1639/Metallidar, or, Metallia Radar

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Metallidar, or, Metallia Radar
Date of Scene: 06 June 2024
Location: Senshi Secret Base
Synopsis: Luna shows Usagi and Ami the Senshi's secret base, and most importantly, the advanced computers there. With these systems, Ami is sure she'll be able to start creating scanning protocols for tracking some of the various threats that have been identified... and then Usagi and Ami get a little carried away.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Ami Mizuno
Tinyplot: B Point

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
So, deep under Game Crown Arcade - so underground that it's not even ground, it's under dimension, it's practically another plane - there's a secret base. It's been visited only a handful of times, and is a marvel of magitechnology, surviving the millennia to be of use now.

The secret base is a slice of Lunarian architecture at it's simplest: a floating platform of marble in a large circle, showcasing a large, futuristic computer set up, monitors and screens and devices shaped into a semicircle, with bench-row seating, enough to fit two. Outside of the large computer set up, there are six tall, evenly spaced pillars in the classic architectural style, surrounding the outer edge of the floating platform, giving definition to the otherwise floating emptiness. And outside of those pillars - space. Or at least, the illusion of space, and clouds, and, for now, the brilliant pink-orange-yellows of sunrise.

"I still can't believe you were hiding a place like this from us, Luna," Usagi Tsukino pouts, seated at one end of the computer bench. Luna is standing on the computer itself, reviewing the monitors, and flicks her tail.

"Yes, yes, well, I was holding it for a rainy day, or a particularly useful evening. Ami-chan, what do you think? The computer system is similar to that of the Mercury computer, though the grander size allows for more processing power."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
There were few things that could really steal Ami's breath away but they did exist. This room alone was proof enough of that. Led here by Luna along with Usagi she's already begun to walk the length of the computer regarding them with a hand outstretched so that her fingertips graze in the air just above the terminal.

Her head tips back to gaze up at the pillars, then the wash of sunset hues around the illusory clouds. A single deep breath is drawn as her ilps curl into a genuine smile.

"It's remarkable that this still exists. Was it on Earth during the Silver Millenia? Did Prince Endymion allow this? Or," she adds reconsidering as she already starts to think it out, "I suppose it's 'location' doesn't matter much if an entrance to it could be placed anywhere."

Finally she looks back toward Luna. "This is wonderful!" She sits down next to Usagi on the bench reverently touching the terminal keys with a familiarity that comes as second nature. "Though I do agree with Usa-chan. This would have been very helpful to us earlier. I suppose there's nothing to be done about it now."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Luna practically beams with pride, nodding along as Ami works it out. "It's technically a pocket dimension, though it's very much connected to this location on the Earth now. We would have never built an actual location on the Earth, before - Queen Serenity would have never permitted it."

There's a certain reverence that Luna says Queen Serenity's name with, even now, a sign of her great respect and esteem for a woman now long gone, but who had been her friend, her leader, and very nearly a god fit for worship.

"Still, I do agree that it's remarkable that it's been able to survive this long. The protections put in place here are very strong, though secrecy really has been its greatest protection."

Her ears slide down as Ami agrees with Usagi, and she sighs a little, "I... suppose you two are right. I apologize - I was throwing so much at you all, so often, I thought that perhaps, until you truly needed these computer systems... it might be best to wait. That was wrong of me."

Usagi Will Not Forget that it was Ami's disapproval that got this apology, however - she doesn't harp on it either, instead, leaning in next to Ami as she gets to work on the computers.

"Yeah, okay. But why'd you tell us now?"

"Because Sunbreaker provided us with a great deal of information, at your little celebration after your escape." She doesn't have to say, escape from where. "And I believe that with these computer systems, you may be able to use that information to, well, perhaps scan for signs of the enemy?"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno reaches out to place a hand lightly on Luna's back when she gives the apology. It's not an outright pet, but as if she were consoling a friend. Really, Luna was a friend, even if she was a different species. Alien. Alien species. She could show the proper respect and concern in similar ways even if it her hand happened to cover most of Luna's back due to size difference.

"I didn't mean to sound as if I were accusing you, Luna. None of us can tell the future. It's impossible to know when the right time for things is. It could have helped us earlier, yes," she again emphasizes, "But we managed as well."

Sitting back properly her hand falls back to the keyboard of the computer out of habit. Even if she does lean a bit in toward Usagi's side as well with a little indulgent half-smile. "You're right. We have a great deal more information now. I can upload many of the scans I've gotten on various power sources, as well. Dark energy, the Eclipse Zones, F-"

Oh. Should she say that one? A little look is cast toward Usagi apologetically. "Firefly. Any and all information could prove helpful."

Looking determined she gazes down at the computer thoughtfully. "Yes, I can work with this."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Luna certainly doesn't seem to mind this consoling pat on the back that just happens to cover most of her back and have a certain petting motion attached. And her ears do perk up at the reassurance. "No, I understand - it really could have been beneficial, and I'll try not to keep secrets from you all in the future."

Usagi is going to remember this too, in the future, but, for now, she's just glad they have an understanding! "We did make it through everything, so even though a totally cool top-secret base could have been nifty... I'm guessing you want this place to stay just Earth-Moon court?"

"Yes, I do. I know that we have many trustworthy friends and allies, but this place..."

"Has a lot of really cool, fancy, important technology and it's like, probably the last piece of our homeworld we have?" Usagi sits down beside Ami, taking up just a little, looking out at the bit of starry space there is for them, and she thinks, yes, this is... private.

Then, Ami is mentioning all the projects they could monitor, and she frowns as Ami pauses, understanding smoothing her brow when she continues.

"You have scans of Firefly? That's - that's amazing, Ami-chan. If we could... I mean, all this computer stuff is over my head, but keeping the information is good, right? And maybe we could even make like, a radar for tracking stuff!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno smiles brightly at Usagi with a chuckle. "Of course I do! I was actively scanning when she attacked us both that time. That's why I was surprised to find that the others hadn't updated me on the whole 'situation', since Setsuna-san knew that I had the information as well." A little shake of her head comes as she tries to move on from that particular topic. There was enough tension over it.

"Regardless, I still have the data. I'm certain I can work out a way to alert us if she ever goes back to that ... form... again." She still wasn't sure what to call it. Likely she ought to visit and learn more herself, but so much had been going on since they found out that 'Sailor Charon' was staying with the Outers.

"As well as perhaps Beryl and Metallia. I don't have direct scans for them, but as Luna says, with the information we obtained I may be able to do a generalized scan that can help us locate and determine where they are before possible attacks."

"I mean, it will take me a bit to program such a thing, but this computer likely has the capabilities to make it happen unlike current Earth technology."

Though she's prattled on a bit she looks back to Usagi noticing her gaze at the starry field of sky. For a moment she looks toward it as well. "I didn't get the chance to see what the stars must have looked like from the moon. It must have been beautiful."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"If you could track that signature, that would be really good - I mean, I know the others say it's fine, and she's stable and all that but... it would be good if we could be sure, when that signature goes off again." A long pause, as Usagi considers everything that they could monitor, and more importantly, everything Hinoiri had, once upon a time, before she burned bridges too far, given them -

And then Luna just comes out with it, suggesting that they could try and scan for Beryl, for Metallia, and she smiles - and it's a hard smile, a little too tough for her face, and she tears her eyes from the not-quite-sky to hug Ami, tight and fierce, "If we could do that, it would be amazing. That thing, that Metallia, it's probably not strong enough to try what it did before - but Beryl's got to be trying to make it stronger, right? If we could keep an eye on that... and heck, if we could find out where it was now, instead of when they're ready - maybe we could be the ones to stage the fight!"

She hates fighting, still. She's not fond of it, even if she's grown to accept and deal with the fact that she's strong, she's powerful, and she's got the skills to destroy monsters. But the idea of being able to go after that monster in particular? Before it's a planet consuming catastrophe?

"If anyone can figure it out, it's you."

She believes in you, Ami! Her shining eyes say just that.

And then -

"...it was. It really was. And... I think it will be again." A slow breath, "I think we've got to go back. At least once. To the real thing."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
The hug wasn't entirely unexpected. Usagi was a hugger after all. The fact that it lingers as long as it does, that was new and a part of this new situation. Not an unpleasant one at all. Ami's hesitates only a moment before her arms wrap around Usagi in turn with a broadening grin.

"Exactly! We can be proactive or at least informed beforehand a bit more. It'll take awhile as I said, I don't know an exact time, but I'll begin working on it right away--" Ah but she's getting ahead of herself with the giddy urge to both SCIENCE and prove useful to Usagi and her friends.

The talk of the moon earns a softening of her expression. "I think we should. Setsuna-san said she'd located some of our artifacts, or close enough to where they were. If we can better arm ourselves that will be a great benefit. Plus I'm curious to see what the Sage Lyre can do."

Pausing, she adds, "If nothing else I'm curious to see if I can play any music. This life I've always been told 'art is a waste of time'. I don't really think it is though." And frankly she'd like to play for Usagi.

Confident she leans in to rest her forehead to Usagi's, meeting her gaze with her own as she smiles. "If anyone can take us there again I know it's you. I'll follow you anywhere."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's true, Usagi is a hugger, and a pretty darn good one. But the lingering... the lingering is definitely because they're doing this new... thing. This thing where they're more than friends, and definitely more than guardian and princess.

"You're you, Ami-chan. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Even if it takes a while, you'll do it, and better than anyone else could." This is said with such confidence, such utter trust and love. Of course Ami can figure it out.

"She did say that. Your Sage Lyre... I'd like to see it too." She gasps a little, "Art, a waste of time?! No way! I'd love to hear anything you played, Ami-chan. Even if it was the worst thing ever, it would be great, because it would be coming from you." That's right, Usagi Simps for love.

And then, their foreheads are pressed together, and it's Usagi's turn to blush, her cheeks gone pink as that faith is returned, and she starts to lean in, just a little -

And then Luna pops in between them. Just squeezes right in between them.

"Aaaaand that's enough of that, come on, back to science, I am still here, harumph!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ah they were so close. Ami's cheeks burn warm with a healthy blush as she starts to lean in further. It just seemed so perfect right now even if they were in a pocket dimension room next to a super computer beneath an array of possibly digital stars--

Luna pops up causing her head to jerk back with a quick blink as her gaze shifts out of focus to peer at Luna. the blush is still there, and deepens a bit with embarassment as she finds her path toward happy snuggly smooches to be cut off by a space feline.

"Oh! Yes, sorry Luna, of course you're here too." She pauses. Just a moment. Then dips down to smooch the top of Luna's head right between her ears with an audible 'Mwah!'

The urge to torment Luna just a bit causes her to devolve into giggles as she sits up again letting the poor feline free. "I suppose this isn't the place. I guess."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi reels back as Luna pops between them, and while Ami is blushing with embarrassment and spreading the embarrassment with the most adorable kiss to Luna's forehead, she's puffing up with indignation! All that work getting her to finally just vanish when Mamoru comes over, and this happens -

"Ami-chan!" At least Luna is embarrassed already, looking not necessarily horrified but also -

"That - wasn't quite what I was getting at, but, I may have earned that. I simply - it's only - it is quite a bit much to be trapped when you're doing that, you know," sniff.

Usagi huffs. "Well, if you don't have any more science for us, maybe you could, like, go, and then we'll catch up later, and Ami-chan can work on the Metallidar after we're done you know, kissing?"

Shoo, cat, shoo!

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno smiles apologetically toward Luna when she explains precisely what she means. She did have a point after all. "Sorry, Luna. It's been so busy lately we haven't really had any time to ourselves." Of course she wasn't going to complain given they had been some very, very trying times.

"Oh, Metallidar, that's a good name, Usa-chan." It would now and forever be called that. Better than what she may have named it to be honest. She was a bit literal at times.

While she continues to suggest Luna head off, she reaches over to slip a hand over one of Usagi's letting her fingers interlink with a growing grin. "I think we do have some time to relax awhile before I get to work though." Another tip of her head toward Luna, "Sorry! We can bring you some treats later? Fatty tuna sushi?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I understand, and you children are very young and in love, and all of that," Luna you're not that much older than them now! "But still - oh, that is a good name."

Even Luna has to admit it. Metallidar is quite the compact shortening, while still conveying the obvious meaning.

"Thanks, I'm great at naming things," Usagi says proudly, looking very pleased with herself. Now Luna..."

"Yes, yes, I am going," Luna rolls her eyes a little, "I will accept fatty tuna sushi. You can leave through the teleporter pad that I'll be taking."

And then she stalks out, all offended cat dignity, which really means no offense but a lot of kitty stalking.

As soon as she's gone, Usagi giggles, squeezing their interlinked hands.

"Poor Luna. She's terrible at keeping a straight face around romance."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"At least she's easy to please when it comes to snacks?" Ami suggests. As if fatty tuna sushi was cheap! For Ami it wasn't really an issue at least and it was worth the shot to get her to saunter off.

The squeeze to her hand is returned, and she bites down on her lower lip in a vain attempt to keep from smiling. "I guess that means we're alone now. Plus we're in a rather safe spot so there's no chance of your issue with interrupted dates occuring." Not that it was a date! They'd have to work on that. For now? She leans in closer again enjoying the company.

"I'm not so great with romance either. I think I'm getting better though."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Especially when you're willing to bribe her with the good stuff," Usagi giggles. She still bribes Luna with salmon bites, especially from those fancy tubes Koji had introduced them both too. But Ami-chan...

Is she the broke link in a chain of rich polycule members? Good thing she has no shame!

"You're making great points, Ami-chan. We're all alone... we're in this super isolated, safe spot... the sky's really romantic looking..."

She closes the distance between them, pressing their lips together tentatively.

"I think," she breathes out, when they break the kiss, "That you're doing great."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
It really was a possibly romantic spot all things considered. Maybe not the comfiest. Somehow that didn't really matter all that much at the moment. Not that, or the fact that Usagi might be broke. That didn't matter at all.

"I am good at bulletpoints," she quips before finding herself silenced with a kiss that she leans into to return with a soft sigh.

By the time the kiss breaks she's slipped her arm around Usagi's back to lightly hold her in turn.

"I always have been a quick study." Quick enough to learn that she ought to lean in to kiss Usagi again and forget the whole conversation for awhile.