From Radiant Heart MUSH

Date of Scene: 29 March 2024
Location: Nounamu Sweets
Synopsis: Glimmer decides she wants some candy and so she goes about it in the manner she knows best. The fun way! By kidnapping Catra and Phantom and heading to Chiyo's candy shop. Onwards. Towards ADVENTURE!
Cast of Characters: Glimmer Brightmoon, Phantom, Catra, Chiyo Sakai

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon was making a poor decision. Was definitely making a poor decision. She KNEW this was a bad idea.

She didn't care. because, frankly? When else was she going to get a chance to MAKE such poor decisions? Besides...

She was going to be on their 'team' for a bit. Who knew how long? She might as well take advantage of it. Of course...

She'd bothered Phantom for a while, got him to show her on a map where, exactly, the so called candy shop was.

And then grabbed his wrist, a big, mischievous grin on her face. "Going the fun way."

Oh, he'd learned what 'going the fun way' meant now. TELEPORTING! But... not there. Instead, she teleported to the second floor and--

"Catra we're going out!" Was the last thing Catra would hear before a hand grabbed her wrist and the two were teleported ACROSS THE CITY!

... About five feet over the roof of the shop.

Okay, so her aim wasn't.... perfect. She'd only been out of the tower once so far. And last time she hadn't used her powers at all.

So it was likely a shock to all three of them when she hit the ground... and kept hitting it. Namely, she collapsed to the ground, letting go of both of them. "W-what... what.... happened... what?"

Aaaaand this was why she had a new 'device' now... and why she wasn't supposed to be going out like that, like she used to be doing.

"H-how much... d-do you two w-weigh?" she asked, groaning. "J-just need a mo... a moment..."

Maybe she should have known about this BEFORE kidnapping Catra. Oh well, payback for when Catra kidnapped her.

Phantom has posed:
Phantom was in the midsts of an inventory. There were magical girls to count, categorize by location found, color, name, precure device. It's ardorous work, but it's something that needs to be done. Every device should be matched with a girl in the graveyard. It's boring work.

But it must be done.

So he was sitting at his desk, making the entries for the girls he had brought in from his most recent trip when his phone chimes. A glance. 'Glimmer'.

A groan. Ignore it. It'll go away.

Back to work. Another text. Another ignore.

Another... she's suddenly in his office. She's not alone as she grabs Catra, "What the..." he manages to get out as they teleport above the roof and *thump* he lands in a crouch, fist to the ground.

A superhero landing. The coat flairs and he sighs. "I was at work." he grumbles. "I gave you the directions..." he looks around. "...you did not have to bring me here." He opens a mirror, ready to go home. Then sighs. "Come on." He steps through...

...and pops out in the alley next to the shop.

Catra has posed:
Catra was busy practicing with her sword, which it being a Katana meant there was in fact training videos and programs available. She was just preparing to thrash a practice dummy when abruptly there's a pink haired person behind her shouting about a candy shop and next thing Catra knows she's disappearing into the aether. Her sword gets left behind and sticks point-first into the floor, where it stands wobbling from side to side with nobody holding it.

On the other end, three people materialize and one of them is Catra, who immediately puts her fist to her mouth and puts in a strong effort to not, well, void her stomach and lose everything she's eaten so far today. That, and the very strange landing, that takes all of Catra's balance and poise to avoid ending up flat on her face.

"What... What the HELL, Sparkles?! I was busy!!" She shakes herself loose of everything and everyone and retreats to a safe distance where nobody can grab her and teleport her. At least not quite by surprise. "We're... what... WHY ARE WE OUT HERE?!" she throws her arms up in the air, "And I don't have my headphones!"

Catra pauses, looking down at herself, and then sighs and activates her own illusory disguise, taking on the visage of an ever obnoxious American tourist in ragged jeans and a black hoodie. "This better be the best candy shop ever," she grumbles.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Ikken Mangetsu groaned from the ground. "Y-yes... I did... if I got lost... ow..." Glimmer said. "Wow... I haven't felt this..." she snapped her fingers. It took three tries before she got a spark to pop. "This... this is weird... is this why they gave me this thing?" she asked before reaching up to grab the little moonstone-like necklace. "So, how does this thing--"

And then... then she was.... Punk-Glimmer. "Oh YES!" she said, slowly getting to her feet. She even had the jacket. "It's just missing..." And then, from the pocket, she pulled it.

A toothpick.

"Oh *yes*."

She slid it into her mouth. "Do I look awesome, or do I look awesome?"

She then glanced back to Catra. "Oh, come on. What's the fun in being *bad* if we can't be *bad* sometimes? See? Phanty's got it." At least she wasn't calling him 'Panpan' or something. "Thanks for the portal, Phantom," she said before climbing through it. She shook her head. "Wow. That. That still feels a bit weird when I use others... So. You all can call my... Ikky. Or... Ikken? I-ken? Ikean?" ... "What was the name you called me, Phantom? And yeah, don't worry, Catra. Phantom got me some of the stuff here. It's legit."

Well, at least she bounced back... quickly. Or unfortunately. "AlsoIdon'tthinkI'llbeabletoteleportusbackforawhilesowe'llprobablyhavetowalkit! To candy!" she said, running inside the shop before Catra could *mangle* her.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
It very well may be at least. Or at least the very best in this area of Tokyo as many would likely say. It helped when it was a family run business with decades of reputation under it's belt after all.

It was thankfully still open when they decide to teleport up on the roof. And thankfully there's at least an apartment floor between THAT roof and the roof of the actual candy shop otherwise the magical girl that worked there would have HEARD that thump-crash and been very, very worried.

Chiyo is thankfully not that sharp of hearing so her tasks are just 'tend to shop' and not 'bust some heads' as might otherwise happen. She's wearing the same shop uniform she always does: Black slacks, a white button up shirt and waist apron with the shop logo and colorful decorative candy sprinkles all over it. She's just cleaning up a few plates left behind by customers that had already eaten, and swiping a clean cloth over the surface to wipe away any sticky sugar or crumbs left behind as she does.

The shop itself is well lit and smells pleasantly of fruit, sugar, and a bit of green tea from the decanters on the table for self-service. It's a perfectly pleasant place for the trio to come visit. Even the older man behind the counter was busy tallying up some reports for the day muttering to himself.

Phantom has posed:
A sigh. So he's the Uber home. Phantom realizes that now. And lifting his hand, he snaps his finger. Dark magic engulfs him, and when he comes out, he's dressed in a t-shirt from Nine Inch Nails, blue jeans, sneakers, and a braclet with spikes. So 90s. So grunge.

They don't need to meet Cure Unlovely yet, after all. "Phillip Toms." he says to the two girls, giving his name in this form. Because he really doesn't care for taking on a Japanese name.

"Fine. We'll get your candy and... you didn't bring any money with you." He suddenly realizes. At least he converted all of his money to yen before this trip. He won't make that mistake again.

Reaching to open the door, he pauses as he sees Chiyo at work and glances aside at Ikken. "Not. A. Word." he says flatly. "Or you will walk back." Warning issued, he opens the door, a glance up at Chiyo and a small smile. "Hello."

He didn't get her name last time,

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Ikken Mangetsu gave him an innocent grin. "Me? Why would I say anything? Oh... wait, do you have a cru--" She stopped, covering her mouth. Nope, not a word. Just walkined inside and took a great big sniff of the air. "Ahhhhh. It smells incredible in here," she said, before running to the displays, putting both palms on the counter to lean in and peer through it...

She then glanced back to Phillip. "Of course I have money, Phil, I..." she trailed off. Then pulled out a small pouch, popping it open and frowning. "I'll get you back later, okay? Okay."

Ikken then stood up straight, looking to Chiyo... and slowly moved the toothpick from one side of her mouth to the other. "So, you... I got a very important question for you. IT may be the most important question of your life..." She leaned forward, palms flat on the counter.

"What's the best thing in the whole store? And do you do samples?"

Her eyes were gleaming.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
At the little chiming of bells from the door opening (not actual bells, please, they were a BIT more modern than that!) Chiyo glances up to flash a warm and welcoming smile to those entering. "Welcome to Nounamu Sweets!"

No sooner is the offered greeting out than she's watching Ikken bolt to the glass cases to look over the fare. There's so much to see. Little mochi that are delicately shaped in to various flowers with their 'petals' stained in colorful splashes. Roses, azalea, chrysanthemum and peonies to name a few. There were also little pillowy mochi 'buns' folded over fresh ripe strawberries that peeking out like a flower bud yet to bloom. Further down were the traditional pink sakura mochi wrapped in a green leaf, fresh and bright. Then there were the fruit. Tanghulu fruit skewers of strawberries, and mandarin. Pickled sakura in 'raindrop cakes' that were domes of pure see through gelly. Hanami dango, skewers with pink, white and green dango, and regular dango with green matcha topping or the savory-sweet shoyu glaze.

Chiyo watches with an amused smile as the apparent tourist looks over the fare here. It was always interesting to see the reactions of newcomers after all. When she comes back to ask the best item, and if there's samples, she can only chuckle. "No samples today I'm afraid, but we do have discounts for students if you are one?" She offers trying to be helpful. "I'm fond of the strawberry daifuku myself," she admits quietly, "We get the strawberries locally and they're super fresh and ripe at the moment. In-season fruit is the best."

The entire while this goes on her eyes skirt past toward Phantom to grace him with a smile as well. "It's good to see you again! Did you like the konpeito?"

Phantom has posed:
As Ikken makes it clear that she's a huge tourist, Phantom just shakes his head. "She's from out of town." he offers to Chiyo politely as he digs out a couple of 1000 yen notes to set her on the counter. "The konpeito was good, I came back when you were not here and got some candied fruit. I made the mistake of giving it to her..." a gesture to Ikken. "...and here we are."

The explanation out of the way, "She'll have a strawberry daifuku. And then whatever candies you think are best to introduce someone to from your shop. Is this enough for that?"

Catra has posed:
Catra has been silent this entire time, other than to mutter 'Rachel Miller' as the names of their respective disguises are being shared. Maybe Glimmer and Phantom are thrilled to bits with theirs; she, in keeping with everything else about this planet, hates hers, and that much is obvious. But she hasn't much choice but to wear it, so she does.

And so, Ikken and Philip are followed into the place by an American-appearing girl who seems perfectly content to maintain a lousy attitude and drift about the store with her hands in her pockets, affecting an air of being completely disinterested in basically everything and impatient for the whole experience to be over as swiftly as possible.

Except, there is one flaw with Catra putting up that front. Even if she is an Etherian, and a Cat, and hates this planet and everything about it, she is in fact still a teenager and this is a candy shop. Which, basically means it's Heaven on Earth, and even if this particular feline keeps her heart perpetually shrouded in protective darkness, every now and then there's a leeeeetle ray of light that can pierce it, and right now it's the promise of way too much sugar.

"What's a Daifuku?" she asks, quietly from a couple aisles over. "And what's this?" she adds, pointing at... something.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Ikken Mangetsu looked disappointed at the confirmation there were no free samples. However, her face DID light up at the names of the treats. "I... have never heard of ANY of those, but I DO know what a strawberry is!" ... "Ohhhh, are konpeito those things you shared with me? They were amAZing!" Ikken said before pulling the toothpick out, twirling it in her fingers.

"Oh, wait, candied fruit. Okay. Right. Yeah. Daifuku!" Then, she glanced to Catra... and her grin got mischievous. She then leaned forward, palms on the table, lifting herself over it enough to whisper to Chiyo. "What do you have for someone who's being suuuuuuuper grouchy and trying to act tough but is really just all around a pain in the ass... even if she is kind of likeable?" Then leaned back. A shame she couldn't just teleport to whisper that in the other girl's ear. Oh well.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai raises an eyebrow at the questions from all sides. Her gaze sweeps around the unruly looking group only to glance over her shoulder at the old man behind the counter who was watching them suspiciously with a solid scowl. They didn't SEEM too bad to her just curious, but sometimes tourists could be that way.

"Daifuku are made from mochi and have fillings inside. Mochi is a sweet rice paste that is very smooth and chewy," she explains as she moves behind the counter to begin picking a few things out.

"That will cover enough," she assures Phantom with another grin cast his direction. "Sorry I wasn't here when you stopped by last time. I just finished finals so it's been a bit busy." Even as she explains tihs possibly annoying bit of information she's picking items from the case. To start with, three strawberry daifuku: One for each of the potential delinquents. They're offered out by placing ontop of the glass counter on little plates and nudged forward.

"Try these first," she suggests. "And if you have any flavors you're fond of I can try to make recommendations based on that. Oh, be careful," she's quick to add, "The strawberry daifuku have cream inside them too so it can get a bit messy." There were napkins for that.

While that's out she starts to gather other items. Some of the floral daifuku, some candied fruit, and the sakura mochi. "These are made with cherry blossom flowers," she explains.

Phantom has posed:
"Do you think you did well on your finals? Ikken is considering attending the school." Phantom offers as he glances towards the spirtely girl that is just all over the place. A shake of his head before his attention returns to Chiyo. "Before you ask, she is just an acquaintance." That offered quickly, just so Chiyo doesn't get the wrong idea.

Because someone will. He glances at the candies that she points out, before he moves to lean back so that Chiyo can practice her customer service - and a glance to Rachel. And a shrug.

"She's one of yours, right? Want to get in there and get some candy before she eats it all?" he asks flatly. She so has competition for most annoyed.

Catra has posed:
Catra wanders over, and the guise of the American Tourist pauses by the candy that's been put out for her. There the Daifuku sits, looking tasty and inviting. It's not fish, mind you, but not everything can be. And hey, she can certainly be thankful that it's not the Brown Kind.

Pretty much anything is better than the Brown Kind.

The disguised feline just kinda stands there for a moment, looking down at the Daifuku, as if she's concerned that eating it might, somehow, lead to a softening of her demeanor. Would that be okay? Does she want two people and a long time enemy to see her as anything other than a grumpy snot with a tough exterior? Or at least an angry exterior with claws? Is it worth constantly being in a bad mood? Does anyone other than her even care anyway?

After some hesitation, she reaches out and gingerly picks up the candy, holds it up and finally bites it in half. And then, even with her concerted effort to continue to look generally impatient with everything, as she chews slowly a different look comes across her features.

She definitely likes it.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Ikken Mangetsu let out a gasp, her eyes going wide. "Your cherries *blossom* here? That's amazing," she said in a hushed, excited tone. She picked up one of the Daifuku, biting into it. And once again, her eyes glimmered.

"Amazing..." she whispered in a hushed, excited tone. "Ca-- Rachel, you NEED to try one. It's amazing!" She had such a big smile on her face when she took a second bite, a bit of the cream going down the side of her mouth. Her toothpick having been dropped, left on the ground and forgotten now.

She then picked up the third one... and held it out to Phantom. "Come on, Philly. If Rachel can eat one in front of me, so can you." She then stuffed the last bit of hers into her mouth.

"Ohhhh, ohhhh, what's that?!" she asked, pointing at some candies.... shaped like animals. Oh dear heavens.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I did well enough. I mean, I'm no genius," Chiyo remarks with a bit of a chuckle, "But I imagine I passed with a decent grade. I'm not very good at English, but my other subjects should be all right." She hopes. She thinks she did well enough but she knew her English pronunciation was kind of terrible. "It's a good school. Lots of friendly people there." The assurance that they just knew each other is taken with a bit of a lopsided grin, and a nod, as she imagines he's trying to distance himself from the hyperactive girl.

Her gaze skips over to watch as Rachel/Catra tries the daifuku only to smile in apparent delight when it's apparent she DOES like it. Even if she doesn't say it out loud. Glimmer/Ikken's own appraisal of it earns a chuckle. "I'm glad you like it. It's one of my favorites." But more candy is pointed out.

"Oh, those are gummies. They're flavored with different fruit juices. Also pretty inexpensive if you want to buy a bag of them," she offers as she gestures to a few pre-made bags at the end of the counter containing some. "If you want more, or less, I can make up a new bag though."

"Oh if any of you want a drink, there's tea over there too. It's free," she offers with a gesture to the table with the two carafes. "Green tea and yuzu tea."

Somewhere in the back of the shop a clock chimes causing her to glance over toward the old man who disapears into the back for a moment. "Ah... It looks like it's getting time for us to close soon. Would you like me to pack up some items for you all?"

Phantom has posed:
"I speak English pretty well." Phillip admits - just as Ikken shoves the candy into his hands. A glance at it. And then at Ikken, who is clearly wanting him to eat it. Fine. He can expense it out. This is now a business meeting to speak to potential recruits. That works.

He snacks on the piece of candy. "I can speak a few different languages." he admits - after all, he needs to talk to the International PreCures he's capturing. Not that he's offering to HELP, just saying. His eyes widen at the candy, and he nods. "This is good." he finally says.

Then he hears the chime of the clock. "Pick out a few things." he offers to the two girls. "I'll cover." He goes to the counter and glances at Chiyo. "I am Phillip Toms. From Great Britian."

Catra has posed:
Catra looks about, from left to right, before stuffing the other half of the Daifuku into her mouth and taking the time to thoroughly enjoy it. Yes, even tough girls can like candy, she apparently is conceding to herself. Or maybe just to everyone else.

While Ikken and Philip are busy doing most of the talking, she's apparently most happy just being generally unnoticed -- a strange way for Catra to be, with the normally overconfident and aggressive exterior she presents having retreated, at least for a moment.

She fishes about for a couple thousand yen notes in her pocket, and then realizes; Philip said he'd counter. Well then. "More of those, if you don't mind," she half mumbles. "And if you've got any chocolates, a few of those too. Whatever sort, doesn't matter, just... as long as it's chocolate."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Ikken Mangetsu nodded. "Gummies. Heh. They remind me of swi..." Pause. Trailed off. "Of an old friend! A bag of those and--"

Her eyes go wide and she gasps when Catra mentions chocolate. "Oh... oh right... if you're... then you've never..."

And then she clapped her cheeks, a temporary look of alarm. "NOUGAT! Do you have any chocolate... with nougat? Rachel has GOT to try it! It. Is. AMAZING! You'll love it, trust me. Oh, and something with a stick, like... some suckers. Annnnd... Hmmmm... Ohhhhh. Caramel. Does this place have caramel? I saw some at the market I was at but we couldn't get some! If it's like the stuff back home it'll be amazing!"

Then paused. "Huh. And this might sound odd, but do you have anything for cats? I should probably get Melog something. After all, they're stuck playing guard duty while I'm out."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
As the orders start to come in from the pair that Phillip was treating, Chiyo goes about putting their orders into small boxes that are then placed into a paper handled bag with the shop logo. A box of chocolates for 'Rachel' along with a couple more of the strawberry daifuku.

"I'm Chiyo Sakai. It's nice to meet you Phillip," she greets warmly. "I'm glad you stopped by again."

The other two are nodded at as well with a, "You both, too. My grandfather and I run this shop so feel free to stop by any time. We always have a lot to choose from." Plus she wasn't going to rub in for poor quiet Rachel that she apparently did like the sweets. The bag made up for her is offered over.

Similarily she gets together a bag with the various treats that Ikken wants. Only to find herself a bit overcome by ALL that she's ordering. "Er, we have Dalgona candy? It's a type of caramel but it's ... You'll see," she finally remarks with a sigh. "No nougat though, I'm sorry. It's not too popular around here though you can get it at mainstream shops." Another box of chocolate, a bag of the animal shaped gummies, and then a couple of the dalgona are put into the bag for Ikken. The question causes her to pause though as she looks up staring bewildered at Ikken a moment.

"Ah no I'm afraid not. Cats are obligate carnivores, which usually means meat and..." A pause. "Guard duty?"

Phantom has posed:
Getting out his Mirage Corporate card to pay for the candy - SO HE CAN EXPENSE IT - Phillip offers the card to Chiyo to distract her as she works on the candy order. "There's a sushi place nearby, we can stop at and take care of that." he offers to Ikken.

And then to cover some tracks, he chuckles a little. "She has a kitten that she found in a military base. So, guard duty." he offers quickly. "Makes her feel better about leaving it at home."

Catra has posed:
"Cats can eat things besides meat," Rachel mumbles, as if she was still debating wether or not to say anything by the time she was actually saying it. "Obligate Carnivore just means w-they have to eat a large amount of meat and can't skip it."

The unusually not obnoxious American tourist takes the bundle offered to her, and nods her head. Apparently that's as much of a thank you as anyone's going to get. She holds onto the box jealously, like she's afraid someone's going to jump out of the woodwork and steal it -- or maybe just judge her for it.

And it's not like anyone can tell her cats can't eat chocolate, she can and does and who cares if it's not healthy. Is it really that good for anyone else?

"Okay, coming here was a good idea," she concedes, as she fades back away from teh counter so Ikken and Philip can finish their end of things. "But we should go back now."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Ikken Mangetsu nodded. "Su-shi? Ohhhhh. I think I saw some of that. Sounds great. I'll try and drag Phillip to more things like this now and again." Then glanced towards him. "But don't worry about us. He's my cousin, after all."

Yup. She was going to go there. After all, how better to explain him buying all the sweets and stuff.

She did, however, look a little saddened at the lack of nougat. "A shame. I'll find it somewhere else, then. I will not rest until Rachel has experienced it! Or my name isn't..." Pause. What was her name again? "Ohhhh, wait, the sushi is the stuff with the fish, right?"

Maybe she'd had too much sugar anyway. Or this was just what she was like.

She'd take her bag happily, though.

"And yeah. Melog is just the cutest thing. Acts a lot bigger than they are, bitey and clawy. But it's mostly an act. Once they feel safe around you they're cakes and rainbows and the most friendly thing around. Whenever I leave they'll just sit out and wait for me, it's so cute cause you can tell how much they miss me, but then the moment I'm there they act like they barely even see me anymore. But I guess that's just how cats are, huh?"

Oh, she was definitely thinking of someone else when she said that.

"Yeah, we should get going, you're right. Especially if we're trying sushi!" She'd take her box and dip into it, pulling out a few of the little gummies and making her way out the door.

She now had a few red gummies. She bit the head off one, before tossing the rest of it into her mouth.

... She then held out the other one to Rachel. Once they were outside and... "Here. You should try one, you'll like it." Pause. "And I won't tell anyone. Anything."

Oh, one day she was going to tell Adora EVERYTHING.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Of course. That made sense. Of course they just meant guarding the kitten... They were troublesome at young ages. Rachel's correction garners a smile as well, and she takes the card from Phillip to ring out the purchase. "True. But there's still some things they shouldn't eat, too, like garlic and onions. I heard they can be poisonous in the long term. That never stops Bonito from *trying* to eat it though."

A little grin comes as she hands the card back along with a receipt. "He's the cat I take care of. I'd call him 'mine' but he's free to come and go as he likes." Plus he was actually a fire spirit that just happened to take the shape of a cat because he found people would feed him more. And he had a soft spot for kittens.

With the transactions done, and the bags of candy handed over, she dusts her hands off on her apron coming around to the other side of the counter. "The sushi place nearby is very good, too," she assures. "I hope you all have a good evening." A pause as she adds, "And maybe you'll stop by again?" With a little glance toward 'Phillip'. Oh no. But for now at least she hahs to finish closing up th shop, and so does so.

Phantom has posed:

Maybe like... 12th Cousins. Maybe.

Probably not. Now that the connection is made. There's a sigh. The things that he has put himself through since Mirage attached herself to Obsidian.

When Chiyo says she hopes to see him again, he offers with a hint of unsurety. "We'll see." he offers, "Depends on how work goes." And with that, he puts away his card and starts out the door. "...come on you two, it's time for sushi and then home."

Catra has posed:
Catra is basically just quiet until they get outside, once again giving off the air of someone who's entirely fed up with the whole situation. Even if that isn't really the problem, or what's making her uncomfortable. No, it's more the fact that one of her mortal enemies is... just... right here.

Offering her candy.

Well, she did watch her literally just buy that, so at least it isn't poisoned. She reaches out gingerly, to accept the offering, and... once again, after eating it, she has to admit that it's pretty good. She doesn't say so, of course, but her expression changes just enough that it's obvious to anyone who knows her well enough. Which, Glimmer probably does. (Well, definitely does, but Catra doesn't know that yet.)

So, sushi next, then? Before they go home?

"Red Snapper," she declares. "Salmon, Tuna. Make sure you try all three of those. Get Nigiri." She pauses, and shrugs. "And if they do Ramen you'll want to try that too."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Ikken Mangetsu grinned a little wider the moment Catra took the candy. She then started walking, the grin on her face hidden from Catra now...

Hiding the mischivous grin on her face.

Sure, she knew that Bow and Adora wouldn't be happy she was doing this. And sure, she likely wouldn't be able to do the whole... 'Rawr, I am Horde Prime' thing she was TOTALLY going to do...

But that was *fine*. She *knew* Catra...

And she had Double Trouble as backup. And this Phantom? Well... he was cool too.

And no matter what terrible things she had to do to protect the Moonstone, even if she had to be as bad as Hordak in the end...

It wouldn't matter if she could bring Catra back on the way. Ha. She was SUCH a genius. Operation Save the Cat, round two, was a go.

"Ohhhh, this one is apple."

One other wonderful thing about not being part of the Horde? She had no qualms sharing with the others if they seemed interested.

And there were going to be sooooo many sushis to try. She couldn't WAIT!