1632/Enforcer Hospital Visit

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Enforcer Hospital Visit
Date of Scene: 05 June 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Chrono meets up with molly during her stay in the hospital to try and give her some words of encouragement and help the little soldier as she heals before Rashmi swings by to give her some last minute advice.
Cast of Characters: Molly Skyline, Chrono Harlaown, Rashmi Terios

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly has been feeling better, since Sunbreaker's defeat, but she's not out of hospital yet. The Purple haired girl is at least sitting up in bed and is watching some anime though, so that's an improvement over just laying there, too tired to think.

That said, she's still burnt, and she's still healing.

She's got a new pair of glasses, that look more like they were chosen for their speed of acquisition rather than anything else, as their squarish lenses are certainly not in keeping with Molly's regular style. Her previously warn glasses are still sitting on the table beside her bed, with one lens cracked and the other one straight up broken. Otherwise, she's surrounded by get well cards and some stuffies, and a couple of RIFTS books (gotta have some reading material, afterall).

Well, that and her homework. But that can wait.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown came walking into the hospital room, just feeling a... tiny bit out of place. He hadn't... expected to come here originally. But, the fact was? People he knew, and care about, were hurt. And the danger had passed, so he no longer had to maintain a constant vigilance over the magical items.

... And frankly, some people might do better with his presence, his comfort. And he didn't know Molly well. But he did know that she tried, at least. In their practice sessions, she did her best. And he had been giving her device... quite a few warnings. And it was very, very close to becoming Hannah's new belkan toaster.

He walked into the room, as straight laced as ever. Giving the door a light little knock, he then walked in. "Molly-chan?" he asked, giving her a small smile. "How are you feeling?"

... He was even in uniform. Spikes and all. People kept asking him what final fantasy he was from.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly looks up at the knock, and smiles pleasantly. "Chrono," she greets, entirely forgetting about-- "Err, Chrono-chan," she fixes, blushing a little, and taking that opportunity to readjust her specs. Which, one might surmise, she doesn't think are all that comfortable, but at least she can see.

"I'm... burnt," she admits, "But I'm getting better. Ever since Sunbreaker was defeated, I got my magic back, so... everything's getting better. I just have to wait a little while to be, y'know, unburnt. ...I might look for a little magical healing anyway," she adds, "I... don't really want to be scarred."

The purplenette takes the remote and pauses the anime she was watching (An oldie, Black Magic M-66; right at the bit in the elevator). "So... is everyone okay, after the battle? is Rashmi okay?" She dumps the remote on the bedside table, and focuses her attention properly on Chrono, with another little adjustment to her glasses. "And... Sunbreaker? I hope she isn't too badly hurt?"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown blinked a few times. Open his mouth... then sighed. "I... think it would be Chrono-san. Just because I'm... nevermind." He walked by her bedside and smiled down at her. "You are looking better. I hear Chiba-san has been going around to reduce injuries as best he can without exhausting himself, so I suspect you'll be doing much better soon."

His smile was as calm as ever, his eyes gentle little blue orbs. "We can make sure there are no scars. Sadly, however, I was unable to attend the final battle. There are magical items that had to be protected and I had to ensure they couldn't fall into Sunbreaker's hands during that time, this 'Hinoiri Kirara' character. Rashmi is more than fine, far more relaxed now." As was he. "I... don't know about Sunbreaker. I know she was purified, but she was released after. Other than apologizing, it remains to be seen if she will truly try to change... or if she will go back to her old habits. I would hope for the former, but I have seen far too many of the latter to assume it. Everyone deserves a chance to right their path, but many won't take that path."

"... You've been very strong during all of this, Molly-chan."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly blushes once more, more deeply this time. "Chrono-San," she stammers out. "Sorry, I... it's still... We don't use stuff like that in England, it's new for me, I don't... I don't mean to get it wrong." She pokes at her glasses and fidgets for a moment, and just kinda sits there blushing.

But, eventually, it passes. She clasps her hands, and nods once. "I'm really glad Rashmi's okay, I was worried about her the whole time I knew the fight was going on," she admits. "Well, her and everyone else who was fighting. and even Sunbreaker, even though she..." she trails off, and shakes her head. "I just didn't want her to get, like, killed, over it."

Molly's blush doesn't go away as she's complemented. "Strong? I mean, I dunno, I just got beat up real bad and then spent the rest of the event in hospital," she points out. "I-- Oh, I almost forgot. How's Starcrash? Is he okay?" She sighs softly. "He tried really hard to protect me," she adds. "Don't be hard on him."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a light chuckle. "Chrono is fine. We didn't have it where I'm from, either. But as they say, when in... actually, they wouldn't say that here. What would it be? When in... Rome? Huh. Do as the romans, I guess. Perhaps I should visit Rome. Anywhere, where was I?"

"Rashmi is a good soldier and will make an excellent enforcer one day. But... yes. It's hard not to worry about the people we care about, even when we know they can handle themselves. As far as I know... she won't be dying from this. Perhaps in the future, if she can't learn to mend her ways, she may. But, for now? Her life is safe. But... that's very kind of you. It's... not easy to wish well for those who hurt you."

"And strength... is much more than just physical. You've been hurt many times by this girl, Molly. And yet, you still worry about her. That's not easy. It takes more than just physical strength to be able to do that. And that's... good. That your device is learning to protect its wielder, not just attack with them. Starcrash should be fine. It was drained, but as your power was returned, it should be fine for your next training session."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Halfway through Chrono talking, the door to the hospital room cracked open, then stopped. But as Chrono talks about her next training session, the door opens fully, admitting a cheerful Rashmi, in casual civvies. "Even sooner, actually," she says, walking up next to the Enforcer to take his hand. "Since he was mostly a channel for what she was actually after, he only got singed. There's some internal damage, but, his self-repair function's been working on it."

Her hand dips into her bookbag, coming out with a familiar earring, with some faint cracks around the edges. "So the both of you should be at a hundred percent in a couple days, I think..."

Molly Skyline has posed:
"I think it'd be harder to hate her," Molly replies. "I mean... easier in some ways, sure? But harder, in the long run, to keep that kind of hatred in your heart. HOlding a grudge takes... Well I mean, it's not normal to hate someone, is it? At least I don't think it is." She shrugs lightly. "I'm rambling," she admits, bashfully.

And then the door opens to admit Rashmi, along with Starcrash, and Molly's expression brightens considerably. "Oh, wonderful!" she declares. "I was worried he was busted for good. Thank you *very much* for bringing him." She looks back and forth between Chrono and Rashmi, "And... aside from just training, once he's in good enough shape? I feel like we should try to locate some of his missing memory banks, if... you two are up for it. I know the Sunbreaker thing has been a big focus lately, so it's okay if you're tired."

Says the girl in a hospital bed.

"I'm really, really glad you're both okay," she adds. "I've been worried about you both."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod. "Of course. I would be more than happy to help you try to find them. I'm not sure how easy it will be to find them, though. Due to the nature of the time distortion that brought us here, there's no telling where, or even when, they could have ended up. However, I'm sure there will be some methods to do so."

He then gave Rashmi a smile. "And the more you rest, the sooner you'll be in fighting shape, so I shouldn't bother you too much longer. I'll give the two of you a little time alone, okay? I have others I still need to visit. For now, just focus on recovering, Molly."

It was heartening, at least to him, to know that she didn't hold hate in her heart.

... He was till going to keep an eye on Starcrash. That devices desire to keep the girl on 'offense only' concerned him... And he had every intention of ensuring it *stayed in line.*

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi squeezes Chrono's hand, beaming at the young Enforcer. "That goes for me too," she says with a determined nod. "I was going to suggest replacements, but, there'd be a lot of work involved in adapting them, and more in customizing everything enough you both were comfortable. ...Besides given where Starcrash... um... ...landed... ...there's a likelihood that some kind of travel would be involved. Which would be fun! ...But probably not for school time."

The redhead lets go of Chrono's hand, only long enough to give him a quick hug. "Let me know when you're done, okay?"

And as Chrono makes his way out, she turns back to Molly, cheered beyond measure that her friend is feeling better. "It'll be *great* to have you up and about, Molly-chan. But um. One thing? Maybe don't mention Sunbreaker when Mamo-chan comes in to help you. Like. At all."