until next time!"

Then teleported away.

... At least the sparkles were fading.

Phantom has posed:
Phantom has no idea what Glimmer is talking about with the Horde and all, or the gameboy. Or anything else. He was just getting rid of the candy. And she seemed to enjoy it. "I wouldn't say... I mean...:"

And she keeps going. "I don't..."

And then a hug. What is with girls hugging him?!? She teleports away, leaving him in a wave of sparkles, and he waves his hand back and forth in front of his face, just to make sure he doesn't accidentally ingest any.

He just doesn't understand.

But now, his attention turns back to taking pictures of prom dresses to send off.