1763/Secret of the Shed
From Radiant Heart MUSH
Secret of the Shed | |
Date of Scene: | 16 July 2024 |
Location: | The Shed |
Synopsis: | Wing accidentally reveals the secrets of the Shed to Laura and Seiko. |
Cast of Characters: | Tsubasa Yuunagi, Laura La Mer, Seiko Akai |
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
It was the day after the attack on Beryl in Paris that Wing had returned to the Shed. He's carrying a bag of snacks in his hand as he approaches the gardener's shed. Setting down the bag for a moment, he holds it and opens the door. Using his foot to hold the door open for a moment, which gives off a suspicious shade of white, he sets down the gnome and picks up the bag.
Once he has the bag secured, he opens the door fully - and if someone were to be looking, they would see what looks like a classroom on the inside, before the door closes behind him and his light bird whistling.
- Laura La Mer has posed:
The prettiest and smartest mermaid in all of Radiant Heart Academy had been routinely checking the Orange Equator club, making sure they weren't suffering any ill effects from having their motivation taken. And really, they had caught her interest since then, with their impressive array of activities. To be fair, she wasn't sure what the club's deal was. One day they were practicing preparing a bento, another they were doing sand art, yet another they were working together with the broadcast club. It's almost impressive how they were consistently inconsistent.
A lot of the time she was thinking that maybe they would have shown aptitude to awaken one of the Tropical Pacts, but so far they had given her no reasons to involve herself any further. Walking away from the club building she hums in curiosity when she spots Cure Wing on the campus. Of course, there was a very big chance he too was part of RHA, but he is... heading for the woods behind the school?
"Why is he doing that?", she raises sn eyebrow, only made more curious by the bag he was carrying with himself. Surely he is not planning to camp there, right? Moving after him, she is only fast enough to see him slip inside a classroom contained in a shed. "Weird choice", Laura muses as she reaches out to open the door. "The heck!?" she frowns as the sight it gives back is a completely normal shed.
"Do you have to use magic to open it?" Taking out the Aqua Pot, she exclaims "Ok, your turn now", using its analysing magic to see if it proved to do the trick. Nothing. What kept following was an increasingly frustrated series of tries, as nothing seemed to do the trick. "Come on, show me what you are hiding, you stupid shed!", the mermaid exclaims, giving a kick to the building. "Ow!", she jumps back, holding her foot, after the predictable result of only hurting herself.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Inside the shed, Wing finishes setting out the snacks for those that have returned, and now that he's finished his task, he changes back into Tsubasa. "A job well done, if I say so myself!" he praises as he pets the little bird on his shoulder. "Now, let's reunite you with your mother." he says to the small creature.
As he comes up to the door, he swears he heard something, but he isn't sure what. There's a gentle frown and then a shrug as he opens the door - only to be greeted by the sight of a cute mermaid carrying out the ritual dance of hurt foot. (All the rage in Russia). "Laura?" he asks without thinking. "Are you okay. Did you not know how to open the shed?"
- Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura stops mid-movement when Tsubasa addresses her, showing a remarkable sense of balance as she has no problem standing on one leg (which would actually come to no one's surprise if they knew her secret). "Tsubasa-san?", Laura exclaims, wondering what he was doing here. "Yes, I don't know, I have been trying anything for who knows how long but I haven't found what exactly opens the magic entrance!", she frowns, tentatively lowering her foot.
"I saw Cure Wing walk inside this classroom, but all I got was a shed when I tried opening it. I was going to ask him what was going on", she explains with a sigh looking at the window of the Shed that lets her see exactly what one would expect from the outside. "But nevermind him, surely you know how to open it too, right?" Laura asks.
"Are you passionate about birds?" the pinkette asks, walking past him to finally enter the classroom that she actually can see through the door Tsubasa has left open. Only to bump into nothing as solid air stops her entrance. "What now?" she glares inside, putting a hand where her forehead crashed with the invisible barrier.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Oh! You haven't been vetted yet?" Tsubasa asks curiously. "This is the shed where all the magical person meetings happen!" he explains warmly, and then realizes what that means. She doesn't know he's... he sheepishly smile. "Please step back a moment." he asks her, stepping out so the door closes. "Can you hold his little guy for me?" he asks, handing her the baby bird. "I'll take him back to his mother and nest he fell out of in a moment... but first."
Grabbing his Mirage pen, Tsubasa presses a small button on it, announcing, "Sky Mirage!" The crystal of the pen splits in half, opening into a small orb. In the meantime, he grabs a small disk with three small wings and clicks a button on the side of it, announcing, "Tone
Connect!" As the orb starts to spin and light up, Tsubasa calls out, "Hirogaru Change!" And a moment later, "WING!" He hurriedly continues through the transformation, "Sparkling HOP!" As Cure Wing hops from magical disc to disc, a small canted top hat appears on his forehead, along with a double-sphere magenta earring on each ear, the left ear also marked with an orange heart.
"Refreshing STEP!" The orange magic over his chest transforms into his outfit of shirt, shorts, vest and long, birdlike coat-tail. "Clear and Sunny JUMP!" As the magic over his hands transform into gloves, Cure Wing leaps into the air, taking off into a figure eight and into a barrel roll before landing on the ground. He gives a wink and a bright smile before saluting with the left hand across his forehead to his right eye. And then he announces himself "Courage that soars to the heavens! CURE WING!"
Fluttering over the ground for a moment, he touches down. "Hi." he greets again. "So now you know. Remember, the Shed is a secret. Don't share it with anyone." With that he picks up the gnome statue next to the entrance and holds it while opening the door. The door opens again, and he gestures to Laura. "Go ahead and enter." he encourages her, gently.
- Laura La Mer has posed:
"You are Cure Wing", Laura says when the Veil finally stops interfering with her perception as she witnesses the boy's transformation in its entirety, carefully holding the baby bird in her palm. "I hate the veil so much, worst magical phenomenon ever. Once I am queen, I am doubling the budget dedicated to discovering how it works. No, I am tripling it! Whoever made it should have made it focus on the bad guys. Why should I be dragged in? My mission is difficult enough already."
Instead of continuing the litany of complaints, she steps inside and looks around the magic shed. "Thank you. It's a nice place, I get why they would have their meetings here, even if it doesn't compare to my Mermaid Aqua Pot. And don't worry, I won't share it with anyone. I am great at these things." No, no, she is not. But this time it may just work out.
"So, what were you bringing in that bag for?", Laura inquires, looking around at the neat classroom, occasionally petting the small bird. At the same time, sensing the new environment, Kururun pops out of the Aqua Pot, looking at Tsubasa and the classroom with wonder.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"The veil is there to protect people from seeing the truth about the world around them. Or figuring us out." Cure Wing offers politely. "If you want to fight anything, fight the Fade that takes away our memories of behing magical and our magic once we're adults." he suggests to her.
He follows her into the shed and when she inquires about the bag, he gestures to the table where the snacks are set up. "Just some snacks for my friends." he explains. "Hello, Kururun." he greets the small seal.
- Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura shrugs. "Yes, the Fade is terrible too. I am a mermaid, so it doesn't affect me, but I would be anguished too if I knew something was going to erase my memory. But wouldn't it be that much better if the Veil didn't work on those who were working with you?", Laura keeps illustrating her viewpoint.
She keeps poking around the Shed, looking at the Christmas Tree and opening and closing various drawers and wardrobes until she thinks she has got a complete map of the place and she happens upon the Hello Kitty sheet. "So, why are you keeping a tree in here, and what about that Hello Kitty sheet?"
"Kururun!", the seal fairy exclaims, happily nuzzling against Tsubasa when the boy greets her.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Petting the seal for a moment, Tsubasa watches Laura with a smile as she excitedly looks around. "I mean, yeah. That'd be fine until you realize that your enemies could also figure out who you are and target you." he points out, before she spies the items. "I have no idea why the tree is here. Was here when I got here. As for the sheet."
He walks over to where it is, moving the tree out of the way. When he does, he tosses over a small compact. "Recognize this?" he asks her, waiting for to realize what it is that she's looking at, before reaching at the sheet. "You know how you said you were looking for Pretty Cures? You're not the only one. There's someone looking for them as well... for more nefarious means. And when he catches them, he..." He pulls the sheet back.
Behind it is a mirror coffin, and within is the half-henshined Cure Kinder, trapped in some kind of suspended animation. "We've been trying to find a way to free her. Nothing has worked so far."
- Laura La Mer has posed:
"They would still be as in the dark as before", Laura objects over Tsubasa's observation. "All you really need is your allies not dropping your name to your enemies, which is not that difference from how it is now. They could target me and try to make me reveal your identity, for example. Though, they would have a easier time breaking space-time or some other absurdity", she grins confidently at Tsubasa.
The matter of the tree is left aside when Tsubasa presents Laura with the Sweets Pact. She takes it delicately, turning it left, right and upside down. "Yeah, there are some substantial differences, but it's a lot like the Tropical Pacts the Queen gave me. Is this from a Pretty Cure?", the pinkette asks, before Tsubasa drops the confirmation that is in fact the case. And a lot more.
An horrified gaze is reserved for the girl trapped in the mirror before that turns to anger and fury. "How dare they? Who is going around being so cruel. This is so..." she shakes her head, growling at what she just learned. "Who has done this, Tsubasa-san? What is going on here? I want to know everything. Please, leave nothing unmentioned."
She kindly takes Kururun and brings her to the Aqua Pot. "Stay in there and don't pay attention to what is going on outside, ok?" She had the feeling the seal fairy was better off not listening to this. "Kururun?" she says, before swimming off.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
There's a trade there. Laura takes back Kururun and Tsubasa takes back the baby bird, making a few small words to communicate with it. Drawing in a breath, he starts with the questions presented to him. "Yes, that is the Sweets Pact. I know a few girls that has one. And it is from..." Before he can warn Laura, it's too late, she's discovered the coffin. She's angry and she has a right to be.
"From what I know, that's Cure Kinder Egg." he starts, as he gives Laura's shoulder a little squeeze to calm her. "She was captured by a man they call the PreCure Hunter. He captures Pretty Cures in these things..." he gestures to the coffin. "And then takes them to a place called the graveyard. We estimate he's done this at least 20 times. Probably more."
- Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko quietly walks into the Shed. She wasn't expecting anyone to be here. She had simply wanted to vent a little bit but now that isn't really possible. Quietly she looks around. "Umm Hi." She waves and nervously turns toward the door. "Sorry I don't mean to interrupt."
"Seiko-chan you don't have to leave. You are just being shy again. You're a good person and you can be confident." The floating chara states as she follows Seiko.
"Lets leave it to them." Seiko states before looking at Laura and Tsubasa. "Do you want me here?" She asks curiously. "I don't mean to interrupt."
- Laura La Mer has posed:
"Why are they doing this? Who are they working or? What efforts are there to fight him? Is there anything I can do to help?", she asks Tsubasa, still shaking with repressed anger. She looks at the girl in the mirror, a hand on the cold surface, as if she is trying to make it sink inside and take the girl out. "There is no way she deserved this, only a monster would do it."
Her indignation still boiling inside, she sighs when Seiko comes in and starts asking question. "You can stay, Seiko-san. I am just really furious. At this!" she shouts, extending her arm towards the Pretty Cure frozen in time. "Somebody has been hunting Pretty Cures and then he exposes them like they are tombs! I am definitely going to speak with Grand Ocean's Queen! This can't be allowed to stand."
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
When a new voice speaks up, Tsubasa turns to it and he smiles shyly. "Hi." he greets, and Seiko may recognize that brief nervousness in his voice. "You don't have to leave, no." he says in response to her question. "My name is Tsubasa Yuunagi, I'm 13 years old and in grade 7 and in the same class as Laura. I'd shake your hand, but..." He opens his hands to expose a small bird, "This little guy fell out of his nest and I'm going to return here. Was just stopping by here to drop off some snacks."
"I don't have much information on them, Laura. And yes, people are working on it." Tsubasa is actually backing up a little, out of Laura's radius and closer to Seiko's.
- Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles a little smile. "Thank you. I came here cause I wanted to kinda... condemn myself." She sighs and shakes her head. "I tried to get involved but I couldn't stay in the room with so many new people. There was so many people I didn't know. I got scared. When I found out what they were doing, I failed to even show up to see them off."
She looks at the little bird and smiles. "That is so cute. I hope The little one is okay." She smiles and looks up. "Oh this is Hoshi. She is my guardian Chara."
She turns to Laura and when she hears about the mirrored Precures she frowns. "Oh no! That is terrible! What monster would trap magical girls in mirrors like that?" She asks curiously.
- Laura La Mer has posed:
"I can take him again", Laura offers when Tsubasa mentions being hindered by the little bird. I took care of him earlier, I can do it again with no problem", she remarks when she notices him backing away from her. 'I have it against this Precure Hunter, not him', she frowns.
"A Precure Hunter, would you believe it?", she scowls. "Tsubasa-san just got done explaining, so that's really all we know. One second." She jumps inside the Aqua Pot for a second, and when she comes back out, she is nibbling on cookies out of frustration.
"That's really the same fear you have when it comes to singing in public, right?", the mermaid asks when Seiko brings up her fear. "Have you tried some exercises of gradual exposure? They could serve you well. Try two people, then four, then 6, then 8 until you have found out you have adapted to crowds", Laura nods.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"I'm good." Tsubasa says to Laura at the suggestion that she heard the bird. He strokes it's head a couple of times and tells Seiko. "He says he's a little scared, but warm. I should take him back to his nest soon." he says as he watches Laura go to get cookies.
As Seiko talks about her fear, he titls his head to the side. "I'm shy like this, too." he admits. But when I'm Wing... I'm more confident."
- Seiko Akai has posed:
The shy young woman looks at Tsubasa, "I'm Seiko Akai. Age 14 and grade 8." She looks at the baby bird and smiles. She looks to Laura and smiles to her. "I could try. I mean it would take a lot of doing but... I can at least try."
She looks at Tsubasa and shrugs. "I don't really know how I am when I am any sort of alter ego. Hoshi says I'm not ready to transform with her." She sighs. "I know how I am under a chara change. Its like my personality flips. I become super outgoing and am willing to step out and sing at an event without fear." She smiles.
- Laura La Mer has posed:
"So, how does it feel when you change from Tsubasa to Cure Wing?" Laura ponders, as she extends the bag to cookies to Tsubasa and Seiko, inviting them to take some. "Since you should be able to feel the difference, try to capture that feeling. A Pretty Cure is always just you. It can be worth trying."
"Do you have a training plan for Seiko?" Laura asks, looking down towards Hoshi. "Or is it like an instinctive feeling you have that lets you know if something is good or bad for her?"
"That sounds good though", Laura smiles back at Seiko. "Believing in your own charm is really the way to go, and I am sure you can achieve it. And if Hoshi doesn't have a training plan, I will show you how I do things", she brings her arm horizontally to her upper body.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"It feels... well, I have always felt like a knight, so it kinda makes me feel like putting my armor on!" Tsubasa starts to say, and then the bird in his hands starts chirping. Loudly. It takes a couple of seconds and he ohs. "No, I can't feed you. But I will take that as my cue to take you back to your mother!" he sways with a small smile. He sets the bird on a table for a moment and then...
Grabbing his Mirage pen, Tsubasa presses a small button on it, announcing, "Sky Mirage!" The crystal of the pen splits in half, opening into a small orb. In the meantime, he grabs a small disk with three small wings and clicks a button on the side of it, announcing, "Tone Connect!" As the orb starts to spin and light up, Tsubasa calls out, "Hirogaru Change!" And a moment later, "WING!" He hurriedly continues through the transformation, "Sparkling HOP!" As Cure Wing hops from magical disc to disc, a small canted top hat appears on his forehead, along with a double-sphere magenta earring on each ear, the left ear also marked with an orange heart.
"Refreshing STEP!" The orange magic over his chest transforms into his outfit of shirt, shorts, vest and long, birdlike coat-tail. "Clear and Sunny JUMP!" As the magic over his hands transform into gloves, Cure Wing leaps into the air, taking off into a figure eight and into a barrel roll before landing on the ground. He gives a wink and a bright smile before saluting with the left hand across his forehead to his right eye. And then he announces himself "Courage that soars to the heavens! CURE WING!"
And once he's done transforming, he offers a bow to the pair. "It was nice seeing you both. And I look forward to hearing you sing, soon!" he saus with a wink to Seiko. Yes, much more confident as Wing. Gathering the chick in his arms, he heads out the door and takes to the skies to return the chick to it's nest.
- Seiko Akai has posed:
"I am going to do my best." The older girl states as she looks between Laura and Tsubasa. "I want to improve and I know I can do it. I just need to forget about being bullied." She states as she inadvertantly reminds herself of it.
Hoshi smiles and flies around Seiko. She throws her glowsticks into the air and then twirls them happily. "You can do it Seiko-chan!" She looks to Laura and smiles. "I'm going to keep encouraging her and helping her to be herself. Because she is a star! She just doesn't see it yet."
Then Tsubasa transforms and Seiko's jaw just kind of drops. "Wow! That was really cool!" She smiles a little as she tries to comprehend what she just watched. "I hope when I transform its really cool too." She smiles.