1695/Tako Truck Talk

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Tako Truck Talk
Date of Scene: 22 June 2024
Location: Tako Cafe
Synopsis: Sailor Moon, Puella Red, and Glimmer fought a Witch. Naturally, the next step is takoyaki and talk.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Glimmer Brightmoon, Amanda Faust

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
For a girl who spent most of her life in Juuban, or trendier parts of Tokyo when she could run around with friends, Pikarigaoka is really starting to grow on Usagi. It might not be as full of options as some parts of the city were, but it was reasonably quiet and peaceful, and that was great, especially on nights like tonight, where the fights are... weirder and worse than usual.

Pushing back her bangs, she leans back until her back cracks a little and yawns.

"Man... that was awful. Scary, weird, waaaay too colorful, and now I'm hungry... do you guys want to get food?" She's making the saddest pleadingest eyes you ever saw. "I'm pretty sure we're close to Tako Cafe? And, hey, thanks new girl! You were pretty great!"

This, to the New Girl, the sparkly teleporter she hadn't recognized but who had been pretty darn helpful when everything went wrong.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon had been SCREAMING! Lots and lots of screaming. But eventually... Well...

"WHAT IN THE TWELVE MOONS OF ETHERIA WAS ANY OF THAT?!" she shrieked, gesturing wildly to the... smoking... remains... "What is a witch! ARE THEY ALL LIKE THAT?! Also... wait, one second. Hold that thought."

She pulled out her phone and started texting.

Text to Riventon:I'm expensing dinner.
Text to Riventon: Also, I need info on what the heck witches are.
Text to Riventon: I didn't get the shiny rock at the end, sorry.
Text from Riventon: ... Make sure it's a good dinner.

"Aaaaand Obsidian is paying!"

She then turned back to Sailor Moon and... Then looked up. "Wait, is my hair...?" She sighed, then disappeared. A moment later she appeared. Dripping wet. BUT! No longer covered in soot. "Right, remember me now? I was that girl with Riventon that time you uhhhh..." She trailed off, lifting her hand to her head and scratching it. "Heh. But he said that was fine and whatever, so I won't hold a grudge if you won't," she said with a wink.

Then paused. "And is this Taro Cafe nice? Cause Riventon said I should get us something nice." She didn't, however, mention that there were four people with her sooooo... Oh well.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy dismisses her heavy cannon as she lands on the ground after the Labyrinth fades, thrusters under her boots slowing her fall. She dismisses the additional bits of armor and thrusters but doesn't resummon her cloak, it's warm out! "You get used to them. Well, mostly. Making us chase it for a running battle like some video game boss was a new one... They're always doing something unusual."

    She walks over and picks up the grief seed, putting it in her belt pouch and pulling out the other one and holding it up to the gem on the left wrist of her gloves, its bright red marred by being a little under a quarter full of roiling darkness. The darkness passes into the seed and she puts it back in the pouch, her SOUL once again--wait, hang on, the weird shooter battle is over now--her SOUL once again shining pure.

    "Tacos? Food'd be... nice." She smiles, and turns to Glimmer. "Yeeeeah. Since we just fought a Witch together, Truce? For tonight?" She approaches her with her hand extended for a handshake. Her other hand holds a finger to her cheek thoughtfully. "I guess paying for dinner is a good uh, sign of truce..."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Hey wait, Etheria reference?!

For a moment, Sailor Moon stares at Glimmer, because Obsidian is paying?! Obsidian?! And Etheria? And -

And then the New Girl teleports away, and without Kazuo turning into a bird youma and stickiness everywhere and Bow's tears -

She slaps a hand to her face. "I do recognize you now," she says with a sigh. "But I don't really know anything about you, besides you making Bow cry and working for Obsidian when Riventon stole the Rainbow Crystal."

Which she is not okay with! She might have offered him a fruit basket because she's a good future sister in law and also she hadn't meant to disintegrate him, but those are awfully important.

"...Tako Cafe is nice enough for satisfying the late night snack cravings after a Witch fight? Have you ever had Takoyaki before? It's like,essential street food, if you haven't."

Truce. Truce can be had.

"...And yeah, like Red said, they're always... weird. Usually in a scarier way."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a light shudder. "I don't think I want to get used to whatever *that* was. It was... oh gosh it was *so weird*. And my teleports kept being all awkward. You know what it feels like to teleport up and instead go *down*? Trying to figure out the proper coordinates when you have to actually think about it, instead of what you're just always done? It just feels *wrong*. Ick."

She then reached out, shaking Amy's hand with such gusto it likely shook her whole body. "Oh relax. I'm not going to hurt you unless I have to. That's like, half the reason I'm working with Riventon, silly. Oh, right."

She held her right hand up and a staff appeared in her hand, which she brought down to the ground, standing in her full regal stance. Back straight, staff out, cape billowing behind her.

"A pleasure to meet you, I am Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon, the capital of Etheria, leader of the Princess Rebellion and temporary sparkle of Obsidian. Title pending... until I have to fill out he paperwork. Bleh. A pleasure to meet you all."

Then she turned to Sailor Moon. And... "Don't worry. I worked things out with Bow. He understands why I'm doing what I have to do." She then moved her hand back and the staff disappeared. "And I don't know what Takayaski are but I'll try anything once! And Bow cries all the time, I wouldn't worry about it. I have everything under control." She winked when she said that. "Sooo... how do *you* know Bow, exactly? Are you another princess of this world? Hmm?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The smoking remains Glimmer expects are in fact gone! Witch, Labyrinth, everything disappeared when the Witch died!

    "Oh, takoyaki?" Amy glances over. "...That's cool too. Kind of remind me of clam cakes, though not quite the same... those are fried and you can dip 'em in clam chowder. Most places skimp on including much actual clam in them, though... same with crab cakes..."

    She looks back to Glimmer, a bit startled as she's shaken around by the hand. "Messing up your teleporting does sound like a bitch. Like playing a game with unfamiliar controls or the wrong button settings, ugh I hate that... Boy, learning to control flight like that was not easy actually, I had some trouble with trying to do it the first few times..."

    "As for Witches... a Witch is..." well, she knows what they actually are, but what can she say instead... Kyubey's words come back to her, "a curse upon the world, I suppose. They drive mundanes around them to suicide and feed off death. Never enter their labyrinth alone, and if there's no Puella Magi present when you defeat one, get the grief seed -- that's the thing I picked up -- to one as soon as possible. Or to Gretchen or Hope Witch. Mami Tomoe-san works with Obsidian sometimes, I understand."

    "...They're all different, but they're all weird, kinda like that, yes. ...A princess of this world? Does this world have a lot of princesses?"

    Well, there's Coco. And if you count this dimension, Usagi's a moon princess and Hannah is a space princess, so... "Huh, I guess maybe we kinda do, now..."

    She pulls her phone out of her other belt pouch and taps at it. "Where's this takoyaki place...?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
She'll let Amy handle the Witch explanation, because she really isn't sure how much to share on that end. But when it's done, she'll address the things Glimmer said - and first off, one crybaby to another, being told Bow cries a lot so don't worry about it is not impressing Usagi, but, they have a truce and she is going to push it off.

"Riiiiiight... well, if Riventon didn't mention it, I'm Sailor Moon, and yes I'm a princess, but technically not of this world? There's not really a princess of this world, but my boyfriend is the prince of this world. The one you helped rob. Don't do it again, please."

She said please! Mostly because eventually they're going to go after the other Rainbow Crystals and Riventon is probably going to go after the ones they have, and it's going to be a mess.

And who is she if she doesn't at least try to say hey don't make that bad choice.

How does she know Bow? Well... "I joined his new rebellion. The one he started hear on Earth, to help rescue Adora, fight evil, you know, heroic things like that. Obsidian probably wouldn't approve?"

Besides, there's a much easier question to answer, because - "I see it down the street! Those tail-lights, Tako Cafe is a food truck! This way, also Takoyaki is octopus fried in batter with sauce, it's great!"

Aaaaand she's heading towards the siren call of the truck, so they should probably hurry after her.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon nodded. "Clam cakes? I like cakes. My aunt, Castaspella, adored ice cream cakes. We'd make massive ones every celebration until... uhhh..." Then she trailed off.

"Oh! Back home, uhhh... princess actually often meant like... protector. Those who had people they kept safe. But also a lot of mages who didn't necessarily have magic, like Netossa and Spinerella." Pause. "They had net magic and tornado magic." Of course they did.

She gave a sheepish smile to Sailor Moon. "I'll... try not to steal from you guys, honest. But I can't... reallllllly make any promises right now about it? Sorry!" she said, putting her hands together and bowing her head in an apologetic gesture. "I'd really like to not? But I kiiiiind of am in a hard spot right now." She lifted her head. "But, like. When it happens? And if we have to fight? I totally won't hold it against you if we fight. So, no hard feelings, okay? Princess to princess," she said, giving a fun little wink.

Then back to Ami. "Wait, games? Oh my gosh, do you know pokemon? We didn't have anything like that back home but it's *so cool*. I finally found this little cave by the most amazing cave, moon cave, or something. And it's been wild exploring that."

... And then her focus got side tracked entirely. "Wait, Bow made a NEW rebellion?! That is SO COOL! Wait, what do you mean rescue Adora?" she face palmed. "Did Catra kidnap her again? I SWEAR those two! The moment you get one of them involved the other is bound to do something stupid. I just need them to hold it together for a few or months, ugh." She face palmed, shaking her head and walking after the other moon.

"So... Sailor Moon. What's the story behind *that* name? You a moon princess too? Are you the princess of this world's moon? Does that mean this world's moon *does* have magic? Why does your world only have one?" Oh dear heavens she was going to ask Sailor Moon about Astrology...

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Clam cakes are savory. But I like sweet cakes, too. ...Especially cheesecake. I haven't had good cheesecake in awhile..." She briefly frowns slightly at something. As she speaks, she's gotten distracted checking the phone for something. Glance, vertical swipe, tap, glance, distracted tap, tap, swipe a bit, tap, typetypetypetypetype -- she's getting good at typing with her thumbs -- "'Netossa'? ...Well, coming up with names is hard..."

    She glances up at Glimmer. "Pokemon? Yeah, I played the original, but then didn't really get back into it until Black & White--" Her face briefly freezes as if she's said something she shouldn't, but... Glimmer's new to this world, so maybe she doesn't know? Or will take it to mean Amy skipped around rather than playing them all in sequence...

    "Hmm?" She looks around, and then starts walking after Moon. "Is Adora still evil? Did that ever get fixed?"

    She answers, without turning back, "I'm not sure there's a 'why' for having a moon. Some planets in our solar system have a lot of moons. Some have no moons." She stops and glances over at Glimmer. "...Wait, are your world's moons magic?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Oh no.

Oh no.

Is this how people feel when they meet her?

"Oh, so Princess is a different kind of title? Uh, in that case, we're both princesses, yeah," she nods towards Amy, "As you can tell, because we used magic to fight the Witch and all. We're all fighting for Tokyo, and also, the world outside of Tokyo."

Because there is a rest of the world! Even if it's not nearly as under attack.

Glimmer's sheepish smile earns another sigh, but as she's walking along she doesn't seem super annoyed about it, at least?

"Whatever you're doing, I hope it's worth it. And yeah, I won't take it personally when we fight unless it gets made personal?" Pause. "If you try to break any of my friends or my boyfriend, it will get personal. I realized I should give you a like, parameter? Of personal-ness and such. But since you've decided to join the Bad Side, it's not like I can say hey don't attack my friends, so, just, keep it... not-so-bad, I guess?"

A pause.

"Pokemon is one of the most popular games in the world. They've got a store! Several, actually, you should get Obsidian to pay for a shopping spree." Embezzlement! Embezzlement is a good thing when it's happening to Obsidian.

"No, Catra didn't kidnap Adora, Obsidian messed with her head and turned her evil, but, don't worry Red, Adora's not still evil, I fixed her, but uh, after she stabbed Sunbreaker about it, but then Endychan fixed her, so that's all right too, it's not like it killed her."

A beat.

"Um, I don't know if there's really a story actually?" She cocks her head, glancing up at a the sole moon in the sky. "Well, okay, fourteen thousand years ago I was the daughter of a god-queen empress who united seven or eight planets (depending on who you ask), their moons, and a bunch of other stuff, so I was princess of Silver Millennium, and now I'm the Sailor Soldier who draws power from the Moon specifically, so I'm Sailor Moon."

Usagi, that is definitely a story, Usagi -

"I saw an article about how the moon is up there because another planet crashed into the earth a bajillion years ago and the wreckage became the moon, but it's just a theory, but, I guess we only have one moon because no other planets crashed into Earth?" She smiles up at the moon. "It's... it's magic, yeah. It's kind of home."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon nodded along as they walked. "Oh, yeah. It's worth it. Trust me. If it wasn't worth it, I wouldn't even be there. It would have been all 'SURPRISE SPARKLES!' and then dash! Until I found Bow. Sadly, not reallllllly an option. At least they aren't the horde, though. We just *finished* a war, I don't want to get involved in another one! This whole fight thing going on is almost fun compared to back home. Well, usually. Don't worry, I don't want this to escalate either. I can't tell you how great it is to not have to worry about people killing each other, you know?"

She glanced back to Amy. "I... wouldn't know. The one I've been playing is red? Wait, there's a STORE? Embezzled? Is that... like putting jewels on things? Cause I used to do that all the time. And wait, they did? AGAIN? Oh my gosh I swear if they have that stupid chip, I'm going to blast it to the moon."

Her eyes went wide as she Sailor Moon explained her story. "Wow... that's so COOL! And back home we had twelve moons. In fact, Brightmoon was named after the brightest, most magical moon. All of our moons were magic, though, which was where our magic came from. And, as queen of Brightmoon, I am bound to the Moonstone. It channels the power of the moons." Pause. "Also, we didn't have a sun. That was our bright moon. It was the most magical of our moons. Your sun is mean. It burned me."

"... Wait, so you're over fourteen thousand years old? And... oh... I'm... sorry. Eh... heh heh. I uhhhh... kind... of understand that. At least... being the daughter of an immortal... queen and all... My mom was... ummm... Angella... She uhhhh... she's... not... around anymore... heh..."

"... I'm not fourteen thousand years old though, so ummmm... not... sure if I'm immortal yet or not? Since only half? Wait, is that how ALL moons are formed? What, did the first ones just slam a bunch of magic planets into Etheria? wait, it was the first ones. Knowing them, they probably did."

"So, tell me more about these 'cakes'."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks. "Wait, Red? You mean FireRed, right? Or, I think there might've been another remake recently? I wouldn't reccomend the original games over the remakes, now." She resumes walking.

    You should get Obsidian to pay for a shopping spree. "Did you know there's a mobage? Pokemon Go."

    Adora is good again. "That's a relief! But wait, so she got kidnapped, or...?"

    Depending on who you ask? "Honestly, I guess having a sailor senshi is probably a better argument for Pluto being a planet than most..." Wait. "...Wait, but there's Sailor Charon, and you, and no Sailor Saturn... Nevermind. I guess it's arbitrary?" More quietly, she continues thinking out loud, "There's no sailors Phobos and Deimons, or Ceres, or Ganymede..."

    She nods at the Moon Princess's comment about the article, that's also the theory she read... somewhere, she doesn't remember... but then she blinks and stops again at something Moon says. "Wait, it's still magic? Is it like, a place you can go?!"

    She looks up, and tries to imagine being from there -- or at least, having been from there in a past life -- and seeing the home you knew so far away, so unfathomably far away, an entire light second, already an inconceivable distance by any human scale...

    And then there's Glimmer, always looking up and seeing an alien sky. "I can't imagine what that's like, looking up at a sky with the wrong number of moons, every day..."

    Wait, what did she say? Amy is shocked again. "No Sun?! How does-- right, magic, magic..."

    The origin of moons is discussed. "Honestly? With magic' moons? Who knows? Maybe they're ancient space stations covered with a layer of rock. ...But, they could also simply be rocks flying through space, captured by your planet's gravity. I was going to speculate they might be from the same protoplanetary disc, but you said no sun, so..." Beat. "...Are there any other planets on your world? Who are the 'First Ones'?"

    She doesn't comment on Moon being mistaken for a 14,000-year-old, but does smirk slightly, wondering how she'll choose to respond. Maybe it'll be a useful misconception to leave Glimmer under, who knows? But, Amy doesn't like lying, herself, so she'd probably just tell the truth anyway...

    "What... And what kind of cakes do you want to know about? There's lots of kinds of cakes. Strawberry shortcake. Cheese cake. Chocolate cake. Red velvet cake. Carrot cake. Coffee cake. Cupcakes. Those, uh, those german ones with I think raisins in them or something and I forget the name."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"There's like, twenty Pokémon games," Usagi says casually, knowing exactly what she's doing, "On all kinds of game systems. I bet it's super useful for your like, fitting in research, to know all about Earth culture, so you should totally spend Obsidian money on Pokémon games too. Embezzling is when you spend company money on things that are super useful to you, even if the company doesn't always think so?" Well that WOULD be how she thinks of it, okay!

"Twelve moons.... that's a lot of moons. I think Jupiter has twelve moons... maybe... but I didn't really look," she does not get a pained look on her face when Amy mentions Charon and Saturn but only because she bites the inside of her lip real hard about it.

"I'm not fourteen thousand years old, sorry, that was probably confusing. I died way back then, but I was reincarnated, so now I'm alive again and... my mom was kind of immortal too, and I dunno if that applies to me, or if it ever did, or if it only does sometime so... if either of us figures it out, maybe we can tell the other?"

This is a Very Weird Thing to bond over, but, they're magical girls, right? And then - a little pause... and she slows a little, and she puts her hand on Glimmer's shoulder, and then, with all her usual instincts, she kind of just hugs her, real quick.

"I'm sorry. My moon mama isn't... around.... anymore either."

And then, as if the moment had not happened, she looks at Amy in wide-eyed surprise, and says, "Of course it's still magic! It's still there, isn't it? Just because - just because everyone is dead, doesn't make it magic, anymore. And... I mean, the dome... Jupiter broke the dome, way back when, so, it's probably not safe for most people to go up there."

She's planning on going up there, though. She and the other Senshi, Inners, Outers, Prince and Princess alike. There are things up there, that they have to get... and maybe... nope, not too many hopes.

"Cakes is a much better thing to talk about. There are all kinds of cakes! My friend, Jupiter, she makes the best cakes ever, but, since you're with Obsidian, you'll probably have to settle for a bakery, there's one in Juuban, called Midori-Ya, they sell all kinds, even carrot cake," she is making Such a stank face about carrot cake.

They have reached the threshold for Tako Cafe! Which is, miraculously, still open.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon shook her head. "No, it's uhhhh... in a... thin thing they call a 'game boy color'? It's kind of a square? We didn't really have things like that back home. But yeah, I'll see about embellishing things. And wait, so there's like... Sailors for all of the planets and moons? And you're like, the leader of all the moons? Or is your moon on this planet just named moon? Seems a bit... simple, honstly. Since there are other moons."

OH! When even Glimmer calls out your names for things...

"Oh... so you died and came back? We... had something like that. Once, I think. I thought my dad was dead, but the Horde just... trapped him on Beast Island. And sure, we can swap moon princess stories and stuff."

Of course. Amy... amy talked about the wrong sky every night. And that... that facade. That happy, bubbly, playful face she put on?

It almost cracked. And she walked a little faster. She didn't answer, she didn't say anything. She just made sure they couldn't see her face. They couldn't see how close she came to turning and just *punching* Amy. The only sign they'd see, is her making her staff disappear, and her fists clenching so, so tight.

"Oh, we should hurry up in case they close!" she said quickly, turning back and grinning at them, that big, goofy grin on her face. Nope. She wasn't mad. Or sad. Or conflicted. Or confused. Nope! She was perfectly fine. Simple, easy, silly Glimmer. Yup! "So, Moonra, what'd you recommend? I've got..." Pause. Flipping her hand a few times until... a card appeared. "The money card. It's like a card... that holds *money* inside it..." It was... the black debit card. Of OBSIDIAN!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "They gave you a game boy color?!" Amy is shocked! "No, no, no, they can afford to do better than that. You gotta... you gotta get the remake, FireRed or any new one... Pokemon Let's Go was set in Kanto, right? Did it have the same story as Red and Blue?"

    The moon... "Luna. or Selene. Or Artemis. Or Diana. Our moon has lots of names. But since we just have the one, people usually call it 'the Moon' and people know what you mean. Same deal with the Sun. It's named Sol, but people usually just call it the Sun. Or 'our sun' or 'our star' or the like, even when it's being differentiated from other stars."

    The moon is still magic. Huh. Yeah, if all that really happened, and like, Amy knows it did, but like... after coming back to the present, didn't think of the moon in the sky now as all that different from what she'd always thought it was. Now that discrepancy in her brain finally updates.

    "It was just a crack, wasn't it? Future space magic materials might have even been self-sealing... Oh wait, if that was a thing, past you woulda known it, right..."

    She looks up. Not safe for most... "With two grief seeds? I don't think how long I can last up there would be much of a concern... But it's not like we have a rocket. Or are trained astronauts."


    Amy furrows her brow for a moment. "...I'm getting the sense that conjuring a rocket like the space program uses would take more magic than I have. A lot more magic than I have..."

    THE MONEY CARD. It has money inside it. "That's not how that works. It is, in effect, a... That chip inside it there is encoded with something saying the bearer has a line of credit or bank account, as well as indicating which account it is. So when you use it, the merchant sends the bill there and receives the money in their bank account somewhere between instantly and a few days."

    Amy looks curiously at Moon. "What kind of takoyaki do you reccomend? ...I wonder if they make shrimp ones. Would that be weird? Mmmm, shrimp..."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Red's right, they can do way better than that. A GBC is like, ten years older than us. I think my dad might have had one of those." She scrunches her face, "I didn't play those, but I think it did, but like, with the Pokémon Go mechanics? But, if you're playing the original, you could at least play Yellow! It has the story from the anime, I saw a Viewtube video on it."

A quick flap of her hand and -

"What she said. It has a lot of names, but we call it the Moon. I mean, when I lived there, it was," the name she says is going to be incredibly difficult to pronounce for anyone, given that it's in an incredibly dead alien language, "But on Earth they usually called it some variant of the Moon. They used to call my mama Selene," she's wistful, for a moment, "But since we only have the one, why not, right? I'm the Senshi of that Moon. The one that's above our heads."

She's the one who brought up the dying thing, so she can't... but in the same way that Glimmer is trying not to dwell on things, it's clear Usagi is too, because she puts it out as, "Yeah, it was a thing," and then just follows after her.

"...it wasn't just a crack. It was starting as one, but Jupiter... it wasn't just a crack."

She isn't sure how to explain that she knows in her heart of hearts, that the titanic strike - the lightning strike that put even Sublime Thunder to shame - that was Sailor Jupiter's final blow in Silver Millennium was, like the hurricane, a blow meant to put an end to it all. Serenity was dead, and so the world could end with her.

It's not! Something! She likes to dwell on!

"...I was just going to Sailor Teleport? Like how we got out of that dimension?"

If it worked once, right?

"The money card is great, I love the Obsidian money cards, super useful," she is pretty sure the explanation of how banks work will go over Glimmer's head, "I'd say start with a regular! And if you like it, we can play around? And, also, it's Sailor Moon, not Moonra. I don't really mind if you get my name wrong, but a lot of people do, so it's good to practice."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small shrug. "I don't know. They just gave it to me and told me to play and so I've been doing that. It's fun. Not really a thing we had back home."

She did give Sailor Moon a comforting look. She didn't get all of that, or what was going on... but she understood that something bad happened. And it was painful. That. Tha she knew well.

Then, however, she sighed and just gave Amy a flat look. "... I ran a kingdom. I understand the concept of *money*. It's a card. I use it. And it works as money. Ergo. The money card." Then she sighed again and took a small, steady breath. And reached out to pat Amy on the head. "You mean well. I'm sure you do. What was your name again? You like gadgets and stuff, don't you? Electronics?"

She then glanced to Sailor Moon. "Oh, Ra is a name of honor. She-ra, for example. Sea-ra, princess of the ocean and annoyer of Adora. Catra, the best cat who you want to kick off a cliff. It's a nickname, since you're the moon girl. There's only like one of you, right?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
>A GBC is like, ten years older than us.
    Red groans softly. Teenage brain and Hinoiri's comments on her world's findings on chronomancy or not, hearing people describe anything newer than a Dreamcast as 'retro' will always hit her in the soul a little bit.

    "It did color without a backlight..." She mutters, softly. "Lasted so much longer than a Game Gear... or a Nomad..."

    But, Glimmer's having fun, so, Amy won't demand she start over a new game. A bit dryly, she comments, "If they can find you a link cable, I think I might have a graveller and kadabra I need to evolve still... I meant to swap with my cousin, but we never got around to it... Wait, shit, mine's back in America..."

    Amy blinks. "Did they actually change the story in Yellow? I just remember they made Pikachu the starter and had him follow you around..."

    She nods at the explanation that it became more than a crack. Now is not the time to press on that memory.

> I was just going to Sailor Teleport?
    Amy stops and stares, wide-eyed and mouth agape. "You can teleport to the Moon?!"

    Glimmer... Glimmer princessplains the money card to her and pats her on the head. It feels more demeaning than Hannah's headpats. Amy slumps her shoulders a bit. "I have a degree. Uh, I mean, I'm..." She stands up, "Magical Rocket Girl Red. The word order is important." Once is already too many times to hear some cursed version.

    Only one Sailor Moon... Amy looks to Moon. "Did you know an alternate dimension Sharpsong chased her enemy here the other day? She was a Pretty Cure, like Wukong. They went home. Hinoiri mentioned alternate dimension theory, too. Does that mean there might be an alternate Etheria with twelve..." Amy considers. "...Okay, I guess being identical duodecuplets or whatever wouldn't make sense, it'd probably be like, one senshi from each moon rather than the planets, right...?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"They probably wanted to distract you, so, you should use their money to buy even more games," it's what she would do, plus, Obsidian deserves it. And - she's giving Glimmer her own comforting look, because even if Glimmer is very high energy... it's obvious that she has her own issues going on. And if Bow knows about things... she'll try and truce, yeah? Besides, at least she knows Obsidian is evil.

It's easier when they know Obsidian is evil.

    >You can teleport to the Moon?!
"Well, not all by myself, I'm pretty sure I'll need at least four of the others with me, but - yes? I mean, I think so! That's how we used to do it." There were ships and machines and methods for getting between planets, but - teleporting worked, so why not?

"A name of honor, huh? Well... that's cool, for me, but make sure to tell people okay? Because most people haven't met She-Ra - I actually only saw her muscle video, which, was really good," cough, "But didn't key into the whole, honored to share her name, thing?"

RIP Amy. She's not even going to get into that interaction. Whoof. Instead -

"I didn't hear about that! But... I don't know," she frowns, cocking her head, "Maybe? But... I kind of think they've got their equivalent? It'd be Glimmer-chan, yeah? Since she's the Moon Queen Princess for their Big Moon?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a shrug. "Uhhhh... I have no idea what you're talking about? I haven't seen everything the game has? Does the game need some kind of cable to do things? I've mostly been using the pokemon who reminded me of people. There's the big kangashan one, and a beedrill, then there's marowak... Oh! Wait, Kadabra. Was that one that the weird girl in that city taken over by the rocketeers had? I think I remember that? It was tough. I'll see about getting more of them, though. Sounds fun."

She then blinked a few times. "Your... degrees are off? Are you not feeling well? Do you want soup? And... Etheria had five runestones, but only the Moonstone connected to the moons themselves. But they were the source of the magic, apparently? And we were trapped in another dimension for a while."

Then back to Sailor Moon. "And sure, I can remember Sailor Moon. Do you like to light your ships on fire, too? Cause if so? Totally down for that. Wasn't quite as kean on it the first time, but it grows on you. And I don't think we had any magic sailor moon princesses back home. But like... it's a big world? And Mystacor had a lot of mages there, maybe one of them? They did a lot of rituals and stuff when the moons were in alignment. I... joined them... sometime... but I uhhh... only recently started using that kind of magic."

Then, for her final act, she turned on the shopkeeper. "Three normals, please! And put them on... the money card!" she said, holding out the black card of evillll... and money.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Teleport... "Huh. I guess the rest of you surviving is a problem though, unless we can get some spacesuits. ...Honestly, using my magic to survive space would probably be fairly unpleasant, anyway."

    But Etherea already has a moon princess! "Yeah! So maybe there's an alternate universe where you're Glimmer, and she's you!"

    Pokemon... "There were some pokemon that could only be evolved by trading. Although I wonder if they kept that, in the modern games? I remember that graveller to golem and kadabra to alakazam were two of them, anyway. And... and it's Team Rocket, not the Rocketeers.

    Degrees off? What? "No, I... Nevermind. Suffice to say I probably know more about how computers work than almost anyone at school. Starks-san and the genius of the Computer Club, Mizuno-san, probably know more, though. Wouldn't be surprised if there's a handful of others. Was there something you wanted to know about technology?"

    Amy looks from Glimmer to Moon. "Huh, do takoyaki go well with soup? I might try that, if they do."

    She looks to the proprietor to see their reaction to... three cosplayers talking nonsense asking them to put an order on 'the money card'.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Pretty sure I can breathe on the Moon in henshin," Usagi says confidently, with no evidence. "And I don't have any ships and I've never set anything on fire, and I'm kind of, not a big fan of fire anymore," Sorry Rei-chan! Sorry Saito-chan!

"But if I do, I'll think of you?"

That works, right?

As for games... well, Usagi isn't a super big Pokémon fan, on account of not being a fan of turn-based, so she's not able to give more advice (also what is a link cable, it sounds old?!), nor does she super want to ask questions. Instead -

Instead Glimmer orders, and her eyebrows shoot up.

The proprietor of the stand just looks at the three of them for a long moment, before reaching out to take the card, "Yeah, okay. Sure. Three normal coming up. You want drinks with that?"

He's a college student, working at this place to afford rent, and it's late, on a weekend, and he's here selling Takoyaki to cosplayers instead of hitting the club. There is no world in which he's paid enough to question this.

"I'll take a lemonade," Sailor Moon grins, "Also, she's never had takoyaki before, so can we get an order of shrimp takoyaki, mushroom takoyaki, and Nagoya style with bacon instead of octopus?"

It's Obsidian's money! She's going to spend it!

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small nod to Amy. She... really didn't get all of that. An alternative dimension version of her? Like... when Catra almost destroyed everything and... nope. Didn't... want to think about it. She really didn't get all the pokemon stuff either. So instead, she moved to the next thing.

"Not really. I didn't really... get a lot of tech? The Horde used it a lot. But Entrapta was pretty good with it. You kind of remind me of her. She was a good person, but sometimes she... had... quirks. And could... misunderstand things. Or miss signals. Or say things that seemed a bit... insensitive at times. But, once you got through all those layers, there was a good heart beating in her chest. It just required a bit of... patience. It's good to know there are people here who are like her who are good with those kinds of things. You should meet with Bow, I'm sure you could learn a bunch from each other."

"I'll have something with fruits. Not sour. Surprise me."

She then glanced back towards Moon. "We had some space suits back home, though Entrapta made them... Catra's had the cutest little cat ears. It was great. And she even made Bow's with a proper ab window. Magic let me survive in space for a few minutes when I was teleported there too, so it should be fiiiiiine."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Breathe on the moon? Amy's eyebrows raise. "Damn, cool!"

    Amy gasps, "Shrimp takoyaki is a thing?!" She smiles in genuine excitement and bounces on the balls of her feet a little. "[Nice!]"

    Drinks? "Diet Dr. Pepper. The only proper drink for a [mado scientisto]!" Cosplayers should make anime references, right? Although maybe that's a bit dated. Still... She pulls a lock of hair in front of her face with the crook of her finger and looks down at herself. "I guess I could do a good Chris Makise, huh..."

    Glimmer talks about a tech-head who had... quirks. And misunderstood things. Or missed signals. Or was insensitive. But was good underneath. "...Sounds like she might be what we call autistic here, yeah."

    Meeting with Bow... She taps her chin. "I do mean to? But it seems like every time I do a youma is destroying the school or we have to talk about the more pressing matter of Adora getting turned evil or Hinoiri going all... Sunset. So we never really get to talking about technology."

    Magic is sure to protect from space? Amy shrugs. "Everyone's magic is a little different. I'm reasonably sure I'll survive, but it might be a bit unpleasant. She made spacesuits? That sounds super cool-- wait, ab window? How do you do an ab window on a spacesuit?"

    She mentally imagines Bow in the classic Doom Marine outfit.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The proprietor takes the money card, charges it, and goes behind the stand to start making their order - six dishes of takoyaki will take a little while, not that they've got anywhere to be.

"An ab window on a space suit sounds just right for Bow," Usagi says cheerfully, leaning against the truck as they wait. Why not? They're the last customers still loitering around, and it's not like anyone will come after Sailor Moon for leaning against a truck.

"I don't really know Catra, I've only ran into her like, twice, but... somehow I'm still surprised she ran off into space with you guys," her voice is dry, but she can't picture the girl who stole her pen and plotted to carefully drain the botanical garden going off to space with Bow and Glimmer and probably Adora.

"I'm sure it will work. I've got a good feeling about." Pause. "Also, I'm going to ask Pluto."

So one way or another, she'll be sure it will work!

About ten minutes later, they have their orders - Glimmer's 'surprise me' is a passion fruit soda, to go with Usagi's lemonade and Amy's Diet Dr. Pepper. Carrying the order (in a bag, withe everything boxes for stability) to a table, Usagi sets everything out, and then grabs them each a plate, and puts one of everything on one plate, points Glimmer to it, and then puts half of the shrimp takoyaki, one of the mushroom takoyaki, and one of the regular takoyaki on a plate for Amy, gesturing at her to sit there.

Only then does she server herself - one of everything, of course, plus extra of the Nagoya-style.

"You know? This whole thing could have been a lot worse. Thanks for helping us fight the Witch, Glimmer-chan, and thanks for paying for post-fight food, too!"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small shrug. "Not sure. Maybe? I don't know what that is. I used to think she was nasty, though. And didn't care. But she really did care. Just... some people don't show it as well as others. It was an important lesson to learn, I think. The kingdom should be a safe place for everyone who's trying to do good. Even if they're not the best at it. Trying is important."

"As for the space suit? Idon'tknow," she said with a shrug. "I didn't make them. And Catra didn't so much... come with us. More she got teleported up there when I was captured. She... well. She tried. She and Adora have... history. A lot of history. And she is the most petty thing in the world..." And it was then that she turned, and something could be noticed when she did, there was a sign... on her back.

It read 'Kick me'.

It had gotten scrunched up, in the cape, but when she turned? They'd get to see it. Perfect timing.

And then Glimmer began to dig in, and... oh. Her eyes sparkled! And she had no qualms about trying new things, stuffing them into her mouth, swallowing, then speaking up. "These are amazing!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Asking Pluto sounds wise. Amy nods.

    She nods to Glimmer as well. "I'm glad you were able to see that. I hope she's got more friends who understand her. We can't all be... some pure ideal." She gives Glimmer a confused look at the talk about how the kingdom should be safe. Isn't she with the bad guys?

    While they wait for their orders, she ends up watching something on her phone, occasionally muttering comments. At one moment, she bursts into a brief laugh/cackle; a bit later she rolls her eyes and mutters, 'ugh, leave him alone'; later, 'Oh right, I forgot he's still running around with a magic artifact bat... hold on, did she do an offscreen outfit change? Is she a magical girl?' and so on.

    Order up! Amy looks up from her phone and only then sees the kick-me sign. She'll "Ugh." and walk over and rip it off, crumpling it up and stuffing it in her belt pouch for later disposal, unless Moon got it first in which case she'll have a similar reaction when attention is called to it.

    Anyway, food! Fresh takoyaki, finally! Amy smiles and sits down, and makes a face. "Ugh..." She stands and tries to sweep her skirt under her and sits down again, but...

    "Okay, sitting for an extended period isn't really something I end up doing much in henshin and usually I have the cloak so it hasn't come up, but what do we do with these short skirts? I got a bodysuit underneat, but still..." She leans over to the side to try and see how Sailor Moon is handling it.

    Glimmer's joy in the food brings a smile to Amy's face as well! "Welcome to Earth food! We have some cool stuff!"

    "...And it has been nice talking to you. And thanks for help fighting the Witch. And paying for the food... Itadakimaaaaasu~" She tries the takoyaki. Shrimp first! "Mmh! Ihs good!"