1369/Heart-Stealing Attempt

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Heart-Stealing Attempt
Date of Scene: 30 March 2024
Location: Ice Cream Parlor
Synopsis: Keaka attempts to steal a heart.
Cast of Characters: Keaka Hoshiko, Norie Okana, Bow, Sayaka Miki

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    They had that dream again.

    Things are a bit unclear, as dreams always are. But they're back in school. Not the magic academy at home, but through pop-cultural osmosis and working with school-age TSAB agents in the past, they have at least some idea of what 'school' in general is like; In the dream, they're at school. It is always night. The uniforms are half-remembered; they remember only an impression of 'dark' colors and it being kind of reminiscent of what they wear as Clarthas.

    The exam that they didn't study for consists of going in front of their professors and explaining why being a hero is dumb and being a villain is a better idea. When they don't skip out and get lost in an endless maze, they try their best, but the professors always say they're not quite there yet.

    It's not exactly hard to figure out what such a dream might symbolize.

    The other day they learned that Beryl is a bad boss and now they have doubts about Obsidian.

    Keaka looks in their bathroom mirror. They lean forward, hands on the counter, and sneer. "As if the heroes were any better. The problem is in the structure." And there won't be any structure if the world is destroyed. But Obsidian isn't going to do that...

    They shake their head. No need to dwell on that today. It's time to test a new invention in the field, today! It's time to help a coworker who needs a Heart!

NOW - Pikarigoaka Ice Cream, Exterior:
    Charles, Chuck to his friends, is a young Radiant Heart student whose family immigrated from England. He wears his hair a bit long for a boy, and wears glasses. He likes comic books, and videogames, and ice cream. Today, he is here for the last of those things.

    But just as he's about to enter the ice cream parlor, there's a hand on his shoulder. A gauntleted hand. Like something out of one of those comic books. In the moment while he's still looking confused, the moment in which 'why is this person wearing a gauntlet' is distracting from 'I should turn around and see who it is', the hand suddenly slides down to his chest and reaches in. Which is very much like something out of a comic book!

    "S'cuse me young man, can I borrow this?" Clarthas steps around the boy to get a better grip, feeling around for something, grasping it, and pulling.

    Grasped in his fingers is something like a gem-and-metal squid, or maybe one of those viruses. It's radially symmetric, with a definite 'head' and 'tail'. The 'head' of this young Chuck's "heart", or whatever Clarthas just pulled out, is a green gem maybe the size of a chestnut or walnut encased in a silvery fitting. From one end extend multiple segmented tendrils or tines, and the whole thing wriggles like a snake struggling to escape, and it glimmers brightly in the light.

    The 'heart' keeps making slithering motions that are actually giving Clarthas some trouble holding on to it, "What the... this one's slippery! Crima!"

    Unlike what usually happens to Obsidian's victims, Chuck is still standing. He looks utterly shocked, like he just saw someone reach into his chest and pull out his heart. (After a moment, his eyes focus on the heart, like an animal that sees someone has food and is waiting for someone to set it down.)

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima is here. Today she is here to see how Clarthas wishes to capture a heart. What can he do differently? She's shot people with the rifles before. How could this be any different.

So La Crima watches with intent and interest as she accompanies Clarthas Andode. She then watches and blinks when he just reaches into the boy's chest.

And pulls out his Pure Heart.

Except. The boy is still standing. Hasn't become a youma. Hasn't fallen over. She blinks a little at this.

"Huh!?" she goes. "How? This is basically non-leathal." she says in monotone.

Bow has posed:
Bow and Sayaka had started taking up patrols together - it gave them both in safety in numbers, and it has given Sayaka a chance to show Bow more of Tokyo - so kinda like a date without having to call it a date because it's really a patrol, and a date requires looking nice and making plans and deciding on a place and if it's just dinner or a movie or a movie and dinner or whatever event and what do you wear and what time to meet and and... and it's just so much easier to text 'Hey, going on patrol, want to come with?'

Bow may overthink his relationship with the bluenette - just a little.

So far, it has been an uneventful patrol and Bow is glancing at his phone as he is walking with Sayaka. "So, Adora sent me a list of ice creams she wants: Heartbreak Ripple Fudge, I Can't Get Over Chocolate Caramel, Mint to Be, Batter Together... why do these all sound like very depressing flavors?" he offers with a small groan. "Do they have 'Mooving On to Vanilla' flavor?"

And it was just about that time that the pair of them come into view of the man... ripping a boy's heart from his chest. "Wait, wait, I saw that at the arcade!" he says, pointing excitedly at the pair. "Like... there was this guy in white and he was fighting a guy in blue, and then this voice was all FINISH HIM!" And then Bow pauses. Realizes they are not in an arcade and this is really happening and has another realization, "... wait, are human hearts green?" he asks Sayaka in confusion, looking to the Puella for an answer. "Either way, probably not a good idea and we should stop that!"

Pulling Sayaka to the side and out of sight to transform into his Etherian Archer form with a quick henshin shift, he glances towards Sayaka, waiting for her to transform as well before he speaks. "Want to get in close while I provide cover fire?" he asks as he summons an arrow to prepare to nock and fire.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Bow and Sayaka had formed a bit of a duo over the 2 weeks when it came to dealing with magical threats. After all, they were both in a relationship, and they were both mahous on the same side, so it was quite easy to combine business and fun all in one, and just keep an eye out for threats while sightseeing through the streets of Tokyo.

It did mean that one of Sayaka's hands was stuck holding her Soul Gem in egg form to make sure it didn't pick on the traces of any Witch, but so far the jewel had remained inert in her hand, so it really was a peaceful afternoon under all aspects. Could it be? An actual day in which the people of Tokyo don't have to fear being Witch-kissed, energy drained, turned into youmas or otherwise assaulted?

Their tour had taken Bow and Sayaka to Pikarigaoka's Ice Cream Parlor, so the two of them had decided to make a short stop at the small venue and began checking out the ice cream flavour on offer when Bow points out the depressive streak in their naming sense. "I don't think Mint to Be is all that bad. At least, they don't have a 'Rocky Compromise', right?", she comments to her boyfriend.

Though their idle time together stops there when a man with a gauntlet stops to extract a Heart Crystal and Bow pulls her aside to a place they can transform unobserved. "Heart Crystals aren't the actual physical organ, they are more similar to my Soul Gem if anything, and when my Heart Crystal got extracted, before my contract, it was blue."

But anyway, no time to dally, so the Puella transforms and follows Bow out, giving him her approval, before noticing La Crima with a sigh. They already had this conversation before, but it was too much hope that it would stick. In the end, they will have to fight for it as usual.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
> CLARTHAS: See how amazed people are at your invention! Apparently the most astounding part is that the victim didn't fall over.

    "Huh? We--c'mere you, hold still--have no idea what happens if you go without a heart for awhile, no one was willing to--dangit!--try it, for obvious reasons!" Clarthas replies, as the 'heart' almost wriggles out of his hand and he grasps it with Sarida and it starts wriggling out of that hand. "Theirs weren't so slippery, either!"

    Sarida is on his left hand, as usual, but on his right is the device he just pulled out a heart with, which has the look of an unfinished prototype: A crude brass gauntlet with some kind of electronics connected to a clear, spherical crystal built into a small box on the back of the forearm. Five wires on the back of the gauntlet run from the box to nubby little rubber-enclosed antennas along the back of the proximal phalanges.

    He's kind of distracted with the new sensation of struggling to hold onto this captured heart -- the interns' were not so wriggly! so without the heroes making justice speeches or anything, he hasn't noticed them yet!

    Giving him further trouble, after another moment Chuck finally seems to sort of snap out of his daze and starts trying to grab the heart back. He certainly can't overpower Clarthas, but it's another distraction. "You can't take that! Give it back! I need it! Please!"

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima flails and tries to grab at the heart herself, well. Not so much grab as pleadingly try to ask for it to her hand. "Come to me, come to me, please?" she begs the heart as she finally, finally, makes a grab for it, to at least stop it from escaping Clarthas's grip.

"Oh." she says sharply.

"This is really hard to keep hold of, quickly let me..." she forms black tentacles from her sides and they join in trying to grab onto the heart, other tentacles trying to push 'Chuck' over.

"Take a fall, loser." she says, eyes narrowing.

Bow has posed:
After Sayaka gave him a quick rundown of what that was, Bow finally is clued into it all. "This world is so confusing." he admits, but there's a small smile. "I wouldn't change where I am, though." he admits to the bluenette.

But now that they are working in concert (pun intended), Bow comes from around the corner. "Blunted arrow." he comments, the arrow turning into a nubby version of itself. Drawing it back, he takes careful aim at the gauntlet, before loosing the arrow to allow it to fly towards the gem to smack it out of Clarthas' hand before La Crima can help.

"Hey, don't go stealing people's hearts!" he calls out. "Unless... you've dated for a bit and they're really into you and you know, they want you to steal it~" Bow calls out to the pair as he preps another arrow.

"Step away from the heart, or... there will be a 'beat' down." See what he did there?

But, hopefully he knocked the gem aside so that Sayaka can go after it! And of course, La Crima will be thrilled to see him again!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Stop this", Sayaka says to the figure of Clarthas and Norie. "La Crima, this isn't going to help you. You know that you are still hurting someone, and you will have to deal with that once your feelings go back to normal. Stop sticking to trying ways that won't even make you happy", Sayaka remarks, hoping to maybe get this to stick.

And then her attention is turned to Clarthas, the guy who was both working here and at Hinoiri's new zones. Is he the tech assistant of the desperate or something? She wasn't sure it was something as charitable as helping. "Put that heart back", Sayaka tells him resolutely. "He is under our protection. Regardless of whether you desire to help your own or seek to cause chaos, we won't let you hurt anyone", the bluenette makes the situation clear to Clarthas, running over to him with her mantle partially held in front of her, trying to catch that slippery heart in it, away from Clarthas' grasp.

Unless Bow manages to knock the heart out of Clarthas' hand, in which case she turns with her mantle to where the heart is falling.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
> LA CRIMA: Heeeere heart heart heart heart! C'mere!

    The heart ignores her, or at least, it doesn't respond in any identifiable way.

    When Norie grabs it, she finds that it pretty much feels like it looks like? Gem and metal. But it moves like a living thing. In testing, this wasn't an issue -- if you have a good grip on the 'head', the... legs? Tendrils? Tines? The limbs flail about uselessly -- but this boy's heart is more resistant to being held than the test subjects' were. Its limbs are flexible and have an unintuitive way of pushing against your hand to find leverage to slide itself. Still, especially with tentacle help, it is possible to restrain it. Hearts are not strong, physically, this one just moves weird and caught Clarthas off guard.

> BOW: Called shot to the hand!

    "Gah!" Clarthas's hand is knocked away just as Norie makes contact. He can't help her keep hold of it. "Wait, how did you know it was a heart? That really is a common thing on this world?!" "Technically, it's not literally a heart, or he wouldn't be alive." Sarida, the gauntlet on Clarthas's left hand, pipes up. "It's more like his concept of self, and it's really fascinating that this is even possible. What is he without it?"

> SAYAKA: Tell the villains off!

    Clarthas just... answers Sayaka while his gauntlet is rambling, using the weird test gauntlet to hold Chuck off of La Crima. "You don't know it won't help. We're trying to find out."

    And then at her further words he grins. "Ah. Now we're in familiar territory. You want a thing, we want a thing, we settle it with fists. Let's dance, girl!" He holds Sarida out towards Sayaka. It chimes, "Barret burst fire." A burst of nonlethal magic bullets sprays at her!

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima stares at Sayaka. "The problem was with the fact it killed, or disabled the person it was taken from. Look at him! He's fine! He's even trying to take it back!" she says dramatically. She huffs as she winces from the attempted arrow strike.

She's now fighting for control of the heart from Sayaka, trying to use all her tentacles to take it. "Please!" she says desperately. "No one's getting hurt this time, just give it to me!" she pleads.

"Oh it's. That guy." she says. "Who popped my caspicorn!" she says angry.

She draws up her hands, tentacles doing most of the pulling work, and waves them. "Relámpago Pscuro!" she says, two dark bolts of lightning appearing from above and trying to smash into both Sayaka and Bow.

Bow has posed:
As the arrow sends the gem away from Clarthas and the pair of them are fighting with Sayaka over the control of the gem -- there's all the tentacles! "Hey, hey! No need to get all clingy!" he calls out, releasing another blunted arrow to strike at one of the tentacles that is fighting with Sayaka!

He was about to fire another arrow when suddenly - La Crima recognizes him. That.. is disconcerning, however, as apparently she's still unhappy with well, everything. "Your caspicorn was sucking the life out of someone's ex-girlfriend and they broke up amicably and there was the other girl and it was just -- I didn't know that it'd react that way!"

He has no idea what Relámpago Pscuro!, but he's finding out, because he feels the hairs on his skin stand on end as the dark energy rains down and he finds out that his bow makes a nice lightning rod as it takes the hit and he's zapped as it explodes, knocking the Etherian archer back for a moment. Landing on the ground with a whoompf of pain, he draws in a breath. "Oof, okay, she popped me." he grunts as he works to shake it off to get back into the fight.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"My point isn't whether or not it will help", Sayaka tells Clarthas, gritting her teeth in frustration at the confirmation he is the uncaring type. "My point is that you are hurting someone, and even if it helps her restore her feelings" - sword pointed at La Crima - "she won't be any happier for it, because she will have to live with the fact she hurt people. So, if you care about her, call this off and find a healthier way to heal La Crima."

"Does it really look to you like the picture of health?", Sayaka says, pointing to Chuck trying to desperately get his heart back. "But my questions is simple: will you be able to live with yourself after you go back to normal?" Sayaka doesn't really know what kind of person she was before her curse struck, but at least, she had to have had a minimum of empathy for others.

And then come the volley of attacks from Clarthas and La Crima, forcing Sayaka to jump back and get on the defensive as she swirls her cape from in front of her to over her, trying to hide behind the durability of her henshined mantle. The parts of the attacks that end up going through deal wounds to her, her Soul Gem a bit less brilliant as her magic starts to heal those wounds.

"Shooting Stinger!", Sayaka shouts, a greatsword appearing in her hand that the Puella sends flying with incredible force and speed at the heart at an angle the flat of the blade would make it bounce away from the reach of Norie's tentacles.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Damn, that's actually kind of a good point. If Norie gets her feelings back, she'll feel bad about what it cost. Sayaka can see that realization flash across his face.

    And she's regenerating wounds, too. "Maybe we should take yours instead then!" He shoves Chuck but not too hard, sending the boy stumbling back, as Clarthas runs towards the Puella Magi and Sarida chimes, "Hybrid Sword." as armblades of energy form on his gauntlets.

    Swing right, parry left, press right. "As if you really care about her or the boy so much. What are you doing to help her? And you'll forget about him as soon as our fight's over! You only care about fighting 'villains'!"

    If the heart is knocked away by Sayaka's sword, it begins slithering back towards its owner. Chuck's attention has been on it like a laser, as he waits for a chance to rush forward and make a grab for it.

Bow has posed:
"And you only care about stealing hearts, apparently. And being a jerk." Bow is finally back into the battle, having recovered from the strike that hit him. Getting to his feet, Bow notices Chuck, and he's making his way over to him quick. "Sharpsong, do you have him handled for the moment?!" he calls out to her.

If Chuck manages to recover his heart, Bow calls out, "Stun arrow!" The small electrical arrow forms, and as he draws it back on the run, he fires it towards Clarthas. Norie isn't the only one that can use electricity, after all!

Catching up to Clark, he slides to a halt, "Come on, I'll keep you covered while we get out of here..." Maybe. Hopefully.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"We literally met three times, and this is the first time we actually talk!", Sayaka shouts at Clarthas, another cutlass appearing in her hand as she uses her them to fight back each strike of the energy armblades with her own swords. "A little premature to judge me, don't you think?" she quips back at the villain.

"Here is my answer: I am in fact on the lookout for a way to help La Crima, and this is despite her almost killing me and others with the originals of your gauntlet, and that should also answer you on my feelings about returning that guy's heart!" If Clarthas doesn't believe her, that's his problem. "All right over here!", she reassures Bow with a smile.

A laugh comes out of Sayaka's throat as Clarthas says they should take her heart instead. He is a little bit late for that after all. It's just a little white critter doing the job well ahead of him. "That's fine, come and take it, I don't mind."

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Clarthas gives a similar laugh as Sayaka complains it's too early to judge her. He tries to keep his face neutral as Bow and Sayaka judge him in turn. It's part of the villain package. The Bureau was no different. Don't let these snot-nosed kids get to you. They're not you. They've never been hated. he reminds himself.

    The originals of his gauntlet? "Tch. You know nothing about these."

    Energy armblades lock with cutlasses as Clarthas and Sayaka try to force eachother back.

    Her reply is completely unexpected. She volunteers to give up her heart? "What??" He looks rather confused, and then-- "Aggghhhk-k-k!" he grunt in pain as the electrical arrow stuns him!

    Well, Chuck's got his heart back! He stands up with it cradled in his hands like someting incredibly precious, spellbound by it, and maybe a little out of it? Who knows just what mental state he's in. Getting out of here sounds like a good idea though, so he starts running with his heart clutched against his chest.

    It's hard not to wonder if like... does someone magical need to press it back into him, with intent? How does any of this work?

Bow has posed:
That's something for Bow to figure out later - how does Chuck get his heart back in? That is not something that Bow can figure out yet, is at all. But, as he is moving to keep Chuck covered, there's a thought. "Let me get your phone number. We have friends that can maybe help you get that back in place!" he offers.

Unless. He lifts his head and glances towards Clarthas. "So your machine works, neat! Gonna tell me how to fix it!?" he calls out to the villain - as if that's going to help. "Or is all you know how to do is take and not return." Taunt, taunt.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
With Bow catching up to Chuck, Sayaka stays behind to deal with Clarthas, still putting her swordsmanship against her own, just giving him time to recover from the stun arrow if he needs that, because she is just trying to protect, not unfairly get a win. "Stealing people's Heart Crystals is nothing new around here, anyhow", Sayaka shrugs when Clarthas says he knows nothing about those gauntlets.

She only really stops fighting Clarthas if he tries to reach for her heart. Her job is holding him there, after all, and Clarthas choosing to waste time that way would only make it easier for her.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
> CHUCK: Be asked for your phone number.

    Bow's mood is infectious. He wants to help. To be helpful. Phone number? Sure. Chuck says, "Uh, it's--" and rattles off some digits.

    Get the heart back in place. The thing that needs to be done, to be helped with, is getting the heart back into Chuck. Chuck focuses on that thought.

    "I just... put it in..." Clarthas answers, through gritted teeth.

    How do you get something inside you?

    A few minutes ago, Chuck planned to put some ice cream inside him.

    He opens his mouth and lifts his Heart towards it.

    The heart, presented with a way back inside its body, snakes out a couple of its tendrils, grabs his teeth, and pulls itself in. Chuck's facial expression is a mix of shock and just, the look of someone who just felt something weird and uncomfortable. But apparently once it's out of view, it stops being a physical object -- hopefully -- and goes back to being a metaphysical part of him. Chuck looks relieved. Then happy. "I'm me again! I'm back!" He tries to shake Bow's hands, or shoulders, enthusiastically. "We should get ice cream to celebrate!" And then he looks at the magical battle that's going on, and at Clarthas, and decides to maybe not be near that, and rushes inside the ice cream shop to hide in a corner until the Veil changes his memories.

    If all of that made Bow shout or otherwise gets Sayaka's attention for a moment, Clarthas raises an eyebrow briefly at the... unconventional method of Heart return, but will' take Sayaka up on her offer!

    A gauntlet plunging into your chest without physical interaction is very weird. Clarthas looks skeptical when there seems to be no heart in there. Reaching in deeper just makes his hand start to come out the other side.

    He finally pulls his hands free and backs away. "What the
hell?! How did you... what are you?!"

Bow has posed:
When Chuck suddenly eats his heart, Bow is standing there for a moment in stunned silence, watching as it... just goes in. And suddenly he's better and talking about getting ice cream, and Bow shakes his head. "You go ahead!" he offers encouragingly, I need to get back to help my girl--"

Whatever else he was about to say is suddenly lost when Clarthas suddenly plunges his hand into Sayaka's chest. He doesn't grasp what's going on, he can't. He doesn't know about Sayaka's missing heart, even though she told him once what happened when Sharpsong was turned into a Puella. "SHARPSONG!" he cries out in horror and panic.

And that's when it begins. Arrow. An arrow is formed, Bow draws and fires at Clarthas. As soon as it's away, he's generating another arrow to fire. Then another. He's clearly not stopping.

"Bow?" Crystal Hope asks. "What are you..."

Bow doesn't answer. Not yet. Not until Clarthas is away from Sayaka and she's safe. It's a veritable storm of arrows. Eyes dark, emotions fully shown now - as if Sayaka ever had any doubts.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka is happy to hear Chuck's cries of joy in the distance. It sounds like their job here is done and they don't need to do anything else. And that means that as soon as Clarthas is gone, she can focus on checking how exactly La Crima hit Bow, and if he needs magical intervention.

"I am just a heroine of justice passing by", Sayaka replies to Clarthas' question over her nature with a smile, even as it feels quite weird to watch a hand plunge into her chest. The last time it happened was with Kyubey's ears(?) after all. "And I really did mean what I said earlier, so I am not going to fight you if you just step back."

That of course changes drastically when Bow reacts with shock at the sight of Clarthas trying to grasp her Heart Crystal, and it's at that point that alarm shows up in the girl's eyes. "Wait, no, Bow, it's alright!", the Puella exclaims, before she is too late and a storm of arrows starts falling on them.

"Eternal Fantasia!" Sayaka exclaims, as 20 swords materialise in the air while her Soul Gem bubbles. They start flying around at superspeed at Sayaka's behest, trying to intercept as many of the arrows as she can. "It's ok, I knew nothing would happen to me, you don't have to worry!"

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Okay, so instead of just pulling his arm out, Clarthas yanks it out with a flinch as he's shot with an arrow. They don't actually pierce his Barrier Jacket(?) yet, but he's not sticking around. "The hell?! How do you..." He can't really muse on that further as he raises his arms protectively in front of him, Sarida chiming, "Barrier." as an amber sphere of force appears around him which the followup arrows are already cracking and starting to break. He stumbles back a few steps and is about to fly off, but to his surprise, Sayaka blocks the attacks?! He dismisses the 'hybrid swords' and holds his hands up, palm forward, to indicate he's done attacking.

    "So, now you want to talk or something? What about?" He looks skeptical, but at least curious enough to listen.

    Also it's worth noting that Chuck just walks right into the door of the ice cream place and has to kind of fumble around awkwardly. Once he has operated the door properly, he continues to be a klutz, bumping into people and things inside as he tries to hide from the battle.

    The side effect(?) will wear off eventually, he'll be fine.

Bow has posed:
It's almost as if Bow isn't listening, or not hearing. Lost in that momentary combat haze, as the shields and barrier go up, the young man speaks quietly. "Crystal Hope, calculate me an angle through." Sayaka's never asked heard Bow ask openly for help from his companion in combat, always in his social situations or to understand something. Now?

Crystal Hope almost sounds ... happy. "Caluclating, Bow!" she chirps, a scan of the area and finally. "Aim the the lower left of the sign at your right and up. From there, the arrow will ricochet and you'll have two and a half seconds to fire a second arrow to redirect it into the gap I have found between the two shields."

"Got it." Bow growls between gritted teeth, the first arrow drawn back, preparing to fire, unless stopped.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Seems like Clarthas mistook her offer to end hostilities as her intending to ask question, which is not a bad thing, because the man is a complete enigma ever since she saw him at Hinoiri's Eclipse Zone. "Sure, I go by Sharpsong here. How can I call you?"

But before she can ask for more, Bow hasn't stopped going on with his assault, leaving Sayaka to completely ignore the villain and in a frenzy thinking of the most basic thing that could reassure him she is fine, and continuing is not necessary: as she rushes towards him, the bluenette jumps up, holding his cheeks with her hands and giving him a kiss on his lips.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Clarthas is asked for an introduction. He smiles and holds his hand to his chest. "I am Clarthas Anode, --" But whatever dramatic introduction he's about to launch into is cut short by Bow continuing hostilities. He flies, only briefly glancing back and glimpsing the couple embracing and kissing.

    There's a pang of envy in his heart. Not really directed at them, just... Like not being judged harshly, that's another thing he doesn't get to have. He's made peace with that more easily than with the being hated thing, though. He duskports away, letting calm of the the Dusk Zone surround him.

Bow has posed:
The first arrow is fired. It flies true, striking the exact point that Crystal Hope had pointed out. It ricochets, aimed downwards -- all it needs is the second arrow in a couple of seconds...

...that arrow never comes. Bow never got a chance to fire it - as Sayaka is in his face a moment after the first arrow is launched, and her mouth is pressed firmly on his, her hands on his cheeks. His eyes remain dark and empty for a moment, before he blinks several times.

The bow is lowered, his hands her bare shoulders for a moment before he breaks the kiss, stepping back. "Saya... Sharpsong, y-you're okay..." he manages, staring at her chest for a moment to look for a hole he totally believes he should be seeing there in it's place - but it's not there.

"What... what happened. How?" he asks, confusion evident in his dark eyes, even as Clarthas is retreating - he won't get a chance to react, Sayaka has his attention and personal space, which is the greatest weakness of an archer.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka blushes a bit as she breaks off of that kiss, taking back with herself the appreciation for it, even if she totally didn't envision something like that happening now. It even manages to contend with the worry for those empty eyes.

And that emptiness luckily goes away on its own, and Sayaka smiles with traces of tears in her eyes when she sees that he is back to being herself. "Yes, I am alright. The extraction of Heart Crystals doesn't actually hurt you, and besides mine is right here", Sayaka says, pointing to the elongated C on her navel. "What happened to you? You were all weird there", the bluenette asks with clear worry.

Bow has posed:
As Sayaka asks him what happened, Bow looks confused for a moment. "I saw him plunge his hand into you... and I think I just blacked out for a moment. You're okay though..." even as she reminds him that he's not the only one with bared abs here. His hand touches her soul gem for a moment in relief and to make sure she's okay.

"The kid is okay, and getting some ice cream... and it seems the other two are gone. Let's get Adora's ice cream and head back. I'm kinda sore all over. That zap hurt."