1732/Movin on up!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Movin on up!
Date of Scene: 07 July 2024
Location: Dorms #2
Synopsis: Seiko, The new girl, gets a big welcome to Radiant Heart by Rashmi, Amy, and Laura.
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Rashmi Terios, Amanda Faust, Laura La Mer

Seiko Akai has posed:
A car rolls up to the outside of the dorms. Out steps a young girl with pink hair. She quickly grabs a suitcase out of the car and makes her way into the dorms. As she walks she sings a little song. Its hard to hear what it is because she sings it quietly.

She walks into the dorm and sets her suitcase on a bed. From there she heads out and to the car again. Grabbing a box she carries it into the dorms and drops it off in her assigned dorm. She has one more box to go as she slips out again to get it. Returning in she sets the box down and then flops on the bed.

"Here it is. A new start! I don't have to be timid here, right? But what if people start teasing me again. I don't want to be bullied anymore." She sighs and lays back on the bed. "Its gotta be better then my old old school. I hope people are nicer."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
While the middle of the first term is generally not a good time to change schools, doing so in early July *does* have the benefit of being able to get used to the school, before getting used to classes. On the other hand, not knowing any of a few thousand students, and living on one's own, can carry with it its own kind of pressures.

Thus, when Rashmi saw there was a new student moving in, she made a couple discreet inquiries with the dorm manager, popped back to the shops outside of campus to pick up a few things, and set her plan into motion.


When the door is opened, a dark-skinned redhead stands on the other side, beaming behind large, round glasses, and holding a small canvas bag in her hands. "Hello~! Radiant Heart Unofficial Welcoming Committee~!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    A quiet Sunday at school!

    Well, quiet so far. Amy estimates there's probably like, a 30-50% chance of a monster attack happening nearby during a 'quiet, relaxing' day. She hasn't gone to the beach today though, so... Hmm. Probably like, an ice cream cart at the edge of campus being turned into a Youma or something.

    She's just coming back from the bathroom when she sees someone carry a box into a room, obviously moving in!

    (Personally, Amy found starting school in mid-July to be very convenient for exactly that reason!)

    A second redhead steps next to the first one. "Hiiii! Nice to meet you!" The number of smiles beaming at Seiko doubles.

    That's exponential growth in smiles! If this trend continues... there are going to be a lot of smiles!

Laura La Mer has posed:
Inside her own dorm room, Laura is currently sitting on her bed, a small stack of cookies on a little plate next to her. Occasionally she picks one of them and with a flick of her fingers sends it flying into the Aqua Pot, lying flat next to her. To any onlooker it looks like she is simply putting them back into its container out of boredom, but on the other side of the magical space, Kururun is doing acrobatics and catching them as soon as they approach the seal fairy.

When the car approaches and stop, the noise catches the attention of the pinkette, causing her to stop with a cookie 1 second away from joining its kind, watching out of the window that gives onto the campus to that someone that has stepped out of it and has walked into the dorm. She still has something to say about the usefulness of those wheeled constructions that have been invented by humans.

"Kururun!", the seal fairy exclaims, getting Laura's attention back on her companion. "Right, right, here you go", Laura says as she goes back to feeding Kururun the remaining cookies. In the meantime, the new arrival will have all the time to get the luggage inside and make herself at home.

Feeding over, she brushes the crumbs off her skirts and gets up, grabbing the Aqua Pot after intimating Kururun to stay put and putting it in the pocket of her skirt. Maybe this new person will have a sparkling sunshine in their heart? When she gets there, however there is someone else welcoming the new student too. "What a coincidence, I am here to do some greetings too", Laura tells the two redheads with an amused smile.

"Hello!" she waves when the door is open. "Nice to meet you! I am Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer", she introduces herself, saying the name in a single breath.

Seiko Akai has posed:
The new Pink haired girl hears the knock on the door. She blinks a few times before moving over to it and opening the door. "Oh umm hi." She softly speaks not really knowing how to respond Rashmi's excitement. She gives a soft smile and a ginger wave.

Then another redhead appears. There is a nervous look on her face now. She gives a soft smile. "Umm hi, A umm pleasure to meet you..." She trails off. The shy girl blushes as she tries to be more bold right now.

Then there is a third person. She nervously smiles to Laura. "A pleasure to meet you." She takes a deep breath and looks at the trio of girls all being super nice to her. "My name is Seiko Akai. I got a letter about joining the school. I was really excited to join. But umm... I'm sorry. I'm just really shy. Are there a lot of bullies at this school?" She asks curiously hoping the answer is no.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Oh. Oh dear. This new girl is *amazingly* shy, and it's apparent at a glance that Rashmi understands. "It's *so good* to meet you, Seiko-san. I'm Rashmi Terios, Grade 10. And... Well I eman, there's bullies at *every* school, it's kinda hard to get away from that. But that doesn't mean there won't be *friends* here either! And you've got three candidates right here, so... y'know, good first impressions and all?"

Bobbing her head at Laura, Rashmi beams. "*And* it's good to meet you too!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Laura gets a "Hi!" and a smile as well. And then Amy looks back to see... Oh dear. Oh dear. This poor girl is shy and has been bullied. And she worded it as 'got a letter about joining the school'. It was unexpected. Hmmm...

    Magical possibilities are less important than this girl's feelings, though! Amy immediately looks sympathetic. She wants to hug this girl and tell her it will be alright.

    She nods at Rashmi's explanation. "The bullies are less bad here than elsewhere. And the friends are great! Everyone is so friendly!" She gestures at the two girls beside her. "I understand, believe me. I was autistic and weird at my school back in America, and people didn't even know about aut-- I mean, that school wasn't very accepting of that. The difference here is like night and day!"

    She looks away, thinking, then back at Seiko. "If you want us to leave you alone to get settled in, I understand. If... if there's something you would like to do together, we can do that. A-and, if you want us to go... at least let us exchange contact information so you can text us when you're feeling up to it? Oh! I didn't give you my name yet!"

    She attempts a curtsey as best she can in the slacks she's wearing at the moment. "Amanda Faust, Amy for short, grade 10. Nice to meet you!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
The question about bullies gets a snort from Laura. Not that she knows the answer, being new herself, but she really considers such a possibility to be below her. "If there are, I am really going to make them reconsider. Back in my home, there is a strong disdain for bullies, and everyone gets along", Laura states with palpable confidence.

Dismissing that subject with a wave of her hand, she peers at her fellow pinkette. By Grand Ocean, she is so shy, that really won't do at all. "So, then, Seiko-san. Never ever say you are shy. All you are doing is making yourself a target. It doesn't matter if they notice themselves, what you are doing is setting yourself up for them. You have to bring out your charm point instead, like me!" She actually glows with pride as she says that. "Such as, what do you like doing in your free time?"

Waving at Rashmi, she smiles, even if she is unaware of having met her before. "Nice to meet you too, Rashmi-san." She of course knows Amy however, having snuck into the school with her before getting officially enrolled. "Hello again, Amy-san. Anything special going on today, besides her arrival?"

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko gives a soft smile. She softly speaks out, "Thank goodness. I just have been bullied... a lot." She frowns and looks down for a long moment.

She looks up to Amy, "Oh. No its okay. Come on in." She offers trying to be polite and sociable. "I like to do gardening. I like making things pretty and get things to grow." She blushes a little. "My Mom and I used to work in the garden together but she had problems with my dad and they divorced."

She looks to Laura and smiles, "It sounds like a really nice place." Then she listens carefully to Laura's words. She smiles gently as she takes in the instruction from her Senpai. She pauses and thinks a little bit. "I like music. I like to sing and play piano." She smiles, this time a full smile. One that shows just how much joy she gets from it. "I kinda have a dream about being a pop idol." She sighs softly. "My dad told me that I shouldn't dream about that. That its too high of a dream." She pauses. "I guess it is. I mean I have trouble getting up in front of people. What if they don't like me?" She asks curiously. "I just... I wish I could be Someone else who isn't afraid."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Oh, Seiko-chan," Rashmi says quietly as she slips into the dorm. "There's *no* dream that's too big to go for, no matter *what.* And a school like this is the perfect place to chase your dreams too."

She could, easily, go on at length in that vein, but instead she digs about in the bag she'd brought, extracting a couple of packages of taiyaki, handing one to Seiko, and one to Laura. "Here... I brought drinks too, there's a *ton* of shops just outside campus. And the taiyaki comes from a cart that sets up just around the corner from the entrance on weekdays. I... wasn't sure what you liked, so both of those are chocolate."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Anything special going on today? "Not yet..."

    Amy walks into the room when invited. "Oh! I know we have a couple of other students with gardens here... there might be a club for that, even! Music, too!"

    She smiles and walks up to put a hand on Seiko's shoulder. "So, you like to sing? Have you taken chorus classes? That will... help. Singing with a group makes it easier to learn to sing in front of people. Or, these days, maybe you could be a virtual idol..."

    When Seiko says 'I wish' a slight wince flashes over Amy's face as she glances around for a certain white catfox-thing. But he's not here right now.

    "...Give it time. There will be people here that like you, and that... will make later steps in the dream not feel so impossible, I think."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Yes, it's it's really nice! Grand Ocean is the best place ever!", Laura grins, pleased that Seiko is recognising its specialty. "You see, everyone there is always positive and brimming with motivation! And if you are feeling downcast for any reason, then there is always someone ready to listen to your woes", the mermaid keeps describing with clear admiration.

Then she is left to frown when she hears just what Seiko's dream is, and the pushback she has been receiving. 'Humans are so hopeless', she thinks before she starts regarding Seiko seriously. She doesn't know if she is special or not, but the fact she has the motivation to keep dreaming... She just can't stand that. She has a hard enough time on this mission as is without other people dismissing clear potential.

"Seiko-san, if that is what makes you shine, then you have to make it come true at all costs. Your motivation power is a precious thing and you must never let go of that. Honestly, you are in luck, because I am a great singer, and I will let you hear me and even give you tips. You can make it for sure, you just have to build up your confidence", she smiles widely at Seiko.

"Thank you, Rashmi-san", Laura adds, regarding the food that she is being given. It smells good, but... "Say, what is Taiyaki?"

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles and accepts the Taiyaki. "Oh! I know this one! Its a sweet treat like a pancake almost and its filled with chocolate or red bean paste! My grandparents introduced me to it." She looks at Rashmi and smiles to her. "Thank you!" She sits down on her bed and opens the taiyaki. Taking a bite, she exclaims, "Delicious!" in English. "Sorry. I still say some things in English. I haven't been in Japan a super long time. Three years I mean."

She looks at Amy and smiles, "I am going to be in the garden club. Working on a garden is a really relaxing thing. Plus my mom used to sing when we worked in the garden. I would sing along. My dad didn't mind it then. After mom left, Its like he hated music." She frowns and then she notices the wince. "Whats wrong, Amy-Senpai?" She looks at everyone and smiles. "I am in the eighth Grade. So everyone here is my senpai!" She laughs.

"Thank you. Really Thank you Laura!" She looks at Rashmi and Amy too. "Thank you all so much! Its nice to be around really friendly people." Contentedly she finishes off the taiyaki. "Thank you for the taiyaki Rashmi-senpai.

She opens up one of the boxes. Its a long box holding an electronic keyboard. "I use this to practice piano. My grandparents didn't have enough room in their house for a piano so they got me this keyboard to practice on." She sets it up on its stand. "I can play a song for you all if you like?" She turns on the keyboard and starts playing a little tune.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Laura's rock-solid confidence earns her a brief, amused glance from Rashmi, but she nods along with Seiko's explanation of taiyaki. When Seiko offers to play for them, she bobs her head. "Oh definitely! I can't carry a tune in a bucket, I'd *love* to hear someone who knows what they're doing!"

She leans against a wall to give the younger girl more room to play, and glances Amy's way. Her voice speaks up in the Puella's head; << ...It does kinda hit different, doesn't it? 'Wish' and 'dream' take on whole new colors in a world of magic. >>

"That's *wonderful,* Seiko-chan!" she says aloud, when the song has finished. "Joining the choir'd be a great idea, yeah. The music club too, if it didn't clash with the Gardening Club, and... oh! Also if you want to just get more confidence in general? The school's counselor runs a self-defense class, let me tell you it's a *lot* harder to be afraid once you've gotten used to it. Not, like, martial arts, but just... once you know that if something scary happens, and you've *practiced* how to get away, it helps, y'know?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "I don't mind! [I'm from America, after all.]" Amy explains. She nods at the comment about gardening. "Um... nothing. Just remembering a bad thing that happened once after someone said 'I wish'. Just unfortunate timing, that's all." She sounds a little off, saying that.

    But she's pleased at taiyaki, and to see Seiko's enthusiasm! "Oh, thanks!" (to Rashmi)

    She oohs appeciatively at the keyboard... and as soon as the melody starts she can't help humming along! She nods at Rashmi's telepathy.

Laura La Mer has posed:
'Is that what senpai means?' Laura starts catching on when Seiko says everyone here is a grade above hers. "I am in grade 7, but feel free to keep calling senpai, if you want. That seems fitting to me. Just a small step for me before I become queen."

The explanation for what a taiyaki is helps... to a point. "I don't know what a pancake is either. One of the many things we don't have in Grand Ocean. Just some things don't mesh well with the environment", she says, grumbling a bit at appearing so ignorant even if she is at the same time very interested in all these new things.

Laura spends a few seconds listening in to the tune before she catches on the rhythm. And then she starts humming along every note, studying and memorising the quality of the composition. She was certainly enjoying the feeling it gave her. It was lively, and enthusiastic. "It's a wonderful piece, Seiko-san, you play it really well, there is nothing that should make you ashamed", she compliments the pianist once she has finished playing.

"A self-defense class?" Laura mutters over Rashmi's proposal, her mind flashing back to all the Layabouts and that plant thing. "I think you should definitely go. Maybe I will have at go at it myself, to see how you do things here." Her leg-arm coordination still left a lot to be desired for more complex movements like that.

"When you say 'wish', do you mean that kind of business, Amy-san?" Laura whispers at the Puella with concern, remembering that she got duped by something like that. "Just how many people have fallen prey to that deceit?"

Seiko Akai has posed:
As Seiko brings the song to its eventual end, she smiles to Rashmi, Amy and Laura. "Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I've been playing since I was little." Turning to Laura she smiles, "Senpai means senior student. Someone who is in a higher grade than you. So I would be your senpai because I'm in Eighth grade and you're in seventh. You would be my kohai... though its kinda rude to call someone that." She smiles a little. I think I will definitely go to the self defense class. I could use some self confidence." She comments happily.

Then she giggles and gets a mischievous look on her face. "Heres one from a retro-game that I played a few times. I fell in love with the music to one of the stages and learned to play it." She starts playing the moon theme from Ducktales. "This song always gets me excited because it feels like I am getting ready to go for an adventure." She smiles softly as she plays the tune.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
'Grand Ocean.' 'Princess' 'No pancakes'

To the unmagical, Laura might seem to be a bit weird by saying those things, but perhaps not more than that. After the year that Rashmi has had, however...

In the back of Laura's head, Rashmi's voice clears its throat. << Sorry, but I have to ask... you're magical, right? Only you're starting to sound like a mermaid friend of mine is all. I'm not trying to get into it here, not until I know where Seiko-chan falls with magic, but... There's a *special* self-defense class for magical people, after the regular one gets out. You don't have to show anyone who you are if you don't want, but... It'll help to get training with lots of different folks. >>

The music that fills the room makes Rashmi visibly more relaxed, eyes half-closing as she listens to the tinkling piano with the whole of her being. "...I see what you mean," she says, as the song winds to a close. "That was *lovely!* ...Oh! Right, for both of you."

Even though school's not out, she has her bookbag over her shoulder... and in Amy's experience, stuffed full of books and some writing material. A small notepad is extracted, a sheet torn off, and she scribbles her name and number down twice, tearing the paper in half and holding one out to each. "Text if you just want to talk, especially if you're having problems. And if you *are* getting bullied, or scared, or something? Just tell me you need help and I'll be there as fast as I can."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    To Laura: "There's a bit of nuance to it, but yeah, it means someone more experienced than you within a specific context like school or work or a hobby, yeah." Amy explains. "And pancakes... They're occasionally served for breakfast in the cafeteria. If you tell someone who likes baking you don't know what a pancake is, they'll probably be happy to show you. There's a small kitchen for student use in each of the dorm buildings."

    After the piece comes to an end, Amy claps -- and then winces and shakes her hands like they sting -- and pronounces, "That was great! I only ever learned to play Heart & Soul and the melody of the Back to the Future theme, though it's been awhile..."

    At Laura's question, she whispers, 'It's complicated. At least ten.'


    Amy gasps, with eyes wide and mouth agape, and then watches and listens raptly.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura blinks and looks around as she hears a voice speak into her head, before her eyes fall on Rashmi. It sounded like her voice, so... <<Hi?>> She tries thinking, checking if this communication is one way only or not. If she gets a response she continues <<I am a mermaid! One here from Grand Ocean, that I left after the Witch of Delays stole most people's motivation power. The Mermaid Queen gave me Tropical Pacts and the task to find humans with sparkling sunshine in their hearts. She told me to gather the legendary warriors known as Pretty Cure against the Witch of Delays. But I have been finding worthy humans beyond that, such as Cure Wing, Red, Sailor Charon, or this girl with a book than can separate space and reverse all damage that happens to an area.>>

Taking a bite of the Taiyaki, she continues. <<I don't have powers on my own, so I wouldn't be able to take part in the secondary training, but I will definitely come along anyway, to see if anybody wants to be part of the team. So far, nobody has said they want join yet, but I will keep at it! Once I have fulfilled my mission, the world will be safe and I will be queen!>>

"Thank you, thank you", she nods and smiles to Rashmi, evidently flattered. "I really don't want to be called a kohai", it doesn't suit me at all. Using -san is perfectly fine then if that's the choice I have", she replies to Amy and Seiko.

A frown and a nod are also given to Amy about her answer on the Puellae. That's another problem.

And then comes another composition, one just as good as the first. "Yeah, honestly, your father needs to rethink his position. That's an incredible waste of your talent, it's splendid."

Seiko Akai has posed:
As the Moon theme comes to a finish, Seiko blushes brightly. "I umm. Thank you! It means a lot. My dad... He wants me to work the farm I think. I did a lot of gardening but he mostly worked with the animals. I think I milked a cow once. That was it. He has a soft spot for animals." She shrugs, "I like animals well enough but I don't think I would be a good farmer." She sighs, "Sorry I haven't sung. I just am really nervous you know?"

She sighs again and shakes her head. "Have you ever wanted to be something more than what you are? Like I watched some anime about these girls who become magical and are super confident. They are really cool." She sighs, "I know, they don't exist and stuff. Its just fantasy." She shrugs. "Still would be fun to believe they are out there fighting to keep the world safe." She smiles softly.

Finally she stops playing the keyboard. "I umm, could sing if you want me to. Its up to you. I am just really nervous." She looks down at the floor. She then looks at her keyboard and sets it aside. She opens her other box and looks inside it. Inside are a few plushies, a couple pictures and a small laptop.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I would *love* to hear you sing," Rashmi says gently, "but it's okay if it's too much all at once. You have *plenty* of time to find your new normal, then push out from there."

<< That last one, the book? That's me, >> she thinks in Laura's direction with a very evident mental chuckle. << So the Botanical Gardens! Okay, *now* I recognize you. Sorry, I was kinda locked in on helping the extremely new extremely shy girl. And I... don't think you'll fine new Cures at the special training, but you never know about the regular self-defense classes! And there's quite a few Cures around, maybe them or their fairies can help you out? >>

Glancing at Amy, Rashmi beams to find her fellow redhead entranced by the extremely pretty tune... for all that she might be ignorant of its origins.

"*Everyone* wants to be more than they are," she says to Seiko, smiling. "And you could do worse than looking to magical girls for an example of how to be brave, or help people. ...Which reminds me the moment I can clear my plate I'm gonna go get those first aid classes you talked about, Amy-chan. It'll never *not* be useful to know how to do that."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Have you ever wanted to be something more than what you are?

    "Boy, I sure have!" Amy stretches. "Wouldn't it be great to get to be part of a secret magical world."

    "I would also love to hear you sing, but don't force yourself. Certainly, if you do, warm up a little first; I'd hate for you to struggle and then get even more embarassed about it because you tried to start cold."

    Damnit she might be a prime target for Kyubey. And I can't even say it would be entirely wrong? If nothing else grants her wish... But I also can't warn her without sounding crazy...

    "I, too, kind of..." there's a pause and brief stiltedness as she picks a word, "idealize magical girls and their... and what they stand for." She smiles a bit awkwardly.

Laura La Mer has posed:
<<That was you? Great! So I was thinking that someone like you would be of great help against the Witch of Delays. Want to be part of the squad? If we had someone like you the Mermaid Queen would be really impressed!>>

<<Honestly, this girl has potential, you know? It is kind of buried under all that shyness, but if she cultivated her talent, I am sure she would be able to awaken the Tropical Pact. Honestly, a friend of mine would recommend bringing her to a beauty center. Looking great can be a fantastic boost to self-esteem, and I agree.>>

Laura is so engrossed in the telepathic talk she completely misses all the talk about magical girls occurring with voices. She does however catch the bit about not being sure to sing. "I think you can do amazing, but want to sing together? That way I can keep some of the pressure off of you" the mermaid suggests.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko stands up and looks at Laura, "Its okay. I can do this, I think." She smiles. "My mom used to sing this song while we were gardening." She takes a deep breath and puts her hands in front of her. "My latest sun is sinking fast. My race is nearly run. My Strongest Trials now are past, My triumph has begun. Oh Come, Angel band. Come and around me stand. Oh Bear me away on your snow white wings, to my immortal home. Oh Bear me away on your snow white wings to my Immortal home."

The pink haired girl sings a bit more but trails off after singing the chorus of the song a second time.

"Thanks Amy-san and Rashmi-san. I wanna be like the magical girls so I can help make the world a better place. Who knows? Maybe someday I will be able to make the world a better place with song?" She smiles and even lets out a laugh. She is dreaming and she knows it.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi is smiling, but she is *not* laughing at the idea. "Seiko-chan," she says quietly, "I think if you chase your dreams with all your heart? You'll find a way to do it. You can *definitely* make the world better that way. There's *always* a need for joy and hope, and there's not many better ways to spread that, than music."

<< I don't know if I *can* be part of your squad, Laura-chan... But I will *absolutely* help you fight whenever you need it. >>

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy closes her eyes and listens to the song.

    After it comes to an end and Seiko speaks, she replies, "...That's a wonderful dream, and I think you should reach for it. I'm not saying to abandon all practical concerns -- please, make sure you know how to get a part-time summer job NOT working for your dad at least once before graduation -- But don't think 'Oh, I'll be able to do it better later' or 'I should go to music college first' are reasons to delay. If... if you have a dream... you should start figuring out how to reach it from now, if at all possible, and begin acting on that."

    "...I-if you can. If there are too many other struggles in your life... Don't... consider yourself a failure for not being ready to reach for your dream." her voice chokes up a little. "But... the time to start working towards making your dreams come true is always 'now', if you can see any way at all." She smiles hopefully.

Laura La Mer has posed:
<<I see, I guess that is already enough. Thanks, I will be counting on you then, Rashmi-san>>, Laura pouts slightly. 'Too bad. She is really promising', she thinks.

But speaking of promising, Seiko's singing also falls under that definition and Laura listens silently after she confirms she will be able to do it on her own. "I confirm what I said earlier, Seiko-san, if you give up on your dream, that's going to be a waste. It's something you should definitely pursue. Be proud of it. If you work hard and stick to it no matter what happens, you will do great. But if you find yourself in need of a hand for any reason, you can talk about it to me", she ends up echoing Rashmi's offer from earlier when they took the strip of paper with her number.

Seiko Akai has posed:
"I'm glad you liked the song." Seiko comments as she considers what she was told repeatedly now. She takes a deep breath. "I will try." She states. "I will try my best to go after my dream. I'm just worried that people won't like my voice."

She then looks to the girls. "I think I need to figure out dinner. I mean its not like I brought anything to make for dinner tonight. I just kinda got dropped off." She looks around. "I guess the Cafeteria will be open, right?" She asks curiously.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Oh you'll *love* the cafeteria," Rashmi says brightly. "They'll have almost anything you'd want, and sometimes they even have local places set up stalls for a week or so. But if you want to try something really different? My parents run an Indian fusion restaurant in Pikarigaoka, not really far from here. If you've never had an Indian-style curry, that's where you get it."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks. "Why would people not like your voice? Like, I can tell you you weren't crazy off-pitch or enunciating atrociously or anything like that." A thought crosses her mind. "Does something feel... wrong about your voice?"

    As for dinner... Amy nods. "Yeah. And they have great food here. Radiant Heart Academy is amazing. If I'd only gotten to come here the first time-- uh I mean, when I started school, things might have been a lot better."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"That's crazy talk, there is nothing wrong with your voice", Laura asserts. "You are clearly not used to thinking positively of yourself, that's the issue. Try to do more of it from now on. Grab a mirror and tell to your reflection that you have a great voice, ok? Consider this more important than homework."

A light tap at the Aqua Pot follows when they mention going to grab a bit. Kururun was the only one who ate, and Rashmi's offer sounds promising (as much as she may not get a good part of it). "I will come too. I want to try your place, but I am good with the cafeteria too."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles, "Thank you both. I don't think there is anything wrong with my voice. I guess its just I keep hearing my dad's voice in my head telling me that I shouldn't persue this dream. That I should settle on something smaller. I just always thought it was something wrong with me, you know? Like my voice wasn't as good as my mom's or that I wasn't as beautiful as she was. He didn't even want me around when he caught me singing. He sent me to live with my grandparents. I'm sure he had other reasons for it but it felt like it was all about my singing."

She looks at Rashmi and smiles. "Now I am excited to try the Cafeteria's food and to try the food at your family's restaurant." She snickers. "Too bad I can't do both tonight. Maybe I can do one tonight and the other tomorrow?" She smiles as she considers that. "Maybe the Cafeteria tonight and the restaurant tomorrow?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"That sounds like an *excellent* idea," Rashmi chuckles. "But... I don't think it was either of those things, Seiko-chan. People are... complicated, inside, and there's a lot of stuff behind what someone does that don't go any farther than their own heads. I don't know your father, but... I know there's nothing wrong with you, or with singing. So if it's not either of those things, it's got to be something else. Something that hurts, probably. People who listen to their pain too much can be mean without realizing it."

Clapping her hands together, she grins. "So! Cafeteria tonight, then if you want some dessert there's a really nice little ice cream place down the road? It's summer, so most of the staff'll be the older students part-timing."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy scoffs at the mention of her dad badmouthing her dream. "That sucks. Hopefully spending time here will help..." She looks away a bit awkwardly, "help you learn to see yourself in a more positive light." She's self-aware enough to realize the same could be said of her, but. Brain goblins are stubborn and may take years, or forever, to fully get their claws out of you.

    The way she talks about it, though... "Forgive my asking if this is... too raw, but... what happened to your Mom?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
"There is really nothing wrong with your appearance, but if you don't feel beautiful, why not touch yourself up with some makeup? I am sure we can find a place from around here that has just the thing. It might help you feel believe in your own cuteness", Laura tells her. Maybe their luck will lead them to a Pretty Holic, or something of that kind.

"Your father sounds terrible for sending you away like that", Laura frowns. She doesn't know much about human families, but if it's anything like what she has with the Mermaid Queen, then that's gross abandonment and it makes her feel icky. "Maybe one day he will wisen up to what he did, but you are better than what he made you think."

Seiko Akai has posed:
"Thank you All. It really means a lot. I've got a lot I have to learn. And even more to unlearn. My dad is a class act sometimes." Seiko sighs and shakes her head. "My mom. Well my dad is a hard man. My mom was a free spirit. She loved to sing and loved to make things. She loved me and my dad. But over time they fell out of love. They got a divorce and my dad got custody of me. My mom left and I don't know where she went. I hope she comes back someday."

She looks down over herself. "Maybe if I look nicer... Maybe I will try some make up and some new clothing?" She asks curiously. "Who knows maybe I will get discovered and my dream will come true."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"This... is not the kind of conversation to have on an empty stomach," Rashmi says, nodding decisively. "Amy-chan, get the door? Seiko-chan you're gonna tell us all your favorite foods and we will make you the most *amazing* welcome-to-school bento dinner of your life. And Laura-chan... one of everything that looks even halfway interesting. And we'll talk about how your looks are barely a tenth of performing. I have a friend who's a professional concert violinist, I *know* she'll back me up."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Laura mentioning makeup distracts Amy for a moment. It's a potential she hadn't really considered. Is she even allowed to? It's hard to shake the feeling she's not allowed to. Could it even look good on me? I probably don't need it... I'm not so vain as to try and look even prettier, right?

    "I-if um... there's going to be a clothes shopping trip or anything... could I come?" She wrings her hands as she asks this.

    Get the door? "Oh! Um, sure!" She hurries over and puts her hand on the door. But there was something she needed to say, what was it...?

    She looks at Seiko. "Sorry if this is rude of me to say, but... I might be kicking myself later if I didn't: Maybe it's not that he thinks you look or sound bad, so much as... you remind him of what he lost, and he can't deal with that."

    She frowns and points. "Which is something he needed to be a mature adult and get over. It doesn't excuse how he treated you, and why'd he take custody if he was just going to be a scumbag to you? I hope you can find your Mom." She shrugs. "Maybe it was something else and he's just a jerk. Don't... let that decide the rest of your life."

    She opens the door for them.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"The important thing is you feel prettier. Being discovered is secondary right now even if you feel like rushing towards that. But everyone can come, I am not saying no to anyone", she confirms with a smile.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles, "Well lets go get food!" She stands up and looks around at the girls. "And we can go to do the clothing and makeup thing in a few days. It will let me get settled in here. Plus who knows what will happen in a few days? Maybe everything will change with me and I will suddenly be less freaked out by crowds?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"That's the spirit!" Rashmi crows, leading the way out of the dorm, and towards the Cafeteria.

The moment she knew how shy Seiko was, Rashmi would *never* have let this poor girl go without friends. Not when she was only a year and change away from being terribly, awfully lonely herself.

And if it's her good fortune that *she* managed to turn her entire social life around, then the only thing to do with that good fortune is to spread it as far as she possibly can.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    In a few days, huh? She's... looking forward to it!

    That's the spirit! "Yeah! That's...A level of open-mindedness about your own situation most can't manage. Let's get some food!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
"The cafeteria it is then", Laura nods to the rest of the group. "I will follow Rashmi's suggestion and get one of everything. Then, in a few days, we can all go on our trip." She is actually excited about the latter. Things will be fairly different here.