1584/It Had To Be You

From Radiant Heart MUSH

It Had To Be You
Date of Scene: 23 May 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Ryoko comes home from her failure at the zoo to center herself with some sewing, only to find out when Sarah gets home that her girlfriend was the badass scorpion girl that almost single-handedly took out all of her Grimm. She decides to lean into being a good girlfriend.
Cast of Characters: Ryoko Gushiken, 246

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Ryoko was so mad. Things had gone well at the zoo until they hadn't. She couldn't be too mad at the heroes. They'd fought well, and she respected that, but she was still mad she didn't get any of the dust. Stupid wolves. She was mad at herself for choosing Grimm that would group together instead of staying spread out. She was mad at herself for underestimating her opposition again.

    After she fled the zoo, and the park, she made her way directly back to her dorm, de-henshining along the way. She was pleased to find the room empty. She didn't need hugs and love and friendship right now. She needed to get centered, and there was only one thing that always worked: sewing.

    Changing out of her work clothes and into some hand-sewn silk pajamas, Ryoko grabbed a bin out of her wardrobe that had several already cut pieces of fabric, and a tote full of notions. She carried it over to her bed and crafted her pillows into a little nest to sit on, then climbed up on the bed, and got to work hand-sewing. Step one was threading a needle.

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah could not wait to get back to the dorm room. After the villain had fled, rightfully so as they had thoroughly kicked her butt, Scorpia had helped tote people to a nearby clinic. After ensuring the zoo was finally back to being peaceful and everyone who needed medical attention, was where they needed to be to get it, she ran behind a booth and took a deep breath, shifting back to her human form.

    Grinning as she walked into the room, she noticed her girlfriend sitting on her bed, sewing. She practically vibrated with energy and excitement, but was proud of herself for sitting on her bed and waiting for Ryoko to give her attention, before spilling it all out. She'd learned that she could definitely be herself, always, but dimming down the loudness was what her girl needed sometimes. She was learning! So, she waited, watching her work expertly at whatever it was that she was sewing up.

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    She'd noticed when Sarah came into the room, but Ryoko had kept sewing. She was sewing a seam, and she did not like to pause until she reached the end. It looked like she was making some sort of shirt. The seam she was sewing went from the cuff of the sleeve all the way to the hem at the bottom.

    She kept stitching as Sarah walked over to her bed and sat down. She could see that her girl wanted to tell her something. She was very excited. But she was waiting. Ryoko couldn't help but smile. She was trying so hard, and it was very cute. It took her several more minutes before she finished the seam, and set it down.

    "Well you clearly had a better day than I did," she says, drily. Then she smirks. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Bouncing in place, Sarah grinned, "Oh yes! I went to the zoo today, while you were busy! I was hanging out with the monkeys when these wolf monsters started attacking innocent people! Baby, you should have been there. It was terrible." She plucked her necklace from inside the collar of her button up and held it up, her eyes wide and sparkling and her cheeks flushed with her intense excitement, "My necklace did some crazy stuff, and then I was in my Etheria body! There were a couple others who helped with the wolves, and then it was over! Oh man. It was so intense! I helped to get everyone to the clinic to get checked out whenever they wake up."

    Sarah took a deep breath and shook her head, "I'm so sorry! You said you had a bad day! Tell me all about it! Maybe I can help cheer you up!"

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Of course it was her. It was obvious now. The pincers. The tail. She'd never caught the name, but it must have been Scorpia. Her family were literal scorpions. That badass that had chain-lightninged all her Grimm was her girlfriend. Fuck.

    She struggled to keep all of that off her face, just smiling wider as Sarah told her the story and it sank in just how absolutely screwed she was. Her girlfriend could not find out she was Ember. Sarah was the first person who had genuinely made Ryoko feel happy in as long as she could remember. She couldn't lose that.

    So, she decided to lean into that feeling, and suppress her anger. It felt better to be excited for her girlfriend right now. "Oh just work stuff I can't talk about," she replied, with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Besides, you have got to tell me everything. I want to hear about my badass girlfriend."

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah couldn't stay on her side of the room anymore. She carefully crawled up onto the bed with Ryoko, careful not to disturb her sewing supplies and her project. Grinning still, she leaned her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, "You should've seen me! I haven't used my powers in so long, Ryoko. It felt amazing to just kick those wolves' butts! I used a few lightning orbs to get rid of the first one, and then, well. I only meant to hit one or two wolves with a chain of lightning... but I kinda hit them all? By accident! Anyways. The villain girl ran off before we could catch her, but everyone was safe and I helped take them to the clinic that was close to the zoo!"

    Turning so she could look up into her girl's face, her face softened, "I'm so sorry you had a tough day. Do you want to go get some ice cream to make it all better?"

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Not only was her girlfriend a badass, but she was disgustingly cute about it. She'd taken out all of the wolves accidentally. It made Ryoko feel a little bit better about her plan. But only a little. Clearly, with practice and training, Scorpia would be able to do that intentionally. Ryoko was going to have to up her game to keep up with that.

    "I'm glad you were able to get everyone taken care of. They were lucky you were there to help," Ryoko said. If she hadn't been there, Ryoko would have likely succeeded. The other two had relied on her for dealing damage. She was pretty sure she could have at least harvested some dust if Scorpia hadn't been there. Those people were all very lucky she'd been there. That wasn't a lie at all.

    Then Sarah suggests ice cream and she laughs quietly, shaking her head. "I don't know how you do it. I don't get how you can be so upbeat all the time." She takes a deep breath and then nods. "But ice cream is delicious and that sounds like a nice date to celebrate you figuring out your powers here."