1673/Just Dropping In For A Visit

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Just Dropping In For A Visit
Date of Scene: 18 June 2024
Location: Dorms #2
Synopsis: Glimmer drops in on Ryoko and Sarah, quite literally, falling onto Ryoko's desk after teleporting in. It is revealed that the roommates have also become girlfriends. Threats are exchanged and promises for future hangouts made. Such friendship!
Cast of Characters: Ryoko Gushiken, 246, Glimmer Brightmoon

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    It's early evening on a school night. Ryoko and Sarah ate dinner at the cafeteria a little while ago, and now they're both in their room diligently working on their studies. Hokori-sama insisted she get good grades, but then never gave her time to work on her studies. Sarah's arrival had actually made things easier in this regard because Ryoko found herself getting more of her own work done as she helped her roommate...her girlfriend...with hers.

    But right now, she was staring down at her own assignment. It was math, and she hated math. It was too organized. Too orderly. Too formal. But she had to be good at it for Hokori-sama, so she was finding the area under curves and the volumes of solids. She hated math.

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah looked down at her own math homework, frowning and chewing on the end of her pencil, "Hrrmmmm." This stuff was confusing. It was weird how humans on Earth had to learn such strange things! She glances over to her girlfriend, chewing on her lip as she thinks. 'No, I just asked her for help. You can do this Sarah! You've got this! You are smart!' Looking back down to the paper in front of her, she continues to bulldoze her way through the math problems.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon was a... less than subtle person. One might call her, in terms of subtlety, the equivalent of a crashing horde vessel into a gas factory.

So it was likely less than surprising that Ryoko would get... no real warning. Before suddenly Glimmer was *there*. Appearing above the table, she yelped, flailed and then landed on it with a low groan. She panic flailed for a moment before... posing. Subtly. On her side. One elbow on the desk. Propping her head up. "Heyyyyyy Ryoko. Sooooo. How you beeeeeen? Where's Scorpia?" she asked.


Also, her view was kind of blocked by Ryoko, so she did not yet see Scorpia. "Also, sorry for not dropping in for a while, been busy. Did you ever hear of this thing called 'pokemon'? It's *awesome*."

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Ryoko was doing her calculus homework and then suddenly, Glimmer fell out of the sky and onto her desk. Right onto her calculus homework. Right onto her pencil, snapping it. And then? Then she struck a pose. Ryoko just stared.

    She stared and took a deep breath. "Sarah is right there," she says, turning and gesturing over to where her girlfriend is sat down at her own desk, across the room just right to be obscured by Ryoko.

    Looking back to the pink and purple menace and takes another deep breath, exhaling slowly before giving her the most polite smile. "Glimmer," she asks, calmly. "Have you ever heard of texting ahead?"

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah's very concentrated concentration is interrupted with a loud WHOOSH and a THUD. Alarmed, she turns to see Glimmer laying on Ryoko's desk. She doesn't really care what they're talking about as she rushes across the room and scoops the glitterpuff up into a hug hug, "GLIMMER! Oh, I've missed you! How are you? We need to hang out more!" She twirls her around a few times, for good measure and then sets her down on her feet.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon stared up at her... then shook her head. "Nope! What is it?" The worst part? She was entirely serious. Just... entirely.

However, before she could dwell on it too much? She was just scooped up! She yelped, then started to laugh. "Oh, wow. Okay, so, safe to say you still have your memories then? Sorry, I've been meeeeega busy. Happy to know my girl Ryoko here was taking good care of you!"

Once Glimmer was put down, she kind of wobbled a little bit, before putting a hand out to res on the desk. She shook her head, before glancing towards her annnnd... "Oh. You have actual hands now? Okay. So I wasn't imagining. That. That'll make it soooo much easier. Err, hold on one second. Gotta..." And then she pulled out her little henshin device, a bracelet! And a moment later, she was... "Soraia, I think, today. One woman. One name. One fist. All badass." She took out a toothpick, twirled it... and put it in the corner of her mouth with a smirk. Then grinned.

"Soooo, what you two been up to? Ryoko, you've been keeping her out of trouble, right? How up to date are you on current events? Have you met Bow?"

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    First Glimmer...well...was Glimmer. And then Sarah...well..was Scorpia. Ryoko shrank down in her chair for just a moment as Sarah scooped Glimmer up right over her. Getting up out of her seat the opposite direction, and turning around to face them both, she put her hands on her hips and puffed air out her nose. What was she going to do with these two?
    And then Glimmer had to go and ask what they'd been up to. Glimmer, the girl Ryoko had taken to Prom, whom she had sewn a dress for, and whom she rather regrettably liked quite a bit. The closest thing to a friend she'd had since arriving, and kinda maybe more than? She asked what they'd been up to, and Ryoko knew for absolute certain that Sarah was going to tell her. The girl had no guile and no reason to think she even needed it.

    All those thoughts happened in an instant as a flush rose in Ryoko's cheeks. She brought a hand up to brush some hair out of her face and then left it at the back of her head with the elbow extended. "Well, ah, Glimmer, I have definitely been keeping her out of trouble," she says, laughing awkwardly, and sounding the least confident the Etherian had ever heard her. She was certain this would upset Glimmer. "Sarah and I are dating."

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah looked between the other two girls, a huge grin on her face, "I haven't seen anyone but Ryoko since prom! I'm sure everyone has been busy. Earth has so much new stuff! It's a little overwhelming. I mean, math? Why would anyone need all those jumbled up numbers?" Her words halt as she sees the flush on her girlfriend's face. She hugs her tightly, her voice worried as she asks, "Are you ok, baby? You look warm! Do we need to take you to the nurse??"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon chuckled and gave a nod. "I know, right? Math? That's... that's..." Blink. Blink blink.

"... Wait, what? Ah... ha ha... ha..." And then she looked between the two. "Wait, really? Oh. I... I see..."

And then she looked between the two of them. Then smiled again. "Scorpia, errrr... Sarah? Could you hold on oooooone second? I need to have a little talk with Ryoko. Juuust a minute."

Then she reached out, grabbed Ryoko's arm, and *hauled* her out and down the room. And wow, Glimmer was a bit shorter and wider than many of the girls but when she wanted to go, she *went.*

And she took the other girl into the bathroom and closed the door... And then pushed Ryoko against the wall. And held her there. The other hand going up and over her shoulder.

And oh, it was a bit... creepy how quickly that aura of hers could shift. She didn't look goofy right now. she looked like the queen she was. And she looked like she was about to *end* Ryoko. "Let's get one thing clear."

"I'm *not* Adora. I'm not *Bow*. They're the *nice* ones. I am *Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon*. I do what *needs* to get done. Scorpia is my friend. If you two are going to date? That's fine. But if you try to drag her into Obsidian because she seems 'easy to control'? Or are playing with her feelings out of some sick, twisted game?"

"They will never find you," she whispered those words. But it was odd how they seemed to boom. And even though she was the shorter of the two, she certainly had a taller presence.

And then, just like that, she pulled her hands back and the seriousness disappeared and she was all bubbles and smiles. "But, otherwise? It's cool! Just wanted to make sure we knew exactly where things stand. I think you are a really sweet girl, Ryoko, and I hope the two of us can keep being friends," Glimmer said, lightly patting her shoulders before pulling back and then pulling the door open, pushing Ryoko out ahead of her.

"Sooooo. How'd it start? What happened between you and Perfuma? Has Ryoko been showing you around Tokyo? Have you tried the ice cream? This world is *amazing!* Also, wow, they actually do have you doing homework, huh? I'll probably be showing up at the school soon too. That'll be fuuuuuun." She then turned and... fell on the ground with a yelp. "Ow... right... cant'... teleport like this... I hate this planet sometimes," she muttered, standing up and rubbing her butt, before walking over to the desk, hopping up and sitting on it.

"Soooo. Have you two kissed? Give me *all* the gossip, girl!"

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Ryoko did not get bullied. Usually it was because she has a bigger bully energy than anyone else. Nobody wanted to fuck with her. But sometimes people did. People like Glimmer. But even someone like Glimmer couldn't intimidate or cow her. Nobody scared her because nobody was as terrifying as The Grim Queen.
    But what she did do is get caught off guard. She was expecting Glimmer to be upset, but she wasn't expecting this. Glimmer was so fast that she was in the bathroom and pinned to the wall before she really even realized it was happening. So, she just listened to Glimmer threaten her with the most unimpressed face she could muster.

    And when Glimmer finally stopped talking, Ryoko just smiled, shaking her head. "I love her, Glimmer. Don't worry. You won't have to come after me," she said. And then reached up to grab hold of Glimmer's top before she could back away out the door. Leaning in close she whispered, her words cold like ice. "They'll find me. They'll find me sitting on top of your corpse." Then she leaned back and smiled. "Me too!"

    Then they were out of the bathroom and Ryoko walked right over to Sarah, sliding an arm around her girlfriend and turning to look at Glimmer. "Well, you might remember we arranged for her to move in here," she said, rather flatly, and then looked to her girlfriend to tell the rest.

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    The blonde tilted her head and watched as Glimmer dragged her girlfriend away, not sure what they needed to talk about when they could just say it in front of her. Shrugging, she turns and sits at her desk again, leaning back, resting her hands behind her head, and manspreading her legs.

When the other two girls reemerged, Sarah laughed and began to answer, "I moved in! Ryoko was so nice, the whole time! We just kept hanging out while she showed me around. She bought me food at that yummy Korma place, took me to the zoo! Oh man. It's been a blast! And then, I guess, well," a flush spreads across her cheeks and she smiles sheepishly, "The zoo was when we realized that our feelings went past just friends." An affectionate expression softens Sarah's facial features as she looks over at Ryoko, "I miss Perfuma, very much. But I don't want to miss out on this beautiful girl right here in front of me, when there's a possibility of never finding our way back home again, you know?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon only grinned when Ryoko threatened her right back. Well, she'd been... sorta... friends with Catra. She was used to threats. And it was good to know things were cleared up! "Good to hear. You're cute and so is she, you'll be adorable together."

But, now that they were out and about? She was focused on Scorpia fully. "Ohhhhh. Korma? It seems nice. Riventon gets food from there sometimes. It's good you managed to make a friend so quickly. And you even went to the zoo? That's great!"

However, that last bit made her smile flicker a little. "I... guess that's true. You definitely don't want to miss out on something. But... ummmm... I doubt we'll be here forever. But even when we leave, we'll probably come back. Like when we left Etheria. And saw those other worlds and things like that. It's good you're not focusing so much on what's ahead you forget to see what's, well, right in front of you."

"And how is school going for you, anyway?"

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Ryoko would deny it, but a faint blush rises in her cheeks when she hears Glimmer's compliment. It always feels good when a cute girl calls her cute. Even if she is insufferable. She leans into Scorpia's side, her arm around the taller girl's waist as she just watches Glimmer go on. The girl really does care. She cares so much. Ryoko wonders how long it will take for Obsidian to crush that.

    But then Glimmer asks a question she has an answer for. "She's been doing fairly well. It only took a little bit of persuasion to get her into all of my classes, so it hasn't been too hard for me to help her study. We just do all our assignments together."

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah just watches as her beautiful girlfriend answers the school stuff for her, grinning. It was true. Ryoko had kind of taken over the school part of her life, and she was grateful for it. She wouldn't be doing half as well if she didn't have the help, "Yep! You know I always work my hardest! Luckily, with Ryoko's help with my homework, I've learned a lot more than I would have alone! She's the best."

    The blonde turns her gaze to Glimmer, "How have *you* been, friend? How long have you been here? And you say... we can go back home?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon really did care. Truly... and if fighting the war couldn't break her of that, then Obsidian didn't stand a chance. Ryoko, at least, would maybe learn that one day. Glimmer had an outer laye of playdough... but it was built on a foundation of steel.

She clapped her hands together. "Perfect! So you're well taken care of. You know, Ryoko was one of the first people I met when I came here. She kinda has that whole... Frosta thing going on, you know? But she's got a real good heart and is an excellent dancer."

"As for me, well... Not that long, a little bit before you. I've had to keep myself on the down low for some things. I'm also kiiiiiind of somewhat working with this world's Horde? Ish? But it's a thing you don't need to worry about. I got everything under control. OH! And speaking of, don't tell Bow you saw me, okay? He doesn't know I'm here yet. I've gotta help him with a thing before I can reveal that. Otherwise... otherwise bad things could happen. Should make my move soon."

She then blinked. Sighed, rolled her eyes, got to her feet. Not teleporting was SO annoying. "I'm happy you're being well taken care of, though. Oh! Ryoko! You should get Sarah into some clubs! Clubs are a GREAT way to pass time. And meet all kinds of people! And, uhhh, yeah. Of course we'll get home, eventually. I mean, Etheria was trapped in a pocket dimension thing for... like. A thousand years. We'll find out how to get home eventually. Then travel between the two, it'll be great."

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    It was a good thing Ryoko has such solid control over her facial expressions. She put on the face she meant to, almost always. So she was all soft smiles, leaning in against Sarah as she continued to listen to and watch Glimmer. She was so painfully good just like Sarah, and Ryoko couldn't help but like her. Why did these good girls have to be so damned cute?

    "Oh yes, clubs," Ryoko nods. She is on top of it. Sounding like a parent talking about her kid's activities, she says, "We've already got her into the music club, so she can keep that beautiful voice of hers in shape. Then, your friend Adora's got that boxing club, and we figured that would be good too."

    "You know, Glimmer. If you enrolled at the school, you could get out of Takashi's office," she says. Gesture's to the room with her free hand. "Get a nice room, maybe a nice roommate. Meet people. Did you know they have a game on the phone where you can capture pokemon all over the city?"

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah pulls Ryoko down to sit into her lap and nuzzles into her shoulder as she and Glimmer talk about more school things. Her heart was happy, seeing one of her best friends, being friends with her girlfriend. She nods and grins, "Yes! Music club has been SO much fun. I've made lots of new friends! I keep telling them they have to take me to go Caree Ok Ying? I'm not sure what it is, but it has music and singing! So, I'm so there! Boxing club would help me stay in shape, so we should sign me up for that too, ok baby? Pleaaaaaase!" She wraps her arms around Ryoko and snuggles her, looking to Glimmer, "YOU SHOULD TOTALLY COME BE AT SCHOOL WITH US!"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinks a few times. Stares at Ryoko and Sarah like a deer in the headlights. "Ah. Well. Yes. Wait... do... you mean karaoke? Does this world have Karaoke? Ohhhhh. Ryoko, have you heard Scorpia's singing? I hear it's amazing! Don't think I've ever managed to have you sing for me, though. Ohhhh. I wonder if I could setup karaoke around here..."

And one might think she was avoiding the school comments.

She was not. She was delaying it. Finally, though... "Yeah, me coming to school is... in the works. It'll probably happen soon. And when it does? Well... don't worry."

She smirked, pulling yet another toothpick out and sticking it in the corner of her mouth. "Glim will be here before you know it. And the school? Will never be the same." She then gave a wink.

She. Literally. Sparkled. When she did it.

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Ryoko was standing, and then she was not. A simple truth of their relationship was that if Sarah wanted to move Ryoko, all she had to do was grab her and do it. The Etherian was so strong, and Ryoko was pretty light. Besides, it's not like she ever resisted. She loved it. She just lifted her arms up as soon as she realized she was being pulled down so that she draped them around Sarah's neck like they'd planned it that way.

    She leans in and kisses Sarah on the cheek. "Yes of course, baby. We'll get you signed up for boxing club. If you want to learn how to do other things with those hands of yours, you could come to fencing or kendo or archery club with me."

    Then she turns and looks at Glimmer and hears her say that hammy line and then wink and literally sparkle. Ryoko just smiles and laughs and shakes her head. "It'll be good for you. I think you're just a bit too isolated in Obsidian Tower."

    For a villain, she really thinks a lot about the wellbeing of people.

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah nods and grins, "I don't know what this Obsidian Tower is, but you belong here, with your family, Glimmer. I hope you can come soon! It'll be great, having most everyone around again. At least, I think so. I don't think I've seen many of the Etherians at all, even if I saw a few at Prom."

    The blonde gives Ryoko a kiss on her cheek, "I'd love to join a club with you. You know I love using my hands, and learning!"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon couldn't help but smile. And it was... a different smile. It wasn't bubbly. It wasn't excited or peppy. It was relaxed. It was the smile of someone who felt like 'This is home. These are my people'. And, believe it or not? It was comforting.

"We'll see. Who knows? Maybe I'll join the boxing club too. I've boxed before. Scorpia knows, I've punched her enough times."

She leaned forward and stretched. "I should probably get going, though. There's still a lot to do. But... I'll check in on you when I can. Ryoko will take good care of you, though. And keep you out of trouble. She's a good girl, this one. And seriously, Ryoko. Take her dancing. She'll love it. But... either way, I should go." And then she lunged and hugged both of them. "Grk, hrk..." And pulled back, spitting the toothpick on the ground. "Ow... stabbed my tongue..." she whined.

Ryoko Gushiken has posed:
    Before she knows it, Glimmer's hugging them both. It's both of them because they're already one big unit, with Ryoko sitting on Sarah's lap. She leans into Glimmer's hug, her arms remaining draped around Sarah's neck, and says, "Sarah. Sarah Point. Please try to make a habit of using her new name. I know it will be hard, but this world has a Veil, and we want her to be protected from all the villains she might be fighting, don't we?" As if she, the villain Scorpia most recently fought, doesn't already know.

    She smirks and then giggles as Glimmer deals with the consequences of her toothpick hug, and then says, "Thanks for dropping in, Glimmer. It's been entirely too long. I hope once you're here on campus, we'll get to spend some more time together. Take care."

Sarah Point (246) has posed:
    Sarah squishes them both as close to her as she can get them, infusing all of her love into that hug. She too, laughs at the toothpick and gives Glimmer a helpful pat on the back, "I really can't wait for you to be around more! It was so good to see you today Glimmer!"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon nodded, grinning to Ryoko. "I'd love to hang out more. You're really cool. Ohhhhh. I bet we could do slumber parties and things! There are so many things you BOTH need to experience!" She then took the tooth pick, flicked it into the trash... and then became Glimmer, once more. Ending the henshin.

"See you both later, though. And hopefully a lot more soon. Glimmer out." And then, in a flash of sparkles, the chaos was out!