1752/Dangerous Times

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Dangerous Times
Date of Scene: 14 July 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Mere hours before the group of Mahou head off to Paris to try hunting down Beryl and Metallia, Chiyo meets up with Philip to let him know she'll be going off into danger. Much to her surprise they become an official couple! Much to Philip/Phantom's surprise, he's in deep and going to have to make some tough choices soon.
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Phantom
Tinyplot: Dark Kingdom Finale

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
<Phone> Chiyo Sakai texts Philip Toms: Are you free and able to meet up? We need to talk.

Not the most promising of texts to send out, and it's only after she's typed it in and hit send that she realizes it's likely going to be mistaken for something else. A quick follow up text is sent mere seconds after.

<Phone> Chiyo Sakai texts Philip Toms: Something really important has come up.

There. At least he wouldn't think that she was about to break up or something awful. At least, not something awful about that. Chiyo waits for a reply as she paces around outside the school. She knew he had a dorm here, just like her, so it would be quickest to meet up here provided he wasn't anywhere else. This was her last 'stop' of the day before returning to the Shed to prepare for the journey that many of them were taking. An over-stuffed bag was leaning against the wall of the building she was pacing by, and all she had to do was grab it and go when needed. And if they needed a bit of privacy, just around the building was part of the woods that surrounded the school. Close enough to privacy. Right?

Phantom has posed:
<PHONE> Philip Toms texts Chiyo Sakai: Nothing bad happened to your Ojisan, right?

That was his first worry, that something had happened to her family. Once that is set at ease, he adds a second text.

<PHONE> Philip Toms texts Chiyo Sakai: I'm free, where do you want to meet?

Once he has that information, he comes down to meet her in front of the school, dressed in a pair of skate pants and concert T-shirt, a bracelet of spikes around his left wrist and hair swept down over his right eye. "Chiyo?" he asks, unsure of what it's about, but he arrived quickly enough.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
<PHONE> Chiyo Sakai texts Philip Toms: Ojiisan is fine, thank you. It's better to talk in person though.

That's all she sends otherwise as she waits. And paces. Chiyo still held her phone in hand tightly clutching it to her chest as she waits for any other texts. There were a few updates from others coming along of course, and she knew that Usagi was taking care of many of her own friends and fellow mahou in that regard. For a moment she contemplates messaging her mother.

The thought is quickly pushed aside.

When she hears Philip call her name, her head snaps up to look toward him with a mixture of relief, and ... pain. Worry? It's hard to tell.

"Philip, hi, thank you. I." She starts, and stops, only to walk toward him. Without warning she leans her forehead against his chest and slips her arms around him in a hug.

"I've got to go for awhile, and I honestly don't know when I'll be back. Or if. It's some... really dangerous stuff I'm about to go do. But I have to go because it'll be way worse for everyone if we don't all try our best."

Phantom has posed:
For a moment, when he sees the look on Chiyo's face, his first thought was that she's going to leave him. But when embraces him, his arms rise, caressing her back and holding her tightly while kissing the top of her head.

"Hey, I leave all the time on business trips, right?" he asks her as he pulls back and look down at her with a slight grin. "Whatever it is, it will be alright." he promises her as he reaches up to caress her cheek and brush his fingers into her hair.

"Well, I was saving this for our next date, when I was sure we were serious about each other." Reaching into a pocket, he pulls out a small box and presents it to her. "...I guess now is as good a time as any to ask you to be my girlfriend." He opens the box, and within are two halves to a heart locket. One half is engraved 'CS', the other 'PT'.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai draws a deep breath as she lets him hold her for that time. The scent of him, along with his arms around her, is enough for her to feel the tension in her shoulders ease away just a bit. It felt nice to be here. Safe. Warm and comforting, even if his body temp was a bit lower than her own. She was used to that by now.

"Yeah," she agrees with a half-step back so that she can raise her head to properly look at him while she tips her head slightly into the touch to her cheek. "I'm just worried. We're going after some really, really dangerous types this time. Instead of waiting for them to act out we're hunting them, now." That sounded ominous, right? Right.

Further talk of it can be done later though. He brings out the box which she reaches up to take with a look of curiosity. "What is it?" She asks, even as she opens it up to reveal the necklaces.

A quick breath is sucked in as she bites down on her lower lip gazing at them. His question as well has her jerk her eyes up toward him.

Without thinking she rises up onto her toes to breach that little height difference between them to lean in and press her lips to his quickly. Words just couldn't get the point across right now, so she kisses him, feeling every inch of her emotions bubbling up into that kiss. It's held until she feels she might get dizzy from lack of breathing so she breaks it just to mumble a quick, "Yes! Of course yes!" With obvious delight.

Phantom has posed:
There was a moment where Philip thought he was moving too fast. Which makes sense, he's never had a relationship before. But as she takes longer, Philip is trying to figure her out - she answers the question with her lips. His own slide against her as he luxuriates in the sweetness of her kiss before they finally break apart and she makes it clear what her answer is. "Really? That's great!" he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Taking out the small PT half, he works the clasp. "Turn around, so I can put it on." When she turns about, he works the necklace into place, clasping it closed. And then hands drop to hug her to him from behind and he gives her ear a kiss and a soft bite on her earlobe before pulling back.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai smiles deep enough she feels as if her cheeks were going to lock into place from burning with a flush. The request to turn is done easily, her hand lifting up to sweep aside her curls to let him get the necklace around her easier. Her free hand lifts to lightly touch it with her fingertips. The smooth metal of the charm warms beneath her fingers, and she wraps it into her fist clenching tight.

"I've been so happy since I met you," she breathes out quietly as he pulls her closer again. She might have said more, but that kiss to her ear and nip earns a little squeak from her instead. One that's followed immediately by a laugh.

Tipping her head back she gazes at Philip upside down. Reaching up she brushes her hand through his hair gently just leaning into him. "I'll do everything I can to come back to you soon," she promises.

Phantom has posed:
"You have made me feel very special to you as well, Chiyo." Apparently neither of them are willing to cross the next threshold yet, but they are off to an excellent start." When she squeaks, he laughs. "Should have asked before I did that." he confesses with a smirk. "Even if my target was a little lower." he teases her, his hands lowering to wrap around her middle, the box settling over her navel.

"So. Want to return the favor?" he asks her, then quickly adds, "The necklace, I mean!"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai lowers one hand to rest over his feeling the box held in his grip. The apology is just met with a little laugh, and slight shake of her head. Not too much. She didn't feel like moving entirely from her spot just yet. "No it was okay. I mean it was a surprise, but... not a bad one," she adds quieter. It wasn't as if there was anyone around to hear right now. Somehow she just felt that shouldn't be admitted too loudly regardless.

Her fingers close around the box, slipping in between his own to do so, as she nods. "Yeah," she agrees just as quiet. Reluctantly stepping away the box is taken from him as she turns to gesture for him to turn around as well. There's only a pause as she adds, "You may need to crouch down for me to, though. Sorry."

She does wait for him to do that as she unclasps the necklace to put it on him.

Phantom has posed:
Philip Toms nods. "Aha." he offers when Chiyo explains herself. "I rearely apologize, you should save that for when it's truly needed." he offers to her teasingly. He feels her fingers twine with his and he squeezes them lightly while he waits for her decision on the box. Once she's made it and stepped out of his embrace, he nods. "Of course." he says politely.

And then he goes to a knee in front of her, dipping his head slightly to make the access to his neck easier. "Will this work..." and after a moment's thought, he adds, "Chiyo-chan?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai pauses to regard him. Down on one knee, but with his head dipped forward. She wasn't royalty like her cousin and fiance, or the Shittenou that served him, but somehow the posture struck her as similar to what she had seen them do in the past. "That's perfect."

A slow grin spreads over her as she moves to bring her hands on either side. The necklace dangles low, catching the light, and she brings the ends together around the back of his neck. Fingers lightly graze against his skin while she tries to avoid snagging it in any of his hair. Easy enough, it was far shorter than her own.

then it's on.

The warmth of her touch moves away in favor of resting a hand on his shoulder. Dipping down she presses her lips to the top of his head in a rather tender gesture.

"You look like a knight bowing like that, Philip. It suits you."

Phantom has posed:
As he holds his position, Philip is unaware of her expression and what it means. It's only when she leans into him and kisses his crown that he laughs. "I will endeavor to protect you when I can." he offers to her with grin. And with her this close, he can smell the light scent of the perfume she wears, and seeing that adoring look in her eyes, he lifts up slightly to catch her in another kiss. This one is a little deeper and warmor before he pulls away.

His cheeks are warm, flushed with excitement. "When do you have to leave?" he asks. "I thought maybe we could find someplace a little more quiet and ... you know..." he laughs a little. "Kiss some more?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai makes another little surprised sound as she's tugged into that kiss. There's no pulling away, or swatting at him. No, she just melts in against him sliding her arms around him, and sinking down to the her knees as well. Left smiling giddily she bites down on her lip with an apologetic expression none the less. "Tonight, at 5PM. It'll be 1AM there so it'll be easier to move around," she explains with a sigh. Though that was just, what? An hour? Hour and a half from now? Not too long.

"Until then, I'm all yours. I really want to spend that time with you."

Phantom has posed:
"Hour and a half. It will have to do." Philip says as he rises to his feet to lead Chiyo away to a secluded spot on campus. Once they are there. then have a teenage make-out sesh with lots of kissing, hickeys and just enjoying each other's company for the next hour.

When they're done, shirts are crumpled, hair's a mess, a couple of marks adorn both necks, and Philip is holding Chiyo's hands in his own.

"Make sure you come back safe. I will totally break up with you if you die." There's a sassy wink with it. Of course he doesn't expect her to die.

Nor would he break up with her over it.

Not immediately, at least. Like after a month or six.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai definitely enjoys the time with her boyfriend. It was rather nice getting to relax for a short bit as well as just indulge in the emotions she was allowed to experience, and share, without fear of being hurt. She just knew he wouldn't hurt her.

Rumpled and pleasantly happy she grips his hands in turn. "I'll make sure to come back," she agrees only to lean in giving him one last lingering kiss. "I asked my friend Taro to help keep an eye on Ojiisan at the shop, but if you could check in too now and then I'd appreciate it. We're hoping it won't take more than a day or two, a weekend at most." Hoping. That deep down unpleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach worrying about how things were going wasn't going away though. She didn't want him to worry too much about the trip.

Phantom has posed:
"Please do." Philip says with a small mote of worry as he kisses her back. "It would suck if something happened to my first girlfriend while she was somewhere in Europe." He's already worked out the time difference in his mind and has rough locations in mind. London. Paris. There's a lot of places in that time. His fingers reach up and hook the front of her shirt, not realizing that the buttons are off by one in alingment, his finger brushing againt her locket.

"One more kiss for luck." he says as he tugs her in for another lingering kiss.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
First ever girlfriend. The sound of those words really did cause a warmth to spread in Chiyo's chest as she feels it tighten just a bit with worry. Worry that she might come back. That she might not see HER first ever boyfriend again.

Her gaze dips down feeling guilt over not saying just how dangerous this really was. She'd said it earlier when talking to the others. There was a very strong chance some may not make it or come back. She really hoped that wasn't the case.

"I'll at least take some with me if I do," she remarks sounding a little tough but not quite. Because she's drawn in again toward him at that tug. Her gaze lingers on his lips, and she murmers again, "For luck," in agreement. The offer of that kiss is taken up warmly with one last, lingering hug, and she tries to ignore the jingling of her phone in her purse informing her the timer she'd set had gone off.

Phantom has posed:
Philip hears the phone as well as they are kissing. He breathes in one last time, before he pulls away, his forehead against hers. "Come back to me." he implores gently as he releases her. "And kick ass." He almost said against Mettalia. Yes, he is aware of who they might be going after, based on the Obsidian knowledge he has. And he desperatedly wants to share what he knows. But he can't.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
For all that she had been trying to keep it relatively light, that request... There's nothing she can say to that other than a quiet, "I will." Because she really wanted to make it back to him now. Not just home to Ojiisan. Not just safely home. But home, to him.

Her fingers press in against his back in a tight hug as she stands there with him letting their foreheads touch together. A last deep breath is drawn as she finally forces herself to let him go, and step back.

"I wish..." She starts to say. Starts, and can't finish, as her head shakes sharply. Defiantly. Saying she wished something never got her anywhere, and for all she knew there was something lurking nearby that would hear the wish of a magical girl and somehow screw it up. Instead she smiles broadly for Philip.

"I will." And with that, she turns to rush off before she changes her mind. This HAD to be done.

Phantom has posed:
As she runs off, Philip watches her for a moment, before he blows out a breath. "Fuck." he mutters quietly. He has caught feelings and he knows it now. It's only a mattrer of time before the others find out and target her.

He has decisions to make. Hard ones. But the only one he's concerned about right now is making sure Chiyo stays safe.